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Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 9 (9 total).

Carney C, McGehe D, Harland K, Weiss M, Raby M. 2015. Using naturalistic driving data to assess the prevalence of environmental factors and driver behaviors in teen driver crashes. Washington, DC: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 69 pp.

Annotation: This report presents findings from a study to examine naturalistic data from crashes that involved adolescent drivers. Topics include characteristics of drivers and passengers, roadway and environment, crashes, vehicle-to-vehicle crashes, and single-vehicle crashes; and driver and passenger behaviors. Contents include a detailed description of the study methodology and the coding sheet with variable definitions.

Contact: AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 607 14th Street, N.W., Suite 201, Washington, DC 20005, Telephone: (202) 638-5944 Fax: (202) 638-5943 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents, Behavior, Data analysis, Environment, External cause of injury codes, Motor vehicle crashes, Research methodology, Risk factors, Risk taking, Safety, Transportation injuries, Unintentional injuries

American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 2014. Bicycle safety curriculum. Reston, VA: American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance; Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 3 items.

Annotation: This curriculum is designed to help elementary-, middle-, and high-school-educators and recreation professionals teach safe bicycling to children. The two-part curriculum is aligned with the National Standards for K-12 Physical Education and includes lessons and assessments for the skills and knowledge students need to enjoy safe bicycling. It also contains a guide for parents on ways they can support safe bicycling, including guidance on selecting an appropriate bicycle and helmet for their child.

Contact: SHAPE America–Society of Health and Physical Educators, 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1598, Telephone: (800) 213-7193 Fax: (703) 476-9527 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Bicycle helmets, Bicycle safety, Consumer education materials, Curricula, Injury prevention, Recreational safety, School age children, Schools, Transportation injuries

National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention. 2012. National action plan for child injury prevention: An agenda to prevent injuries and promote the safety of children and adolescents in the United States. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Division of Unintentional Injury Prevention, 91 pp.

Annotation: This action plan describes goals and actions in six domains that inform concrete actions within the field of injury prevention to reduce child and adolescent injury in the United States. The six domains include data and surveillance, research, communication, education and training, health systems and health care, and policy. Injury prevention efforts are discussed for motor vehicle crashes, suffocation, drowning, as well as fires, burns, and falls. The plan concludes with a summary of goals and actions. An archive of the September 10, 2013 webinar broadcast of part I is available.

Contact: National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4770 Buford Highway, N.E., Mailstop F-63, Atlanta, GA 30341-3717, Telephone: (800) CDC-INFO Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 Fax: (770) 488-4760 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents, Burns, Children, Drowning, Falls, Infants, Injury prevention, Safety, Suffocation, Transportation injuries, Unintentional injuries

Levi J, Segal LM, Kohn D. 2012. The facts hurt: A state-by-state injury prevention policy report. Washington, DC: Trust for America's Health, 75 pp. (Issue report)

Annotation: This report provides information about state injury prevention policies and about recommendations for evidence-based strategies to reduce injuries in the United States. It focuses on a series of 10 injury-prevention indicators across each state that, collectively, offer an overview of areas of strength and weakness in the state's injury-prevention policies. Topics include vehicle injuries; violence-related injuries; falls; drowning; sports- and recreation-related injuries; injuries from poisoning; research tools for reducing injuries; and fire-related injuries.

Contact: Trust for America's Health, 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 900, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 223-9870 Fax: (202) 223-9871 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Burns, Drowning, Falls, Injuries, Injury prevention, Poisoning, Recreational injuries, Research, Sports injuries, State initiatives, Transportation injuries, Violence

Children's Safety Network . 2012. Focus on bicycle safety: Resource guide 2012. Newton, MA: Children's Safety Network , 8 pp.

Annotation: This document contains data on bicycle-related injuries, information about bicycle helmet laws, prevention strategies and programs, evaluations of the effectiveness of wearing bicycle helmets and of making environmental changes to support safe bicycling, policies and campaigns to encourage bicycling, and bicycle helmet ratings and other safety guidelines. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Children's Safety Network, Education Development Center, 43 Foundry Avenue, Waltham, MA 02453-8313, Telephone: (617) 618-2918 Fax: (617) 969-9186 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Bicycle helmets, Children, Environmental influences, Injuries, Injury prevention, Legislation, Prevention programs, Resources for professionals, Safety, Transportation injuries

National Safe Kids Campaign. 1991. Safe kids buckle up: A child occupant protection strategy. Washington, DC: National Safe Kids Campaign, 190 pp.

Annotation: This manual was developed as a guide for implementing a community-based child occupant protection campaign. It incorporates the Campaign's approach in four areas of injury control: education, engineering, enactment and enforcement, and evaluation. It includes models for discount and loan programs. Numerous appendices include buying guides, survey forms, fact sheets, tips on keeping children happy as passengers, children with special needs, lists of laws, and a resource materials list.

Contact: Safe Kids Worldwide, 1301 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W., Suite 1000, Washington, DC 20004-1707, Telephone: (202) 662-0600 Fax: (202) 393-2072 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Price unknown.

Keywords: Car seats, Child safety, Children, Coalitions, Community programs, Consumer education, Data collection, Injury prevention, Legislation, Media campaigns, Occupants, Program development, Publicity, Resources for professionals, Safety, Seat belts, Special health care needs, Transportation injuries

Children's Safety Network. 1991. A data book of child and adolescent injury. Washington, DC: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, 69 pp., 41 slides.

Annotation: This data book and a related set of slides present information on the nature and incidence of unintentional and intentional injuries among U.S. children and adolescents ages 1–19. The book is divided into five sections: (1) Overview—comparisons between injury and diseases, international comparisons; (2) mortality—major causes of injury by developmental stage, mortality data compared to morbidity data; (3) unintentional injury—motor vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, drowning and near drowning, fires and burns, unintentional firearms, poisoning, falls, occupational injuries, farm injuries, sports, toys and recreational equipment; (4) violence—homicide, assault, suicide, child abuse and neglect, rape; and (5) interventions—chart by age group, the cost of injury, suggestions for ways to prevent child and adolescent injury. An appendix presents 1988 injury mortality rates for children ages 1–4, 5–9, 10–14, and 15–19, for 11 major injury categories. Federal agencies contributing data include the National Center for Health Statistics, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Consumer Product Safety Commission, Department of Justice, and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: HRSA Info. Ctr. MCHE049; MCHF098 (slides), MCHF108 (brochure); book ERIC ED 342 152.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adolescents, Advocacy, Audiovisual materials, Child development, Child health, Children, Costs, Data, Firearm injuries, Infants, Injuries, Integration, Morbidity, Mortality, Occupational injuries, Planning, Preschool children, Recreational injuries, Residential injuries, Safety equipment, Schools, Slides, Suicide, Toddlers, Transportation injuries, Violence

Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Division of Family Health Services, Statewide Comprehensive Injury Prevention Program. 1987. Injuries in Massachusetts: A status report. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Department of Public Health, 94 pp.

Annotation: This document presents a picture of injuries in the State of Massachusetts in a five-year period. The surveillance and research produced a look at how injuries occur and to whom, the number and rate of injuries at the local level and made recommendations on injury prevention programming for Massachusetts. Injury pictures produced profiles on age, sex, cause of injury, potential years of life lost and a breakdown of injuries by locality. Specific interventions and recommendations were included in the conclusion. A summary report is also available. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Injury Prevention and Control Program, 250 Washington Street, Fourth Floor, Boston, MA 02108, Telephone: (617) 624-5557 Contact Phone: (617) 727-1246 Available in libraries.

Keywords: Data, Emergency room data, External cause of injury codes, Hospital discharge data, Injury prevention, Intervention, Mortality, Needs assessment, Population surveillance, Research, Residential injuries, State plans, Transportation injuries

Trinkoff AM, Teret SP, Rattiner JL, Baker SP. 1983. Enlisting health departments in highway safety programs. Washington, DC: National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Springfield, VA: distributed by National Technical Information Service, 51 pp.

Annotation: This report concerns a project designed to determine the level of state health department involvement in highway safety activities. Content activities under study were: child passenger protection, motorcycle helmet laws, alcohol and impaired driving prevention, and emergency medical services. These were observed in cluster groups of states. Also a look was given to the fifty-five mile per hour speed limit. A look was taken at cooperative agencies within the state to gauge implementation efforts, at barriers to cooperation, and recommendations on overcoming barriers.

Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 Contact Phone: (703) 487-4650 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: DOT HS 806 531.

Keywords: Emergency medical services, Impaired driving, Injury prevention, Intervention, Legislation, Motor vehicles, Occupant restraints, Policy statements, Program development, State health agencies, Transportation injuries


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.