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Displaying records 1 through 8 (8 total).

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program. n.d.. School sealant programs: 2021-2022 oral health report card. Concord, NH: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program, 1 p.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information on the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program's school dental sealant programs. Topics include the total number of students in the programs who received an oral health screening, who received sealants, who received fluoride varnish. who had untreated tooth decay, and who had urgent oral health needs. The number of potential school days saved is also presented, along with an explanation of how this number was calculated.

Contact: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program, 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301-3852, Telephone: (603) 271-4535 Secondary Telephone: (800) 852-3345, ext. 4535 Fax: (603) 271-4506 E-mail: Web Site:

Keywords: Data, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Fluoride varnish, Health screenings, New Hampshire, Oral health, State information, State information, State programs

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. 2024. Seal! Michigan: Michigan Dental Sealant Program--All grantees data report 2022-2023 school year, fiscal year 2023. Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, 8 pp.

Annotation: This data report provides information about Michigan's dental sealant program, SEAL! Michigan, during the grant period October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023. Data was obtained from child-level forms submitted by grantees to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Topics include number of students screened by gender, grade, race, and insurance status; untreated tooth decay; tooth decay experience; presence of sealants, urgency of needed treatment; referral for treatment; number of decayed or filled molars, other teeth, and primary teeth; and types of fluoride treatment provided. Also included is information about special health care needs among students screened.

Contact: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Capitol View Building, 201 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI 48913, Telephone: (517) 373-3740 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Data, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Fluoride, Health screenings, Michigan, Oral health, Referrals, State information, State programs

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Oral Health Section. 2023. Kindergarten oral health status--Regional race/ethnicity summary 2022-2023. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Oral Health Section, 8 pp.

Annotation: This report provides results from an assessment conducted to gather information on the status of oral health of children in kindergarten in North Carolina, by region and race/ethnicity. The report comprises charts with information on the percentage of children who received oral health screenings, with treated and untreated tooth decay, who have never had a cavity or filling, who have at least one dental sealant on a permanent molar tooth, and who have urgent oral health care needs.

Contact: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Division of Public Health, Oral Health Section, 2001 Mail Service Center, 5505 Six Forks Road, Raleigh, NC 27699-2001, Telephone: (919) 855-4800 Fax: (919) 870-4805 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Data, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Geographic factors, Health screenings, North Carolina, Oral health, Racial factors, State information

Oklahoma State Department of Health, Dental Health Service. 2023. Oklahoma oral health needs assessment 2023: Third grade children. Oklahoma City, OK: Oklahoma State Department of Health, Dental Health Service, 49 pp.

Annotation: This report provides information from an oral health needs assessment focused on students in third grade in Oklahoma in 2023. The report presents background on and the purpose of the assessment and discusses the research design. Results are presented on the following topics: participant characteristics; dental sealants on permanent molar teeth; decayed, missed, and filled teeth; untreated tooth decay in permanent or primary teeth; missing permanent and primary teeth; filled permanent and primary teeth; and results of screenings as determined by a dental hygienist.

Contact: Oklahoma State Department of Health, Dental Health Service, 1000 Northeast 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117-1299, Telephone: (405) 271-5502 Fax: (405) 271-5434 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Dental sealants, Health screenings, Needs assessment, Oklahoma, Oral health, Research, School age children, State information

First Things First. 2019. The big picture for Arizona's littlest kids (rev). Phoenix, AZ: First Things First, 4 pp.

Annotation: This brief provides state-national comparisons on families and children in Arizona, with a focus on three key areas: Healthy children, prepared students, and strong families. Included are child health statistics and trends and a description of the ways in which Things First and its partners in Arizona’s early childhood system are working to support healthier children and promote early learning at the state and local level.

Contact: First Things First, 4000 North Central Avenue, Suite 800, Phoenix, AZ 85012, Telephone: (602) 771-5100 Secondary Telephone: (877) 803-7234 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Arizona, Arizona , Child health, Early childhood development, Early childhood education, Families, Family health, Family support, Infant health, Infants, Learning, Oral health, Outcome and process assessment, School readiness, Screenings, State surveys, Statistical data, Statistics, Trends, Vulnerability, Young children

Washington State Department of Health, Oral Health Program and Surveillance and Evaluation Section. 2017. Smile Survey 2015–2016: A report on the oral health of Washington's children. Olympia, WA: Washington State Department of Health, Oral Health Program and Surveillance and Evaluation Section, 56 pp.

Annotation: This report presents results from an assessment of oral health among children in Head Start and early learning programs and children in kindergarten and second and third grade in public elementary schools in Washington. Results are compared with 2010 and 2005 Smile Survey results and with Healthy People 2020 objectives and national averages. Topics include oral disease prevalence, decay experience and untreated tooth decay, dental sealants, and oral health disparities.

Contact: Washington State Department of Health, Prevention and Community Health Division, P.O. Box 47890, Olympia, WA 98504-7890, Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children, Comparative analysis, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Elementary schools, Head Start, Health care disparities, Health disparities, Health status, Oral health, Prevalence, Screenings, State surveys, Washington, Young children

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program. 2012. Oral health screening guide. [Madison, WI]: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, 2 pp.

Annotation: This handout presents photographs illustrating varying degrees of tooth decay and other oral conditions in young children, along with a tooth-eruption chart to aid health professionals in oral health screening. The handout also provides facts on fluoride varnish, as well as tips on oral hygiene, dental visits, and other oral health topics.

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659, Fax: (608) 266-3483 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Early childhood caries, Fluorides, Oral health, Resources for professionals, Screenings, Young children

Institute of Medicine, Committee on Preventive Services for Women. 2011. Clinical preventive services for women: Closing the gaps. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 211 pp.

Annotation: This report reviews what preventive services are necessary for women's health and well-being and should be considered in the development of comprehensive guidelines for preventive services for women. Topics include existing prevention guidelines, gaps that may exist in recommended preventive services for U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) preventive services guidelines for women and in Bright Futures and USPSTF guidelines for adolescents, and specific services and screenings that could supplement currently recommended preventive services for women. Information about preventive services defined by the Affordable Care Act; existing coverage practices of national, state, and private health plans; and the process for regularly updating the recommendations are included.

Contact: National Academies Press, 500 Fifth Street, N.W., Keck 360, Washington, DC 20001, Telephone: (202) 334-3313 Secondary Telephone: (888) 624-8373 Fax: (202) 334-2451 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: $59.00 plus shipping and handling; also available from the website. Document Number: ISBN 978-0-309-21538-1.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Clinics, Guidelines, Health care reform, Health insurance, Preventive health services, Screenings, Women', s health


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.