Lombardi J, Harding JF, Connors MC, Friednam-Krauss AH, Dichter H, Ponder K, Sells J, Wolfe RB, Tarrant K, Scott-Little C, Maxwell KL, Jordan E, King C, Mathias D. 2016–. Rising to the challenge: Building effective systems for young children and families, a BUILD e-book. Boston, MA: Build Initiative, multiple items. Annotation: This e-book highlights lessons learned from the initial implementation of a federal initiative to support states in their efforts to align, coordinate, and improve the quality of existing early learning and development programs across multiple funding streams that support children from birth through age five. Contents include experience, trends, and reflections captured through interviews with state leaders. Topics include state systems building through governance, local systems building through coalitions, early learning-health connections, trends and innovations in early childhood education work force development, reform in vision and practice, improving systems of learning through the use of child standards and assessments, integrated data strategies, and the impact of the initiative on state Quality Rating Improvement Systems (QRIS). Contact: Build Initiative, 89 South Street, Suite 700, Boston, MA 02111, Telephone: (617) 523-6565 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: http://www.buildinitiative.org Available from the website. Keywords: Access to health care, Assessments, Child health, Coalitions, Data, Early childhood development, Early childhood education, Federal initiatives, Financing, Learning, Program coordination, Program improvement, Quality assurance, Service coordination, Service delivery systems, Standards, State government, Systems development, Trends, Work force |