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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

Search Results: MCHLine

Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (282 total).

Louisiana Oral Health Coalition. n.d.. Louisiana oral health state action plan 2018-2023. [no place]: Louisiana Oral Health Coalition, 12 pp.

Annotation: This action plan focuses on the Louisiana Oral Health Coalition’s goals related to improving the oral health of all Louisianans. It provides direction for achieving priorities set forth by stakeholders representing individual oral health champions and multiple organizations across the state. The plan describes three oral-health-promotion interventions across the state: Well Ahead Louisiana (a chronic-disease-prevention and health-care-access initiative of the Louisiana Department of Health), school dental sealant programs, and community water fluoridation. Information about the Louisiana Oral Health Coalition is provided.

Contact: Louisiana Department of Health, 628 North Fourth Street, P.O. Box 629, Baton Rouge, LA 70821-0629, Telephone: (225) 342-9500 Fax: (225) 342-5568 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Dental sealants, Fluoride, Health promotion, Louisiana, Oral health, Prevention, School health, State planning

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program. n.d.. Protecting your child's teeth: Fluoride varnish. Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program, 2 pp.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information for parents about fluoride varnish (FV). Topics include what FV is, why FV application is recommended for children, how to tell if a child needs FV,and at what ages FV should be applied. Also discussed is what parents should do after FV is applied to their child's teeth, the cost of FV application, the safety of FV, and how long FV lasts. The fact sheet is available in Arabic, English, and Spanish.

Contact: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Capitol View Building, 201 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI 48913, Telephone: (517) 373-3740 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Consumer education materials, Costs, Fluoride, Non English language materials, Oral health, Prevention, Safety, Spanish language materials

Vermont Department of Health. n.d.. Silver diamine fluoride facts. Burlington, VT: Vermont Department of Health, 1 p.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information on silver diamine fluoride (SDF) treatment. Topics include the purpose of SDF, side effects of SDF treatment, who can benefit from SDF treatment, U.S. Food and Drug Administration clearance of SDF treatment, Vermont Medicaid coverage of SDF treatment, and who should not receive SDF treatment. Also included is information on how SDF treatment can prevent children under age 6 in Vermont from requiring tooth decay treatment performed under general anesthesia. The fact sheet is written in simple language.

Contact: Vermont Department of Health, Office of Oral Health, 108 Cherry Street, Burlington, VT 05402, Telephone: (802) 863-7497 Secondary Telephone: (800) 464-4343 Fax: (802) 865-7554 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Fluoride, Medicaid, Oral health, Prevention, State materials, Vermont

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. n.d.. Chairside guide: Silver diamine fluoride in the management of dental caries lesions. The Reference Manual of Pediatric Dentistry 638-639, 2 pp.

Annotation: This guide provides information about how silver diamine fluoride (SDF) can be used in the management of dental caries. Information on who may benefit from SFD application and criteria for tooth selection is offered, along with information about how to apply SDF and how to follow up after treatment. What patients can expect after application is also discussed.

Contact: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 211 East Chicago Avenue, Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60611-2637, Telephone: (312) 337-2169 Fax: (312) 337-6329 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Disease management, Followup, Oral health, Prevention, Silver diamine fluoride

New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program. n.d.. School sealant programs: 2021-2022 oral health report card. Concord, NH: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program, 1 p.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information on the New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program's school dental sealant programs. Topics include the total number of students in the programs who received an oral health screening, who received sealants, who received fluoride varnish. who had untreated tooth decay, and who had urgent oral health needs. The number of potential school days saved is also presented, along with an explanation of how this number was calculated.

Contact: New Hampshire Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Program, 29 Hazen Drive, Concord, NH 03301-3852, Telephone: (603) 271-4535 Secondary Telephone: (800) 852-3345, ext. 4535 Fax: (603) 271-4506 E-mail: Web Site:

Keywords: Data, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Fluoride varnish, Health screenings, New Hampshire, Oral health, State information, State information, State programs

Tennessee Department of Health. n.d.. Tennessee state oral health plan: 2022-2027 plan. Nashville, TN: Tennessee Department of Health, 48 pp.

Annotation: This state oral health plan for 2022–2027 summarizes goals of the Tennessee Department of Health related to improving the oral health of Tennessee residents. The report discusses the importance of oral health, the department's past oral-health-related accomplishments, and the department's role in providing oral health care. Also discussed are access to oral health care, oral health education and advocacy, oral disease prevention, oral health resources, and the oral health workforce. The state's Healthy Smiles Initiative is described, along with the future of oral health in Tennessee.

Contact: Tennessee Department of Health, Oral Health Services Section, 710 James Robertson Parkway, Andrew Johnson Tower, Nashville, TN 37243, Telephone: (615) 741-3111 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Advocacy, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Fluoride varnish, Health education, Oral health, Prevention, Silver diamine fluoride, State initiatives, State materials, Tennessee, Workforce

American Academy of Pediatrics, Silver Diamine Fluoride Work Group. [2024]. AAP guidance brief: SDF application in the pediatric medical setting. Itasca, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 4 pp.

Annotation: This guidance brief provides American Academy of Pediatrics members and other primary care health professionals with steps to determine a child's eligibility for tooth decay management with silver diamine fluoride (SDF) in the medical setting. Topic include why children need treatment in the pediatric medical home, advantages and disadvantages of SDF, contraindications to SDF, shared decision-making, referral, and follow up. An SDF-options diagram is included, along with steps for applying SDF.

Contact: American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143, Telephone: (630) 626-6000 Secondary Telephone: (847) 434-4000 Fax: (847) 434-8000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Oral health, Primary care, Referrals, Silver diamine fluoride, Treatment

Beltrán-Aguilar E, Lin M, Wei L, Thornton-Evans G, Li CH, Espinoza L. 2024. Oral health surveillance report: Dental caries, tooth retention, and edentulism, United States—2017–March 2020. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Oral Health, 24 pp.

Annotation: This report presents an analysis of surveillance data on prevalence of tooth decay in primary and permanent teeth, tooth retention, and edentulism. An editorial comment is included. Statistical information is presented in figures and tables.

Contact: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Oral Health, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, Telephone: (800) 232-4636 Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available at no charge; also available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Fluoride, Older adults, Oral health, Population surveillance, Public health, Statistics

Hannan C, Espinoza L. 2024. Statement on the evidence supporting the safety and effectiveness of community water fluoridation. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4 pp.

Annotation: This statement focuses on the safety and benefits of community water fluoridation (CWF). Contents include evidence showing that CWF programs are an effective, cost-saving, and safe intervention for preventing tooth decay and promoting oral health across the lifespan. The effectiveness of CWF compared with other methods of fluoride delivery is discussed, along with the return on investment of CWF, both for families and for the health care system as a whole. Risks that may accompany CWF are addressed.

Contact: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, Telephone: (800) 232-4636 Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Community based services, Cost effectiveness, Disease prevention, Fluorides, Life course, Oral health, Safety, Water

Center for Medicaid and CHIP Services, Technical Assistance and Analytic Support for the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Measurement and Improvement Program. 2024. Highlights from the Advancing Oral Health Prevention in Primary Care Affinity Group. Baltimore, MD: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 5 pp. (Quality improvement affinity group highlights)

Annotation: This report provides information about how fluoride varnish (FV) can be used to prevent or reverse the early states of tooth decay. It presents background, explains what FV is, and discusses state FV quality-improvement (QI) projects. It also discusses how states have partnered to improve the success of QI projects, sustaining and spreading improvement through program and policy changes, and peer-to-peer knowledge sharing.

Contact: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Telephone: (877) 267-2323 Secondary Telephone: (410) 786-3000 Fax: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Dental caries, Fluoride, Oral health, Policy development, Prevention, Programs, Quality assurance

Technical Assistance and Analytic Support for the Medicaid and CHIP Quality Measurement and Improvement Program. 2024. Overview of the dental and oral health service measures in the 2024 child core set. Baltimore, MD: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 4 pp.

Annotation: This report provide information on dental and oral health service measures in the 2024 Child Core Set. The report offers background information on the Child Core Set and includes the following information about the 2024 set: measures steward, description, age, denominator, numerator, continuous enrollment allowable gap, anchor date, exclusions, data source, and codes needed to calculate the measure. This information is provided for the following measures: oral evaluation, dental services; topical fluoride for children; and sealant receipt on first molar. Additional information on the three measures is included.

Contact: U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 7500 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21244, Telephone: (877) 267-2323 Secondary Telephone: (410) 786-3000 Fax: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child health, Dental sealants, Fluoride, Measures, Medical evaluation, Oral health

Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Section. 2024. Inside I-Smile: 2023 update on children's oral health. Des Moines, IA: Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Oral Health Section, 2 pp.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information about Iowa children's oral health in 2023. Information about the I-Smile program is provided, along with a discussion of the importance of good oral health in children. The fact sheet also includes statistics related to the number of Iowa children who received assistance from I-Smile in fiscal year 2023; the percentages of Iowa children enrolled in Medicaid who received a service from a dentist in 2021, 2022, and 2023; and the percentages of Iowa children enrolled in Medicaid who received a service from a dentist in 2023, by age.

Contact: Iowa Department of Health and Human Services, Dental and Oral Health, Lucas State Office Building, 321 East 12th Street, Des Moines, IA 50319-0075, Telephone: (515) 242-6383 Secondary Telephone: (866) 528-4020 Fax: (515) 242-6384 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Data, Dental caries, Fluoride, Health care utilization, Iowa, Medicaid, Oral health, Prevention, Screening tests, State programs

Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. 2024. Seal! Michigan: Michigan Dental Sealant Program--All grantees data report 2022-2023 school year, fiscal year 2023. Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, 8 pp.

Annotation: This data report provides information about Michigan's dental sealant program, SEAL! Michigan, during the grant period October 1, 2022, through September 30, 2023. Data was obtained from child-level forms submitted by grantees to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. Topics include number of students screened by gender, grade, race, and insurance status; untreated tooth decay; tooth decay experience; presence of sealants, urgency of needed treatment; referral for treatment; number of decayed or filled molars, other teeth, and primary teeth; and types of fluoride treatment provided. Also included is information about special health care needs among students screened.

Contact: Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, Capitol View Building, 201 Townsend Street, Lansing, MI 48913, Telephone: (517) 373-3740 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Data, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Fluoride, Health screenings, Michigan, Oral health, Referrals, State information, State programs

Vermont Department of Health, Office of Oral Health. 2024. Keep smiling Vermont: The oral health of Vermon't children 2022-2023. Burlington, Vt: Vermont Department of Health, 23 pp.

Annotation: This report provides an analysis of data from the 2023 Keep Smiling Vermont Basic Screening Survey, a survey of the oral health status of children in kindergarten and third grade in the state. The report introduces the issue and presents key findings on the following topics: tooth decay experience, trends in prevalence of tooth decay and in dental treatment needs, prevalence of dental sealants among children in third grade, the impact of socioeconomic status on oral health, and receipt of fluoride varnish and other preventive oral health measures. The report also offers recommendations, discusses health equity, and presents limitations of the survey.

Contact: Vermont Department of Health, Office of Oral Health, 108 Cherry Street, Burlington, VT 05402, Telephone: (802) 863-7497 Secondary Telephone: (800) 464-4343 Fax: (802) 865-7554 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Data, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Fluoride varnish, Kindergarten, Oral health, Prevention, School age children, Socioeconomic factors, State information, Surveys, Trends, Vermont

Rocky Mountain Network of Oral Health. 2024. Tiny tooth survey: Parent oral health survey. [no place]: Project Redcap, 10 pp.

Annotation: This parent oral health survey form was sent to parents or caregivers of children who received care from the Rocky Mountain Network of Oral Health, which was part of the Networks for Oral Health Integration (NOHI) Within the Maternal and Child Health Safety Net program. The form includes questions related to fluoride varnish, the respondent's knowledge about oral health care and oral hygiene for children, oral health care that the child has received, and background information about the respondent.

Contact: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Attitudes, Caregivers, Dental caries, Fluoride varnish, Health care utilization, Oral health, Oral hygiene, Parents, Prevention, Surveys

Rocky Mountain Network of Oral Health. 2024. Provider and staff survey: Provider and staff oral health survey. [no place]: Project Redcap, 12 pp.

Annotation: This survey for health professionals and staff within the Rocky Mountain Network of Oral Health presents questions about opinions and experiences with providing oral health care to children ages 3 and under. Selected question topics includes age of first dental visit, fluoride varnish application during dental visits, making referrals, fluoride counseling, and anticipatory guidance and education.

Contact: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Anticipatory guidance, Counseling, Fluoride, Health care providers, Health education, Oral health, Referrals, Young children

Herndon J, Ojha D, Layman S, Colangelo E, Shimpi N, Aravamudhan K. 2024. Selected quality measures of oral health care for children. Chicago, IL: Dental Quality Alliance; Washington, DC: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, 6 pp.

Annotation: This brief provides a national summary of selected oral health care quality measures for children developed by the Dental Quality Alliance (DQA) and displayed in DQA's State Oral Healthcare Quality Dashboard. The brief offers information on the following selected measures: Oral Evaluation, Dental Services (by or under the supervision of a dentist); Topical Fluoride for Children; and Sealant Receipt on Permanent First Molars. Data is presented on these three measures for the period 2016–2020.

Contact: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Data, Dental sealants, Fluoride, Health care utilization, Medical evaluation, Oral health

National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. 2024. Fluoride fact sheet for health professionals. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 1 web resource.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information about fluoride. It presents background information and discusses the following topics: recommended intakes for infants, children, adolescents, and adults from birth to over age 19, sources of fluoride, fluoride intakes among people in the United States, fluoride and health (the effects of fluoride on tooth decay and bone fractures), health risks from excessive fluoride, interactions of fluoride with medications, and fluoride and healthy diets.

Contact: National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892, Telephone: (301) 496-4000 Secondary Telephone: (301) 402-9612 Fax: (301) 496-0017 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adult health, Dental caries, Fluoride, Fractures, Infant health, Oral heath, Prevention

National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. 2024. Fluoride fact sheet for consumers. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 1 web resource.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information about fluoride. It presents background information and discusses the following topics: recommended intakes for infants, children, adolescents, and adults from birth to over age 19, including pregnant adolescents and women and breastfeeding adolescents and women; sources of fluoride; types of fluoride supplements; fluoride and health (the effects of fluoride on tooth decay and bone fractures); health risks from excessive fluoride; interactions of fluoride with medications; fluoride and healthy diets; and where to find more information about fluoride. The fact sheet is written in simple language.

Contact: National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892, Telephone: (301) 496-4000 Secondary Telephone: (301) 402-9612 Fax: (301) 496-0017 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adult health, Breastfeeding, Consumer education materials, Dental caries, Fluoride, Fractures, Infant health, Oral heath, Pregnant adolescents, Pregnant women, Prevention

American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry. 2023. Fluoride therapy (rev. ed.). Chicago, IL: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 7 pp. (The Reference Manual of Pediatric Dentistry)

Annotation: This document provides recommendations to help health professionals and parents make decisions concerning appropriate use of fluoride as part of comprehensive oral health care for infants, children, adolescents, and individuals with special health care needs. Methods are presented, and background information about fluoride (community water fluoridation, fluoride supplements, topical fluoride treatments, and silver diamine fluoride) is included.

Contact: American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, 211 East Chicago Avenue, Suite 1600, Chicago, IL 60611-2637, Telephone: (312) 337-2169 Fax: (312) 337-6329 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents with special health care needs, Children with special health care needs, Fluoride, Infants with special health care needs, Oral health, Special health care needs

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.