[Doksum T, Foster S]. 2006. The Genetics Education Needs Evaluation Project: Final report. [Cambridge, MA]: Abt Associates, 85 pp., plus appendices.
Annotation: This report describes a project whose central mission was to develop community-based participatory strategies to improve access to culturally and linguistically appropriate genetics information, resources, and services to assist underserved populations in making informed choices about their health. Collaborative partners included Abt Associates, the National March of Dimes Foundation, the Genetic Alliance, Family Voices, the Michigan GENE Project, and the Washington Heights/Inwood GENE Project (New York), and the Midwest Latino Research Center. Report contents include the executive summary; introduction; history of the project and the approach; a summary of information-gathering activities; an outline of community projects; a review of the development of national partnerships; reflections on the project infrastructure and partnerships; and lessons learned, next steps, and recommendations. Appendices include the project logic model and evaluation plan, local evaluation reports, literature and materials review, a summary of the literature on genetics education and underserved populations, a study of consumer organizations, a meeting summary, a research paper, notes from focus groups, community needs and assets assessments, and the partnership agreement. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]
Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: https://www.mchlibrary.org
Keywords: Collaboration, Community surveys, Culturally competent services, Final reports, Genetic counseling, Genetics, Genetics education, MCH research, Michigan, New York, Patient education, Program descriptions, Underserved communities