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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (102 total).

Alive & Thrive

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, Dental Home Resource Center

American Lung Association (ALA)

Annotation: The American Lung Association (ALA) is a voluntary health organization dedicated to the prevention, cure, and control of all types of lung disease through public health education, advocacy, and research. ALA monitors air quality and publishes reports that detail the effects of tobacco, pollutants, and other environmental factors on the air, our communities, and our world. The Web site provides access to downloadable reports; indepth resources related to lung health, lung disease, and air quality at home, at school, outdoors, and at work. Anyone can register to receive ALA's free electronic newsletters.

Keywords: Asthma, Infants, Public health education, Lung diseases, Prevention, Respiratory distress syndrome, SIDS, Smoking during pregnancy

American Nurses Association (ANA)

Annotation: The American Nurses Association (ANA) represents the nation's 2.9 million registered nurses through its 54 constituent associations. It fosters high standards of nursing practice, promotes the economic and general welfare of nurses in the workplace through a comprehensive workplace advocacy program, projects a positive and realistic view of nursing, and lobbies Congress and regulatory agencies on issues affecting nurses and the public. The association promotes women's health research issues and investigates such issues as domestic violence, maternal and child health, immunization, reproductive health, and women and aging. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information (reports, policy statements, and resources are available on the Web site). ANA publishes a catalog, newsletter, and journal.

Keywords: Nurses, Adolescent health, Advocacy, Child health, Immunization, Infant health, Legislation, Nursing services, Nursing societies, Professional societies, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Women', Workplace, s health

American SIDS Institute (ASI)

Annotation: The American SIDS Institute (ASI) is a national nonprofit health care organization dedicated to the prevention of sudden infant death and the promotion of infant health. ASI's mission is to: conduct research related to the cause of sudden infant death and its prevention; provide clinical services to assist pediatricians in managing high risk infants; provide education about prevention methods aimed at the public and medical community; and offer family support services including crises phone counseling, grief literature, and referrals.

Keywords: Consumer education, Family support, Infant health, Infant mortality, Prevention programs, Professional education, Research, SIDS

Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs (ASIP)

Annotation: The Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs (ASIP) is a multidisciplinary professional membership organization whose members provide community education, training programs, and consultation for health departments, hospitals, emergency responders, medical examiners and law enforcement. The SIDS/ID professionals in ASIP (whose work addresses Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Other Infant Death) represent a majority of the states, in many cases including the State SIDS/ID program director. ASIP provides national leadership to establish and promote policy and practice for professionals who respond to infant and child death and is committed to bereavement support, risk reduction and prevention services.

Keywords: Infant health, Infant mortality, SIDS

Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN)

Annotation: The Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN) is a not for profit association of 22,000 health care professionals who are dedicated to establishing and promoting the highest standards of nursing practice, education, and research to improve the health and health care of women and newborns. The association sponsors conferences and training seminars, and produces professional and consumer journals, publications, and other resources. Its Web site includes a Prematurity Resource Center which links to information about prematurity.

Keywords: Gynecology, Neonatal nursing, Nursing, Nursing specialties, Obstetrical nursing, Perinatal care, Premature infants, Prenatal care, Reproductive health

Baby Blossoms Collaborative

Annotation: Baby Blossoms Collaborative (BBC)works to eliminate factors that contribute to health disparities through efforts to strengthen the community capacity by identifying the contributing factors that lead to racial, geographic, and economic disparities contributing to poor reproductive outcomes and poor infant health; reducing overall feto-infant mortality; and builds on the strengths of the community. The BBC is comprised of 35+ maternal child health partner agencies and small businesses in Douglas County, Nebraska, and provides resources on safe sleep for infants, perinatal periods of risk, Fetal and Infant Mortality Review cycle of improvement, bereavement, and preconception health.

Keywords: Child health, Collaboration, Community coordination, Community programs, Infant health, Nebraska, Pregnancy outcome, Reproductive health

Bright Futures at Georgetown University

Annotation: Bright Futures at Georgetown University provides online and print access to the Bright Futures child health supervision materials sponsored by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration. The Georgetown project serves as liaison to the Bright Futures Distribution Center; provides access to content experts and to electronic training tools; maintains historical archives; and provides distance education for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic and Treatment (EPSDT) services. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Health supervision, Adolescents, Bright Futures, Children, Guidelines, Infants, Nutrition, Oral health, Physical activity, Spanish language materials

Bright Futures for Families

Bright Futures Pediatric Implementation Project

Annotation: The Bright Futures Pediatric Implementation Project examines barriers to health professionals' (e.g., pediatricians, nurses, family physicians, dentists, nurse practitioners) implementation of Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents and develops new strategies to improve implementation of the guidelines. The project is funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Health supervision, Adolescents, Bright Futures, Children, Guidelines, Infants, Nutrition, Oral health, Physical activity, Spanish language materials

Bright Futures™ at AAP

Annotation: The Bright Futures Education Center focuses on improving awareness of the importance of preventive services among health care professionals, public/private partners, communities, and families; revising Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents; and developing materials to assist in implementation of the guidelines. The center is funded in part by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Health supervision, Adolescents, Bright Futures, Children, Guidelines, Infants, Nutrition, Oral health, Physical activity, Spanish language materials

Build Initiative

Annotation: BUILD is a national initiative that helps state leaders prepare young children aged birth to five to succeed by helping their families access high quality early learning; family and parenting support; early intervention for children with special needs; and comprehensive health mental health and nutritional services. BUILD assists states in planning and implementing a comprehensive early childhood “system of systems” that crosses policy domains and helps ensure that families get the services they need. It was created in 2002 by the Early Childhood Funders Collaborative (ECFC), a consortium of private foundations.

Keywords: Child mental health, Early intervention, Families, Family support services, Infants, Young children, Special health care needs

Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI)

Annotation: The Carolina Global Breastfeeding Institute (CGBI) was established in 2006 within the Maternal and Child Health Department of the School of Public Health at UNC-Chapel Hill, CGBI furthers statewide, national, and global health by translating research and evidence into innovative program initiatives to increase understanding and support for optimal infant and young child feeding in relation to maternal and child health. The Institute works to normalize best practices of "the three B's" -- breastfeeding, birthspacing, and birth -- with attention to associated child health, survival, growth and development, and maternal reproductive health and survival. The website includes links to CGBI's breastfeeding-friendly initiatives, research findings, toolkits for action, and educational opportunities.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding promotion, Health promotion, Infant feeding, MCH programs

Center for Media Literacy (CML)

Annotation: The Center for Media Literacy (CML) (formerly the Center for Media and Values) is a nonprofit educational organization dedicated to promoting and supporting media literacy education as a framework for accessing, analyzing, evaluating and creating media content. CML works to help citizens, especially the young, develop critical thinking and media production skills needed to live fully in the 21st century media culture. The center offers leadership, public education, professional development, and educational resources nationwide.

Keywords: Child development, Child health, Infant health, Mass media

Child Health USA

Children's Action Network, National Immunization Campaign (CAN)

Annotation: Established in 1991, the National Immunization Campaign is sponsored by the Children's Action Network and was undertaken to educate families about immunization and to make sure that children, especially infants, get vaccinations and regular health care. The campaign unites private and public sector service providers to make services more accessible to families and combines media strategies and community outreach to increase families' demand for preschooler immunizations.

Keywords: Advocacy, Child health, Immunization, Infant health

Children's Defense Fund (CDF)

Annotation: The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) is a research and advocacy group for children and youth. It gathers data and disseminates information on key issues affecting children and adolescents, including development and implementation of federal and state policies. CDF provides information, technical assistance, and support to a network of state and local child advocates, service providers, and public and private sector officials and leaders. Initiatives have included adolescent pregnancy prevention programs, prenatal care campaigns, universal immunization programs, promotion of the Head Start program, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Publications include a monthly newsletter, CDF Reports. A publications list is available. CDF also coordinates the Black Community Crusade for Children, an effort to strengthen black community support for children, and publishes a newsletter of Crusade activities, Necessary. In addition, it coordinates the Student Heath Outreach (SHOUT) project, a student-run project whose goal is to reach all eligible children and sign them up for health insurance by engaging students, as well as school administrators, in the effort to spread the word about Medicaid and CHIP.

Keywords: Child health, Adolescent pregnancy, Blacks, Child advocacy, Child care, Child safety, Children, Data collection, Homeless persons, Infant mortality, Legislation, Minority groups, Prenatal care, State children', Statistics, s heatlh insurance program

CJ First Candle

Annotation: CJ First Candle is dedicated to safe pregnancies and the survival of infants through the first years of life. Current priorities are to eliminate stillbirth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), and other sudden unexpected infant deaths (SUIDs) with programs of research, education, and advocacy. CJ First Candle also provides compassionate grief support to anyone affected by the death of an infant through a dedicated crisis hotline. The website provides information and resources for new and expectant parents, families who are grieving, and professionals. First Candle merged with CJ Foundation for SIDS in 2017. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Infant health, Apnea, Home monitoring, Information services, Medical research, SIDS, Support groups

Commonwealth Fund (CMWF)

Annotation: The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation that supports independent research on health and social issues and makes grants to improve health care practice and policy. Its two national program areas are improving health insurance coverage and access to care and improving the quality of health care services. The fund is dedicated to helping people become more informed about their health care and improving care for vulnerable populations. Focus areas include child health and development, underserved populations (including the delivery of culturally competence services), and patient-centered care. T he fund sponsors a national initiative, Healthy Steps for Young Children, focused on the first three years of life. This program supports a close relationship between health professionals and parents addressing the physical, emotional, and intellectual development of very young children.

Keywords: Child health, Foundations, Infant health, Initiatives

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The MCH Digital Library is one of six special collections at Geogetown University, the nation's oldest Jesuit institution of higher education. It is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under award number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy with an award of $700,000/year. The library is also supported through foundation and univerity funding. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.