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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (40 total).

Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of North Carolina (APPCNC)

Annotation: The Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Coalition of North Carolina (APPCNC) serves as a statewide clearinghouse and network for adolescent pregnancy prevention resources and helps local communities to develop prevention councils. The coalition maintains a library and resource center of more than 1,000 pamphlets, brochures, films, videotapes, curricula, national and state reports, and other materials on adolescent pregnancy issues. Services to consumers also include referrals. APPCNC sponsors conferences and training seminars, and publishes a catalog and newsletter. It also provides materials in Spanish.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Coalition, North Carolina, Prevention programs, Referals, Self help clearinghouses

Advocates for Youth (AFY)

Annotation: Advocates for Youth is dedicated to creating programs and advocating for policies that help young people make informed and responsible decisions about their reproductive and sexual health. Advocates provides information, training, and strategic assistance to youth-serving organizations, policy makers, youth activists, and the media in the United States and the developing world. Advocates publishes newsletters, as well as provider- and consumer-oriented publications on adolescent reproductive health. A publications catalog is available. Some materials are available in French, Spanish, and Portuguese.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescents, Decision making skills, Information sources, Life skills, Peer education, Programs, Publications, Reproductive health, Sexual behavior, Sexuality education, Spanish language materials, Women

Alliance for Young Families

Annotation: The Alliance for Young Families (now known as the Massachusetts Alliance on Teen Pregnancy) is a nonprofit consortium of health and human service providers in Massachusetts. The Alliance's mission is to provide statewide leadership to prevent adolescent pregnancy and to promote quality services for pregnant and parenting teens and their children through policy analysis, education, research, and advocacy. Services to consumers include referrals, reference information, and publications. The Alliance sponsors conferences, workshops, and training seminars.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Parenting


Annotation: Answer at Rutgers University, formerly the Network for Family Life Education, specializes in training adults to deliver effective sexuality-education programs to children and youth. It provides resources, advocacy, training and technical assistance in support of age-appropriate, balanced, comprehensive sexuality education. Answer's Web site, Sex, Etc., is about teens for teens, and covers girls' health; guys' health; sex; love and relationships; gay, lesbian, bi-sexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex youth; deciding about sex; birth control and condoms; sexually transmitted diseases; pregnancy; teen parenting; abortion; adoption; emotional health; abuse and violence; body image; and alcohol and drugs.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy prevention, Sexuality education

Association of Reproductive Health Professionals (ARHP)

Charles Stewart Mott Foundation

Annotation: The Charles Stewart Mott Foundation works to improve the quality of life for individuals and their communities by funding demonstration programs that offer unique approaches to community problems. Current activities focus on four major program areas: the environment, civil society, the local community (in the Flint, Michigan area), and pathways out of poverty. The foundation publishes an annual report and other publications periodically. Services to consumers include inquiry responses and publications.

Keywords: Funding, Poverty, Environment, Foundations, Adolescent pregnancy, Prevention programs, Community development, Social problems

Child Trends

Annotation: Child Trends is a nonprofit research organization that works to improve the lives and prospects of children and youth through high-quality research. Clients include researchers, policymakers, funders, and practitioners. Services include high-level analyses and helping organizations make their direct services more effective. Resources include indicators of children's well-being, a searchable database of evaluated programs serving children and youth and research based on those evaluations, and a national knowledge center providing insight on U.S. Latino children and families. Child Trends also hosts a newsroom and blog.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adolescent pregnancy, Child health, Community programs, Data analysis, Data collection, Family relations, Health statistics, Information sources, Model programs, Program descriptions, Research, Statistical analysis

Child Welfare League of America (CWLA)

Annotation: The Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) brings together public and private nonprofit voluntary child welfare agencies in efforts to advance policies, best practices, and collaborative strategies that result in better outcomes for vulnerable children, youth, and families. The league sets internationally recognized standards for child welfare practice; proposes public policy initiatives; offers consultation, training, and technical assistance for member agencies; and provides reference information, publications, and referrals for consumers. Areas of concern include adolescent pregnancy and parenting, adoption, AIDS, chemical dependency, child abuse and neglect, child care, child poverty, cultural competence, developmental disabilities, foster care, family preservation, homelessness, juvenile justice, kinship care, and residential group care. Publications include the Children's Voice magazine, Child Welfare Journal, Child Welfare Standards of Excellence, and the PRIDE training curriculum, along with hundreds of books.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adoption, Child abuse, Child care, Child health, Child neglect, Child welfare, Foster care, Nonprofit organizations, AIDS,

Children's Aid Society, Carrera Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy Prevention Program

Annotation: The Children's Aid Society (CAS) Carrera Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy Prevention Program (developed under the direction of the Bernice and Milton Stern National Adolescent Sexuality Training Center) serves as a primary pregnancy prevention model that uses a holistic aproach to help adolescents develop personal goals while increasing their sexual literacy and knowledge about the consequences of sexual activity. The program, which has been replicated across in states across the country, emphasizes the importance of education and employment. The Web site provides links to additional resources on sexuality education and adolescentr pregnancy prevention.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Family relations, Parent education, Sexuality education

Children's Defense Fund (CDF)

Annotation: The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) is a research and advocacy group for children and youth. It gathers data and disseminates information on key issues affecting children and adolescents, including development and implementation of federal and state policies. CDF provides information, technical assistance, and support to a network of state and local child advocates, service providers, and public and private sector officials and leaders. Initiatives have included adolescent pregnancy prevention programs, prenatal care campaigns, universal immunization programs, promotion of the Head Start program, and the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). Publications include a monthly newsletter, CDF Reports. A publications list is available. CDF also coordinates the Black Community Crusade for Children, an effort to strengthen black community support for children, and publishes a newsletter of Crusade activities, Necessary. In addition, it coordinates the Student Heath Outreach (SHOUT) project, a student-run project whose goal is to reach all eligible children and sign them up for health insurance by engaging students, as well as school administrators, in the effort to spread the word about Medicaid and CHIP.

Keywords: Child health, Adolescent pregnancy, Blacks, Child advocacy, Child care, Child safety, Children, Data collection, Homeless persons, Infant mortality, Legislation, Minority groups, Prenatal care, State children', Statistics, s heatlh insurance program

Eunice Kennedy Schriver National Center for Community of Caring

Annotation: The Eunice Kennedy Schriver National Center for Community of Caring is a K-12, whole-school, comprehensive character education program designed to create a positive learning environment where all students, including those with intellectual and physical disabilities, are respected, challenged to grow morally, taught to make healthy life decisions, and encouraged to participate in every aspect of school life. Through this, the program addresses destructive attitudes that lead to substance abuse, teen pregnancy, , and dropping out of school. The program includes (1) training teachers and other staff, (2) incorporating the values of caring, respect, responsibility, trust, and family into all curricular areas, (3) conducting student forums on issues vital to young people, (4) involving the family and community more fully in school life, and (5) providing opportunities for students to plan and carry out community service projects. The program sponsors a national conference and publishes a newsletter and training materials. It was founded by the Eunice Kennedy Shriver and the Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr. Foundation.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Character, Community programs, Mental retardation, Moral values, Prevention programs, Social values, Special health care needs

U.S. Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC)

Annotation: The Food and Nutrition Information Center (FNIC) provides on-line global nutrition information. FNIC is one of several information centers located at the National Agricultural Library (NAL), part of the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS). FNIC staff provide information on food, human nutrition, and food safety. FNIC's 1800+ links to nutrition information and databases can be accessed from the FNIC Web site. The organization also produces subject-specific bibliographies called Resource Lists that are available online at: Services to consumers include inquiry responses, publications, reference information, and searchable databases. Some materials are available in Spanish and other languages.

Keywords: Nutrition, Adolescent pregnancy, Child nutrition, Food service, Food technology, Information services, Spanish language materials, Young children

Girls Incorporated

Annotation: Girls Incorporated has developed several programs and curricula to promote the health of girls and young women, including Friendly PEERsuasion and Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy. Programs may be licensed to youth-serving agencies. The Girls Incorporated National Resource Center furnishes research materials to organizations, individuals, and the media. The resource center is located at 441 West Michigan Street, Indianapolis, IN 46202; (317) 634-7546. The organization provides publications to consumers.

Keywords: Advocacy, Adolescent parents, Adolescent pregnancy, Curricula, Health promotion, Peer education, Peer support programs, Women

Gladney Center for Adoption

Annotation: Established in 1887, the Gladney Center for Adoption is a comprehensive maternity home and licenced placement agency that provides services to people involved in the adoption process, including adoptive parents, birth mothers and fathers, and adopted persions. Services include residential facilities, medical care, education, adoption, and post adoption services. Gladney provides adoption of infants, African-American and biracial children, children with special needs, and children in foster care, and international adoptions. The center has 10 regional offices to facilitate client access and numerous parent support groups, called auxiliaries, that conduct outreach and public information efforts. The center also maintains an adoption education Web site that focuses on the adoption choice for pregnant adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adopted children, Adoption, Adoptive parents, Outreach, Prenatal care

Guttmacher Institute ( )

Annotation: The Guttmacher Institute is a nonprofit corporation for research, policy analysis, and public education in the field of reproductive health. Services to consumers include publications and reference information. The institute publishes Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, International Family Planning Perspectives, The Guttmacher Policy Review, fact sheets, briefing papers, and special reports. A publications catalog is available. Some materials are available in Spanish, French, Asian, and other languages. The institute also has a list service, accessible through its Web site. The International Data Center allows users to build, download, and print custom tables, graphs, and maps using information from countries and regions.

Keywords: Pregnancy, Adolescent pregnancy, Data, Family planning, Foreign language materials, Information services, Listservs, Medical research, Online systems, Policy analysis, Prenatal care, Public education, Publications, Reproductive health, Sexuality education

Healthy Teen Network

Annotation: Healthy Teen Network, formerly the National Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Parenting, and Prevention, is a national resource network of individuals and organizations focused on solving problems related to adolescent pregnancy prevention, sexuality, pregnancy, and parenting. The organization serves as a resource sharing and communication network to inform service providers and others about available resources and successful program models. Some materials are available in Spanish. It publishes a quarterly newsletter and also prepares alerts on funding opportunities and legislation. The organization also sponsors conferences. In 2010 it launched an evidence-based resource center.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescent parents, Community programs, Parenting, Prevention programs, School based clinics, Self help clearinghouses, Sexuality

Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health (ICAH)

Annotation: Established in 1977, the Illinois Caucus for Adolescent Health (ICAH) is a statewide membership organization that provides public education, policy advocacy, training, and technical assistance on issues related to the health and well-being of adolescents. Services to consumers include publications, and some materials are available in Spanish. ICAH publishes a newsletter and sponsors conferences, workshops, and training seminars.

Keywords: Adolescent parents, Adolescent pregnancy

Illinois Department of Public Health, School Health Program

Annotation: The Illinois Department of Public Health School Health Program provides technical assistance and training to Illinois school health personnel serving school age children including communication about current health requirements, communicable and infectious disease issues, current practices in management of acute and chronic disease, education and grant opportunities, changes in public health rule and law, and resources available through state agencies. The program also monitors compliance among 63 certified school health centers operating in Illinois. The website provides information about the program's email list and School Health Days Conference.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescent parents, Grants, Illinois, Preventive health services, School linked programs

March of Dimes (MOD)

Annotation: The March of Dimes (MOD) works to prevent birth defects and infant mortality through research, education, and advocacy programs. MOD's Pregnancy and Newborn Health Education Center provides information and referral services for the general public and professionals on topics such as preconception health, pregnancy, childbirth, genetics, and birth defects. MOD also produces educational materials on these and other topics such as prematurity, baby care, adolescent pregnancy, folic acid, nursing, and bereavement. A publications catalog is available, and some materials are available in Spanish. Anyone can subscribe to MOD's free electronic newsletter. MOD also sponsors the Prematurity Research Initiative, which provides funding for research into the causes of prematurity, and has developed PeriStats -- an online source for maternal, infant, and child health-related data at the state level and for many indicators at the county and national level (available at The website can be viewed in English and Spanish.

Keywords: Congenital abnormalities, Adolescent pregnancy, Advocacy, Childbirth education, Genetic disorders, Genetics education, Infant mortality, Information services, Medical research, Patient education, Prenatal care, Preterm birth, Professional education, Public awareness materials, Spanish language materials, Spanish language website

Minnesota Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention and Parenting (MOAPPP)

Annotation: The Minnesota Organization on Adolescent Pregnancy, Prevention and Parenting and, offers information about adolescent pregnancy prevention and teen parent programs, coalitions, and experts in Minnesota. The InfoExchange has resources on community collaboration around adolescent pregnancy and distributes "InfoPacks," topic specific packets of statistics, research, and program development materials. MOAPPP sponsors training seminars and an annual conference and publishes a quarterly newsletter.

Keywords: Adolescent health programs, Adolescent pregnancy, Parent education

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.