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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

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Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (100 total).

Breakey G. n.d.. Facilitation of Primary Care Physician Participation in Preventive Health Care of Children Age 0-5 from Underserved, Diverse Cultural Populations: [Final report]. Honolulu, HI: Hawaii Family Stress Center, 30 pp.

Annotation: This project aimed to reduce the incidence of poor health characteristics among low-income, culturally diverse populations by promoting the involvement of primary care physicians (pediatricians) in early screening and intervention. Project goals included increasing the level of preventive health care for underserved children, reducing the severity of psychosocial problems, increasing physicians' sense of involvement as part of a team in providing services to project children and their families, and demonstrating a practical process for accomplishing these goals which can be replicated across the nation. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: NTIS PB93-152833.

Keywords: American Academy of Pediatrics, Child Abuse and Neglect Preventive, Continuing Education, Developmentally Delayed/Disabled, EPSDT, Hawaiians, Health Care, Health Supervision Guidelines, High risk children, Low income groups, Medicaid, Primary Care, Psychological Problems, Well Child Care

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2023. The Future pediatric subspecialty physician workforce: Meeting the needs of infants, children, and adolescents. Washington, DC: National Academies Press,

Annotation: This report outlines strategies and actions that can be taken to help ensure an adequate pediatric subspecialty physician workforce to support broad access to high quality subspecialty care and a robust research portfolio to advance the health and health care of infants, children, and adolescents. The recommendations come from the Committee on the Pediatric Subspecialty Workforce and Its Impact on Child Health and Well-Being, formed by the National Academies and a coalition of sponsors.

Contact: National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street, N.W., Keck 360, Washington, DC 20001, Telephone: (202) 334-3313 Secondary Telephone: (888) 624-8373 Fax: (202) 334-2451 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Keywords: Access to care, Adolescent health, Adolescents with special health care needs, Child health, Children with special health care needs, Pediatrics, Tertiary care, Work force

Pediatrics Supporting Parents Learning Community. 2020. Core practices, strategies, and resources for supporting social emotional development in pediatric care. Boston, MA: National Institute for Children's Health Quality, 26 pp.

Annotation: This packet provides the best strategies for participating practices so pediatric providers across the country can benefit from their learning from a quality improvement framework with 18 pediatric primary care practices to test and refine strategies to improve their effectiveness in fostering patients’ social and emotional development from birth to age 3. These core practices and strategies serve as a roadmap for the participating pediatric providers and includes additional resources developed as part of this initiative or identified as useful. The document summaries strategies for each core element and lists additional resources. Sample forms are included.

Contact: National Institute for Children's Health Quality, 30 Winter Street, Sixth Floor, Boston, MA 02108, Telephone: (617) 391-2700 Secondary Telephone: (866) 787-0832 Fax: (617) 391-2701 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Emotional development, Model programs, Parent professional relations, Pediatric care, Pediatrics, Quality improvement, Social development, Young children

Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative. 2018. Next steps in family-focused screening to address social determinants of health for young children in pediatric primary care . Baltimore, MD: The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,

Annotation: This report from the Social Determinants of Health Technical Working Group of the Maternal and Child Health Measurement Research Network discusses screening for social determinants of health (SDOH) in pediatric primary care for young children. It proposes a comprehensive 18-item screening tool covering four domains: material well-being, psychological/personal well-being, social well-being, and parent-child relationship well-being. The report outlines the rationale for SDOH screening, provides guidance on implementing screening effectively, and recommends next steps for testing and refining the proposed tool. It emphasizes that screening should lead to supportive discussions with families and appropriate follow-up, not just identification of risk factors. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Child and Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative, The Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Population, Family, and Reproductive Health, 615 North Wolfe Street, Baltimore, MD 21205, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Keywords: Assessment, Pediatrics, Primary care, Screening, Social determinants of health

Perry J, Kaufman B, Vasquez E. 2015. Strategic thinking report: LEND and DBP programs. Silver Spring, MD: Association of University Centers on Disabilities, 17 pp.

Annotation: This report summarizes findings from interviews and meetings with maternal and child (MCH) health program directors and other stakeholders about future directions for the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND) and Developmental Behavioral Pediatrics (DBP) training programs. Contents include recommendations for strategic action in the following five areas: training pipelines for LEND and DBP programs; models of training and clinical care that are accessible and can be sustained; opportunities for trainees to learn and apply principles of MCH leadership training; collaboration with Title V and other partners; and policies and practices important to LEND and DBP programs, individuals with disabilities and their families, and the professionals who serve them. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Association of University Centers on Disabilities, 1010 Wayne Avenue, Suite 1000, Silver Spring, MD 20910, Telephone: (301) 588-8252 Fax: (301) 588-2842 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Behavior development, Child development disorders, Collaboration, Developmental disabilities, Developmental pediatrics, Leadership, MCH training programs, Model programs, Pediatric neurology, Policy development, Strategic plans, Title V programs

Chazin S, Mahadevan R. 2014. Care at birth and beyond: Analysis of high-volume Medicaid pediatric and obstetric practices. Hamilton, NJ: Center for Health Care Strategies, 47 pp.

Annotation: This report examines the characteristics, quality of care, and quality improvement activities of Medicaid-contracted pediatric and obstetric practices in the fee-for-service or primary care case management delivery systems in Iowa, Arkansas, and Pennsylvania. Although drawn from the experiences of just three states, the study findings presented in the report suggest opportunities for quality improvement in Medicaid pediatric and obstetric care in states across the country. Measures reported by states and pediatric preventive care scores (compared to national averages) are displayed in exhibit tables, and key data findings from individual states are presented as spotlights.

Contact: Center for Health Care Strategies, 200 American Metro Boulevard, Suite 119, Hamilton, NJ 08619, Telephone: (609) 528-8400 Fax: (609) 586-3679 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Arkansas, Case management, Comparative analysis, Iowa, Measure, Medicaid, Obstetrical care, Pediatrics, Pennsylvania, Program improvement, Quality assurance, Service delivery systems, State initiatives, data

Kleinman RE, ed. 2013. Pediatric nutrition handbook. (7th ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 1477 pp.

Annotation: This handbook is intended to serve as a ready reference for practicing clinicians on the requirements and metabolism of specific nutrients, methods of assessing nutrition status, and the nutrition support of healthy infants, children, and adolescents, as well as children with acute and chronic illness. Topics that arise frequently in pediatric practice, such as breastfeeding, the impact of diet on long-term health, the use of fast foods and vegetarian diets, food technology and novel foods or ingredients that may become available to consumers, and food labeling are also covered in individual chapters.

Contact: American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143, Telephone: (630) 626-6000 Secondary Telephone: (847) 434-4000 Fax: (847) 434-8000 Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 978-1-58110-816-3.

Keywords: Acute diseases, Adolescents, Child health, Child nutrition, Children with special health care needs, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Food, Food labeling, Food preferences, Infant nutrition, Manuals, Nutrients, Nutrition assessment, Nutritional status, Pediatrics, Technology, Vegetarianism

Malouin R. 2013. Positioning the family and patient at the center: A guide to family and patient partnership in the medical home. Elk Grove Village, IL: National Center for Medical Home Implementation, 64 pp.

Annotation: This monograph, which is intended to enhance the resources available to pediatricians and other pediatric health professionals who are involved in or contemplating becoming involved in implementing the patient- and family-centered medical home model in their practices, includes case studies focusing on 17 pediatric practices nominated by their peers or patients as exemplary patient- and family-centered medical homes. Each case study includes basic information about the practice, an overview of the practice, and a discussion of strategies or tools used and lessons learned. Implications for practice and policy are also discussed. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home, American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143, Telephone: (847) 434-7605 Secondary Telephone: (800) 433-9016, ext. 7605 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Case studies, Child health, Families, Medical home, Pediatrics, Public policy

American Academy of Pediatrics. 2012. Early childhood adversity, toxic stress, and the role of the pediatrician: Translating developmental science into lifelong health. Pediatrics 129(1):e224-e231, (Policy statement)

Peacock G, Weitzman C, Thomas J, eds. 2011. Autism case training: A developmental-behavioral pediatrics curriculum. Atlanta, GA: National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities,

Annotation: This curriculum is designed to educate health professionals on fundamental components of identifying, diagnosing, and managing autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) through real life scenarios. The in-class curriculum comprises 7 learning modules with case descriptions, videos, facilitator guides, and presentations. Topics include early warning signs of autism, screening for autism, communicating abnormal results on a screening tool, making an autism diagnosis, early intervention and education, treatments for autism, and autism-specific anticipatory guidance. The continuing education version comprises three modules on identifying ASD, assisting a family through the diagnostic process, and caring for clients with ASD. [Funded in part by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, Telephone: (800) 232-4636 Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Autism, Behavior development, Case assessment, Continuing education, Curricula, Developmental pediatrics, Multimedia, Training

Kuo A, Slusser W, Guerrero A. 2011. Pediatric public health residency curriculum guide. Los Angeles, CA: University of California, Los Angeles, Center for Healthier Children, Families and Communities,

Annotation: This guide aims to help pediatric program directors include population-based educational activities in their residency curricula. The curriculum can be implemented in pediatric, family medicine, and medicine-pediatrics residency programs and is written with particular attention to issues of culture and socioeconomic issues. The guide has knowledge- and practice-based objectives in the core content areas of knowledge, clinical practice, and advocacy. Materials developed and assembled as residency programs piloted the guide into their respective programs are included. The materials provide a step-by-step approach to curriculum planning and implementation and resources and activities including tools to measure residents' attitudes and knowledge.

Contact: American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143, Telephone: (630) 626-6000 Secondary Telephone: (847) 434-4000 Fax: (847) 434-8000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Curricula, Pediatrics, Professional education, Public health

Machtinger E, Nigrovic PA, Lowe JA, ed. 2010. Spanish for pediatric medicine: A practical communication guide (2nd ed). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 273 pp.

Annotation: This guide is designed to enhance communication between health care professionals and their Spanish-speaking patients. The guide is a quick reference to help identify and explore medical problems in the setting of well-child care, sick visits, and the emergency room until more formal interpretation services can be arranged. The guide assumes some familiarity with Spanish. Most Spanish questions in the book are phrased using the verb form appropriate both to boys or girls. The questions as they are written can be posed equally to parents about their children and to the children themselves. Because Spanish varies considerably by region, selected vocabulary was selected to be broad enough for recognition across the Americas. The guide is designed to be used with the AAP publication Bright Futures Guidelines for Health Supervision, 3rd ed.

Contact: American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143, Telephone: (630) 626-6000 Secondary Telephone: (847) 434-4000 Fax: (847) 434-8000 Web Site: $44.95, non-members; $39.95 members, plus shipping and handling. Document Number: ISBN 978-1-58110-302-1.

Keywords: Communication, Health personnel, Health supervision, Medical terminology, Pediatrics, Spanish language materials

Kintu E. 2009. Integrated Behavioral Pediatric Health Project: Final report. Honolulu, HI: Kalihi-Palama Health Center, 15 pp.

Annotation: This final report provides information about the Integrated Behavioral Pediatric Health Project based in Honolulu, HI, during the period April 1, 2004, through February 28, 2009. The program focuses on overcoming obstacles to help women and children at high risk within primary care by reinforcing holistic health promotion through integrated, comprehensive, community-based services. The goal is to embed a holistic, culturally sensitive, and population-based model of behavioral health care into the daily practice of primary and pediatric health care. The report presents the goals and objectives, methodology, evaluation, results and outcomes, publications and products, dissemination and utilization of results, and future plans and follow-up, [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child health, Community based services, Cultural sensitivity, Hawaii, Health promotion, High risk children, High risk women, Pediatrics, Primary care, Women', s health

Antonelli R, McAllister JW, Popp J. 2009. Making care coordination a critical component of the pediatric health system: A multidisciplinary framework. New York, NY: Commonwealth Fund, 26 pp.

Annotation: This report defines care coordination; outlines its principal characteristics, competencies, and functions; and sets forth a detailed process for its delivery in a pediatric health care system. It also describes a multidisciplinary framework to implement care coordination across all health care settings and related disciplines, with the goal of supporting the needs and enhancing the self-management skills of patients and families. The report also reviews the care coordination literature and provides findings from key informants and expert panelists.

Contact: Commonwealth Fund, One East 75th Street, New York, NY 10021, Telephone: (212) 606-3800 Fax: (212) 606-3500 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child health, Families, Health care delivery, Health systems, Pediatrics, Service coordination

U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. 2009. Planning and preparedness for children's needs in public health emergencies. Rockville, MD: U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality,

Annotation: This webcast featured a panel discussion of pediatric preparedness initiatives and insights from pediatric emergency preparedness planners. During the webcast, participants learned about some of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's pediatric emergency preparedness resources, heard from the National Commission on Children and Disasters, and learned about the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response's Hospital Preparedness Program. Presenters offered perspectives on both clinical preparedness and school-based preparedness. This resource includes a recording and transcript of the webcast, PowerPoint slides, frequently asked questions, and links to additional resources.

Contact: U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, Telephone: (301) 427-1104 Secondary Telephone: (301) 427-1364 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Multimedia, Children, Disaster planning, Emergencies, Pediatrics, Schools, World Wide Web

Reagin A. 2009. Strengthening health care for children: Primary care and the medical home. Washington, DC: National Business Group on Health, 17 pp.

Annotation: This issue brief focuses on primary care for children and the medical home. The brief discusses the employers' role in improving the quality of children's health care and expanding access to it, current problems in health care for children, the importance of primary care, and potential models for improvement and employer strategies. A case study about a medical home project with the goal of managing Medicaid patients in rural areas by linking small practices with a local hospital and other safety net providers is included. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Business Group on Health, 20 F Street, N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20001-6700, Telephone: (202) 558-3000 Fax: (202) 628-9244 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child health, Children with special health care needs, Employer initiatives, Medical home, Pediatrics, Primary care, Screening, Service coordination

HRSA Office of Health Information Technology and Quality. 2009. Health IT for children toolbox. [Rockville, MD]: HRSA Office of Health Information Technology and Quality,

Annotation: This toolbox provides resources for the children's health community to integrate information technology (IT) into promoting pediatric health and well-being. The toolbox provides a general introduction to the current health information technology (IT) landscape, a specific view of health IT for children within that landscape, and an overview of current federal and state initiatives on health IT for children. Additional modules address developing electronic health records, involving family members, building a medical home for children, facilitating public insurance, improving quality, cross sector planning, developing pediatric- and child health-friendly public health records, and pediatric oral health and health IT.

Contact: U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, Telephone: (888) 275-4772 Secondary Telephone: (877) 464-4772 Fax: (301) 443-1246 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child health, Family centered care, Health insurance, Information systems, Medical home, Medical records, Oral health, Pediatrics, Quality assurance, Technology

Nevin-Folino NL, ed. 2008. Pediatric manual of clinical dietetics (2nd ed., updated). Chicago, IL: American Dietetic Association, 828 pp.

Annotation: This manual is designed to serve as a nutrition care resource for students, dietetics professionals, physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals. The goal is to represent the broad scope of pediatric practice with nutrition care guidelines that could be used in a variety of practice settings nationwide. The purpose, use, modifications, and adequacy of each specific therapeutic diet or nutrition management guidelines are included. For those topics requiring greater clarification of rationale for nutrition management, the related physiology is presented. Sample menus are included in appropriate chapters to illustrate an example of a daily meal plan.

Contact: Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, 120 South Riverside Plaza, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60606-6995, Telephone: (800) 877-1600 Secondary Telephone: (312) 899-0400 Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 0-88091-160-3.

Keywords: Guidelines, Manuals, Menu planning, Nutrition, Pediatric nutritionists, Pediatrics, Therapeutic programs

Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Perinatal Clinical Advisory Committee. 2008. Maryland perinatal system standards: Recommendations. (Rev. ed.). [Baltimore, MD]: Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, Family Health Administration, 40 pp.

Annotation: These recommendations provide guidelines on perinatal systems that are consistent with the Guidelines for Perinatal Care, 6th edition, issued in 2007 by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Guidelines are provided in the following areas: organization, obstetrical unit capabilities, neonatal unit capabilities, obstetric personnel, pediatric personnel, other personnel, laboratory, diagnostic imaging capabilities, equipment, medications, and education program.

Contact: Maryland Department of Health, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Office of Family and Community Health Services, 201 West Preston Street, Third Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201-2399, Secondary Telephone: (800) 456-8900 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Diagnostic imaging, Diagnostic techniques, Education, Guidelines, Health care systems, Laboratories, Neonatal intensive care units, Obstetrical care, Pediatrics, Perinatal care, Perinatal services, Standards

Fox HB, McManus MA, Wilson JE, Diaz A, Elster AB, Felice ME, Kaplan DW, Klein JD, Wibbelsman CJ. 2008. Adolescent medicine at the crossroads: A review of fellowship training and recommendations for reform. Washington, DC: Incenter Strategies, 31 pp. (Special report)

Annotation: This report examines the current state of adolescent medicine followship programs -- including the supply and recruitment of fellows; the nature and content of clinical, research, and leadership training; and the institutional and financial challenges facing training programs today -- and offers recommendations for buidling the field. The report is based on findings from the first comprehensive national survey of adolescent medicine fellowship program directors, conducted in the spring of 2007 by Incenter Strategies. The report also presents selected findings from two other Incenter Strategies surveys conducted in 2007: one of pediatric residency program directors and the other of adolescent medicine faculty responsible for the 1-month pediatric residency rotation. In addition, the report presents findings from key informant interviews and a literature review.

Contact: National Alliance to Advance Adolescent Health, 1615 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 223-1500 Fax: (202) 429-3557 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adolescent medicine, Literature reviews, Pediatrics, Professional training, Research, Surveys

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.