Missouri Department of Social Services, State Technical Assistance Team. 2007. Preventing child deaths in Missouri: The Missouri Child Fatality Review Program annual report for 2006. Jefferson City, MO: Missouri Child Fatality Review Program, Missouri Department of Social Services, 89 pp. Annotation: This annual report for 2006 provides information about the Missouri Child Fatality Review Program.The report is divided into four sections. Section 1 provides information about the program, confidentiality issues, different categories of child fatalities, a summary of findings related to infant deaths in Missouri in 2006, fetal and infant mortality review in Missouri, and sudden unexpected infant deaths. Section 2 focuses on motor vehicle fatalities and unintentional suffocation or strangulation. Section 3 focuses on homicides, fatal child abuse and neglect, suicides, the practical application of child death review, and prevention findings. Section 4 includes seven appendices on the following topics: autopsies; mandated activities for child fatalities; the process for child fatality review; Missouri incident child fatalities by county and by age, sex, and race; definitions; and death certificate manner of death. Contact: Missouri Child Fatality Review Program, Missouri Department of Social Services, 221 West High Street, P.O. Box 1527, Jefferson City, MO 65102-1527, Telephone: (800) 487-1626 Web Site: http://www.dss.mo.gov/stat/mcfrp.htm Available from the website. Keywords: Child abuse, Child neglect, Confidentiality, Homicide, Infant death, Missouri, Motor vehicle injuries, SIDS, State programs, Strangulation, Suffocation, Suicide |