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Displaying records 1 through 19 (19 total).

Center for Reproductive Rights . 2018 . Black mamas matter: Advancing the human right to safe and respectful maternal health care. New York: NY: Center for Reproductive Rights , 92 pp,

Annotation: This toolkit is a resource for advocates who are concerned about the health and well-being of black women and girls. It takes a human rights based approach to maternal health, identifying the rights of pregnant and birthing parents and the corresponding role of government to ensure safe and respectful maternal health care for all.

Contact: Center for Reproductive Rights , 120 Wall Street , New York, NY 10005, Telephone: (917) 637-3600 Fax: (917) 637-3666 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Keywords: Advocacy , Blacks, Female children, Human rights, Maternal health, Racial factors, Reproductive rights, Women

United Nations Population Fund, International Confederation of Midwives, World Health Organization. 2014. The state of the world's midwifery: A universal pathway–A woman's right to health. New York, NY: United Nations Population Fund, 218 pp.

Syed K. 2014. Youth confidentiality in the Affordable Care Act: Approaches for ensuring greater privacy protections for vital health care. Washington, DC: Advocates for Youth, 4 pp.

Annotation: This policy brief focuses on national and state efforts to secure comprehensive confidentiality protections for young adults insured as dependents. Topics include Affordable Care Act provisions related to young adults, insurance communications that may compromise young adults' confidentiality and negatively impact their health, young adults' need for confidentiality as recognized by law and state law approaches to securing confidentiality in dependent coverage. Recommendations are included.

Contact: Advocates for Youth, 2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 419-3420 Fax: (202) 419-1448 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Communication, Confidentiality, Health care reform, Health insurance, Medical records, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Patient rights, Reproductive health, Sexual health, Transition planning, Transition to independent living, Young adults

Advocates for Youth. 2013. Abortion and parental involvement laws: A threat to young women's health and safety. Washington, DC: Advocates for Youth, 2 pp. (Policy brief)

Annotation: This policy brief argues that young people deserve the right to access the full range of reproductive and sexual health services they need, including abortion care. The brief explains why young women are at a higher risk for negative outcomes when parental involvement in abortion is state-mandated, and why medical experts oppose parental consent and notification laws. Included are statistics on the states that requirement parental involvement in minors' abortions and under what circumstances exceptions might be made (for example, for victims of sexual assault, incest, or neglect). The brief also explains that although judicial bypass is technically available in most states that mandate parental involvement, many minors either don't know it exists or don't have access to it.

Contact: Advocates for Youth, 2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 419-3420 Fax: (202) 419-1448 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Abortion, Adolescents, Patient rights, Reproductive rights, State legislation

National Council on Disability. 2012. Rocking the cradle: Ensuring the rights of parents with disabilities and their children. Washington, DC: National Council on Disability, 445 pp.

Annotation: This report analyzes how disability law and policy in the United States apply to parents with disabilities in the child welfare and family law systems. It provides a comprehensive review of the barriers and facilitators that people with intellectual, developmental, psychiatric, sensory, and/or physical disabilities experience when exercising their right to create and maintain families. It examines the pervasive and systemic discrimination against parents with disabilities and the disparate treatment that parents with disabilities and their children receive. Included are chapters that focus on parental disability and child welfare in the Native American community; custody and visitation in the family law system; and the lack of adequate adaptive services, equipment, and parental guidance in child welfare and family courts. The report also looks at support systems for parents with disabilities; promising practices to prevent the unnecessary removal and loss of children; and the need for legislation to ensure the rights of parents with disabilities and their families An examination of the impediments that prospective parents with disabilities encounter when adopting or accessing assisted reproductive technologies is also provided. The goal of this report is to advance understanding and promote the rights of parents with disabilities and their children.

Contact: National Council on Disability, 1331 F Street, N.W., Suite 850, Washington, DC 20004-1107, Telephone: (202) 272-2004 Secondary Telephone: (202) 272-2074 Fax: (202) 272-2022 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adults, Analysis, Disabilities, Legislation, Parent rights, Parents with special health care needs, Policy analysis, Reports, Reproductive rights

Dhillon J, Lefebvre C. 2011. Fact sheet: Women with disabilities and legal issues concerning reproductive health. Carrboro, NC: National Health Law Program, 11 pp.

Annotation: This fact sheet describes legal issues related to reproductive health that women with disabilities may face. It summarizes the reproductive health issues, including sterilization, termination of pregnancy, and infertility, and reports on litigation and court rulings related to the reproductive rights of women with disabilities. The report also discusses barriers to reproductive health access and biased reproductive health practices.

Contact: National Health Law Program, North Carolina Office, 1512 E. Franklin St., Suite 110, Chapel Hill, NC 27514, Telephone: (919) 968-6308 Fax: (919) 968-8855 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Legal issues, Reproductive health, Special health care needs, Women', Women', s health, s rights

Amnesty International Secretariat. 2010. Deadly delivery: The maternal health care crisis in the USA. London, United Kingdom: Amnesty International Secretariat, 138 pp.

Annotation: This report addresses maternal mortality and morbidity and the provision of health care within the context of human rights and offers recommendations to improve maternal health care in the United States. The report is based on research carried out during 2008 and 2009 by Amnesty International USA. In particular, the report focuses on maternal deaths and complications from pregnancy-related causes. The report provides recommendations and discusses maternal health and human rights, discrimination and maternal health, barriers to maternal health care services, systemic failures, and accountability.

Contact: Amnesty International Secretariat, Peter Benenson House, 1 Easton Street, London, UK WC1X ODW, Telephone: 44(0)20-7413-5500 Fax: 44(0)20-7956-1157 Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: ISBN 978-0-86210-458-0.

Keywords: Childbirth, Costs, Ethnic factors, Health care systems, Human rights, Income factors, Maternal morbidity, Maternal mortality, Pregnancy, Racial factors, Reproductive health, Women', s health

Center for Children's Advocacy, Medical-Legal Partnership Project. 2010. Adolescent health care: Legal rights of teens (4th ed.). Hartford, CT: Center for Children's Advocacy, Medical-Legal Partnership Project, ca. 96 pp.

Annotation: This document covers definitions, medical conditions and access to mental health and substance abuse treatment, reproductive health care, emancipation, HUSKY health insurance (Connecticut's Medicaid program), access to medical records, privacy rights, school based health clinics, privileged communications, mandated reporting of child abuse and neglect, statutory rape, advanced directives and living wills, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Connecticut law on bullying, access to benefits for immigrants and refugees, and utility shutoff.

Contact: Center for Children's Advocacy, Medical Legal Partnership Project, 65 Elizabeth Street, Hartford, CT 06105, Web Site: Order from the website for a charge.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adolescents, Children', Connecticut, Medicine, Patient rights, Reproductive health, State legislation, s rights

Healthy Teen Network. [2009]. Helping teens stay healthy and safe: Health care, contraception, and confidential services. Baltimore, MD: Healthy Teen Network, (Fast facts)

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information on the provision of confidential contraceptive services as an essential part of comprehensive health care and pregnancy prevention for adolescents. Contents include statistics; research findings; and information on professional organization policies and state and federal laws that help to ensure adolescents' access to contraceptive services and provide confidentiality protections. The fact sheet also provides information and tips for adolescent on rights and expectations, consenting to care, and confidentiality. Organizational resources and references are included.

Contact: Healthy Teen Network, 1501 Saint Paul Street, Suite 124, Baltimore, MD 21202, Telephone: (410) 685-0410 Fax: (410) 687-0481 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Adolescents, Confidentiality, Consent, Contraception, Pregnancy, Preventive health services, Reproductive rights

Center for HIV Law and Policy. 2009. HIV and pregnancy: Medical and legal considerations for women and their advocates. New York, NY: Center for HIV Law and Policy, 30 pp.

Annotation: This guide outlines the legal, ethical, and medical issues surrounding HIV and pregnancy in the United States. It addresses considerations for women and their advocates before, during, and after pregnancy, including HIV testing, treatment options for HIV-positive patients, and the legal rights of the expectant mother. It also discusses child birthing options and infant care practices that may help to reduce the risk of transmission from mother to child. The guide also underscores the public health advantage of treating women as active partners in their own and their newborn's treatment, and recognizing their right to appropriate counseling and medical care that accommodates their reproductive options. The guide includes an appendix of Web-based resources.

Contact: Center for HIV Law and Policy, 65 Broadway, Suite 832, New York, NY 10006, Telephone: (212) 430-6733 Fax: (212) 430-6734 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: HIV, Health care delivery, Legal issues, Medical ethics, Newborn infants, Pregnancy complications, Pregnant women, Reproductive rights

Kay JF, Jackson A. 2008. Sex, lies and stereotypes: How abstinence-only programs harm women and girls. New York, NY: Legal Momentum, 62 pp.

Annotation: This report explores issues from a roundtable meeting of experts from a range of disciplines to discuss abstinence-only programs and their particular impact on women and girls. In addition, broader academic research and original research contributed to the report. Topics include reviews of abstinence-only funding and history; domestic abstinence-only programs in practice; specific harm to women and girls, such as reinforcing stereotypes, increasing health risks, and violating human rights; how exporting the abstinence-only agenda fails women and girls internationally; and issues in looking ahead.

Contact: Legal Momentum, 395 Hudson Street, New York, NY 10014, Telephone: (212) 925-6635 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Abstinence, Federal initiatives, Female children, Reproductive health, Sexual behavior, Sexual health, Sexuality education, Women', Women', s health, s rights

Center for Reproductive Rights. 2008. Bringing rights to bear: Preventing maternal mortality and ensuring safe pregnancy—Government duties to ensure pregnant women's survival and health. [New York, NY]: Center for Reproductive Rights, 35 pp. (Briefing paper)

Annotation: This paper examines standards developed by six United Nations committees concerning a woman's right to a safe pregnancy and childbirth, and summarizes the actions of the committees regarding these standards.

Contact: Center for Reproductive Rights , 120 Wall Street , New York, NY 10005, Telephone: (917) 637-3600 Fax: (917) 637-3666 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Childbirth, Children', International organizations, International programs, Pregnancy, Reproductive health, Reproductive rights, Women', s rights, s rights

Boonstra HD, Gold RB, Richards CL, Finer LB. 2006. Abortion in women's lives. New York, NY: Alan Guttmacher Institute , 44 pp.

Annotation: This report outlines the history of reproductive choice in the United States and the role abortion plays in women's lives. Topics include contraception, unintended pregnancy, abortion before legalization, a history of legalized abortion, the long-term safety of abortion, lingering disparities in access to and utilization of abortion services, and recommendations for policies and programs. Additional information and examples are provided from international sources. Appendices include an overview of state policies on abortion and state abortion data. References are provided and statistical data are provided throughout the report.

Contact: Guttmacher Institute, 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038, Telephone: (212) 248-1111 Secondary Telephone: (800) 355-0244 Fax: (212) 248-1951; Washington, D.C. Office (202) 223-5756 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Abortion, Contraception, Contraceptive use, Family planning, National survey, Policy analysis, Pregnant women, Public policy, Reproductive rights, State surveys, Unplanned pregnancy, Unwanted pregnancy, Women', s health

Arons J. 2006. More than a choice: A progressive vision for reproductive health and rights. Washington, DC: Center for American Progress, 35 pp., exec. summ. (3 pp.).

Annotation: This report aims to articulate a full range of policies necessary to ensure reproductive freedom and health care, delineate the values associated with support for such policies, and discuss the benefits of a proposed agenda. The report also sets forth a proposed role for government in enabling individuals to make decisions about sexuality, reproduction, and family. The report, which includes an executive summary, discusses the four cornerstones of a progressive reproductive health and rights agenda, progressive values and principles for reproductive health and rights, and the benefits of a comprehensive reproductive health and rights agenda. Endnotes are included.

Contact: Center for American Progress, 1333 H Street, N.W., 10th Floor, Washington, DC 20005, Telephone: (202) 682-1611 Fax: (202) 682-1867 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Family, Health care, Human rights, Moral values, Public policy, Reproductive health, Reproductive rights, Sexuality, Women', s rights

Delgado J. 2002. Salud: A Latina's guide to total health. (Rev. ed.). Washington, DC: National Alliance for Hispanic Health, 396 pp.

Annotation: This book, a health guide for Latinas, addresses issue such as tradition vs. convention, fertility, sexuality, pregnancy, alcoholism, cancer, depression, diabetes, healthy eating, and body image. It is divided into four sections focusing on (1) being a Latina; (2) being female; (3) diseases; and (4) living well. Each chapter concludes a summary and resources section of organizations and publications, Appendices include Latinas who influenced this book; samples of a health journal, visit summary, and chart of basal body temperature; resources on advocacy; and a listing of national health information clearinghouses. An index is provided. The book is published in English and Spanish.

Contact: HarperCollins, 10 East 53rd Street, New York, NY 10022, Telephone: (212) 207-7000 Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 0-06-051196-6.

Keywords: Cancer, Consumer education materials, Cultural beliefs, Hispanic Americans, Mental health, Patient rights, Reproductive health, Self esteem, Sexuality, Spanish language materials, Women', s health promotion

Sills SR, Jaffe R, Rivera LA. 2002. Protecting reproductive health care for low-income women. New York, NY: Institute for Reproductive Health Access, 30 pp.

Annotation: This guide introduces reproductive rights advocates to the public health care system and provides potential roles to ensure access to family planning for low-income women. In addition, the guide assists legal services advocates in clarifying what advocacy for reproductive health care is allowed under the rules of the Legal Services Corporation. Topics include removing barriers for public funding of abortion; strengthening Title X funding for family planning services; protecting Medicaid; enrolling the eligible; expanding care for family planning using Medicaid waivers; the new HIFA waivers; family planning and Medicaid managed care; low income adolescents and reproductive health care; ensuring immigrant access to family planning and language services; and transportation. The guide also helps advocates of low-income Americans learn more about specific barriers to family planning and how advocates may play a role in improving access.

Contact: Institute for Reproductive Health Access, 462 Broadway, Suite 540, New York, NY 10013, Telephone: (212) 343-0114 E-mail: [email protected] Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Advocacy, Barriers, Family planning, Health care financing, Low income groups, Public health, Reproductive rights, Women

Gay K. 2001. Encyclopedia of women's health issues. Phoenix, AZ: Oryx Press, 304 pp.

Annotation: This encyclopedia for consumers defines health terms and explains the health problems and issues surrounding them. Relevant laws and court cases important to women's health issues are described. Programs and events targeted specifically at women's health needs and programs for the specific health needs of ethnic and racial minority women are included. Profiles of notable women's activists in health issues are included. The book also includes relevant organizations, selected Web sites, and reference materials for further information. The book concludes with an index.

Keywords: Economic factors, Encyclopedias, Family planning, Pregnancy, Reproductive health, Reproductive rights, Social factors, Women', Women', Working women, s health, s rights

Institute for Women's Policy Research. 1996. The status of women in the states: Politics, economics, health, demographics. Washington, DC: Institute for Women's Policy Research, 64 pp.

Annotation: This statistical compilation assesses the status of women at the state level with regard to these topics: political involvement, employment and earnings, economic autonomy, reproductive rights, health and vital statistics, and demographics. It gives baseline data women's advocates can use to improve the condition of women at the state level. The data are presented in various forms: textual summaries, maps, graphs, and tables. Appendices include information on the methodology used, terms and sources, and national resources, among other information.

Contact: Institute for Women's Policy Research, 1200 18th Street, N.W., Suite 301, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 785-5100 Fax: (202) 833-4362 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: $10.00, nonmembers; $8.00, members; price includes shipping and handling; prepayment required. Document Number: ISBN 1-878428-32-2; Item no. R103.

Keywords: Demographics, Employment, Health, Participation, Political systems, Reproductive rights, Salaries, Socioeconomic status, State data, Statistical reference sources, Vital statistics, Women

Cohen S, Taub N, eds. 1989. Reproductive laws for the 1990s. Clifton, NJ: Humana Press, 472 pp. (Contemporary issues in biomedicine, ethics, and society)

Annotation: This book is a product of the Project on Reproductive Laws for the 1990's that began with a grant from the Women's Rights Litigation Clinic at Rutgers University Law School. It discusses reproductive technologies and alternative means of reproduction being introduced into a society with worsening social and gender inequalities. It provides chapters on reproduction and access to health care, society and reproduction focusing on women of color and low-income women, reproduction policy papers and commentaries for the 1990's, hazards and interference of reproductive choice, and alternative forms of reproduction. Chapters conclude with commentaries, reference notes and appendices. The book ends with a list of contributors and a table of cases.

Contact: Humana Press, , 233 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012, Telephone: (800) 777-4643 Secondary Telephone: 973 256 1699 Fax: (973) 256-8341 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 0-89603-157-8.

Keywords: Ethical factors, Legislation, Reproductive rights, Reproductive technologies


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.