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Displaying records 1 through 8 (8 total).

Kolander CA, Ballard D, Chandler C. 2011. Contemporary women's health: Issues for today and the future (4th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw Hill, 462 pp.

Annotation: Presented in five parts, this textbook for health and community services professionals and the general public focuses on women's health issues throughout the life cycle with each chapter including a summary, review questions, resource listings and references. Contents include: pt. 1. Foundations of women's health : Introducing women's health ; Becoming a wise consumer ; Developing a healthy lifestyle -- pt. 2. Mental and emotional wellness : Enhancing emotional well-being ; Managing the stress of life -- pt. 3. Sexual and relational wellness : Building healthy relationships ; Exploring women's sexuality ; Designing your reproductive life plan ; Preventing abuse against women -- pt. 4. Contemporary lifestyle and social issues : Eating well ; Keeping fit ; Using alcohol responsibly ; Making wise decisions about tobacco, caffeine, and drugs -- pt. 5. Communicable and chronic conditions : Preventing and controlling infectious diseases ; Preventing and controlling chronic health conditions ; Reducing your risk of cancer.

Contact: McGraw-Hill Companies, PO Box 182604, Columbus, OH 43272, Telephone: (877) 833-5524 Fax: (614) 759-3749 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: $72.80. Document Number: ISBN 0-8151-0626-2.

Keywords: Alcohol abuse, Alternative medicine, Behavior modification, Caffeine, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, Communicable diseases, Consumer education, Contraceptives, Depression, Developmental stages, Domestic abuse, Drug abuse, Eating disorders, Gynecology, Holistic health, Interpersonal relations, Life cycle, Lifestyle, Nutrition, Parenting, Pregnancy, Self esteem, Smoking, Stress management, Weight management, Women', s health

Taylor AL, Branford T, eds. 2004. The African American woman's guide to a healthy heart. Roscoe, IL: Hilton Publishing, 144 pp.

Annotation: This book, which is geared toward African-American women, focuses on why these women are at a higher risk for heart disease and stroke than any other group of women in the United States, get these diseases at younger ages, and are more likely to die from them. The book is divided into three sections. Part 1 explains how the blood vessels and heart work and what happens when a heart attack, stroke, or heart failure occur. Part 2 explains what increases the risk for heart attack or stroke and how to decrease risk. Part 3 focuses of dealing with the health care system and understanding insurance. Three appendices provide a yearly heart-health checklist, a list of questions to ask the doctor, and a list of resources. The book concludes with an index.

Contact: Hilton Publishing, 1630 45th Street, Suite 103, Munster, IN 46321, Telephone: 219-922-4868 Secondary Telephone: 866-455-1070 Fax: 219-922-6407 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 0-9716067-6-5.

Keywords: Blacks, Cardiovascular diseases, Consumer education materials, Families, Health care systems, Heart disease, High risk groups, Insurance, Lifestyle, Morbidity, Mortality, Racial factors, Risk factors, Risk management, Stroke, Women', s health

Costa DL. 2003. Race and pregnancy outcomes in the twentieth century: A long-term comparison. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 33 pp. (NBER working paper series no. 9593)

Annotation: This paper documents the differential 20th century trends in black and white pregnancy outcomes and examines what socioeconomic and maternal health factors explained these differentials in past and recent times. Sections include a 20th century history of producing healthy babies; a description of the records from Johns Hopkins University (JHU), spanning the years 1897 to 1935, that were used in the survey along with data from the 1988 National Maternal and Infant Health Survey (NMIHS); pregnancy outcome trends; the empirical framework; birth outcomes and race at JHU and in 1988; and conclusions. Topics include the historic roles played by sexually transmitted diseases, breastfeeding, marriage rates, socioeconomic factors, nutrition disorders, and other lifestyle differences between blacks and whites. An appendix discusses the nature of data used in the research. References are provided. Statistical information is presented in tables and figures grouped at the end of the paper.

Contact: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-5398, Telephone: (617) 868-3900 Fax: (617) 868-2742 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Blacks, Breastfeeding, Economic factors, History, Infant health, Infant mortality, Infant mortality, Lifestyle, Nutrition disorders, Pregnancy outcome, Racial factors, Research, Sexually transmitted diseases, Socioeconomic factors, Statistics, Surveys, Trends, Whites, Women', s health

Hatcher JL, Scarpa, J. 2002. Encouraging teens to adopt a safe, healthy lifestyle: A foundation for improving future adult behaviors. Washington, DC: Child Trends, 8 pp. (Research brief: American teens)

Annotation: This brief is the second in a series based on a comprehensive review of adolescent development research. The brief is divided into two sections: (1) issues related to promoting healthy lifestyles among adolescents, and (2) preventing unintended injury. Topics include including smoking, exercise and nutrition, proper sleep, motor vehicle crashes and bike accidents, and occupational injuries. A summary table reviews the research literature for intervention strategies that work, don't work, and "best bets". The report concludes with references.

Contact: Child Trends , 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1200 W, Bethesda, MD 20814, Telephone: (240) 223-9200 E-mail: Web Site: Available at no charge; also available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent health promotion, Adolescents, Lifestyle, Program evaluation, Risk taking, Tobacco use, Unintentional injuries, Working adolescents

Millonig VL. 1996. Today and tomorrow's woman: Menopause—Before and after (Girls of 16 to women of 99). Potomac, MD: Health Leadership Associates, 279 pp.

Annotation: This book is written for women 16 and older, and discusses ways menopause can be managed and controlled with proper planning and healthy activities. Topics include understanding the myths and realities of menopause, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease in women, management through hormone replacement therapy, and starting and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. The final chapter centers on research in the area of women's health and menopause. Appendices include a glossary, a resource directory, references, and an index.

Contact: Health Leadership Associates, Inc., PO Box 1784, Germantown, MD 20875, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 1-878028-23-5.

Keywords: Cardiovascular disease, Consumer education materials, Hormone replacement therapy, Lifestyle, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Women', s health

Hensley JE. 1994. The buck stops here: A short course curriculum to teach adolescents about jobs, income, and living costs. Charleston, WV: West Virginia Bureau of Public Health, Adolescent Health Initiative, 22 pp. (Health module: Instructional programs for adolescent activities)

Annotation: This teaching guide consists of a short course curriculum/group activity that is designed to teach adolescents to explore lifestyle goals, career choices, non-traditional career choices, and the financial impact of having a baby. All the basic information and materials required are provided, and the guide includes both pre and post discussion questions.

Contact: West Virginia Department of Health, Office of Maternal, Child and Family Health, State Capitol Complex, Building 3, Room 206, Charleston, WV 25305, Telephone: (304) 558-0684 Fax: (304) 558-1130 Web Site: Price unknown.

Keywords: Adolescent employment, Adolescent health, Careers, Curricula, Lifestyle, Training materials, Work family issues

Forfar JO, ed. 1988. Child health in a changing society. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 302 pp.

Annotation: This book discusses problems in child health and the influence of medical advances and the changing pattern of society. It is intended for both laymen and child-care professionals. British pediatricians discuss disease, diet, inherited diseases and congenital abnormalities, care of newborns, the reality of handicap, child health and the environment, health services for children and their relationship to educational and social services, ethical issues in child health and disease, changing pediatric perceptions and perspectives, and lifestyle in infancy and childhood, its effects on the early years of life, and how it determines the state of physical and mental health throughout adulthood.

Keywords: Child health, Child health services, Children with developmental disabilities, Congenital abnormalities, Diet, Disease, Environment, Ethics, Lifestyle, Newborn infants, Pediatrics

Irelan L, ed. 1966. Low-income life styles. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Division of Research; for sale by the U.S. Government Printing Office, 86 pp.

Annotation: This report is a compilation of papers detailing characteristic behavior of the poor in important life areas such as family organization, children's preparation for school, health care, and economic behavior. The papers cover these topics: low-income outlook on life; economic deprivation and family patterns; educational training; health practices of the poor; and consumer practices of the poor. Each chapter contains references.

Keywords: Access to health care, Economic factors, Family characteristics, Lifestyle, Low income groups, School readiness


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.