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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (69 total).

Academy of Women's Health

Annotation: The Academy of Women’s Health is an interdisciplinary, international association of physicians, nurses, and other health professionals who work across the broad field of women’s health, providing up-to-date advances and options in clinical care that will enable the best outcomes for women patients. The academy’s focus includes the dissemination of translational research and evidence-based practices for disease prevention, diagnosis, and treatment for women across the lifespan. Resources include an annual conference, the Journal of Women's Health, a blog, and discussion groups on social media.

Keywords: Health care delivery, Information dissemination, Interdisciplinary approach, Professional associations, Women', s health

American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD)

Annotation: The American Association on Health and Disability (AAHD) advances health promotion and wellness initiatives for children and adults with disabilities. AAHD accomplishes its mission through advocacy, education, public awareness, and research efforts at the federal, state, and community levels. The website contains the Health Promotion and Wellness Resource Center for People with Disabilities, which provides abstracts, best practices, data, links, fact sheets, presentations, and state resources on primary conditions, secondary conditions, and other health and disability-related topics. Additional content includes the Disability and Health Journal, news, initiatives, a public policy center, and membership and scholarship information.

Keywords: Disabilities, Access to health care, Advocacy, Education, Information dissemination, Intervention, Prevention services, Research

Arc of the United States

Annotation: The Arc of the United States, formerly the Association for Retarded Citizens of the United States, works to prevent and ameliorate mental retardation and to improve the quality of life for children and adults with mental retardation and their families. The Arc's state and local chapters provide services or advocate for services for people with mental retardation throughout the United States. The association provides information, publications, and referrals to parents, organizations, and communities to assist them in meeting the needs of people with mental retardation.

Keywords: Mental retardation, Support groups, Information dissemination

Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (AGSD)

Annotation: The Association for Glycogen Storage Disease (AGSD) protects and promotes the interests of people affected by glycogen storage disease, disseminates information, provides parental support and referral services, sponsors an annual conference, and facilitates communication among professionals in related fields. Publications include a quarterly newsletter, The Ray, and a parent handbook.

Keywords: Glycogen storage disease, Health promotion, Information dissemination, Information services, Metabolic diseases, Parent support services

Association for Population / Family Planning Libraries and Information Centers International (APLIC-I)

Annotation: The Association for Population / Family Planning Libraries and Information Centers International (APLIC-I) is a worldwide association of librarians and information specialists concerned with family planning, demography, and population-related issues. The association is a body of resource people who can assist in finding the appropriate organization or person for seeking an answer on a specific topic for health educators and special interest groups. Its mission is to develop effective documentation and information systems and services in the field of population and family planning; to provide professional networking among family planning and population documentarists, librarians, and information and communication specialists; and to provide continuing education to encourage professional development. The organization also sponsors conferences. Publications include a newsletter, the APLI C International Communicator, as well as special publications on population information topics including directories (all of these are electronic).

Keywords: International health, Family planning, Information dissemination, Libraries

Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)

Annotation: The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO) is a not-for-profit national association representing community health organizations that serve Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and oher Pacific Islanders in the United States (particularly those who are medically underserved). The organization works to promote advocacy, collaboration, and leadership and to provide community responsive, financially affordable, and culturally appropriate primary health care services through member community health clinics. AAPCHO's resources and services range from translated health education materials for patients, to maps detailing areas with medically underserved AAPIs, to listservs that electronically link individuals from across the country. Materials are available in Asian languages.

Keywords: Asian Americans, Minority groups, Minority health promotion, Minority health, Access to health care, Information dissemination, Pacific Islanders

Autism Research Institute (ARI)

Annotation: ARI is the hub of a worldwide network of parents and professionals concerned with autism. ARI was founded in 1967 to conduct and foster scientific research designed to improve the methods of diagnosing, treating, and preventing autism. ARI also provides referrals and disseminates research findings to parents and others worldwide seeking help. The ARI data bank contains nearly 30,000 detailed case histories of autistic children from over 60 countries. Some materials are available in languages other than English. ARI publishes the Autism Research Review International, a quarterly newsletter covering biomedical and educational advances in autism research. ARI also sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Autism, Developmental disabilities, Information dissemination, Medical research

Boston University, Center for Research to Evaluate and Eliminate Dental Disparities (CREEDD)

Annotation: Boston University's Center for Research to Evaluate and Eliminate Dental Disparities (CREEDD) works to improve oral, dental, and craniofacial health through research, research training, and the dissemination of health information. The center also works to eliminate oral health disparities. The center is funded is by National Institutes of Dental and Craniofacial Research as one of five national centers focused on oral health disparities, and one of three Early Childhood Caries Collaborating Centers. The website provides information about the center's investigators, projects, partners, presentations and abstracts, publications, and news.

Keywords: Access to health care, Information dissemination, Oral health, Research, Training

Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS)

Annotation: The Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS), a Canadian public corporation, provides information on occupational diseases and safety (e.g., ingredients, health and hazards data, storage and handling, personal protection, case law) and chemical product safety. The centre disseminates information through a worldwide electronic information service (online and CD-ROM), direct responses to queries, and publications. Some materials are available in French. Services to consumers also include referrals. The organization publishes a catalog and newsletter, and sponsors training seminars. Representatives of government, management, and labor oversee the centre.

Keywords: Reproductive hazards, Canada, Information dissemination, Occupational safety and health, Teratogens, Teratology

Center for Jewish Genetic Diseases

Annotation: The Center for Jewish Genetic Diseases (formerly the National Foundation for Jewish Genetic Diseases) at The Mount Sinai Medical Center is devoted to the study of diseases that affect Ashkenazi Jews. The Center's missions are: (1) to improve the diagnosis, treatment, and counseling of patients and their families suffering from Jewish genetic diseases and (2) to conduct intensive research to combat these inherited diseases. The Center publishes scientific articles, presents papers at national meetings, sponsors international meetings, and collaborates with other researchers in the process of making discoveries and developing therapies.

Keywords: Metabolic diseases, Bloom syndrome, Canavan disease, Familial dysautonomia, Gauchers disease, Information dissemination, Mucolipidosis, Niemann Pick disease, Public awareness materials, Tay Sachs disease, Torsion dystonia

U.S. Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP)

Annotation: The Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion (CNPP) under the U.S. Department of Agriculture develops the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, the Food Guide Pyramid, the Interactive Healthy Eating Index, Expenditures on Children by Families, the Cost of Food at Home, the Nutrient Content of the U.S. Food Supply, and the new ChooseMyPlate initiative. CNPP staff help to define and coordinate nutrition education policy within USDA and to translate nutrition research into information and materials for consumers; policymakers; and professionals in health, education, industry, and media. The Center publishes a journal, Family Economics and Nutrition Review, and distributes publications for health professionals and consumers. Some materials are available in Spanish. The Center also sponsors conferences.

Keywords: Nutrition, Child nutrition, Conferences, Coordination, Dietary guidelines, Family economics, Federal agencies, Food consumption, Health promotion, Information dissemination, Information sources, Information sources, Nutrition assessment, Nutrition education, Nutrition programs, Public policies, Public policy, Publications, Spanish language materials

CHADD -- Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (CHADD)

Annotation: CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit /Hyperactivity Disorders) is a national nonprofit organization serving individuals with attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Through collaboration leadership, advocacy,research, education, and support, CHADD provides science-based information about AD/HD to parents, educators, professionals, the media, and the general public. CHADD houses and administers the CDC'funded National Resource Center on AD/HD, a nation-wide clearinghouse for information, support, and referrals. CHADD has more than 20,000 members in over 200 local chapters. CHADD sponsors an annual conference and publishes a bi-monthly magazine, Attention!, a quarterly newsletter, Inside CHADD, and an electronic newsletter News from CHADD.

Keywords: Attention deficit disorder, Hyperactivity, Information dissemination, Learning disabilities, Parent groups, Support groups

Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG)

Annotation: The Child Welfare Information Gateway provides information services to child welfare and related professionals and the public as the clearinghouse for the Children’s Bureau, compiling, synthesizing, and disseminating resources to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families. The Information Gateway provides access to publications, websites, and online databases covering a range of topics, including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, foster care, adoption, and the content areas for which the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network (TTA) members provide support.

Keywords: Adopted children, Adoptive parents, Biological parents, Child abuse, Child neglect, Children with special health care needs, Clearinghouses, Databases, Family violence, Information services, Information dissemination, Adoption, Injury prevention, Spanish language materials, Support groups

Children's Hospital Association (CHA)

Coalition for State Genetics Coordinators (CSGC)

Annotation: The Coalition of State Genetics Coordinators (CSGC) is an organization of state and territorial genetics coordinators and others working to promote core public health functions as they apply to genetics. CSGC collects and disseminates information to promote research, education, and policy development; promotes the use of national guidelines developed for public health genetics; strengthens the skills of state genetics coordinators nationwide; promotes the accessibility of genetic health care services; and advocates for genetics in public health. The CSGC Web site includes links to state genetics sites.

Keywords: Coalitions, Genetics, Information dissemination, Public health

Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America (DEBRA)

Annotation: The Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America (DEBRA) promotes and supports basic and clinical research on epidermolysis bullosa (EB) and provides information on EB to patients, families, health professionals, and the public. The association distributes educational materials on EB and provides referrals for medical care, social services, and genetic counseling. The organization also sponsors conferences.

Keywords: Epidermolysis bullosa, Medical research, Information dissemination, Spanish language materials, Skin diseases

Foundation for eHealth Initiative

Annotation: The Foundation for eHealth Initiative is an independent non-profit organization working to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency of healthcare through information and information technology.  Foundation programs focus on engaging multiple and diverse stakeholders -- healthcare organizations, clinician groups, employers, health plans, healthcare information technology organizations, manufacturers, public health agencies, academic and research institutions, and public sector stakeholders -- in addressing the quality, safety, and efficiency challenges of our healthcare system through the use of interoperable information technology. Program descriptions, publications, implementation tools, and resources are posted on the Web site.

Keywords: Public health infrastructure, Health care systems , Information dissemination, Information systems, Technology

French-American Foundation (FAF)

Annotation: Established in 1975, the French-American Foundation (FAF) works to strengthen U.S.-French relations. Areas of mutual interest include early childhood education and maternal and child health systems. The foundation sponsors study tours and conferences for members and staff of the U.S. Congress and the French Assembly and Senate, exchanges of French and American journalists, and a program for young French and American leaders in government, business, media, and the arts. The FAF publishes a newsletter, and materials are available in French.

Keywords: France, Information dissemination, Leadership training, Philanthropy

Genetic Services Policy Project (GSPP )

Annotation: The Genetic Services Policy Project (GSPP) is working to assess the current model for genetic services delivery; explore alternative models for delivery of genetic services; and identify changes in public policies that would promote appropriate and cost effective access to a broad range of genetic services to all who might benefit from them. The assessment will include evaluating the economic, legal, cultural and policy aspects of the existing system and alternatives. In addition, GSPP will examine specific genetic service markets such as screening and testing, as well as markets for complementary services such as genetic counseling and education. The project disseminates information and posts a variety of resources on its Web site, including papers and presentations, clinical case study summaries, meeting agendas and notes, and genetic profiles of all 50 states. A recommended reading list (with links to full-text articles) is provided as well. GSPP is a collaborative effort, supported by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, the Washington State Department of Health, and the University of Washington.

Keywords: Genetics, Assessment, Genetic services, Genetics education, Information dissemination, Service delivery

Healthy Child Care America (HCCA)

Annotation: The Healthy Child Care America (HCCA) campaign is a nationally focused initiative jointly sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Child Care Bureau (CCB) and Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and was originally implemented from 1995 through 2005. The campaign focused on linking together pediatricians, other health professionals, child care providers, and parents to ensure that all children have access to quality, nurturing child care environments and a medical home. The campaign continues to be funded though the Child Care and Health Partnership grant from the CCB and MCHB. The website contains health and safety fact sheets, a list of child care contacts for the American Academy of Pediatrics, policy materials, and other resources.

Keywords: Government programs, Child health, Access to health care, Campaigns, Child care, Child safety, Information dissemination, Provider networks

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