National Center for Health Statistics. 1999. Maternal and child health statistics: Russian Federation and the United States, selected years—1985-95. Hyattsville, MD: National Center for Health Statistics, 140 pp. (Vital and health statistics: Series 5, International vital and health statistics reports; no. 10) Annotation: This report focuses on maternal and child health statistics for the Russian Federation and the United States. The report covers a broad range of health measures including the following: prenatal care, pregnancy complications, abortion, method of delivery, birth order, births to unmarried women, births by age of mother, infant mortality, maternal mortality, child mortality by age group, immunizations, morbidity in the Russian Federation, hospitalization in the United States, and communicable diseases. The report also includes a discussion of data quality issues to assist in understanding limitations in the accuracy, coverage, or comparability of the information presented. A background section provides a brief description of the organization of each country's health care system, as well as an outline of national guidelines for the provision of maternal and child health care. The report also contains 24 tables covering population size, prenatal and obstetrical care, abortions, natality data, breastfeeding practices, mortality data including causes of death, immunization rates, communicable diseases, and other morbidity measures. The report provides additional detail, when available, for key subgroups of each population: In the Russian Federation, data are presented for urban and rural regions; in the United States, for black and white racial groups. In the final section of the report, a glossary of terms provides additional detail on differences in definitions between the two countries. Contact: National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 3311 Toledo Road, Room 5419, Hyattsville, MD 20782, Telephone: (800) 232-4636 Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 Fax: (301) 458-4020 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: PHS 99-1486. Keywords: Abortion, Child health, Child health services, Child mortality, Childbirth, Communicable diseases, Health statistics, Hospitalization, Immunization programs, Infant health services, Infant mortality, Maternal age, Maternal health, Maternal health services, Maternal mortality, Morbidity, Pregnancy complications, Premarital pregnancy, Prenatal care, Racial factors, Rural population, Russia, United States, Urban population, Vital statistics |