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Displaying records 1 through 20 (22 total).

Dougherty RH, Strod D. 2014. Building consensus on residential measures: Recommendations for outcome and performance measures. Lexington, MA: DMA Health Strategies, 18 pp., plus appendices.

Annotation: This paper reviews efforts to promote consensus on outcome and performance measures and youth/family outcomes for residential programs for youth and families. The paper summarizes various instruments that have been tested, identifies measurement strategies for child and family serving systems and residential programs to implement, presents a proposed core set of measures, and outlines steps to be taken in a consensus-building process for review of the measures.

Contact: DMA Health Strategies, 9 Meriam Street, Suite 4, Lexington, MA 02420, Telephone: (800) 814-7802 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Health care systems, Measures, Outcome evaluation, Residential care, Residential facilities, Residential programs, Service delivery systems

Building Bridges Initiative. 2014. Supporting siblings when a brother or sister is receiving residential interventions: Key issues and tips for providers and families. [no place]: Building Bridges Initiative, 11 pp. (A Building Bridges Initiative tip sheet)

Annotation: This tip sheet provides an overview of key issues and tips for supporting siblings when a brother or sister is receiving residential interventions for behavioral and/or emotional challenges. Contents include background on why it is important to support siblings and strategies for families and other caregivers.

Contact: Building Bridges Initiative, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Behavior problems, Family centered services, Family support programs, Mental health, Residential care, Siblings

Antonishak J, Finley C, Suellentrop K. 2014. Implementing an evidence-based pregnancy prevention program for youth in out-of-home care: Lessons learned from five implementing agencies. Washington, DC: National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, 6 pp.

Annotation: This report offers guidance and promising practices for implementing the adapted Making Proud Choices (MPCs) curriculum for youth in out-of-home care. Contents include lessons learned from implementation of the program in the following five geographically- and organizationally-diverse teams: Alameda County (California), Hawaii, Minnesota, North Carolina, and Rhode Island. Topics include creating partnerships, identifying gaps and special needs, measuring fidelity, and sustainability.

Contact: National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy = Power to Decide, 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 478-8500 Fax: (202) 478-8588 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, California, Hawaii, Measures, Minnesota, Model programs, North Carolina, Prevention programs, Public private partnerships, Residential care, Rhode Island, Sustainability

Dawkins-Lyn N, Jacobs E, Cheung K, Revels M, Carver L, Krol D. 2013. Dental professionals in non-dental settings. Princeton, NJ: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 32 pp. (Synthesis report)

Annotation: This report focuses on nine oral health innovations seeking to increase access to preventive oral health care in non-oral-health settings. Topics include a description of program settings (Head Start programs, schools, and senior center and other residential facilities) and strategies used in service delivery (referral systems, work force adaptations, funding mechanisms, consent procedures, telehealth technology, and incentives).

Contact: Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, 50 College Road East, Princeton, NJ 08540-6614, Telephone: (877) 843-7953 Fax: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Adults, Head Start, Model programs, Oral health, Prevention services, Residential facilities, School age children, Schools, Service delivery systems, Work force, Young children

Allen KD, Pires SA, Brown J. 2010. Systems of care approaches in residential treatment facilities serving children with serious behavioral health needs. Hamilton, NJ: Center for Health Care Strategies, 12 pp. (Issue brief)

Annotation: This issue brief describes the findings of a national survey of residential treatment facilities (RTFs) serving children and youth with serious behavioral health challenges. It explores the extent to which system of care principles are reflected in RTF policies and practices and how they provide home- and community-based services.

Contact: Center for Health Care Strategies, 200 American Metro Boulevard, Suite 119, Hamilton, NJ 08619, Telephone: (609) 528-8400 Fax: (609) 586-3679 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent mental health, Behavior disorders, Child mental health, Health services delivery, Residential care

Hodas GR. 2006. Responding to childhood trauma: The promise and practice of trauma informed care. [Alexandria, VA: National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors], 77 pp.

Annotation: This paper builds on efforts by the National Technical Assistance Center for Mental Health Planning, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, and others to increase appreciation of the relevance of trauma in understanding children and planning to meet their needs. The paper focuses primarily on child maltreatment and on children in institutional settings such as juvenile detention facilities. It is organized into two main parts. Part 1 discusses the challenges of childhood trauma, and part 2 addresses meeting the challenge of trauma-informed care. A discussion, a conclusion, and suggested readings are also included.

Contact: National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors, 66 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 302, Alexandria, VA 22314, Telephone: (703) 739-9333 Fax: (703) 548-9517 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child health, Emotional trauma, Health care, Maltreated children, Mental health, Residential care, Therapeutics

Braziel DJ, ed. 1996. Family-focused practice in out-of-home care: A handbook and resource directory. Washington, DC: CWLA Press, 284 pp.

Annotation: This book presents information and advice about how to integrate family-focused practices into residential care for children and adolescents. The book contains essays covering integrating family-focused practice into group care, several lists of resources, and sample handouts. Appendices give information on the Mapping a New Direction National Advisory Committee.

Contact: Child Welfare League of America, 1726 M Street, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 688-4200 Fax: (202) 833-1689 Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 0-87868-635-5.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Family centered services, Family relations, Group homes, Parent participation, Parent professional relations, Residential care, Social services

Camp JM, Finkelstein N. 1995. Fostering effective parenting skills and healthy child development within residential substance abuse treatment settings. Cambridge, MA: Coalition on Addiction, Pregnancy and Parenting, 173 pp.

Annotation: This report presents the findings on the effects of parent training programs in two Massachusetts urban residential treatment centers for substance-abusing pregnant women. The programs included training and multiple services for the women and their infants while they were in treatment and after their discharge. The report describes the women, changes in their parenting skills and self-esteem, their assessment of the program, the infant's development, follow-up data on a sample of the women, factors that predict program retention, and implications of the findings. The program is one of a group focusing on pregnant and postpartum women and infants (PPWI). [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau and the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention]

Contact: Massachusetts Department of Public Health, Bureau of Substance Abuse Services, 250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108 , Telephone: (800) 327-5050 Secondary Telephone: (617) 536-5872 Web Site: Available in libraries.

Keywords: Children of alcoholics, Children with special health care needs, Detoxification, Drug affected children, High risk children, Massachusetts, Parent education, Parent support services, Parenting, Rehabilitation, Residential programs, Substance abusing pregnant women

U.S. General Accounting Office. 1994. Residential care: Some high-risk youth benefit, but more study needed. Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office, 75 pp.

Annotation: This report presents the conclusions of a study of residential care programs for adolescents exhibiting behaviors that leave them at high-risk. The study examined what is known about the effectiveness of these programs in preparing youths to lead self-sufficient, productive lives. It also examined what can be learned about key program characteristics important for mitigating risky behaviors of young people. The Government Accounting Office (GAO) examined 18 residential programs serving youths aged 10-17 through site visits and telephone interviews. Detailed information about each program is included in the appendix to the report.

Contact: U.S. Government Accountability Office, 441 G Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20548, Telephone: (202) 512-3000 Secondary Telephone: E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: GAO/HEHS-94-56.

Keywords: Adolescents, Programs, Residential care, Risk taking, Statistics

DeWoody M, Ceja K, Sylvester M. 1993. Independent living services for youths in out-of-home care. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America, 53 pp.

Annotation: This book reviews the needs of youths in out of home care who are making the transition to independent living. It also assesses the federal Independent Living Program, the resources the program has brought to the child welfare field, the projects it has supported, and the gaps that continue to exist. It also reports on a 1992 survey of youth-serving agencies conducted by the Child Welfare League of America.

Contact: Child Welfare League of America, 1726 M Street, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 688-4200 Fax: (202) 833-1689 Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: No. 5820.

Keywords: Adolescents, Child welfare, Federal programs, Foster care, Independent living centers, Out of home care, Residential care, Transition to independent living, Youth services

Cahn K, Johnson P, eds. 1993. Children can't wait: Reducing delays in out-of-home care. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America, 144 pp.

Annotation: This book addresses the problem of delays in the adoption process for children in foster care. It looks at the success of four projects in Michigan, Kentucky, Washington, and New York, funded under the Adoption Opportunities program of the U.S. Administration on Children, Youth and Families, Children's Bureau. The Adoption Opportunities grants were intended to reduce the length of time children waited to be legally free, by resolving problems between courts and agencies. The authors also discuss how aggressively this issue can be pursued.

Contact: Child Welfare League of America, 1726 M Street, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 688-4200 Fax: (202) 833-1689 Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: No. 5103.

Keywords: Adoption, Child welfare agencies, Federal grants, Foster care, Foster children, Legal issues, Out of home care, Residential care

Janicki MP, Krauss MW, Seltzer MM, eds. 1988. Community residences for persons with developmental disabilities: Here to stay. Baltimore, MD: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Company, 385 pp.

Annotation: This book reviews management, programmatic, and operational issues of the residential system for individuals with developmental disabilities in the United States. Topics include the background of the community residence movement; legal issues, issues facing advisory boards, financing options, and program evaluation; issues in operating a high-quality program; staffing and operational supports; and safety and design considerations.

Contact: Brookes Publishing, P.O. Box 10624, Baltimore, MD 21285-0624, Telephone: (800) 638-3775 Secondary Telephone: (410) 337-9580 Fax: (410) 337-8539 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available in libraries.

Keywords: Community based services, Developmental disabilities, Group homes, Management, Residential care

Lourie IS, Katz-Leavy J. 1985. Severely emotionally disturbed children and adolescents. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Child Development Center, National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health, 39 pp.

Annotation: This document discusses the classification of chronically emotionally disturbed children who need innovative, flexible child-centered and family-centered long-term community care. It estimates the size of this population. It discusses the services available, and the need for a continuum of care and interagency cooperation to maintain the child in the least restrictive environment, with support and therapeutic services overseen by a case manager. The aim is for the child to function in the home, community and school. Finally the paper discusses how these goals fit into the Child and Adolescent System Services Program of the National Institute of Mental Health as administered by the states.

Contact: National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health, Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development, 3300 Whitehaven Street, NW, Suite 3300, Washington, DC 20007, Telephone: (202) 687-5000 Fax: (202) 687-8899 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: $4.00 includes shipping and handling.

Keywords: Affective disorders, Case management, Community care, Family centered care, Interagency cooperation, Personality disorders, Residential programs, State mental health agencies, State programs

U.S. Bureau of Community Health Services. 1977. Studies on institutions and planning: Research to improve health services for mothers and children. Rockville, MD: U.S. Bureau of Community Health Services, 24 pp.

Annotation: This report presents summaries of six research projects concerning improvement of institutional health services for mothers and children. This report will be useful to public policy analysts, health facility administrators, caregivers, and researchers. Topics explored by the research projects include: social policy and residential child care facilities; health care for children with mental retardation residing in institutions; health care for children in day care; development of a community-wide health information system for maternal and child health program planning; and public assistance to mothers and children who are clients of the Aid to Dependent Families and Children program.

Keywords: Child health services, Children with special health care needs, Federal MCH programs, Health care delivery, Health planning, Maternal health services, Research, Residential care

Greenwood LW. 1975. Whose children? An assessment of food service needs in children's residential institutions. Washington, DC: Children's Foundation, 110 pp.

Annotation: This report describes the results of an 18-month investigation of food service needs of children's residential institutions such as such as those for the abused, the handicapped, and the incarcerated, which are excluded from existing federal child nutrition programs. The survey covered nearly 400 institutions in 19 states and the District of Columbia. Topics include current food services at these institutions, the rise and fall of donated commodities, problems facing food services, and recommendation. The document includes separate reports on area projects in the District of Columbia and in Texas.

Keywords: Child nutrition, Children with special health care needs, Food service, Residential facilities

Berryman DL. 1971. Recommended standards with evaluative criteria for recreation services in residential institutions: Part II of Enhancement of recreation service to disabled children. New York, NY: New York University, School of Education, 52 pp.

Annotation: This pamphlet was designed to suggest standards and evaluative criteria to assist hospitals or other institutions evaluate the recreation services provided to residents. They were designed primarily to evaluate recreation services provided to children and youth, however, they are also applicable to services provided to persons of all ages in a variety of residential treatment settings. Agencies can use this instrument for self study; to test new programs; to indicate areas of the program that are most effective and areas where changes are needed to bring about more desirable outcomes; and to prove that the agency is carrying on its service in the manner that is described in its statement of aims and objectives. [Funded by the Children's Bureau]

Keywords: Adolescents with special health care needs, Children with special health care needs, Evaluation methods, Hospitals, Recreation services, Residential programs

American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Children with Handicaps. 1971. The pediatrician and the child with mental retardation. Evanston, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 180 pp.

Annotation: The purpose of this book is to provide the pediatrician with up-to-date information and resources to assume a role in the treatment of children with mental retardation. The contents discuss mental retardation from the perspectives of diagnosis and evaluation, health services, genetic considerations, metabolic aspects, community services, residential care, legal considerations, psychological aspects, speech and language development, educational aspects, psychiatric considerations, nursing services, nutrition, physical therapy, and counseling.

Keywords: Children, Community programs, Counseling, Diagnosis, Evaluation, Genetics, Health services, Language development, Legal issues, Mental retardation, Metabolic diseases, Nursing services, Nutrition, Pediatricians, Physical therapy, Psychological characteristics, Residential care, Speech development

Provence S. 1967. Guide for the care of infants in groups. Washington, DC: Child Welfare League of America, 104 pp.

Annotation: This classic in the literature of child care provides recommendations on caring for dependent and neglected infants who live in institutions. Topics covered are: relationships to people and emotional growth; activity and motor development; development of the sense of self; play; speech and thought; providing a favorable environment; feeding; bedtime and sleep; the bath, diapering, and dressing; bowel and bladder control; developmental landmarks; danger signals in development; recommendations to program planners; and a personal note to those who take care of infants. Suggested readings are included.

Contact: Child Welfare League of America, 1726 M Street, N.W., Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 688-4200 Fax: (202) 833-1689 Web Site: Available in libraries.

Keywords: Groups, Infant care, Residential care

Witmer HL, ed. 1967. On rearing infants and young children in institutions. Washington, DC: U.S. Children's Bureau, 90 pp. (Children's Bureau research reports; no. 1)

Annotation: The conference whose deliberations are reported in this book considered whether child care institutions can be designed, staffed, and operated in such a way that they can adequately meet the developmental needs of infants and young children. The developmental needs of young children up to age five are discussed; specific residential institutions and day care programs are studied; problems in providing residential group care are discussed; and a summary with conclusions is provided. It is a publication of the U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau. It is a publication of the U.S. Department of Labor, Children's Bureau.

Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child care, Conferences, Institutionalization, Preschool children, Residential care

Norris M, Wallace B, eds. 1965. The known and unknown in child welfare research: An appraisal. New York, NY: Child Welfare League of America and National Association of Social Workers, 214 pp.

Annotation: This report discusses fact and theory related to child separation, residential treatment, child welfare, objective tests in child welfare research, anthropology in research in human sciences, indirect measurement in child welfare research, social planning and research, resources in child welfare research, and the institutionalization of child welfare research. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Child protective services, Child welfare, Foster care, Measures, Research, Residential care

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.