Briones-Jones M, Van Horne V. 2004. Racial and ethnic diversity in health services research: Pockets of progress but a long way to go. Washington, DC: AcademyHealth, 56 pp. Annotation: This report discusses a group of qualitative and quantitative studies undertaken to explore how to increase diversity in the field of health services research (HSR). The report addresses the following questions: (1) Are there barriers to underrepresented students entering the field, and, if so, what are they? (2) What are HSR programs doing to address barriers, and what are "best practices" for student recruitment, retention, and placement? (3) Would the creation of a fellowship have a significant impact, over time, on increasing the number of underrepresented students choosing HSR as a career? And (4) what are possible major components of a national strategy promoting HSR as a viable career option to students, especially underrepresented students? The report is divided into the following sections: (1) the project, (2) interviews, (3) focus groups, (4) online survey, (5) diversity initiatives in medicine and public health, (6) best practices, and (7) next steps and conclusion. References are included. Contact: AcademyHealth, 1150 17th Street, N.W., Suite 600, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 292-6700 Fax: (202) 292-6800 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website. Keywords: Barriers, Cultural barriers, Cultural diversity, Ethnic factors, Focus groups, Health care services, Interviews, Minority groups, Racial factors, Recruitment, Research, Retention, Students, Surveys |