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Displaying records 1 through 20 (21 total).

Williams JR, ed., Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center, Comprehensive Child Care Project Staff. n.d.. Mount Zion survey: Housing, nutrition, education. Minneapolis, MN: [University of Minnesota, School of Public Health], Systems Development Project , 17 pp. (Comment series no: 1-5 (37))

Annotation: This paper reports a survey to make the Mount Zion Hospital and Medical Center, Comprehensive Child Care Project Staff knowledgeable and able to support all expressions of concern with substantive information. The survey among a sample of project families attempted to delineate the family's housing situation in regard to space, safety and sanitation; the nutritional status in regard to availability of food, shopping practices and dietary intake; and the children's educational placement and experiences in school and the parents' perception of the schools. The survey is also designed to document the adequacy and effectiveness of existing social services and agencies in the community to deal with these problems. This paper is produced as part of the documentation and assessment of the effect of P.L. 89-97, Title V. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Children and Youth Projects, Comprehensive health care, Educational factors, Federal MCH programs, Housing, Nutritional status, Program evaluation, Social services, Surveys, Title V programs

Kleinman RE, ed. 2013. Pediatric nutrition handbook. (7th ed.). Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 1477 pp.

Annotation: This handbook is intended to serve as a ready reference for practicing clinicians on the requirements and metabolism of specific nutrients, methods of assessing nutrition status, and the nutrition support of healthy infants, children, and adolescents, as well as children with acute and chronic illness. Topics that arise frequently in pediatric practice, such as breastfeeding, the impact of diet on long-term health, the use of fast foods and vegetarian diets, food technology and novel foods or ingredients that may become available to consumers, and food labeling are also covered in individual chapters.

Contact: American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143, Telephone: (630) 626-6000 Secondary Telephone: (847) 434-4000 Fax: (847) 434-8000 Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 978-1-58110-816-3.

Keywords: Acute diseases, Adolescents, Child health, Child nutrition, Children with special health care needs, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Food, Food labeling, Food preferences, Infant nutrition, Manuals, Nutrients, Nutrition assessment, Nutritional status, Pediatrics, Technology, Vegetarianism

Save the Children. 2011. Champions for children: State of the world's mothers 2011. Westport, CT: Save the Children, 42 pp.

Annotation: This annual index analyzes health, education, and economic conditions for women and children in 164 countries. Women's health index categories include risk of maternal death, births attended by skilled health personnel, modern contraception use, and life expectancy. Child health index categories include under-5 mortality rate, underweight status, and access to safe water.

Contact: Save the Children, 501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, CT 06825, Telephone: (203) 221-4000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Statistics, Child health, Children, Developing countries, International health, Maternal health, Mortality rates, Mothers, Nutritional status

Stang J, Story M, eds. [2004]. Guidelines for adolescent nutrition services. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Leadership, Education and Training Program in Maternal and Child Nutrition, 1 v.

Annotation: This book, which is geared toward health professionals and educators on nutrition and adolescent pregnancy, focuses on the biological, psychosocial, and cognitive changes that begin during puberty and continue through adolescence, which directly affect nutritional status and nutrient needs. Topics include adolescent growth and development; understanding adolescent eating behaviors; nutrition needs of adolescents; nutrition, screening, and intervention; nutrition education and counseling; promoting healthy eating and physical activity behaviors; the overweight adolescent; the underweight adolescent; iron deficiency anemia; hyperlipidemia; hypertension; eating disorders; body image and adolescents; diabetes mellitus: type 1 and type 2; reproductive health issues; sports nutrition; vegetarian eating patterns; and adolescents with special health care needs. Some of the information is presented in tables. One appendix containing a list of food sources of vitamins and minerals is included.

Contact: University of Minnesota School of Public Health, Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, West Bank Office Building, 1300 S. Second Street, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55454-1015, Telephone: (612) 624-1818 Fax: (612) 624-0315 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent behavior, Adolescent development, Adolescent health, Adolescent nutrition, Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescents with special health care needs, Body image, Diabetes mellitus, Eating disorders, Food habits, Health promotion, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Intervention, Iron deficiency anemia, Nutrition counseling, Nutrition education, Nutritional requirements, Nutritional status, Obesity, Physical activity, Puberty, Reproductive health, Screening, Sports, Underweight, Vegetarianism

Harvey B, ed. 2002. Managing elevated blood lead levels among young children: Recommendations from the Advisory Committee on Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 128 pp.

Annotation: This report, which is geared toward health departments, case managers, primary care physicians, and others, defines elements of case management and offers assessment and management guidelines for the testing and treatment of children with elevated blood lead levels. The report discusses home environment investigation and interventions, medical evaluation and treatment, nutritional assessment and dietary modification, developmental surveillance and interventions, and education for caregivers. The report also discusses the importance of state laws, regulations, and financing related to lead-abatement efforts. Each chapter begins with a summary table of specific management recommendations and concludes with suggestions for further research. A glossary, references, and statistical data in chart and table formats are provided throughout the report.

Contact: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, Telephone: (800) 232-4636 Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Assessment, Blood testing, Case management, Consumer education, Dietary assessment, Environmental exposure, Intervention, Lead poisoning, Lead poisoning prevention programs, Low income groups, Medical evaluation, Model programs, Nutritional status, Professional training, Young children

Bronner L, Baldwin KM, Silver GB. 1998. The nutritional status and needs of women of reproductive age. [Baltimore, MD]: Johns Hopkins University, Women's and Children's Health Policy Center, 4 pp. (Perinatal and women's health: issue summary; no. 6)

Annotation: This is a summary of a paper written to highlight policy and program areas needing to be addressed to ensure the continuous improvement of health care and services related to perinatal and women's health over the coming decade. This paper discusses predictors and consequences of nutritional status and needs of women, interventions, policy and practice issues, and research needs. [Funded in part by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Intervention, Nutritional status, Policy development, Program development, Reproductive health, Women', s health

U.S. Interagency Board for Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research. 1993. Nutrition monitoring in the United States: Chartbook 1—Selected findings from the National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Program. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 136 pp.

Annotation: This report was produced in response to requests from users of nutrition monitoring data for a user-friendly source of data interim to the more comprehensive scientific reports mandated by law under the National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act passed in 1990. It contains charts in these areas: 1) nutritional status and related health measurements, 2) food and nutrient consumption, 3) knowledge, attitudes and behavior assessments, 4) food composition and nutrient data bases, and 5) food supply determinations.

Contact: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3311 Toledo Road, Room 5419, Hyattsville, MD 20782, Telephone: (800) 232-4636 Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 Fax: (301) 458-4020 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: DHHS (PHS) 93-1255-2.

Keywords: Nutrition, Nutrition monitoring, Nutrition research, Nutrition surveys, Nutritional status, Statistics

Frisancho AR. 1990. Anthropometric standards for the assessment of growth and nutritional status. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, 189 pp.

Annotation: This monograph presents the following: 1) the theoretical rationale for the use of anthropometric dimensions in the evaluation of nutritional status, 2) a unified set of anthropometric techniques of data collection, 3) the statistical basis for the anthropometric classification of individuals and populations, 4) the anthropometric standards in tabular form giving means, standard deviations, and percentile ranges of anthropometric dimensions used in the evaluation of growth and nutritional status, 5) anthropometric reference data for blacks and whites, and 6) anthropometric graphs that facilitate the interpretation of anthropometric data. In addition, it provides interpretation of anthropometric dimensions with practical examples. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: University of Michigan Press, 839 Greene Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104-3209, Telephone: (734) 764-4388 Contact Phone: (734) 764-4392 Fax: (734) 615-1540 Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 0-472-10146-3.

Keywords: Anthropometry, Data collection, Development, Evaluation methods, Health status, Nutrition assessment, Nutritional status, Standards

National Research Council, Committee on Nutrition of the Mother and Preschool Child. 1978. Laboratory indices of nutritional status in pregnancy. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 195 pp.

Annotation: This book reviews the current state of knowledge regarding laboratory indices reflecting nutritional and metabolic status during normal pregnancy, so errors in diagnosis can be avoided by inaccurately assuming that pregnant women have the same normal ranges and nonpregnant women. It also identifies gaps and deficiencies in understanding of this aspect of human biology. Topics include physiologic adjustments, hematologic indices, electrolytes, carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, nitrogenous and vitamin indices, and trace elements.

Keywords: Nutritional status, Pregnant women, Prenatal nutrition

Maternal and Child Health Service. 1971. Screening children for nutritional status: Suggestions for child health programs. Rockville, MD: Maternal and Child Health Service, 28 pp.

Annotation: This booklet has three health program screening objectives: to look at the nutritional status of all children less than 10 years of age, focus on screening groups of children rather than individual assessments, and clearly indicate what simple methods for assessment of nutritional status can be used when personnel and facilities are limited. The booklet has two parts. The first part provides a simplified approach to screening groups of children. The second part has more detailed approaches, including data forms and tabular material for interpreting nutritional data.

Keywords: Child health services, Nutrition, Nutritional status, Screening

White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health. 1970. Final report. [Washington, DC: White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health]; for sale by U.S. Government Printing Office, 341 pp., errata (5 p.).

Annotation: This report contains recommendations that are the final outcome of the deliberations of the White House Conference on Food, Nutrition and Health. Areas of recommendations include: dietary and nutritional evaluation; guidelines for specific groups (pregnant and nursing women, children and adolescents, the aging, the sick); groups for whom the federal government has special responsibility, i.e., Native Americans, migrant workers, the military; guidelines for food; nutrition teaching; food delivery and distribution; and voluntary action to help the poor.

Keywords: Conferences, Nutrition education, Nutrition policy, Nutritional status

National Research Council, Food and Nutrition Board, Committee on Maternal Nutrition. 1970. Annotated bibliography on maternal nutrition. Washington, DC: Maternal and Child Health Service, U.S. Health Services and Mental Health Administration; for sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office, 199 pp.

Annotation: This bibliography is intended for physicians, nutritionists, and others concerned with applying the research findings reported in the literature on maternal nutrition. Only materials published in English are included. Materials that appeared in popular magazines have not been included. The bibliography is divided into the following sections: (1) general references and (2) references on specific topics. The specific topics covered include (1) adolescence, (2) birthweight, (3) diabetes, (4) diet, (5) folic acid, (6) iron status, (7) nutritional deficiencies, (8) physiological adjustments, (9) the role of the placenta, (10) pregravid weight and weight gain, (11) social, economic, and other variables that affect pregnancy, and (12) the toxemias.

Keywords: Adolescence, Bibliographies, Diabetes, Diet, Economic factors, Folic acid, Iron, Maternal nutrition, Nutritional status, Nutritionists, Physicians, Placenta, Pregnancy, Pregnancy toxemias, Weight gain

Morgan AF, ed. 1959. Nutritional status U.S.A.. [Oakland, CA]: Califonria Agricultural Experiment Station, 130 pp. (An nterregional research publication)

Annotation: This report describes a study to determine the nutritional status of the United States by means of sampling appreciable numbers of the population with references to such variables as age, sex, and geographical location. The report, which includes a summary, is divided into two main sections: (1) how to get reliable food records and (2) the role of lunch, breakfast, and between-meal snacks in the nutrition of schoolchildren. Statistical information is included in figures and tables throughout the report.The report includes a list of data tables.

Keywords: Child health, Food consumption, Nutrition surveys, Nutritional status, Records, Research, School age children, Snacks

Potgieter M, Nakatani K. 1954. Diet and health in rural Hawaii. Honolulu, HI: Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Hawaii, 46 pp. (Technical bulletin; no. 21)

Annotation: This report describes a study of diet and health in rural Hawaii. The report covers the following topics: (1) other studies in Hawaii, (2) purpose and plan of the study, (3) methods, (4) findings, (5) nutritional status of children, (6) dental status of children, (7) adequacy of family diets and nutritional status of children, and (8) recommendations based on this study. Statistical information is presented in tables throughout the report. The report also includes a literature cited section.

Contact: University of Hawai'i at Manoa, ScholarSpace, Hamilton Library, 2350 McCarthy Hall, Honolulu, HI 96822, Web Site: Contact for cost information.

Keywords: Child health, Diet, Families, Hawaii, Nutrition, Nutritional status, Oral health, Research, Rural population, State surveys, Statistics

Young CM, Emerson D, Williams HH. 1954. Nutritional status studies of students at Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 55 pp.

Annotation: This report deals with the nutritional status of a group of entering college students at the Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art; many of the students hold full-time jobs, and many come from families with low incomes. The authors followed the nutritional status of the entering freshman class through its first year in school to determine whether poor nutrition might be a factor in the withdrawal of students from school and also to assess how the dietary intake and nutritional status of students from this institution compare with that of students from other colleges and universities. Statistical information is presented in figures and tables throughout the report.

Keywords: Colleges, Diet, Low income groups, Nutrition, Nutritional status, Research, Students, Universities

Pollack H, Halpern SL, and Committee on Therapeutic Nutrition. 1952. Therapeutic nutrition. Washington, DC: National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences, 94 pp.

Annotation: This report presents a consensus approach to therapeutic nutrition, with an emphasis on recovery from acute catabolic episodes that produce drastic metabolic derangement of normal physiological processes. The report includes the following sections: (1) functions of components of diet in metabolism, (2) non-dietary factors affecting metabolism, (3) the endocrine glands and metabolism, (4) evaluation of nutritional status, (5) consequences of nutritional deficiency, (6) the relation of protein disequilibrium to disease, (7) nutritional requirements of the sick, injured, and convalescent, (8) therapeutic nutrition for specified conditions, (9) the treatment of starvation and severe undernutrition, (10) problems of nutrition under emergency disaster situations, (11) the problem of prophylaxis against emergency nutritional deficiency: minimal allowances and rationing, (12) summary and conclusions, and (13) references.

Keywords: Diet, Disasters, Emergencies, Endocrine diseases, Metabolism, Nutrition, Nutritional requirements, Nutritional status, Proteins, Resource allocation, Starvation

Conference on Methods for Evaluating Nutritional Status of Mothers, Infants and Children (1947: Detroit, MI). 1947. Proceedings of the Conference on Methods for Evaluating Nutritional Status of Mothers, Infants and Children. Detroit, MI: Children's Fund of Michigan Research Laboratory, 82 pp.

Abbott OD, Townsend RO, French RB, Ahmann CF. 1946. Effectiveness of the school lunch in improving the nutritional status of school children. Gainesville, FL: University of Florida, Agricultural Experiment Station, 32 pp. (Bulletin 426)

Annotation: This publication reports the findings of a 5-year investigation to study the effectiveness of the school lunch in improving the nutritional status of rural children. The data presented indicate that when adequately supervised and planned to address known deficiencies, and when supplementary vitamins and minerals are given, the school lunch offers an effective means of raising the nutritional status of school children. It is a publication supported by the U.S. Children's Bureau.

Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Florida, Food habits, Nutritional status, Reports, School lunch programs

Kruse HD, Palmer CE, Schmidt W, Wiehl DG. 1940. Medical evaluation of nutritional status. I. Methods used in a survey of high school students. Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly 18(3):257-298,

Annotation: This report describes a study of methods for appraising the nutritional status of apparently well persons, as applied to a group of high school students. The report describes the study sample and the procedures and provides a summary. References are included. Sample forms are grouped together at the end of the report.

Keywords: Adolescents, Nutritional status, Research

Owen GM, Kram KM, Garry PJ, Lowe JE, Lubin AH. A study of nutritional status of preschool children in the United States, 1968-1970. Pediatrics 53(4, Part II):597-646. April 1974.,

Annotation: This article describes the Preschool Nutrition Survey, its purpose and objectives, the sample design and procedure, and the general operational approaches and organization team. The second part of the article reports the survey results and the third part discusses the findings and makes some recommendations.

Keywords: Child health services, Child nutrition, Nutritional status

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.