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Search Results: MCH Organizations

This list of organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations Database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 7 (7 total).


Annotation: AdoptUSKids works to raise public awareness about the need for foster and adoptive families and supports states, territories, and Tribes in their efforts to find families for children in foster care, particularly the most challenging to place. AdoptUSKids offers a variety of resources, services, and tools to both families and child welfare professionals. One of its core services is to provide technical assistance and resources to states, territories, and Tribes through the National Resource Center for Diligent Recruitment at AdoptUSKids (NRCDR).

Keywords: Adoptive parents, Adoption, . Collaboration, Children, Foster care, Foster parents, Information sources, Public service announcements

Child Welfare Information Gateway (CWIG)

Annotation: The Child Welfare Information Gateway provides information services to child welfare and related professionals and the public as the clearinghouse for the Children’s Bureau, compiling, synthesizing, and disseminating resources to promote the safety, permanency, and well-being of children and families. The Information Gateway provides access to publications, websites, and online databases covering a range of topics, including child welfare, child abuse and neglect, foster care, adoption, and the content areas for which the Children's Bureau Training and Technical Assistance Network (TTA) members provide support.

Keywords: Adopted children, Adoptive parents, Biological parents, Child abuse, Child neglect, Children with special health care needs, Clearinghouses, Databases, Family violence, Information services, Information dissemination, Adoption, Injury prevention, Spanish language materials, Support groups

Children Awaiting Parents

Annotation: Children Awaiting Parents (CAP) is a national, not-for-profit organization that recruits foster and adoptive families for special needs children who have been waiting the longest for permanent families. CAP serves older and minority children who may have mental, physical and/or emotional disabilities. Photos and narratives of waiting children are posted on the Web site and also provided in The CAP Book, a printed, national photolisting of adoptable children with special needs. The organization also provides a CAP Book CD, featuring national and state contact information, home study procedures, and adoption success stories. The Web site provides pre- and post-adoptive information for prospective parents, as well as registration and other placement assistance for caseworkers. CAP has initiated a program called Faith in Children, a special adoption recruitment campaign to reach out to the community through faith-based organizations and also served as a founding board member of Voice for Adoption, a coalition of 78 special needs adoption organizations, professionals and child welfare advocates addressing the needs of waiting children throughout the United States. In addition, CAP coordinates the Foster/Adoption Network-FAN, which recruits New York State foster and adoptive parents for children with special needs and is comprised of 18 public and private agencies in upstate New York.

Keywords: Information sources, Adoption, Adoptive parents, Affective disorders, Children with special health care needs, Family centered services, Foster care, Foster parents, Psychological needs, Recruitment

Concerned United Birthparents (CUB)

Annotation: Concerned United Birthparents (CUB) is a national organization that works to open birth records for adoptees and their birthparents, develop alternatives to the current adoption system, and assist members in coping with ongoing problems related to adoption separation. Members include birthparents and others who support adoption reform. CUB publishes a newsletter and sponsors conferences and has information for consumers on its Web site. It has local branches in nine cities in seven states.

Keywords: Adoption, Adoptive parents, , Biological parents

Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute

Annotation: The Evan B. Donaldson Adoption Institute, founded in 1996, is a national not-for-profit organization devoted to improving adoption policy and practice, improving the quality of information about adoption, and enhancing the understanding and perception of adoption. The institute conducts surveys, publishes reports and other publicattions, and provides a database of adoption literature and an e-mail newsletter.

Keywords: Adoption, Adopted children, Adoptive parents, Biological parents, Foster care

Gladney Center for Adoption

Annotation: Established in 1887, the Gladney Center for Adoption is a comprehensive maternity home and licenced placement agency that provides services to people involved in the adoption process, including adoptive parents, birth mothers and fathers, and adopted persions. Services include residential facilities, medical care, education, adoption, and post adoption services. Gladney provides adoption of infants, African-American and biracial children, children with special needs, and children in foster care, and international adoptions. The center has 10 regional offices to facilitate client access and numerous parent support groups, called auxiliaries, that conduct outreach and public information efforts. The center also maintains an adoption education Web site that focuses on the adoption choice for pregnant adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adopted children, Adoption, Adoptive parents, Outreach, Prenatal care

National Council For Adoption (NCFA)

Annotation: The National Council for Adoption (NCFA) is an adoption advocacy nonprofit organization serving adoptive parents, birthparents, adoptive professionals, and agencies by advocating for the positive option of adoption through education, research, and legislative action. NCFA serves as an adoption information clearinghouse, offering referrals, publications, reference information, and online training tools. Some materials are available in Spanish. NCFA also sponsors conferences.

Keywords: Adoption, Adoptive parents, Biological parents, Adopted children, Legislation


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.