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Displaying records 1 through 20 (1,310 total).

MetroHealth Medical Center, Pediatric Service Coordination Program. n.d.. Working with your health insurance. Cleveland, OH: MetroHealth Medical Center, Pediatric Service Coordination Program, 16 pp.

Annotation: This booklet provides information and forms to help families work with their health insurance companies. It includes questions to ask the insurance company and billing office, tips for keeping records of bills and claims, and who to talk with for assistance. A glossary of terms and list of publications on health insurance are included. Resource organizations in Cuyahoga County and the state of Ohio are also listed. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Family centered, community based care, Health care financing, Insurance, Medical records

McManus M, Kelly R, Newacheck P, Gephart J. n.d.. The role of Title V maternal and child health programs in assuring access to health services for adolescents. Washington, DC: McManus Health Policy, 36 pp.

Annotation: This report presents the results of a 1989 survey of state Title V maternal and child health (MCH) programs and children with special health needs (CSHN) programs with respect to their roles in serving adolescents. The publication brings together the results of adolescent health initiatives from both MCH and CSHN perspectives in order to examine how these programs might be better coordinated and strengthened. The survey revealed that most Title V-supported programs routinely bill Medicaid (and, to a lesser extent, private insurance) for some services. Limited revenues are received from insurance due to inadequate billing capacity, the type of services offered by Title V programs, and low reimbursement from Medicaid. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Access to health care, Adolescents, Child health, Insurance, Maternal health, Medicaid, Social Security Act, Special health care needs, Title V

Western Pennsylvania Caring Foundation. n.d.. Public/private partnerships: A working model for children's health care. Pittsburgh, PA: Western Pennsylvania Caring Foundation, 1 video (VHS 1/2 inch).

Annotation: This videotape describes the Caring Program for Children and the Children's Health Insurance Program (Blue Cross/Blue Shield's BlueCHIP program) in Pennsylvania. It depicts the health care needs of children living in poverty and children of the uninsured working poor who do not qualify for Medicaid assistance, and explains the unique funding of this collaborative program. Appearances by Fred Rogers of "Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood" and by local medical and government officials underscore the need for this type of program, the reasons for its success, and the ways that public and private resources can join together to help ensure access to primary health care for children. The videotape concludes with a television clip describing the program on NBC's "America Close Up." [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Access to health care, Audiovisual materials, Child health, Corporate programs, Insurance, Local MCH programs, Medical assistance, Pennsylvania, Primary care, Public private partnerships, Videotapes

Newacheck P. n.d.. Improving Health Insurance Coverage for Adolescents: Analysis, Dissemination, and Technical Assistance [Final report]. San Francisco, CA: Institute for Health Policy Studies, 12 pp.

Annotation: The goals of this project were to: (1) Heighten awareness of adolescent health insurance problems and potential solutions among policymakers, health care professionals, educators, business groups, and parents; (2) strengthen State-level capacity to plan and implement strategies for improving financing of health services for adolescents; and (3) update and expand our knowledge base concerning the financing of health services for adolescents. Activities included conducting workshops, providing technical assistance, and publishing reports and educational materials. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: NTIS PB94-161536.

Keywords: Adolescents, Data Collection, Education of Health Professionals, Financing Health Care for Adolescents, Health Insurance, Medicaid, Minorities

Camic N. n.d.. Families in the Changing Health Care Marketplace [Final report]. Madison, WI: Center for Public Representation, 21 pp.

Annotation: The goal of this project was to assist in the formation of a collaborative effort involving the government, providers, private payers, and families in order to reconcile the operational difficulties of achieving health care cost containment while retaining quality, access, and family-centeredness. The project sought to: develop approaches to health care financing that are sensitive to the needs of families with children who have special health care needs; assist families with special health care needs in dealing with financial problems which pose barriers to obtaining appropriate health services; and disseminate information regarding financing of care for children with special health care needs. Family health benefits counselors assisted approximately 1600 over the course of the project by conducting intake interviews, informing families about health care financing options, assisting in completing applications and/or filing appeals or denials of public or private benefits and facilitating negotiations with medical creditors. Consultation with legal backup and referral for legal intervention were distinguishing aspects of the project. Benefits counselors and project attorney worked with state and county administrative and regulatory agencies, private insurers and health care providers and associations to resolve systemic problems. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: NTIS PB93-199156.

Keywords: Advocacy, Case Management, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Families, Family health, Financial Counseling, Financing Health Care, Health Insurance, Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs), Medicaid, Reimbursement

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. n.d.. Advancing oral health prevention in primary care: Measures for quality improvement--How to build an advancing oral health prevention in primary care family of measures. Baltimore, MD: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 4 pp.

Annotation: This report provides suggestions for how states that choose to implement programs to advance prevention of oral disease in primary care for beneficiaries of Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) can select a family of measures to assess progress. It explains what the different measures in the family of measures are (outcome measures, process measures, and balancing measures) and provides measurement strategies for each type of measure.

Contact: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Telephone: (877) 267-2323 Secondary Telephone: (410) 786-3000 Fax: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Low income groups, Medicaid, Oral heath, Prevention, Primary care, Programs, State Children', s Health Insurance Program

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. n.d.. Advancing oral health prevention in primary care driver diagram and change ideas. Baltimore, MD: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 13 pp.

Annotation: This report provides ideas for how states can use a driver diagram on oral health produced by Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) to advance prevention of oral disease in primary care, plan a quality-improvement (QI) project, and determine how to improve outcomes. The report offers background, presents the driver diagram, explains the driver diagram, and provides ideas for activities to promote change.

Contact: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Telephone: (877) 267-2323 Secondary Telephone: (410) 786-3000 Fax: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Low income groups, Medicaid, Oral heath, Prevention, Primary care, Programs, State Children', s Health Insurance Program

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. n.d.. Advancing oral health prevention in primary care: Getting started on quality improvement. Baltimore, MD: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 1 video (11 min.)

Annotation: This video discusses how children who are Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program beneficiaries can benefit from having fluoride varnish applied to their teeth in the primary care setting. The video shares quality-improvement methods that can help states improve the provision of oral health care to these children by primary care health professionals. Topics include developing an aim statement, using a driver diagram, identifying drivers to consider for achieving the aim, starting small to test whether change ideas are working, and using the plan-do-sudy-act method.

Contact: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Telephone: (877) 267-2323 Secondary Telephone: (410) 786-3000 Fax: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Low income groups, Medicaid, Oral heath, Prevention, Primary care, Programs, State Children', s Health Insurance Program

Reyna S, Anderson S, Yang S, Rosenbach M. 2024. Recommendations for improving oral health care access, quality, and outcomes and advancing equity in Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program . Princeton, NJ: Mathematica, 35 pp.

Annotation: This report describes the framework that the 2023 Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Initiative (OHI) Workgroup used to set priorities for improving oral health care access, quality, and outcomes and advancing health equity in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program. The report also summarizes workgroup input for the following focus areas: strategic priorities, strategies, and measures for monitoring progress for the next phase of the OHI. It provides background on why good oral health is important and about what the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has done to achieve the goal of improving oral health care for Americans, as well as about the workgroup’s charge.

Contact: Mathematica , P.O. Box 2393, Princeton, NJ 08543-2393, Telephone: (609) 799-3535 Fax: (609) 799-0005 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to oral health care, Medicaid: Children', Oral health, Quality improvement, s Health Insurance Program

Joy Taylor K, Nelson T, Allen EH, Hinojosa S. 2024. Guide to equity for the uninsured . Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 8 pp.

Annotation: This guide presents an overview of inequities in access to health care and insurance coverage in the U.S. and highlights policy and accountability levers that advocates and other change-makers can use to advance equity. Among the topics addressed are providers and service delivery, financing, barriers to obtaining health insurance, barriers to accessing health care, disparities in coverage, accountability and oversight, and policies and actions that could lesson barriers. Links to additional sources of information are included.

Contact: Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037, Telephone: (202) 833-7200 Fax: (202) 467-5775 E-mail: Web Site:

Keywords: Access to care, Barriers, Health care disparities, Health equity, Health insurance, Initiatives, Policy, Uninsured persons

Taylor KJ, Hinojosa S, Allen EH, and Nelson T. 2024. Guide to equity in the children's health insurance program . Washington, DC: Urban Institute,

Annotation: This guide presents an overview of the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP), including system inequities, and highlights policy and accountability levers that advocates and other change-makers can use to advance equity. Among the topics addressed are financing, providers and service delivery, barriers to accessing and maintaining CHIP coverage, barriers to accessing health care services in CHIP, accountability and oversight, and policies and actions that could lesson barriers. Links to additional sources of information are included.

Contact: Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037, Telephone: (202) 833-7200 Fax: (202) 467-5775 E-mail: Web Site:

Keywords: Access to care, Barriers, Children', Health care disparities, Health equity, Initiatives, Policy, s Health Insurance Program

CareQuest Institute for Oral Health. 2024. State of oral health equity in America 2024 survey: Key findings. Boston, MA: CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, 3 pp.

Annotation: This brief provides key findings from the State of Oral Health Equity in America 2024 Survey, a nationally representative survey of over 9,000 adults’ attitudes, experiences, and behaviors related to oral health. Information is included about dental visits in the past year by home-ownership status, planned dental visits in the coming year by income level, emergency department visits for oral health care by educational attainment, having a dental home by health insurance status, self-rated oral health by sexual orientation, importance attached to cultural humility in oral health care by race, and importance attached to diversity in oral health care by income level.

Contact: CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, 465 Medford Street, Boston, MA 02129-1454, Telephone: (617) 886-1700 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Behavior, Cultural competence, Dental care, Educational attainment, Emergency medical services, Health equity, Health insurance, Income factors, Oral health, Sexual identity, Surveys

Wilson K. 2024. Minimally-invasive care: Policy opportunities to improve dental care access and affordability. Boston, MA: Community Catalyst, Dental Access Project, 6 pp.

Annotation: This brief provides an overview of state-level policies that can support community-level actions to help ensure that communities have access to comprehensive oral health care, as well as federal policies that support the availability of minimally invasive care (MIC). State-level policy considerations discussed include maximizing Medicaid coverage for MIC (coverage of fluoride treatments, reimbursement for teledentistry, and risk management and individualized care); improving private coverage of MIC; and workforce considerations. Federal-level policy considerations discussed include mandatory Medicaid adult benefits, federal standardization of essential health benefits, and comprehensive Medicare dental benefits.

Contact: Community Catalyst, Dental Access Project, 30 Winter Street, 10th Floor, Boston, MA 02108, Telephone: (617) 338-6035 Fax: (617) 451-5838 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Community health, Dental insurance, Medicaid, Medicare, Oral health, Public policy

Carequest Institute for Oral Health. 2024. Medicaid adult dental benefits offered to specific beneficiary groups as of December 2023. Boston, MA: CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, 8 pp.

Annotation: This report provides information about Medicaid coverage for specific groups as of December 2023. It includes the 2023 Rubric for Assessing Extensiveness of State Medicaid Adult Dental Benefits, which assesses coverage within eight service categories, by state. Also included is a map showing states offering Medicaid dental coverage to certain groups of beneficiaries that differs from coverage offered to other adult beneficiaries ages 21–64, along with a breakdown of which states offer specific types of coverage.

Contact: CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, 465 Medford Street, Boston, MA 02129-1454, Telephone: (617) 886-1700 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adults, Health insurance, Medicaid, Older adults, Oral health, State information

Santa Fe Group. [2023]. Advance health equity: An alignment and action summit--Summary report. New York, NY: Santa Fe Group, 21 pp.

Annotation: This report presents information from a summit convened to advance health equity by catalyzing aligned, multistate action. The summit focused on three strategic areas: expanded oral health insurance coverage, workforce development, and integration of oral health care and overall health care. The report provides background information and an overview of the summit, as well as a description of sessions.

Contact: Santa Fe Group, 9 East 8th St., Suite 235, New York, NY 10003, Telephone: (505) 603-0804 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Conference proceedings, Conferences, Health equity, Health insurance, Oral health, Service integration

Oregon Health Authority. [2023]. Advancing prevention and reducing childhood caries in Medicaid and CHIP (MAC) Affinity Group, July 2021-December 2022. Portland, OR: Oregon Health Authority, 2 pp.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information on efforts made by the Medicaid and Children’s Health CHIP Affinity Group to prevent and reduce tooth decay in children and adolescents from July 2021 through December 2022. The fact sheet describes the purpose of the group and its activities and goals, offers background on tooth decay among children and adolescents from families with low incomes, and provides the group’s draft aim statement. Baseline data on fluoride varnish application is also included.

Contact: Oregon Health Authority, Oral Health Program, 800 N.E. Oregon Street, Suite 850, Portland, OR 97232, Telephone: (971) 673-0348 Secondary Telephone: (971) 673-0372 Fax: (971) 673-0240 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Low income groups, Medicaid, Oral health, Oregon, Prevention, State Children', State information, s Health Insurance Program

Insure Kids Now. 2023. Improving oral health. Baltimore, MD: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, multiple items.

Annotation: These resources are designed to help health professionals promote oral health coverage in Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) and educate pregnant women and parents and other caregivers about good oral health habits. Contents include links to Medicaid and CHIP benefits for children by state and a tool to help families find a dentist. Additional contents include a fact sheet, a flyer, a poster, tear pads, web banners and buttons, social media messages, images for Facebook and Twitter, and newsletter templates in English and Spanish.

Contact: Insure Kids Now, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Children', Consumer education materials, Medicaid, Oral health, Pregnant women, Public awareness campaigns, Resources for professionals, Spanish language materials, Young children, s Health Insurance Program

U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. 2023. Connecting kids to coverage national campaign: Outreach strategies and materials. [Baltimore, MD]: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, multiple items.

Annotation: This website provides strategies and materials from a national outreach and enrollment initiative. The purpose of the initiative is to raise awareness about health coverage available under Medicaid and the Children's Health Insurance Program; create opportunities for families to get their eligible children and adolescents signed up for coverage; motivate parents to enroll their children and adolescents and renew their coverage; and help states, community organizations, schools, health professionals, and others organize and conduct successful outreach activities. Contents include customizable fact sheets, palmcards, posters, public service announcements, webinars, and a newsletter. Links to campaign partners; a video library; tools for using technology to facilitate outreach; and strategies for businesses, community health centers, schools, and youth sports are also included. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Contact: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Telephone: (877) 267-2323 Secondary Telephone: (410) 786-3000 Fax: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Children', Enrollment, Federal initiatives, Health insurance, Medicaid, Multimedia, Outreach, Public awareness campaigns, Spanish language materials, s Health Insurance Program

Insure Kids Now. 2023. Think Teeth oral health outreach tools. Baltimore, MD: Insure Kids Now, multiple items.

Annotation: This tool library provides links to resources for promoting oral health and encouraging families to enroll children who are eligible for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). Resources include videos, social media messages and images, web banners, web buttons, print materials, a Find a Dentist widget, posters, flyers, tear pads, templates, and fact sheets. A list of each state’s dental benefits for children is also available, along with information on a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid oral health initiative to help states ensure that children enrolled in Medicaid and CHIP have access to oral health care.

Contact: Insure Kids Now, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Health promotion, Medicaid, Oral health, Outreach, State Children', State health insurance programs, s Health Insurance Program

Schroeder K, Heaton LJ, Santoro M, Martin P, Tranby EP. 2023. Oral hygiene home care practices in America. Boston, MA: CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, 15 pp. (Research brief)

Annotation: This brief provides information on oral hygiene home care practices in the United States. It presents the results of a survey of adults conducted to learn about oral hygiene habits, lifestyle choices, and socioeconomic factors that may affect oral health. The brief discusses brushing and flossing frequency; influences of food- and beverage-related behaviors and tobacco use on oral hygiene practices at home; and the influence of dental insurance type on brushing and flossing behaviors. Statistical information is presented according to age group, gender, and race and ethnicity.

Contact: CareQuest Institute for Oral Health, 465 Medford Street, Boston, MA 02129-1454, Telephone: (617) 886-1700 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adult health, Age factors, Dental insurance, Ethnic factors, Gender, Oral health, Oral hygiene, Racial factors, Socioeconomic factors, Statistical data, Surveys, Tobacco use

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