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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (42 total).

211 LA County

Annotation: 211 LA County provides access to a comprehensive range of human services to the people of Los Angeles County, California. It also provides access to the Taxonomy of Human Services, a classification system for indexing resources in information and referral databases that was developed by INFO LINE of Los Angeles, the predecessor to 211 LA County, and that is endorsed by the national association Alliance for Information and Referral Systems and United Way of America as the standard indexing system for the industry.

Keywords: California, Human services, Information systems, Local initiatives, Referrals

Alameda County Public Health Department, Office of Dental Health

California Adolescent Heath Collaborative (CAHC)

Annotation: The California Adolescent Heath Collaborative (CAHC) is a public-private statewide coalition with the goal of increasing understanding and support for adolescent health and wellness in California. The CAHC brings together groups to share information around issues related to adolescent health topics such as mental health, use of health services, and budget issues. The collaborative also sponsors regional trainings; partners with the National Adolescent Health Information Center at the University of California San Francisco to prepare report cards and data guides to improve access to data on adolescent health; produces publications; and maintains a website that serves as a gateway to resources on adolescent health in California.

Keywords: Adolescent health, California, Coalitions, Interagency cooperation, Public private partnerships, Statewide planning

California Center for Public Health Advocacy

Annotation: The California Center for Public Health Advocacy (CCPHA) is a nonpartisan nonprofit organization that raises awareness about critical public health issues and mobilizes communities to promote the establishment of effective state and local health policies. Recent work has primarily addressed the growing epidemic of childhood obesity by advocating for state and local public policies that promote healthy eating and physical activity. The center currently focuses on three main policy strategies: (1) physical education in public schools, (2) expanding access to healthy food in communities, and (3) assuring implementation of school nutrition standards. Activities also includes analyizing and publizing important health information for policy makers and the general public, supoorting community advocates in promiting local policy reforms, and keeping advocates informed about state legislation.

Keywords: , Advocacy, California, Children, Communities, Health promotion, Obesity, Pulic health, School health

California Dental Association Foundation

Annotation: The California Dental Association Foundation seeks to improve the health of Californians by linking dentistry with community needs. The foundation reaches underserved populations through programs, grants, scholarships, and training. Educational programs provide participating dentists with skills to treat a variety of clients and opportunities to address the needs of critical segments of the population who have little or no access to oral health care. These programs include the Dental Professionals Against Violence, Perinatal Oral Health, First Smiles Education and Training Program, and the Pediatric Oral Health Access Program.

Keywords: California, Foundations, Oral health, Resources for professionals, State organizations

California Department of Mental Health

Annotation: The California Department of Mental Health has oversight of a public mental health budget of more than $4 billion, including local assistance funding. Its responsibilities include: providing leadership for local county mental health departments; evaluation and monitoring of public mental health programs; administration of federal funds for mental health programs and services; the care and treatment of the severely mentally ill at the five state mental hospitals (Atascadero, Metropolitan, Napa, Coalinga and Patton State Hospitals) and at the Acute Psychiatric Programs located at the California Medical Facilities in Vacaville and Salinas Valley; and implementation of the Mental Health Services Act (Proposition 63), which provides state tax dollars for specific county mental health programs and services.

Keywords: California, Health services delivery, Mental health, State agencies

California Endowment

Annotation: The California Endowment is a private, statewide health foundation whose mission is to expand access to affordable, quality health care for underserved individuals and communities, and to promote fundamental improvements in the health status of all Californians. Guiding the endowment's work is a multicultural approach to health, which is defined not only by race and ethnicity, but financial status, cultural beliefs, gender, age, sexual orientation, geographic location, immigration status, and physical or mental abilities. This approach seeks to mobilize the talents, cultures and assets of California's diverse populations to improve the quality of our health systems and to promote health at the level of communities. A wide variety of publications covering topics such as access to care, mental health, cultural competence, and disparities in health can be downloaded in pdf format from the endowment's Web site.

Keywords: Cultural diversity, Underserved communities, . Program improvement, Access to health care, California, Cultural competence, Foundations

California Food Policy Advocates

California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative (CMQCC)

Annotation: The California Maternal Quality Care Collaborative is devoted to eliminating preventable maternal death and injury and promoting equitable maternity care in California by bringing resources, tools, measures, and quality improvement techniques to providers, administrators, and public health leaders. The web site offers current information about California maternal outcomes, specific projects that are in process, annotated bibliographies of important topics, resources developed or have received from other organizations, key links, and specific information to assist in performing quality improvement for maternity topics. The site also serves as a communications tool for the many CMQCC committees that are working on state-wide projects.

Keywords: Research, California, Health services delivery, Maternal health, Pregnancy, Pregnant women, Quality assurance, State initiatives

California Northstate University, College of Dental Medicine

California Oral Health Technical Assistance Center

Annotation: The California Oral Health Technical Assistance Center (COHTAC) provides support and resources to help local oral health programs achieve their goals. It is a group of University of California San Francisco (UCSF) faculty, researchers, and staff with expertise in oral health. It works in partnership with the California Department of Public Health's Office of Oral Health Program and the UCSF Dental Public Health Postgraduate Program to create a healthier California through evidence-based strategies.

Keywords: California, Oral health, State organizations, Technical assistance

California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN)

Annotation: The California Pan-Ethnic Health Network (CPEHN) works to eliminate health disparities by advocating for public policies and sufficient resources to address the health needs of all communities of color in the state of California. The network consists of four organizations representing different ethnic groups—the California Black Health Network, Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum, The California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc. and the Latino Coalition for a Healthy California. CPEHN's website provides access to policy briefs, webinars, race and ethnicity data, and a multicultural health library.

Keywords: Advocacy, California, Health care reform, Minority groups, State organizations

California State Library (CSL)

Annotation: The California State Library is a public research library that helps a diverse people, their governments and their libraries meet their knowledge and information needs. The State Library makes available a variety of services to all Californians. These range from California historical documents, to California legislation, to books in braille and recorded formats, to English language literacy programs and public access to the Internet. Its regional depository library is open to the public. Services to consumers include referrals and reference information. All documents published by the U.S. Government Printing Office are available. Materials may only be checked out directly by state employees but will be provided through interlibrary loan to academic, public and special libraries. A number of the public policy reports by the California Research Bureau are on topics of interest to families and educators.

Keywords: California, Libraries, State agencies

California Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Program

Annotation: The California Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) Program is dedicated to Sudden Infant Death support, awareness, and risk reduction. Information is provided on grief and bereavement, SIDS facts, and infant care practices for reducing the risk of SIDS. Information is available for SIDS professionals, SIDS Coordinators, and families. Numerous materials are available in Spanish, and occasionally in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog, and VIetnamese. The program is under the direction of the California Department of Public Health, Maternal, Child and Adolescent Health Division.

Keywords: Advocacy, California, Consumer education materials, Family support, Infant death, Infant mortality, Parent support, SIDS, Spanish language materials

California Women Lead

Annotation: The California Elected Women's Association for Education (CEWAER) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization whose goals are to encourage women to seek public office; to support women serving in elected office; to stimulate education and research on public policy issues as they relate to women, families, and children; and to facilitate purposeful networking among leaders in California's elected, business, and academic communities. The association sponsors workshops, seminars, and training programs throughout the states and publishes research on women in elected office and public policy papers on issues of concern to individuals in state and local government. A newsletter is available.

Keywords: California, Education, Research, Women', s health

CavityFree SF

Center for Injury Prevention Policy and Practice (CIPPP)

Annotation: The Center for Injury Prevention Policy & Practice (CIPPP) serves as a resource center for childhood injury prevention and is located within the Maternal and Child Health Division of the Graduate School of Public Health at San Diego University. The Center focuses on reducing child and adolescent injury, mortality, morbidity, and cost by facilitating increased capacity for childhood injury prevention at the state and local level. CIPPP hosts the Injury Prevention Web family of sites (see; provides a weekly update of injury research and prevention literature (see; provides technical assistance; conducts training workshops on injuries and prevention strategies; hosts an annual conference; and develops materials to assist government agencies, community organizations, and others with the development and implementation of injury prevention programs. Some materials are available in Spanish, Asian, and other languages.

Keywords: Injury prevention, Adolescent health, California, Child health, Data, Educational materials, Prevention programs, Program development, Research, Resources for professionals

Center for Oral Health (COH)

Annotation: The Center for Oral Health (COH) is a nonprofit, California-based organization, founded in 1985, dedicated to promoting public oral health, with a focus on children and vulnerable populations. Activities include elevating the importance of oral health among all populations, establishing a comprehensive dental public health infrastructure in California, advocating for policies and practices that improve oral health, eliminating barriers to care, and preventing disease. The website contains information on current oral health issues, programs, and legislation; news and events; products for public health dentistry; publications; and research. Topics include continuum of care, early intervention, fluoridation and fluoride varnish, health reform, needs assessment, oral health access, and school policy. It was formerly the Dental Health Foundation.

Keywords: Advocacy, California, Health promotion, Oral health, Public health infrastructure, Vulnerability, Young children

Children and Family Futures

Annotation: Children and Family Futures (CFF) provide specialized knowledge on improving collaborative practice and policy among the substance abuse, child welfare, Tribal child welfare and family judicial systems to improve the lives of children and families, particularly those affected by substance use disorders. CFF advises Federal, State, and local government and community-based agencies, conducts research on the best ways to prevent and address the problem, and provides comprehensive and innovative solutions to policy makers and practitioners.

Keywords: California, Child advocacy, Child welfare, Children, Family support services, Substance abuse, Substance use disorders

First 5 Association of California

Annotation: The First 5 Association of California works to improve the lives of California's youngest children and their families through an effective, coordinated, and inclusive implementation of the California Children and Families Act at the local and state levels. The Act, also known as Proposition 10, was passed by the voters of California in 1998 to create a comprehensive and integrated system of information and services promoting early childhood development from prenatal to age 5, as well as to support the needs of parents of young children.

Keywords: California, Child development, Health promotion, Infants, Young children, Parent support

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