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Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (134 total).

U.S. Children's Bureau. n.d.. Your child from 4 to 6. (Draft) [four to six]. [Washington, DC]: U.S. Children's Bureau, 20 pp. ([Children's Bureau publication])

Annotation: This draft version of this brochure discusses the use of child care, how children this age are unusual, children's fear of losing their mother, nutrition, giving children tasks, same sex pals, sleep needs, learning by doing, meal time, children's relationship to their father, telling untrue tales, taking the child to the doctor, using shocking language, toys, asserting independence, and planning for another baby. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child development, Pamphlets, Preschool children

Johnson J. n.d.. Parent-Pediatric Partnerships: Strengthening Families to Make the Vulnerable Invincible [Final report]. Honolulu, HI: Hawaii Department of Health, 16 pp.

Annotation: This project was a partnership between families and their medical home to develop a demonstration model for care coordination for environmentally at-risk infants and toddlers in low-income culturally diverse urban and rural settings. The families were being served as part of the eligible population under P.L. 99–457, with an individualized family support plan (IFSP) developed for each family. The target population included many families of different ethnic origins. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: NTIS PB99-133969.

Keywords: Access to Health Care, Children with Special Health care Needs, Cultural Diversity, Families, Family Centered Health Care, Family Support Programs, Hawaiians, Health Promotion, Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children, Low Income Population, PL 99-457, Parents, Preschool Children, Primary Care, Rural Population, Service Coordination, Urban Population

Hansen KA, Kaufmann RK, Saifer S. n.d.. Education and the culture of democracy: Early childhood practice. Washington, DC: Children's Resources International, 132 pp. (Step by Step: A program for children and families)

Annotation: This book provides a framework for understanding the relationship between early childhood education and the capacity to function effectively in a democracy. It offers guidance, examples, methods, and language to help prepare young children to grow within the culture of democracy. Topics include education and democracy; the child-centered classroom; creating a plan for the child-centered classroom; equality; skills, talent, and creativity; encouragement of positive behavior; development of healthy habits; communication with other children, parents, and others; family and community involvement, and the transition to elementary school.

Keywords: Child behavior, Communication, Communities, Early childhood development, Early childhood education, Elementary school children, Families, Parents, Preschool children, Young children

Healthiest State Initiative. 2020. 5 2 1 0 Healthy Choices Count: Action guide--Early care, education, after-school. Des Moines, IA: Healthiest State Initiative, 15 pp.

Annotation: This guide is part of the 5-2-1-0 Healthy Choices Count Program, an evidenced-based prevention framework to promote healthy habits. The guide discusses how early care and education sites can adopt a whole child approach to wellness and education by providing healthy foods in the classroom and cafeteria and creatively increasing physical activity throughout the day. The guide explains why the 5-2-1-0 method works and presents 10 strategies for success. It also discusses how to implement the program in an early care or education site in five steps: engage, register, implement, share, and check in.

Contact: Healthiest State Initiative, 301 Grand Avenue, Des Moines, IA 50309, Telephone: (515) 650-6854 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Nutrition, Physical activity, Preschool children, Prevention, School health programs, Young children

West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health. 2020. West Virginia oral health surveillance plan 2020-2025. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Bureau for Public Health, Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, 23 pp.

Annotation: This oral health surveillance plan for 2020–2025 updates the West Virginia's previous oral health surveillance plan to account for changes in previously existing data sources and for the availability of new data sources. The plan provides a historical perspective on oral health surveillance in the state, discusses the importance of good oral health, presents a framework for a state oral health surveillance system, and offers an operational definition of "state oral health surveillance system." Also discussed are target populations; partners and stakeholders; goals, objectives, activities, and components; oral health indicators for preschool-age children, school-age children, adults, and older adults; data sources and a data-collection timeline; and resources and sustainability.

Contact: West Virginia Department of Health, Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, State Capitol Complex, Building 3, Room 206, Charleston, WV 25305, Telephone: (304) 558-0684 Fax: (304) 558-1130 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adults, Data, Dental caries, Older adults, Oral health, Preschool children, School age children, State information, Surveillance, West Virginia

American Academy of Pediatrics, American Public Health Association, and National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education. 2019. Preventing childhood obesity in early care and education programs: Selected standards from Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards, 4rd edition (3rd ed.). Aurora, CO: National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education, 70 pp.

Annotation: This set of national standards describe evidence-based best practices in nutrition, physical activity, and screen time for early care and education programs. Contents include intervention strategies to prevent excessive weight gain in young children. The standards detail opportunities for facilities to work with families. Topics include nutrition requirements for infants, toddlers and preschoolers, and school-age children; meal service and supervision; food brought from home; nutrition education; food and nutrition service policies and plans; infant feeding policy; active opportunities for physical activity; playing outdoors; protection from air pollution while children are outside; caregivers/teachers' encouragement of physical activity; policies and practices that promote physical activity; and limiting media and computer time. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Child Care and Early Education, University of Colorado Denver, 13120 East 19th Avenue, Mail Stop F541, P.O. Box 6511, Aurora, CO 80045, Telephone: (800) 598-5437 (598-KIDS) Fax: (303) 724-0960 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Order from the website for a charge (3rd ed); available from the website (2nd ed).

Keywords: Child care, Early childhood education, Infants, National initiatives, Nutrition, Obesity, Physical activity, Policy development, Preschool children, Primary prevention, Program development, School-age children, Standards, Toddlers

National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness. [2018]. Applying consultation skills to oral health promotion. Itasca, IL: National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness,

Annotation: This video provides information about how successful consultation strategies can help child care health consultants address children’s oral health in Head Start and other early childhood education and care programs. The video discusses why good oral health in early childhood is important and includes a scenario in which a child care health consultant advises teachers in a Head Start program on how to determine whether a child with behavior issues may have an underlying health problem—specifically, an oral health problem—and how they can address it.

Contact: National Center on Early Childhood Health and Wellness, American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143, Telephone: (888) 227-5125 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Consultation, Head Start, Oral healthy, Preschool children, Preschool education, Teachers, Young children

Buran M, Parham-Lee M. 2018. Physical activity toolkit for preschool-aged children. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Public Health, 80 pp.

Annotation: This tooklit informs childcare providers, teachers and aides how to increase developmentally appropriate physical activities among children 3 to 5 years of age. Using skill cards and sample activities, it shows how to integrate activities incrementally so that exercise goals are met each day. This guide describes the benefits of healthy exercise for the development of small children, and gives recommendations on how much exercise is needed.

Contact: California Department of Public Health, Sacramento, CA Telephone: (916) 558-1784 Web Site:

Keywords: Guidelines, Physical activity, Preschool children

Connecticut State Dental Association. 2017. Connecticut cares about oral health: An oral health curriculum (rev. ed.). Southington, CT: Connecticut State Dental Association, multiple items.

Annotation: This packet is designed to help educators integrate oral health education into Connecticut's school health curricula. The packet comprises 6 lesson modules for educating students in pre-kindergarten through grade 12 about oral health and healthy behaviors. Each module lists objectives, questions, and related subject areas and can be used individually or in combination with recommended supportive activities and classroom materials. The revised online curriculum has modules for pre-kindergarten, kindergarten and grade 1, grades 2-3, grades 4-5, and grades 6-8.

Contact: Connecticut State Dental Association, 835 West Queen Street, Southington, CT 06489, Telephone: (860) 378-1800 Fax: (860) 378-1807 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Connecticut, Curricula, Oral health, Preschool education, School age children, School health education, State initiatives, Young children

Healthy Schools Network. 2016. Environmental health at school: New solutions put children first. Albany, NY: Healthy Schools Network, 28 pp.

Annotation: This report summarizes a conference held on June 6–7, 2016, in Washington, DC, to advance research, policies, and programs to reduce children's risk for environmental exposures in child care facilities and P–12 schools. Topics include opportunities for public health agencies to protect children from environmental threats in schools, state and local agency experiences in promoting healthy schools and healthy children, the Environmental Protection Agency's role in protecting children's health in child care and school settings, prevention and intervention pilots, advancing children's rights, and establishing a national children's environmental health commission.

Contact: Healthy Schools Network, 773 Madison Avenue, Albany, NY 12208, Telephone: (518) 462-0632 Fax: (518) 462-0433 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child care centers, Child safety, Children, Collaboration, Environmental exposure, Environmental health, Hazardous materials, Injury prevention, Intervention, Policy development, Preschool children, Program development, Research, Responsibility, Risk factors, Role, School age children, Schools, Systems development

Delta Dental Foundation, Michigan Dental Association Foundation. 2015. From drool to school: Caring for your child's oral health from the drool years through the school years [upd.]. [Lansing, MI]: Delta Dental Plan of Michigan, 56 pp.

Annotation: This booklet for parents provides information on how to care for an infant’s or child’s oral health from birth through the elementary school years. The booklet also includes information about how to find and pay for oral health care and activities that parents can do with their child to help them learn together about the importance of good oral health. The booklet is available in Arabic, English, and Spanish. A brochure and a video are also available.

Contact: Delta Dental Foundation, 4100 Okemos Road, Okemos, MI 48864, Telephone: (800) 524-0149 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Consumer education materials, Dental care, Infants, Michigan, Non English language materials, Nutrition, Oral health, Oral hygiene, Pregnant women, Preschool children, Preventive health services, School age children, State programs

U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early Childhood Development. 2015. Early childhood self-assessment tool for family shelters (upd.). Washington, DC: U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Early Childhood Development, 20 pp.

Annotation: This tool for shelter staff members contains recommendations and information on how family shelter environments, programming, policies, and staff can support early childhood safety and development. The tool contains recommendations for making shelter facilities safe and developmentally appropriate for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers in five areas: health and safety, wellness and development, work force standards and training, programming, and food and nutrition. The tool categorizes recommendations by the estimated amount of resources requires. Links to references referenced in the tool and an action plan form are also included.

Contact: U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary and Interdepartmental Liaison for Early Childhood Development, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Washington, DC 20447, Telephone: (202) 401-9200 Fax: (202) 205-4891 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child safety, Community action, Community health services, Early childhood development, Families, Family support programs, Homelessness, Infants, Nutrition, Policy development, Preschool children, Program development, Self evaluation, Shelters, Standards, Toddlers, Training, Work force

Healthy Schools Network. 2015. Environmental health at school: Ignored too long. Albany, NY: Healthy Schools Network, 54 pp.

Annotation: This report summarizes a national facilitated workshop held on November 9–11, 2015, in Washington, DC, to develop research and policy recommendations for addressing environmental health hazards commonly found in the nation's PK–12 schools and child care facilities. Contents include the problem statement, identifying environmental health exposures in or near schools and child care facilities, and the needs and perspectives of state and county health departments. Topics include expanding or enhancing federal and state standards and guidelines and enforcement of environmental health in schools and child care facilities; developing prevention, intervention, and tracking programs; and developing training, education, and guidance for parents and guardians and for health care and public health professionals.

Contact: Healthy Schools Network, 773 Madison Avenue, Albany, NY 12208, Telephone: (518) 462-0632 Fax: (518) 462-0433 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child care centers, Collaboration, Environmental exposure, Environmental health, Hazardous materials, Injury prevention, Law enforcement, Policy development, Preschool children, Research, Risk factors, Safety, School age children, Schools

Community Preventive Services Task Force. 2015. Social determinants of health: Center-based early childhood education. Atlanta, GA: Community Preventive Services Task Force, multiple items

Annotation: This web resource presents the Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommendations on center-based early childhood education programs to improve educational outcomes that are associated with long-term health as well as social- and health-related outcomes. Center-based early childhood education programs aim to improve the cognitive or social development of children ages three or four years. The CPSTF recommendations are based on evidence from a 2014 systematic review of 49 studies of center-based preschool programs for low-income children. The website provides a summary of results divided by education-related outcomes and social- and health-related outcomes. In addition, there are links to relevant publications.

Contact: Community Preventive Services Task Force, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Community Guide Branch, 1600 Clifton Road, N.E., MSE69, Atlanta, GA 30329, Telephone: (404) 498-6595 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Keywords: Child care centers, Early childhood education, Family support programs, Health status, Health status disparities, Literature reviews, Low income groups, Preschool children, Social factors, Socioeconomic factors, Young children

California Dental Association, Council on Community Health. 2012. Dental health education resource guide: Preschool through 2nd grade and 3rd grade through 5th grade. Sacramento, CA: California Dental Association, Council on Community Health, 29 pp.

Annotation: This guide provides information and resources to help school-age children understand the importance of good oral health and preventive oral health care. The guide is divided into two sections. The first section is designed for students in preschool through second grade and the second for students in third through fifth grades. Each section contains goals, objectives, and age-appropriate games and puzzles.

Contact: California Dental Association Foundation, 1201 K Street, Suite 1511, Sacramento, CA 95814, Telephone: (800) 232-7645 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental care, Dental hygiene, Oral health, Preschool education, Resource materials, School age children, School health education, Young children

Puma M, Bell S, Cook R, Heid C, Broene P, Jenkins F, Mashburn A, Downer J. 2012. Third grade follow-up to the Head Start Impact Study: Final report. Washington, DC: U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, 346 pp.

Annotation: This report discusses the impacts of Head Start on children and families when the children are in preschool through third grade. Topics include estimated impacts on parent-reported child oral health outcomes (care received) by year and age cohort. Information on significant subgroup impacts and differences in impact is also provided.

Contact: U.S. Administration for Children and Families, Office of Planning, Research, and Evaluation, 370 L'Enfant Promenade, S.W., Seventh Floor West, Washington, DC 20447, Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: OPRE Repot 2012-45.

Keywords: Elementary schools, Head Start, Parents, Preschool children, Program evaluation, School age children

Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™. 2012. Bright Smiles, Bright Futures: Brushy Brushalotamus in Your Classroom—Teacher's guide for pre-K programs. New York, NY: Colgate-Palmolive Company, 12 pp. (Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™ series)

Annotation: This guide for early childhood educators focuses on oral health in young children. The activities in the guide were developed in accordance with the skill areas and child outcomes contained within the Head Start Child Outcomes Framework. Contents include five lesson plans, a coloring page, a maze, and a family pledge and certificate. Topics include toothbrushing with fluoridated toothpaste, eating healthy snacks, and visiting the dentist regularly. Additional resources are available.

Contact: Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures™, 300 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10022, Telephone: (800) 468-6502 Secondary Telephone: (212) 310-2000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Early childhood education, Educational materials, Head Start, Kindergarten, Oral health, Preschool education, School health education, Young children

Lazara A, Danaher J, Kraus R, Goode S, Hipps C, Festa C. 2011. Section 619 profile. (18th ed.). Chapel Hill, NC: National Early Childhood Technical Assistance System, 74 pp.

Annotation: This publication updates information provided by state coordinators on state policies, programs, and practices under the Preschool Grants Program (Section 619 of Part B) of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Information includes: program administration, funding, interagency coordination, personnel, transition, monitoring, use of IEPs/ IFSPs, family-centered services, standards and outcomes, pre-kindergarten initiatives, initiatives for special populations, and services in least restrictive environments (LRE). The volume also includes a compilation of information on the Section 619 program from other sources: federal and state policies, data from, state training and TA systems, data on changes in children served by the program, and contact information for state and jurisdictional program coordinators.

Contact: Early Childhood Technical Assistance Center, Campus Box 8040, UNC-CH, Chapel Hill, NC 27599-8040, Telephone: (919) 962-2001 Secondary Telephone: (919) 843-3269 Fax: 919.966.7463 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Data, Early childhood education, Early intervention, Educational change, Federal grants, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B, Preschool children, State programs

Isman B. 2011. Mobile and portable dental services in preschool and school settings: Complex issues. Sparks, NV: Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors, 16 pp. (Issue brief)

Annotation: This brief highlights issues confronting communities and states providing oral health services in education settings using self-contained motorized mobile vans, nonmotorized mobile trailers, or portable dental equipment. Contents include background information on oral health services in preschools and schools and specific strategies to address key issues. Recommendations for action at the national, state, and local levels are included. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Association of State and Territorial Dental Directors, 3858 Cashill Boulevard, Reno, NV 89509, Telephone: (775) 626-5008 Fax: (775) 626-9268 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Barriers, Children, Dental care, Health services delivery, Mobile health units, Oral health, Preschool children, School age children, School linked programs

Forry N, Anderson R, Banghart P, Zaslow M, Kreader JL, Christler A. 2011. Linking home-based child care and state-funded preschool: The Community Connections Preschool Program (Illinois Action for Children)—Evaluation phase 1-implementation study. Washington, DC: Child Trends, 72 pp.

Annotation: This report evaluates the implementation stage of the Community Connections preschool program developed by the Illinois Action for Children (IAFC) to help prepare children in home-based child care for later success in school and in life. The report describes the methodology used in the evaluation of the Community Connections model (which aims to make state preschool programs available to families whose children are cared for in home settings) and presents the findings of Phase 1 of the evaluation based on interviews, observation, and other evaluative components. The report includes a discussion of the respondents' perceptions of benefits and targeted effects of the program and an analysis of respondents’ descriptions of the key activities of the Community Connections model. The report concludes with recommendations to IAFC for strengthening the Community Connections model and its implementation. Appendices include interview protocol and materials used to record observations.

Contact: Child Trends , 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1200 W, Bethesda, MD 20814, Telephone: (240) 223-9200 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child care, Illinois, Models, Preschool children, Program evaluation, Public education, State programs

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.