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Displaying records 1 through 20 (57 total).

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. 2015. 2013 national assessment of epidemiology capacity: Findings and recommendations for chronic disease, maternal and child health, and oral health. Atlanta, GA: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 94 pp.

Annotation: This report presents findings on chronic disease, maternal and child health, and oral health program-specific epidemiology capacity from the 2013 core epidemiology capacity assessment and supplemental modules. Contents include methods, key results and conclusions, overall recommendations, and next steps for enhancing epidemiology capacity. Topics include the epidemiology work force, factors associated with substantial capacity, outcomes and individual factors associated with substantial capacity, and work force competency.

Contact: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 2872 Woodcock Boulevard, Suite 250, Atlanta, GA 30341, Telephone: (770) 458-3811 Fax: (770) 458-8516 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child health, Data, Epidemiology, Maternal health, Oral health, Public health infrastructure, Trends, Work force

University of Washington, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. 2015. Global Burden of Disease (GBD). Seattle, WA: University of Washington, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, multiple items.

Annotation: This resource provides information and resources on the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD), an effort to measure epidemiological levels and trends worldwide. Contents include data, data visualizations, publications, videos, news and events, and training.

Contact: University of Washington, Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, 2301 Fifth Avenue, Suite 600, Seattle, WA 98121, Telephone: (206) 897-2800 Fax: (206) 897-2899 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Collaboration, Data sources, Epidemiology, Injuries, International health, Measures, Multimedia, Research, Resources for professionals, Risk factors, Training, Trends

Cartier P, Graff R, Kumar JV, Moss ME, Oh J, Kram N, Perrotta DM. 2015. Enhancing oral health epidemiology capacity: A three-year training plan. Atlanta, GA: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 17 pp.

Annotation: This document builds on a conceptual framework and operational definition for state-based oral health systems and identifies training opportunities for increasing oral health epidemiology capacity at the state and local levels to meet the Healthy People 2020 goal of having state surveillance to monitor oral disease and its effects. Topics include the public health importance of oral health, factors impacting oral health outcomes, how to build an oral health surveillance plan, the National Oral Health Surveillance System indicators and data sources, and selected special topics.

Contact: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 2872 Woodcock Boulevard, Suite 250, Atlanta, GA 30341, Telephone: (770) 458-3811 Fax: (770) 458-8516 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Oral health, Population surveillance, Public health infrastructure, State programs, Training

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. 2014. MCH epidemiology methods and practice assessment. Washington, DC: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, 4 pp. (Issue brief)

Annotation: This issue brief reports on an assessment of the experiences, methods, approaches, and resources that strengthen and support the work of maternal and child health (MCH) epidemiologists and the field of MCH epidemiology (MCH epi). It describes a survey of epidemiologists who work for state/territory agencies and reports on their background and experiences, how MCH epi projects support Title V, use of linking or matching datasets, areas for skills development and training, and preferred resources on MCH epi practices.

Contact: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, 1825 K Street, N.W., Suite 250, Washington, DC 20006-1202, Telephone: (202) 775-0436 Fax: (202) 478-5120 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Epidemiology, MCH programs, Surveys, Title V programs

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs. 2014. Quality improvement resources for epidemiologists. Washington, DC: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, 2 pp.

Annotation: This resource guide provides quality improvement (QI) resources for epidemiologists working in maternal and child health (MCH) programs. It includes background information on QI in public health, introductory materials on QI concepts and methods, practical tools and resources for implementing QI projects, examples of QI initiatives at state and local health departments, and MCH-specific QI resources. The guide highlights four common QI models used in public health practice: Lean, Six Sigma, IHI Breakthrough Series, and Kaizen. It also features a section on QI measurement and feedback specifically relevant for epidemiologists. The resource guide aims to familiarize epidemiologists with QI approaches and support their engagement in QI efforts to improve MCH programs and practices.

Contact: Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, 1825 K Street, N.W., Suite 250, Washington, DC 20006-1202, Telephone: (202) 775-0436 Fax: (202) 478-5120 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Keywords: Epidemiology, Quality assessment, Quality assurance

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Maternal and Child Health Bureau. (2013). 25 years of the Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program. Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; [Rockville, MD]: Maternal and Child Health Bureau, 1 video (5 min., 42 sec.).

Annotation: This online video reflects on 25 years of the Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program (MCHEP). It outlines the building of state, local, tribal, and territorial MCH data and research capacity to improve the health outcomes for women, infants, children, and families.

Contact: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, Telephone: (800) 232-4636 Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Audiovisual materials, Children, Families, History, Infants, MCH Epidemiology Program, Women

Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program. (2012). Celebrating 25 years. [Atlanta, GA]: Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program, 1 video (5 min., 42 sec.).

Annotation: This online videorecording presents a reflective journey of 25 years of the federal Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program (MCHEP), a collaborative of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau.. It shows how the MCHEP has built state, local, tribal, and territorial MCH capacity to improve the health outcomes for women, infants, children, and families.

Contact: Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology and Statistics Program, Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Federal programs, Health promotion, History, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program

U.S. Office of the Surgeon General. 2012. Preventing tobacco use among youth and young adults: A report of the Surgeon General. Rockville, MD: U.S. Office of the Surgeon General, 899 pp., exec. summ. (11 pp.).

Annotation: This report provides information about the scientific evidence on smoking among adolescents and young adults. Topics include research on diseases caused by early tobacco use, the addiction process, epidemiology, risk factors, the tobacco industry’s influence, and prevention. An executive summary, consumer booklet, fact sheet, parent and physician conversation cards, public service announcements, and promotional buttons and e-cards are also available. The consumer booklet and fact sheet are available in English and Spanish.

Contact: U.S. Office of the Surgeon General, Tower Building, Plaza Level 1, Room 100, 1101 Wootton Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852, Telephone: (240) 276-8853 Fax: (240) 453-6141 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Drug addiction, Epidemiology, Health behavior, Marketing, Prevention, Risk factors, Smoking, Spanish language materials, Statistical data, Tobacco use, Young adults

National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention. 2012. 2010 epidemiologic profile: Asians and Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders. Atlanta, GA: National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, 80 pp.

Annotation: This report compiles 2010 national surveillance data on infectious disease in single race Asians and Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders. Contents include background information and data sources, overviews, snapshots, discussion, and references on tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, sexually transmitted diseases, and HIV and AIDS.

Contact: National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatitis, STD, and TB Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1600 Clifton Road, Atlanta, GA 30329-4027, Telephone: (800) 232-4636 Secondary Telephone: (888) 232-6348 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: AIDS, Asian Americans, Communicable diseases, Data sources, Epidemiology, HIV, Hawaiians, Hepatitis, Mortality, Pacific Americans, Pacific Islanders, Population surveillance, Sexually transmitted diseases, Testing, Trends, Tuberculosis

New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. 2012. Pre-pregnancy weight and infant mortality in New York City. New York, NY: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 3 pp. (Epi data brief, no. 16)

Annotation: This brief examines maternal weight and infant mortality in New York City during the period 2008-2010. Contents include information and data on disparities in pre-pregnancy obesity by race and ethnicity. Additional content addresses the relationship between pre-pregnancy weight, infant mortality, mother's education, infant birth weight, and neighborhood poverty.

Contact: New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2 Lafayette Street, 20th Floor, CN-65, New York, NY 10007, Telephone: (212) 676-2188 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adverse effects, Barriers, Cities, Data, Epidemiology, Infant mortality, New York, Obesity, Pregnancy, Urban health

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. 2012. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists CSTE strategic plan. Atlanta, GA: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 4 pp.

Annotation: This document presents the Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists' (CSTEs') mission statement, organizational priorities, and objectives for the period 2012-2014. It describes an organizational roadmap and template for future planning in driving the use of epidemiologic data to address the major preventable causes of morbidity and mortality for the nation. Topics include building and sustaining applied epidemiology programs, being recognized as the home for all applied public health epidemiologists, diversitying funding sources, and improving communication.

Contact: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 2872 Woodcock Boulevard, Suite 250, Atlanta, GA 30341, Telephone: (770) 458-3811 Fax: (770) 458-8516 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Epidemiology, Professional societies, Strategic plans

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. 2011. Evidence-based methodologies for public health: How to assess the best available evidence when time is limited and there is a lack of sound evidence. Stockholm, Sweden: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, 58 pp. (ECDC tehnical report)

Annotation: This report explores ideas for how to match and possibly merge methods from epidemiology and evidence-based medicine to create an evidence-based methodology (EBM) for infectious diseases prevention and control. The report discusses (1) challenges of working with evidence-based methods in a public health setting, (2) providing evidence-based guidance in the context of scarce evidence and limited time, (3) the usefulness of EBM tools for grading evidence and recommendations for the field of public health and infectious diseases, (4) assessing and ensuring quality in guidelines development for controlling communicable diseases, and (5) using EBM methods for public health.

Contact: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, SE-171 83, Stockholm, Sweden Telephone: +46 (0)8 586 010 00 Fax: +46 (0)8 586 010 00 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: ISBN 978-92-9193-311-2.

Keywords: Communicable diseases, Disease prevention, Epidemiology, Evidence based medicine, Guidelines, Public heath

Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. [2010]. Supplement report: Maternal and child health epidemiology capacity–Findings and recommendations. Atlanta, GA: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 61 pp.

Annotation: This supplement to the 2009 National Assessment of Epidemiology Capacity (ECA) presents findings on the epidemiological capacity of state and territorial maternal and child health (MCH) programs. Topics include the organization of MCH epidemiologic activities, spectrum of work covered by MCH epidemiologists, access to data and consultants, the nature of data analysis performed, activities to disseminate data, and collaborations with other state health department programs and with agencies outside the health department. An assessment module is also included.

Contact: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, 2872 Woodcock Boulevard, Suite 250, Atlanta, GA 30341, Telephone: (770) 458-3811 Fax: (770) 458-8516 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Epidemiology, MCH programs, Needs assessment, Program improvement, Public health infrastructure

Wisconsin Department of Health Services. 2010. Oral cancer and oral health. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, Oral Health Consultant, 2 pp. (Oral health in Wisconsin: A fact sheet)

Annotation: This fact sheet discusses oral cancer as a public health issue and describes causes and symptoms. Information about oral and pharyngeal cancer incidence and mortality rates in Wisconsin and the state's tobacco prevention and control program is also included. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659, Fax: (608) 266-3483 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Alcohol consumption behavior, Consumer education, Disease prevention, Educational materials, Epidemiology, Oral cancer, Oral health, State programs, Statistics, Tobacco use, Wisconsin

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Program. 2009. Maternal and child health epidemiology. Atlanta, GA: National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Reproductive Health, 1 CD.

North Carolina Task Force on Genomics and Public Health. 2004. North Carolina public health: Genomics plan. [Raleigh, NC]: North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Genomics, 27 pp.

Annotation: This report provides guidance to North Carolina as the scientific discoveries of the genomic revolution move from the laboratory into clinical and public health medicine. The report contains a set of recommendations in several broad areas of concern (communication and education, epidemiology and surveillance, genetic testing and services, and future directions) and with each recommendation suggests initial action steps to help the state move toward the objective. The report, which includes an executive summary, explains what genomics is, describes the development of the state plan, and lists the primary goals of the plan. A conclusion is also included. The report contains four appendices: a genomics needs executive summary, a glossary, notes and references, and acknowledgments. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Keywords: Communication, Education, Epidemiology, Genetic screening, Genetic services, Genetics, North Carolina, Population surveillance, Public health, Statewide planning

Alexander GR, Nabukera S, Bader D, Slay-Wingate M. [2003]. Infant mortality assessment manual. Birmingham, AL: University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Maternal and Child Health,

Annotation: This manual outlines a process for analyzing and interpreting perinatal-related data that will inform needs assessment and program development efforts. Contents include sample analyses using data from the United States and Alabama to provide a framework for selecting appropriate indicators, analyzing data, interpreting findings, and developing community interventions. The manual highlights indicators of infant mortality including definitions and data sources, demonstrates methodological and statistical approaches to analyzing the data and interpreting the findings, and offers recommendations for agencies working to reduce infant mortality.

Contact: University of Alabama at Birmingham, Department of Maternal and Child Health, RPHB 320, 1530 Third Avenue South, Birmingham, AL 35294-0022, Telephone: (205) 934-7161 Fax: (205) 934-8248 Available from the website.

Keywords: Community based services, Data analysis, Epidemiology, Infant mortality, MCH programs, Needs assessment, Perinatal influences, Program development

2003-. Alaska maternal and child health data book, 20__. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Section of Women's, Children's, and Family Health, 1 v.

Annotation: This series of reference books provides information about the epidemiology of maternal, child, and family health in Alaska. In interim years, the data books focus on findings from specific public health surveillance programs such as the Alaska Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System and the Alaska Birth Defects Registry. Contents include prevalence estimates, trends, regional distributions, and risk factor analyses.

Contact: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Section of Women's, Children's, and Family Health, 3601 C Street, Suite 322, Anchorage, AK 99503-5923, Telephone: (907) 269-3400 Secondary Telephone: (800) 799-7570 Fax: (907) 269-3465 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Alaska, Alaska Natives, Birth defects, Child health, Comparative analysis, Data analysis, Epidemiology, Factor analysis, Families, Health status, Infant health, Life course, Population surveillance, Prenatal care, Reproductive health, State MCH programs, State surveys, Statistical data, Trends, Women', s health

Peck M, Sappenfield B, Haynatzka V. 2003. Perinatal periods of risk analysis: Using local, state and national data. Omaha, NE: CityMatCH, 67 pp.

Annotation: This archived webcast comprises presentation slides and notes from the 2003 MCH Epi Conference. It describes the Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR) Approach and the effective use of local, state, and national data. Topics include the strengths and limitations of using National Center for Health Statistics data to assess feto-infant mortality; results from an analysis using PPOR to assess feto-infant mortality in U.S. cities, urban counties, states, and the U.S. as a whole for selected periods of time; and recommendations and options for using PPOR in the future. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: CityMatCH, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, 982170 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-2170, Telephone: (402) 552-9500 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Conference proceedings, Data analysis, Epidemiology, Fetal mortality, Infant mortality, Perinatal influences

BETAH, Inc. 2002. Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act needs assessment guide. Rockv ille, MD: U.S. HIV/AIDS Bureau, 212 pp.

Annotation: The purpose of this guide is to help the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act community conduct needs assessments so that it can better plan how to use CARE Act resources to fill gaps in care. The guide describes the process of conducting needs assessments and provides "how-to" information about tasks ranging from developing an epidemiologic profile to estimating the need for services. A glossary and sample forms and documents are included.

Keywords: AIDS, Epidemiology, Federal programs, Guidelines, HIV, Manuals f, Needs assessment

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.