Guise J, Eden K, Emeis C, Denman MA, Marshall N, Fu R, Janik R, Nygren P, Walker M, McDonagh M. 2010. Vaginal birth after cesarean: New insights. Rockville, MD: U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, ca. 400 pp. (Evidence report/technology assessment; no. 191) Annotation: This systematic review was conducted to inform the 2010 National Institutes of Health Consensus Development Conference on emerging issues relating to vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC). The report reviews two background questions: (1) what are the rates and patterns of utilization of trial labor after prior cesarean, VBAC, and repeat cesarean deliveries in the United States? and (2) what are the nonmedical factors that influence the patterns and utilization of trial labor after prior cesarean? The report also addresses four key questions: (1) Among women who attempt trial of labor after prior cesarean, what is the vaginal delivery rate, and what are the factors that influence it? (2) What are the short- and long-term benefits and harms to the mother of attempting trial of labor after prior cesarean vs. elective repeat cesarean, and what factors influence benefits and harms? (3) What are the short- and long-term benefits and harms to the infant of maternal attempt at trial of labor after prior cesarean vs. elective repeat cesarean, and what factors influence benefits and harms? And (4) what are the critical gaps in the evidence for decision-making, and what are the priority investigations needed to address these gaps? Contact: U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, Telephone: (301) 427-1104 Secondary Telephone: (301) 427-1364 Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: AHRQ Pub. No. 10-E001. Keywords: Cesarean section, Childbirth, Pregnancy, Repeat cesarean birth, Research, Vaginal birth after cesarean |