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Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 8 (8 total).

Adamsen C, Bendixen B, Woodrich-Fernando M, Goins T, Joe JR. [2021]. Evidence-based health promotion programs among American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities: A call to action to improve cultural relevance and accessibility. Arlington, VA: National Council on Aging; Albuquerque, NM: National Indian Council on Aging, 48 pp.

Annotation: This report highlights disparities in health care access faced by elders in the American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian communities. The report supplies results from a survey of Older Americans Act Title VI directors and staff; in addition, it provides evidence-based health promotion and disease prevention programs in the AI/AN/NH communities. This report is intended to educate and raise awareness among stake-holders interested in public health and aging in the public and private sectors.

Contact: National Indian Council on Aging, 8500 Menual Blvd. NE, Suite B-470, Albuquerque, NM 87112, Telephone: (505) 292-2001 Web Site:

Keywords: Accessibility, Aging, Alaska Natives, American Indians, Elder care, Hawaiians, Health care disparities

Ralls, Matthew. 2021. Understanding today's federal policy landscape for supporting family caregivers. Hamilton, NJ: Center for Health Care Strategies, 1 item. (Medicaid policy cheat sheet)

Annotation: This Medicaid Policy Cheat Sheet details the importance of family caregivers and reviews legislation that supports this unpaid workforce. The document defines family caregivers and their tasks and lists hardships that family caregivers face as a result of providing care. Recent enacted federal legislation aimed at supporting family caregivers include the Recognize, Assist, Support and Engage (RAISE) Family Caregivers Act (2018) and the American Rescue Plan (2021). Proposed legislation includes the American Families Plan and the American Jobs Plan.

Contact: Center for Health Care Strategies, 200 American Metro Boulevard, Suite 119, Hamilton, NJ 08619, Telephone: (609) 528-8400 Fax: (609) 586-3679 Web Site:

Keywords: Caregivers, Elder care, Family centered care, Family economics, Federal health insurance programs, Federal legislation, Home care, Medicaid

Body D. [2020]. The true cost of caregiving: Why an equitable care system for children, adults, and elders is essential to household financial security. Washington, DC: Aspen Institute Financial Security Program, 29 pp. (exec. summ. 3 pp.).

Annotation: This report illustrates four pillars of care: child care and early education, adult and elder care, family caregiving and self care, and professional caregiving. It addresses (1) how existing care systems support households; (2) what the greatest unmet care needs are for households; (3) how design principles can better address care needs; and (4) what promising policy proposals and opportunities exist to improve household financial security.

Contact: Aspen Institute, One Dupont Circle, NW, Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-1133, Telephone: (202) 736-5800 Fax: (202) 467-0790 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child care, Costs, Early childhood education, Elder care, Financial support, Public policies

American Medical Association. 1995. Diagnostic and treatment guidelines on mental health effects of family violence. Chicago, IL: American Medical Association, 35 pp.

Annotation: These guidelines discuss the implications of family violence with regard to its prevalence and costs and the role of physicians in its treatment. The guidelines consider clinical aspects such as adapting to stress and review indicators of elder mistreatment, child physical abuse and neglect, child sexual abuse, partner abuse and neglect, and adult survivors of childhood abuse. It also considers the assessment and treatment of family violence, and provides suggestions for making referrals. Topics relating to legal issues are also discussed; and contact information is provided for state resources for domestic violence, elder mistreatment, and child abuse.

Contact: American Medical Association, Department of Mental Health, 515 North State Street, Chicago, IL 60610, Telephone: (312) 464-5066 Secondary Telephone: 800-621-8335 Contact Phone: ((312)) 464-5066 Web Site: $2.25 members for 1 to 24 copies; $3.00 nonmembers for 1 to 24 copies; discounts available for bulk orders; prepayment required; make checks payable to American Medical Association.

Keywords: Assessment, Child abuse, Child neglect, Child sexual abuse, Domestic violence, Elder abuse, Family violence, Guidelines, Health care delivery, Physicians, Protocols, Therapeutics Legal responsibility

Lowe PC. 1993. Carepooling: How to get the help you need to care for the ones you love—Child care to elder care made easier, better, and more affordable. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 292 pp.

Annotation: This book describes what the author calls carepooling, formal, non-financial arrangements whereby people from two or more families share responsibility for care of children, elders, or other persons needing special care. The topics addressed include the psychology of caregiving and of asking for help; how to find other people with whom to share caregiving responsibilities; written agreements; and the issue of jointly hiring a care provider.

Contact: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 235 Montgomery Street. Suite 650, San Francisco, CA 94104, Telephone: (415) 288-0260 Contact Phone: (800) 929-2929 Fax: (415) 362-2512 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available in libraries.

Keywords: Barter and exchange, Child care, Elder care, Family support services, Uncompensated care

Haack D. 1992. Suggested protocols for victims of spousal and elder abuse: A task force reference document for Colorado hospitals. Denver, CO: Colorado Department of Health, 59 pp.

Annotation: This document describes suggested protocols for health professionals for providing appropriate care to victims of suspected abuse. The protocols were developed by the Domestic Violence Protocol Development Task Force which was formed by the Colorado Department of Health. The document includes several checklists, forms, and injury charts designed to help identify and assess abuse. There is a directory of shelters and programs in Colorado for battered women and abused elders. Model programs from Denver area hospitals are also included.

Contact: Colorado Department of Health, Prevention Services Division, 4300 Cherry Creek Drive South, Denver, CO 80246, Telephone: (303) 692-2567 Contact Phone: (303) 692-2589 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Training manual $40.00, video and protocol $75.00.

Keywords: Battered women, Colorado, Domestic violence, Elder abuse, Health care systems, Legal aid, Pregnancy, Protocols, Resources for professionals, Shelters, Treatment

U.S. Bureau of Community Health Services. 1973. Home health in Chinatown. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 32 pp.

Williams N, ed. Cultural diversity in American family life. Journal of Family Issues. 16(32):243-405. May 1995,

Annotation: This special issue of the "Journal of Family Issues" is dedicated to the role of family relations within the context of cultural diversity based on racial and ethnic differences. It includes empirical and theoretical articles. Topics covered include family life and racial and ethnic diversity; social support systems for employed African Americans and Anglo-Americans; differences between rural and urban family structures for African Americans; the timing of marriages among Chinese and Japanese Americans; the patterns of care for elderly Mexican Americans; the roles of race, ethnicity, and gender in the perceptions of fairness; and the relationships between the assimilation model, family life, and race and ethnicity and how these relationships affect the care of minority welfare mothers.

Contact: Sage Publications, 2455 Teller Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-2218, Telephone: (805) 499-9774 Secondary Telephone: (800)818-7243 Fax: (805) 499-0871 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: $15.00; discounts available for bulk orders; prepayment required for orders under $25.00.

Keywords: Asian Americans, Blacks, Cultural diversity, Elder care, Employment, Ethnic factors, Family characteristics, Family life, Family relations, Family relations, Marriage, Mexican Americans, Moral values, Mothers, Racial factors, Rural population, Sex role, Social values, Urban population, Welfare services, Whites, Women


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.