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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 13 (13 total).

U.S. Administration for Children and Families (ACF)

Annotation: The U.S. Administration for Children and Families (ACF) administers programs focusing on the well-being of children and the self-sufficiency of families. Some services at ACF include programs involving persons with developmental disabilities, child care, child welfare services, prevention and treatment of child abuse and neglect, runaway and homeless youth, Head Start, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), and child support enforcement issues. ACF also supports an Healthy Marriage Initiative which focuses on low-income married couples with children, the Fatherhood Initiative, and the Family Violence Prevention and Services Program. ACF provides consumers with referrals, publications, and reference information. Some materials are available in Spanish. The agency also publishes newsletters, and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child care, Child support, Domestic violence, Family centered care, Family economics, Family relations, Family support programs, Fathers, Head Start, Spanish language materials, Training materials, Young children

Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG)

Annotation: The Child Welfare Information Gateway provides information services to child welfare and related professionals and the public as the clearinghouse for the Children’s Bureau, compiling, synthesizing, and disseminating resources to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families. The Information Gateway provides access to publications, websites, and online databases covering a range of topics, including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, foster care, adoption, and the content areas for which the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network (TTA) members provide support.

Keywords: Adopted children, Adoptive parents, Biological parents, Child abuse, Child neglect, Children with special health care needs, Clearinghouses, Databases, Family violence, Information services, Information dissemination, Adoption, Injury prevention, Spanish language materials, Support groups

Council on Women and Girls

Annotation: The White House's Council on Women and Girls -- established with the signing of an Executive Order by President Barack Obama in March 2009 -- will focus on ensuring that each of the federal agencies is working to directly improve the economic status of women and ensure that administrative policies aim to balance work and family. The Council with also work hand-in-hand with the Vice President, the Justice Department’s Office of Violence Against Women, and other government officials to find new ways to prevent violence against women, at home and abroad. Another top priority of the Council is to help build healthy families and improve women’s health care.

Keywords: Women, Adolescent females, Barriers, Economics, Female children, Gender discrimination, Health promotion, Violence prevention, Women', Work family issues, Working women, s health

Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT )

Annotation: The Institute on Violence, Abuse and Trauma (IVAT) works to improve the quality of life and promote violence-free living for individuals on a local, national, and international level by conducting research, sharing and disseminating information, improving networking among professionals, and assisting with program evaluation, consultation, and training. Formed when the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute merged with the Alliant International University,the institute promotes collaboration across disciplines and and encorporates many centers that focus on family violence, sexual assault, youth and school violence, workplace volence, violence prevention, and traumatic stress. IVAT publishes a bulletin, journals, and resource lists; and hosts an international conference.

Keywords: Violence, . School violence, Assault, Domestic violence, Family violence, Sexual assault, Trauma, Violence prevention

National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

Annotation: The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) provides professionals and the public with information and publications concerning missing children, child molestation, child pornography, and child prostitution. The center sponsors a hotline to assist the public in reporting missing and exploited children and in providing information leading to the location of these children. The center also maintains national statistics and information on the incidence of abductions; conducts a training and technical assistance programs; and provides news bulletins, fact sheets, and other resources for parents and guardians, childcare providers, law enforcement officers, and the media. Materials are available in Spanish, Asian languages, and other languages.

Keywords: Intentional injuries, Assault, Child abuse, Child pornography, Child sexual abuse, Family violence, Homicide, Information services, Injury prevention, Missing children, Public education

National Clearinghouse on Family Violence (NCVF)

Annotation: The National Clearinghouse on Family Violence (NCFV) is Canada's resource centre for information on violence within relationships of kinship, intimacy, dependency or trust. NCFV resources and services, including publications, videos, a website, toll-free line, referral service, and library reference collection, are available free of charge in both English and French. The NCFV offers more than 140 publications, including overview papers, reports, discussion papers, and handbooks on family violence issues. A bi-annual newsletter highlighting emerging issues, upcoming events, and the most recent NCFV resources and services is also available, in addition to a series of national directories which list various programs and services that are offered to both victims and perpetrators of family violence in communities across the country.

Keywords: Family violence, Violence prevention

National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence (NCCAFV)

Annotation: The National Council on Child Abuse and Family Violence (NCCAFV) is a national nonprofit organization that promotes private sector initiatives and private/public sector collaboration in preventing child abuse, spouse/partner abuse (domestic violence), and elder abuse. NCCAFV provides the Secretariat for the International Network on Family Violence (INFV), for the biennial World Congress on Family Violence (WCFV), and for Child Welfare Fund International (CWFI). NCCAFV seeks to elevate public awareness of intergenerational family violence; to serve as a catalyst in building national and international networks for collaborative action; to provide opportunities for development and enrichment to professionals in private and public agencies; to develop model programs in prevention and treatment of intergenerational family violence; to support research and evaluation efforts that expand knowledge in the field and translate it into better practice and programs for victims; and to provide statistical, program and research data on intergenerational family violence. Services to consumers include referrals, reference information, and publications that are available free of charge on NCCAFV's Web site.

Keywords: Child abuse, Domestic violence, Family violence, Women

National Council on Family Relations (NCFR)

Annotation: The National Council on Family Relations (NCFR) is a nonprofit organization of professionals in education, social work, counseling, psychology, sociology, psychotherapy, home economics, anthropology, and health. It provides information on cross-cultural families, family violence, adolescent issues, working families, and other related concerns, and it sponsors a national program to certify family life educators. Services to consumers include publications and reference information. The organization's publications include Family Relations, Journal of Marriage and Family, the NCFR Report, and Zippy News (weekly updates sent to e-mail subsribers). A publications and products catalog is available. NCFR also sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Child health, Family life education, Family relations, Family support services, Family violence

National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative

Annotation: The National Domestic Violence Fatality Review Initiative (NDVFRI) serves as a resource center and clearinghouse dedicated to domestic violence fatality review. NDVFI provides information, support, and technical assistance in the form of customized information packets, onsite training, conferences, and teleconferences. The center publishes a quarterly newsletter and an emerging practices manual, and maintains a database with information on existing fatality review teams. State information, international reports, and review protocol and tools are among the resources posted on the Web site. NDVFRI is an initiative funded through a grant awarded by the Office on Violence Against Women, U .S. Department of Justice.

Keywords: Clearinghouses, Domestic violence, Death, Family violence, Homicide, Interpersonal violence, Technical assistance

Parents Anonymous (PA)

Annotation: Founded in 1970, Parents Anonymous, Inc. is a child abuse and neglect prevention, education, and treatment program. The organization's mission is to promote mutual support and parent leadership in order to build and support strong, healthy families. Today, Parent's Anonymous leads an extensive national network of neighborhood-based support groups for parents and their children. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, reference information and research publications. The organization publishes a newsletter, sponsors conferences and training seminars, and provides materials in Spanish.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Adolescents, Anticipatory guidance, Child abuse, Child neglect, Children, Counseling, Education, Family violence, Information services, Parenting, Spanish language materials

Prepare Tomorrow's Parents

Annotation: Prepare Tomorrow's Parents, formerly the Parenting Project, is a non-profit organization that works to bring parenting, empathy and nurturing skills education to all school age children and adolescents. The organization identifies and promotes parenting-education programs; maintains a clearinghouse of instructional materials for teachers and advocates of parenting education for young people; publishes and distributes an advocacy guide; and provides links to numerous parenting education resources on its website. I

Keywords: Child abuse prevention, Family life education, Parent education, Parenting, Schools, Violence prevention

U.S. Children's Bureau (CB - ACF)

Annotation: Tthe Children's Bureau (CB) is located within the United States Department of Health and Human Services' Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families (ACF). It is responsible for assisting states in the delivery of child welfare services - services designed to protect children and strengthen families. The agency provides grants to states, tribes and communities to operate a range of child welfare services including child protective services (child abuse and neglect) family preservation and support, foster care, adoption, and independent living. In addition, the agency makes major investments in staff training, technology and innovative programs. A variety of fact sheets, reports, and resource lists can be downloaded from the Web site. The bureau also publishes an electronic newsletter called the Children's Bureau Express.

Keywords: Child welfare, Adoption, Child abuse, Child neglect, Domestic violence, Electronic publications, Family violence, Foster care, Injury prevention

U.S. Office on Child Abuse and Neglect

Annotation: The U.S. Office of Child Abuse and Neglect, formerly the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, provides leadership and direction on the issues of child maltreatment and the prevention of abuse and neglect under the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA). It is the focal point for interagency collaborative efforts, national conferences and special initiatives related to child abuse and neglect, and for coordinating activities related to the prevention of abuse and neglect and the protection of children at-risk. It supports activities to build networks of community-based, prevention-focused family resource and support programs and improve systems which handle child abuse and neglect cases. The Web site links to federal and state reporting systems, training and technical assistance, research, statistics, laws, policies, programs, and funding.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child neglect, Family violence, Injury prevention


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.