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Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 21 through 40 (200 total).

Revels M, Cruz K, Cheung K, Carver L, Krol D. 2013. Providing preventive oral health care to infants and young children in Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Early Head Start and primary care settings. Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 35 pp. (Synthesis report)

Annotation: This report focuses on seven programs that provide preventive oral health care to infants and young children enrolled in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children (WIC) or the Early Head Start (EHS) program and in primary care settings. Topics include integrating oral health care into primary care and within WIC and EHS, oral health services offered in WIC and EHS, staff training, and staffing to deliver oral health services.

Contact: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 50 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540-6614, Telephone: (877) 843-7953 Fax: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Early Head Start, Infants, Model programs, Oral health, Prevention services, Primary care, Service integration, Training, WIC program, Work force, Young children

Office of Head Start, National Center on Parent, Family and Community Engagement, Early Head Start National Resource Center, Head Start Resource Center. 2013. Head Start father engagement birth to five programming guide. Washington, DC: U.S. Office of Head Start, 68 pp.

Annotation: This guide addresses serving expectant fathers and fathers of infants, toddlers, and preschoolers and is designed for all Head Start staff. Other service providers who work with fathers, including teachers, home visitors, or parent leaders, may also find the guide useful. The guide is divided into three parts: (1) the foundations of father engagement programming, (2) program impact areas of father engagement, and (3) a toolkit. Related resources also are included. This new resource builds on the Office of Head Start's Parent, Family and Community Engagement Framework.

Contact: National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety, Telephone: (888) 227-5125 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Early Head Start, Father child relations, Fathers, Head Start, Paternal behavior, Program development, Young children

Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™. 2012. Oral health from pregnancy through the toddler years: An oral health education program for Early Head Start. New York, NY: Colgate-Palmolive Company, 15 pp. (Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™ series)

Annotation: This manual for Early Head Start educators provides information and resources on oral health and oral health care during pregnancy and during infancy and early childhood (from birth to age 3). Topics include oral care at home, fluoride, visiting the dentist, primary teeth, tooth decay, snacking and healthy food choices, and injury prevention. Contents include reproducible brochures (in English and Spanish) for pregnant women. Additional materials for teachers are available in English and Spanish.

Contact: Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™, 300 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Telephone: (800) 468-6502 Secondary Telephone: (212) 310-2000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Consumer education, Early Head Start, Educational materials, Health promotion, Infants, Oral health, Oral hygiene, Pregnant women, Spanish language materials, Young children

Indian Health Service [Head Start Program]. 2012. IHS Head Start: Start healthy. Grow healthy (rev.). Rockville, MD: Indian Health Service, [Head Start Program], 2 items.

Annotation: These booklets offer information about how Head Start staff can help improve the oral health of American Indian and Alaska Native infants, young children, and pregnant women. The booklets also provide information to help meet oral-health-related program performance standards. Contents include best practices for prevention and early intervention. It also includes sample forms for assessment, treatment, and topical fluoride application; posters on first aid for dental emergencies and oral health promotion; and a reference guide on classroom toothbrushing Materials are also available on a CD-ROM.

Contact: U.S. Indian Health Service, Head Start Program, 801 Thompson Avenue, Suite 400, Rockville, MD 20852, Telephone: (505) 248-7694 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Alaska Natives, American Indians, CD-ROMs, Disease prevention, Early childhood caries, Head Start, Health promotion, Oral health, Young children

National Center on Parent, Family, and Community Engagement. 2012. Head Start and Early Head Start relationship-based competencies for staff and supervisors who work with Head Start. Washington, DC: U.S. Office of Head Start, 14 pp.

Annotation: This technical assistance resource outlines the knowledge, skills, and actions for staff and supervisors working with families in Early Head Start and Head Start (EHS/HS) programs. The document is a tool to assist programs with implementing the Head Start program performance standards and parent, family, and community engagement framework. Topics include family well-being and children's school readiness, prioritizing family services in HS/EHS, professional development strategies, and nine relationship-based competencies that are further defined throughout the document.

Contact: National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety, Telephone: (888) 227-5125 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Competence, Early Head Start, Families, Head Start, Oral health, Relationships, Resource materials, Technical assistance, Training materials, Young children

Colvard J, Schmit S. 2012. Expanding access to Early Head Start: State initiatives for infants and toddlers at risk. Washington, DC: Center for Law and Social Policy and Zero to Three, 18 pp.

Annotation: This report describes the diverse strategies of state efforts to expand and enhance access to Early Head Start (EHS) services for infants, toddlers, and their families and offers recommendations for states interested in expanding this program.

Contact: Center for Law and Social Policy, 1200 18th Street, N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 906-8000 Fax: (202) 842-2885 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Early Head Start, Early intervention programs, Families, Infants, Low income groups, State programs, Young children

Advisory Committee on Head Start Research and Evaluation. 2012. Advisory Committee on Head Start Research and Evaluation: Final report. Washington, DC: Administration for Children and Families, 114 pp., plus appendices.

Annotation: This report discusses findings on the impact of Head Start (HS) and Early Head Start (EHS) based on findings from the HS Impact Study, the EHS Research and Evaluation Project, as well as the broader literature on the effectiveness of HS. It also identifies research-based recommendations for improving HS and EHS practice, as well as early childhood practice more generally and identifies priorities for future research. The report also provides detail on priorities for the implementation of the recommendations within each of four content areas: quality teaching and learning; parent, family, and community engagement; health and mental health; and cultural and linguistic responsiveness.

Contact: U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Seventh Floor West, Washington, DC 20447, Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Early Head Start, Federal programs, Head Start, Program evaluation, Program improvement, Young children

Oregon Health Authority, Maternal and Child Health. 2012. Oregon home visiting needs assessment report. Salem, OR: Oregon Health Authority, 73 pp., exec. summ. (6 pp.)

Annotation: This document summarizes methods used in Oregon's home visiting needs assessment and also provides background. It describes the number and percentage of Oregonians affected by the outcomes or risk factors specified by the federal Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting program. Additional topics include the number of pregnant women, infants and children in need of home visiting; how difficult it is to access services; the needs of families served by home visiting and how often the needs were met; and how home visiting services meet families' needs (direct service or referral). [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division , 800 NE Oregon Street, Portland , OR 97232, Telephone: 971-673-0252 Secondary Telephone: Fax: (503) 947-2341 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Case management, Early Head Start, Early childhood development, Family support, Head Start, Healthy Start, Home visiting, MCH services, Needs assessment, Oregon, State programs

Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™. 2012. Bright Smiles, Bright Futures: Brushy Brushalotamus in Your Classroom—Teacher's guide for pre-K programs. New York, NY: Colgate-Palmolive Company, 12 pp. (Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™ series)

Annotation: This guide for early childhood educators focuses on oral health in young children. The activities in the guide were developed in accordance with the skill areas and child outcomes contained within the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework. Contents include five lesson plans, a coloring page, a maze, and a family pledge and certificate. Topics include toothbrushing with fluoridated toothpaste, eating healthy snacks, and visiting the dentist regularly. Additional resources are available.

Contact: Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™, 300 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Telephone: (800) 468-6502 Secondary Telephone: (212) 310-2000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Early childhood education, Educational materials, Head Start, Kindergarten, Oral health, Preschool education, School health education, Young children

U.S. Office of Head Start. 2011. The Head Start child development and early learning framework: Promoting positive outcomes in early childhood programs serving children 3-5 years old [rev.]. Washington, DC: U.S. Office of Head Start, 28 pp.

Annotation: This document provides a framework for Head Start and other programs serving children ages 3–5, including children who are dual language learners and children with special health care needs, on key elements of school readiness. The framework is intended to guide programs in making curriculum and assessment decisions and connecting child-assessment data to aspects of Head Start program design, including school readiness goals consistent with state and local expectations. Additionally, the framework is intended to guide the collection of child-assessment data for other early childhood reporting systems, if such data are locally required. Contents include a description of 11 domains of child development and early learning deemed essential for school and long-term success, domain elements, and examples. The document is available in English and Spanish.

Contact: National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety, Telephone: (888) 227-5125 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Curriculum development, Data collection, Early childhood development, Head Start, Learning, Oral health, Outcome and process assessment, School readiness, Spanish language materials, Young children

Vogel CA, Boller K, Xue Y, Blair R, Aikens N, Burwick A, Shrago Y, Lepidus Carlson B, Kalb L, Mendenko L, Cannon J, Harrington S, Stein J. 2011. Learning as we go: A first snapshot of Early Head Start programs, staff, families, and children. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica, 2 v.

Annotation: This report, which offers insights about Early Head Start (EHS) programs and staff is the first in a series on the progress of children who are enrolled in EHS and their families. Report content is based on findings from the Early Head Start Family and Child Experiences Survey. Topics include what is EHS; what services are delivered to families and how these services are individualized; and what are the characteristics of and services provided to families, special populations, and subgroups in EHS.

Contact: Mathematica , P.O. Box 2393, Princeton, NJ 08543-2393, Telephone: (609) 799-3535 Fax: (609) 799-0005 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: OPRE Report 2011-7.

Keywords: Early Head Start, Early childhood development, Early childhood education, Families, Infant development, Infants, Low income groups, Oral health, Programs, Services, Surveys, Young children

Zero To Three. 2011. Federal home visiting grants and implications for Early Head Start. Washington, DC: Zero to Three, 2 items.

Annotation: This website contains materials from a conference call held on February 23, 2011, to provide technical assistance to states on integrating Early Head Start into state early childhood systems. The conference call focused on the Supplemental Information Request (SIR) for the Submission of the Updated State Plan for a State Home Visiting Program (SIR). Topics included an overview of the SIR and the implications for Early Head Start, and home visiting planning processes in states.

Contact: ZERO TO THREE: National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families, 1255 23rd Street, N.W., Suite 350, Washington, DC 20037, Telephone: (202) 638-1144 Fax: (202) 638-0851 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Early Head Start, Federal MCH programs, Home visiting, Program planning, State MCH programs, Technical assistance

Early Head Start National Resource Center. 2011. Little voices for healthy choices: Nurturing bodies and minds from Birth to Three webcast. Washington, DC: Early Head Start National Resource Center, 1 DVD-ROM.

Annotation: This webcast focuses on Little Voices Healthy Choices, a national initiative to provide Early Head Start and migrant and seasonal Head Start programs with knowledge and strategies to positively influence families in their care. The initiative encompasses motor and brain development, nutrition, music and movement, and sleep. Arts experiences are also included in the initiative. The webinar includes a video that provides an overview of the initiative.

Contact: Early Head Start National Resource Center, Office of Head Start, Eighth Floor Portals Building, Washington, DC 20024, Telephone: (844) 261-3752 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Keywords: Art, Child health, Cognitive development, Community programs, Early Head Start, Early childhood development, Families, Infant development, Infant health, Infants, Initiatives, Low income groups, Motor development, Motor skills, National initiatives, Nutrition, Relationships, Sleep, Young children

Early Head Start National Resource Center. 2011. A closer look at the Early Head Start Home-Based Program option. Washington, DC: Early Head Start National Resource Center, 1 DVD-ROM.

Annotation: This webcast focuses on Early Head Start's home-based program option. The webcast explains why some families enrolled in Head Start choose the home-based option and discusses what the program offers. The webcast also discusses how the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act has allocated additional funds to states for home visiting programs for children and families living in at-risk communities.

Contact: Early Head Start National Resource Center, Office of Head Start, Eighth Floor Portals Building, Washington, DC 20024, Telephone: (844) 261-3752 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent parents, Early Head Start, Families, Federal programs, High risk groups, Home visiting, Infants, Low income groups, Parenting skills, Pregnant women, Relationships, Rural populations, Young children

Early Head Start National Resource Center. 2011. Reflective supervision: Putting it into practice. Washington, DC: Early Head Start National Resource Center, 1 DVD-ROM.

Annotation: This webcast, which is geared toward Head Start supervisors, focuses on reflective supervision as it relates to child care for vulnerable infants and young children. Reflective supervision allows providers and supervisors to come together to reflect on their work, share ideas, and think about possible next steps. The webcast presents reflective supervision resources and offers practical tips on how reflective supervision can be successfully implemented to support staff, families, and children.

Contact: National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety, Telephone: (888) 227-5125 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child care, Child development, Early Head Start, Family relations, Head Start, Infant development, Infants, Low income groups, Professional training, Relationships, Staff development, Supervision, Young children

U.S. Office of Head Start. 2011. First National Birth to Five Leadership Institute: Leading the Way for Children, Families and Communities—Institute program. Washington, DC: U.S. Office of Head Start, 74 pp.

Annotation: This program outlines the Office of Head Start 1st National Birth to Five Leadership Institute held October 3-5, 2011, in Washington, D.C. The program describes the purpose of the institute and its goals and summarizes the events and sessions taking place during the Institute. The program also lists and describes the six National Head Start Centers and provides contact information for all presenters. Topics explored during the Institute related to early childhood development; evidence-based care and early learning; and opportunities for program improvement in the Early Head Start program.

Contact: U.S. Office of Head Start, 330 C Street, S.W., #4301, Washington, DC 20201, Telephone: (202) 205-8347 Secondary Telephone: (866) 763-6481 Fax: (202) 260-9336 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Conference proceedings, Early Head Start, Early childhood development, Early childhood education, Federal initiatives, Program improvement

U.S. Children's Bureau. 2011. Tip sheet for early childhood-child welfare partnership: Policies and programs that promote educational access, stability, and success for vulnerable children and families. Washington, DC: Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2 pp.

Annotation: This tip sheet provides information about federal polices and programs that promote access to high-quality, stable early care and education for children in the child welfare system and opportunities for strengthening collaborations between early childhood and child welfare systems. The tip sheet discusses the following topics: (1) Head Start eligibility, (2) child care subsidies, (3) child abuse prevention and treatment, and (4) use of Title IV-E funds. The following opportunities are also presented: (1) the Fostering Connections to Success and Increasing Adoptions Act of 2008, (2) the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program, and (3) state advisory councils.

Contact: Child Welfare Information Gateway, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Children's Bureau, 1250 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Eighth Floor, Washington, DC 20024, Telephone: (800) 394-3366 Secondary Telephone: E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adoption, Child abuse, Child care, Child welfare agencies, Collaboration, Costs, Early childhood education, Eligibility, Federal programs, Financing, Foster children, Head Start, Home visiting, Legislation, Prevention, Public policy, Service delivery systems, State programs, Treatment, Young children

Del Grosso P, Akers L, Heinkel L. 2011. Building partnerships between Early Head Start grantees and family child care providers: Lessons from the Early Head Start for Family Care Project—Final report. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research, ca. 125 pp.

Annotation: This report evaluates the Early Head Start for Family Child Care Project, which was designed to develop and pilot strategies for building Early Head Start and family child care partnerships. It documents the characteristics of the participating Early Head Start grantees, their child care partners, the Child Care Partnership Coordinators, and the communities in which they operate. The report describes how the work was implemented at local and state levels, including how much progress was made toward reaching targeted outcomes and what types of partnerships were formed to support collaboration. It also addresses the sustainability of the partnerships formed through the project and highlights lessons learned about collaborations designed to create a more seamless service delivery for families.

Contact: National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety, Telephone: (888) 227-5125 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child care, Collaboration, Early Head Start, Families, Program evaluation

National Infant and Toddler Child Care Initiative and Early Head Start for Family Child Care Project. 2011. Promoting local partnerships between child care and Early Head Start: Ideas for state leaders. Washington, DC: National Infant and Toddler Child Care Initiative and Early Head Start for Family Child Care Project, 12 pp.

Annotation: This technical assistance brief provides information about specific state policy choices that impact how easy or difficult it is to develop a formal partnership agreement between child care providers and Early Head Start grantees. The brief is organized according to the following key functions of a comprehensive state early childhood system: (1) define and coordinate leadership, (2) finance strategically, (3) enhance and align standards, (4) create and support improvement strategies, (5) recruit and engage stakeholders, and (6) ensure accountability.

Contact: National Center on Health, Behavioral Health, and Safety, Telephone: (888) 227-5125 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Accountability, Child care, Early Head Start, Families, Financing, Infants, Initiatives, Leadership, Low income groups, Public policy, Service delivery systems, State programs, Young children

U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation. 2011. Head Start children, families, and programs: Present and past data from FACES. Washington, DC: U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, 39 pp. (OPRE report 2011-33a)

Annotation: This report and accompanying data tables provide a portrait of children entering Head Start for the first time in fall 2009, as well as of their family backgrounds and the classrooms and programs that serve them. The report also offers comparisons across the past decade of the Head Start program to delineate trends and changes in the population served and the services provided. The tables provide information about child cognitive and social-emotional development and child health at program entry, as well as about teacher and classroom characteristics.

Contact: U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Seventh Floor West, Washington, DC 20447, Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Cognitive developing, Early childhood development, Emotional development, Families, Head Start, Health, Low income groups, Programs, Psychosocial development, Research, Statistical data, Surveys, Young children

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.