Magyary DL. 2003. Nursing Leadership Enhancement for Culturally Competent Care: Children and Adolescents with Special Health Care Needs, Families and Communities. Seattle, WA: Psychosocial and Community Health, University of Washington, 24 pp., plus appendices. Annotation: This report describes a program to enhance leadership in the graduate preparation of masters' and doctoral nurses who have a specialty emphasis on populations of children with special health care needs (CSHCN). The report covers program objectives, methodology, coordination, evaluation, and experience from July 1998 to June 2003. Topics include an outline of purposes, goals, and objectives; a review of project results in cultural competency, partnership building, recruitment, community outreach, and continuing education; and a description of performance outcomes before, during, and after graduate studies. Addition contents include the project relationship to Title V programs, its regional and national significance, the value added to the School of Nursing and the University of Washington community, and supports of Year 2010 national health objectives. Appendices include lists of courses taught, publications, continuing education presentations and involvement by the faculty; a list of current nursing trainees and scholarship support; examples of leadership enhancement of current students; a list of long-term trainees; graduates' descriptive biographical information; and Healthy People 2010 objectives addressed. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau] Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Photocopy available at no charge. Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Cultural sensitivity, Final reports, Leadership training, MCH research, Nurses, Nursing specialties, Outreach, Postsecondary education, Professional education |