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Search Results: MCHLine

Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (5,395 total).

Pennsylvania Department of Health. n.d.. Local governance leads to strong families and strong communities. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Department of Health, 20 pp.

Annotation: This report looks at the philosophy of Pennsylvania's "Strong Families/Strong Communities" campaign, which stresses the importance of local governance and community strategies to state initiatives designed to preserve families and strengthen communities. It provides descriptions of state strategies and programs that involve community action designed to improve child and family outcomes.

Contact: Pennsylvania Department of Health, Health and Welfare Building, 625 Forster Street, Eighth Floor West, Harrisburg, PA 17120, Telephone: (877) 724-3258 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child advocacy, Community based services, Community programs, Families, Family preservation programs, Local initiatives, Outreach

New York State Department of Health, Center for Community Health, Division of Epidemiology, Injury Control Program. n.d.. Violence prevention demonstration projects: Project summaries. Albany, NY: New York State Department of Health, Injury Control Program, 6 pp.

Annotation: This report summaries of five model programs in violence prevention supported by the New York State Department of Health. Several programs focus on training for youth and parents. Other topics addressed include mentoring, community service, mediation, conflict resolution, and rape crisis services.

Keywords: Model programs, New York, Violence prevention

Close AK, ed. n.d.. Nutrition education in child feeding programs in the developing countries. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State, Agency for International Development, Office of Nutrition, 44 pp.

Annotation: This manual is intended to assist village workers at the grass roots level and others in developing countries in teaching mothers and children about the foods children need for growth and health and how to use local foods to improve their diets. Some topics in the manual are: 1) setting goals to fit your community, 2) general rules for teaching, 3) working with mothers of preschool children, and 4) teaching children in school feeding programs. An appendix includes weight and height charts, a questionnaire for learning children's food habits, and other helpful publications. It was prepared in cooperation with the Maternal Child Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Contact: U.S. Agency for International Development, Technical Assistance Bureau, Washington, DC 20523 , Price unknown.

Keywords: Child nutrition, Child nutrition programs, Developing countries, Nutrition disorders, Nutrition education, Nutrition services, Training materials

Mandel CR, Hutchins VL. n.d.. Maternal and Child Health Block Grant legislative history, Vol. 1: 1981. Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, ca. 250 pp.

Annotation: This notebook binder contains an assemblage of documents from 1981 on the consolidation of seven federal categorical programs into one maternal and child health services block grant. The documents include (1) a summary; (2) Public Law 97-35, Maternal and Child Health Services Block Grant Act; (3) an interpretation regarding the termination of certain grants; (4) final rules on the implementation of block grants; (5) House bill 3982; (6) Senate bill 79-492; (7) Senate report 1377; (8) conference report; (9-10) comparison of the House and Senate bills by the Association of State and Territorial MCH and Crippled Children Directors and by the American Academy of Pediatrics; (11) an additional conference report; (12) an excerpt from the Congressional Record; and (13) a work group memo regarding definitions to accompany the MCHS block grant act.

Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Block grants, Federal MCH programs, History, Social Security Act, Title V

Bogenschneider K, Small S, Riley D. n.d.. An ecological, risk-focused approach for addressing youth-at-risk issues. Chevy Chase, MD: National 4-H Center, 24 pp.

Annotation: This paper presents a prevention model to reduce problem behavior in adolescents by identifying risk factors and protective factors in an adolescent's environment and targeting gaps between the two at all stages of the adolescent's environmental system—individual, family, peers, school, work, and community. The paper reviews current research on risk and protective factors that influence the well being of youth and suggests implications of this research for developing comprehensive community based prevention programs.

Contact: National 4-H Council, 7100 Connecticut Avenue, Chevy Chase, MD 20815, Telephone: (301) 961-2800 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent behavior, Community programs, Environmental influences, Models, Prevention programs, Protective factors, Risk factors

Western Pennsylvania Caring Foundation. n.d.. Public/private partnerships: A working model for children's health care. Pittsburgh, PA: Western Pennsylvania Caring Foundation, 1 video (VHS 1/2 inch).

Annotation: This videotape describes the Caring Program for Children and the Children's Health Insurance Program (Blue Cross/Blue Shield's BlueCHIP program) in Pennsylvania. It depicts the health care needs of children living in poverty and children of the uninsured working poor who do not qualify for Medicaid assistance, and explains the unique funding of this collaborative program. Appearances by Fred Rogers of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" and by local medical and government officials underscore the need for this type of program, the reasons for its success, and the ways that public and private resources can join together to help ensure access to primary health care for children. The videotape concludes with a television clip describing the program on NBC's "America Close Up." [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Access to health care, Audiovisual materials, Child health, Corporate programs, Insurance, Local MCH programs, Medical assistance, Pennsylvania, Primary care, Public private partnerships, Videotapes

Saenz T. n.d.. Family curriculum. Honolulu, HI: Baby S.A.F.E. Hawaii, and Big Island Substance Abuse Council, 16 pp.

Annotation: This document outlines a curriculum for families that includes information on self-knowledge, awareness of the effects of alcohol and other drugs, and developing more effective behavior. The materials used in classes are not included with the document. Baby S.A.F.E. is funded by the Hawaii State Department of Health, Maternal and Child Health Branch, and emphasizes prevention, early intervention, and treatment of substance-abusing women who use alcohol, tobacco, and legal or illegal drugs.

Contact: Hawaii Department of Health, Maternal and Child Health Branch, Baby S.A.F.E. Program, 741-A Sunset Avenue, Room 208, Honolulu, HI 96816, Telephone: (808) 733-9022 Fax: (808) 733-9032 Web Site: Price unknown.

Keywords: Curricula, Families, Prevention programs, Substance abuse, Treatment, Women

Hallstrom BJ. n.d.. Utilization of nursing personnel: A task specific approach. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project , 14 pp. (Comment series no: 0-7 (30))

Annotation: This paper seeks to establish a theoretical rationale for task delegation of nursing personnel based on the concept of independent and delegated functioning. Preliminary findings from a study of how a sample of projects are utilizing nursing and other personnel in performance of selected tasks is also presented, along with their view as to ideal utilization of personnel for performing these tasks, and the consensus of their judgment as to the type, whether independent or delegated, each task is deemed to be. Such task analysis is discussed as the first step in developing the criteria for interchangeability of personnel and delegation of tasks, and for optimal utilization of personnel within comprehensive health care programs. This paper is produced as part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title V. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Children and Youth Projects, Nurses, Personnel management, Program evaluation, Title V programs

Tunick FL, Butterweck JE, Landman PD. n.d.. Parental evaluation of health care delivery in a children and youth project. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project , 9 pp. (Comment series no: 0-7 (31))

Annotation: The purpose of this paper is to describe a method used to assess community acceptance of a program to deliver comprehensive health care to children of low income families in New York City and to report the results. This paper is produced as part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title II. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Children and Youth Projects, Comprehensive health care, Federal MCH programs, Low income groups, New York, Program evaluation, Program evaluation, Questionnaires

Haugen IH. n.d.. A comparison between the social work profession and the nursing profession: Philosophy, theory and practice. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project , 25 pp. (Comment series no: 0-10 (34))

Williams JR, ed., Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center, Comprehensive Child Care Project Staff. n.d.. Mount Zion survey: Housing, nutrition, education. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project , 17 pp. (Comment series no: 1-5 (37))

Annotation: This paper reports a survey to make the Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center, Comprehensive Child Care Project Staff knowledgeable and able to support all expressions of concern with substantive information. The survey among a sample of project families attempted to delineate the family's housing situation in regard to space, safety and sanitation; the nutritional status in regard to availability of food, shopping practices and dietary intake; and the children's educational placement and experiences in school and the parents' perception of the schools. The survey is also designed to document the adequacy and effectiveness of existing social services and agencies in the community to deal with these problems. This paper is produced as part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title V. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Children and Youth Projects, Comprehensive health care, Educational factors, Federal MCH programs, Housing, Nutritional status, Program evaluation, Social services, Surveys, Title V programs

McIntire MS, Mitchell JR. n.d.. Comprehensive health care delivery for children and youth: A combined approach. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project Staff, 7 pp. (Comment series no: 2-1 (41))

Annotation: This paper reports a Children and Youth Project conducted by combining the forces of a medical school and a health department, by maintaining role differentiation in respect to education and service, and by developing a Central Health Record and communication system to develop and increase comprehensive health services for children and youth residing in the target areas of poverty. This paper is produced as part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title V. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Adolescent health programs, Child health programs, Children and Youth Projects, Communication, Comprehensive health services, Interagency cooperation, Medical records, Medical schools, Poverty, Program evaluation, Public health agencies, Title V programs

Gedgoud JL, McIntire MS. n.d.. Progress report of a combined approach for children and youth services. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project Staff, 11 pp. (Comment series no: 3-2 (45))

Annotation: This report demonstrates graphically how a combination of a health department and a medical school compress to the national average of all Children and Youth projects. This paper is produced as part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title V. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Adolescent health programs Comprehensive health services, Child health programs, Children and Youth Projects, Communication, Interagency cooperation, Medical records, Medical schools, Poverty, Program evaluation, Public health agencies, Title V programs

Larsen B. n.d.. The role of theoretical research and model building in the health care sciences. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project Staff, 18 pp. (Comment series no: 3-6 (46))

Davidson GB. n.d.. Toward the control of lead poisoning in children: A cost/benefit analysis. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project Staff, 46 pp. (Study series no.: 1-6 (9a))

Annotation: This paper evaluates the general worth of a specified lead poisoning control program confined to the Children and Youth Projects' child population only. The sensitivity of the cost/benefit model to the assumptions of the paper as well as to the input data considered is considered. The expected benefit of the proposed lead poisoning control program is compared to the expected cost. This paper is part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title V. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Adolescent health programs, Child health programs, Children and Youth Projects, Cost effectiveness, Federal MCH programs, Lead poisoning, Lead poisoning prevention programs, Title V programs

Swartz JM. n.d.. Development of study of the nutritional status of children and youth registrants. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project Staff, 46 pp. (Study series no.: 1-7 (16))

Annotation: This paper is a proposal for a study to make recommendations for improvement of delivery of nutritional services in programs supported by the Maternal and Child Health Service, as well as in the development of future programs. The need for such studies, the relationship of the Children and Youth Project, the purpose and design of the proposed study, development of the observation instrument, a pilot study, and summary of study modifications are presented. This paper is part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title V. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Child health programs, Child nutrition, Children and Youth Projects, Federal MCH programs, Research, Title V programs

Larsen B. n.d.. Activity analysis III: The duality aspect of linear programming. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project, 24 pp. (Study series no.: 0-3 (28))

Annotation: This paper is part of a series on activity analysis to give the conceptual and methodological framework necessary for the application of activity analysis to health care problems in general, and to the management of Children and Youth Program projects in particular. In this first paper in the series the general linear programming problem is formulated, and a number of possible applications in the health care field are suggested. The specific purpose of this paper is to serve as a supplement to the other expositions of the problem, focusing on the duality aspect of linear programming. This paper is part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title II. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Adolescent health programs, Child health programs, Children and Youth Projects, Comprehensive health care, Federal MCH programs, Statistical analysis

Green FC, Joyner EN. n.d.. The Roosevelt Hospital pediatric comprehensive care program single visit total health assessment. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project, 10 pp. (Comment series no.: 8-4 (6))

Annotation: This paper discusses the total health assessment of a pediatric patient at one clinic visit carried out in a Children and Youth Program Title II project. Staffing, the site and demography of the program, procedure, scheduling of patients, screening elements, and case review and evaluation are explained. This paper is part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title II. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Child health programs, Children and Youth Projects, Clinics, Comprehensive health care, Federal MCH programs, Pediatric care

De Geyndt W. n.d.. Evaluation of health programs: An annotated bibliography. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project, 107 pp. (Comment series no.: 8-9 (9))

Annotation: This bibliography is a revision and updating of comment series no. 7-9 (4) with the addition new sources and annotations for all sources. This publication supersedes the previous non-annotated bibliography, "Bibliography on Evaluation of Health Programs." This is part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title V. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: .Comprehensive health care, Adolescent health programs, Bibliographies, Child health programs, Children and Youth Projects, Federal MCH programs, Health services, Program evaluation, Title V programs

Weckwerth VE. n.d.. The comprehensive hardware store: An analogy prepared in response to a request for the difference between comprehensive health care and other care. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project, 6 pp. (Comment series no.: 8-9 (10))

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.