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Displaying records 1 through 14 (14 total).

U.S. Department of Education. 2016. Healthy students, promising futures: State and local action steps and practices to improve school-based health. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education, 16 pp.

Annotation: This toolkit contains information that details five high impact opportunities for states and local school districts to support communities through collaboration between the education and health sectors, highlighting best practices and key research in both areas. Contents include resources, programs, and services offered by non-governmental organizations.

Contact: U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202, Telephone: (800) 872-5327 Secondary Telephone: (800) 437-0833 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Case management, Collaboration, Communities, Community action, Educational reform, Eligibility, Health care reform, Health education, Health insurance, Health services delivery, Hospitals, Medicaid managed care, Needs assessment, Nutrition, Physical activity, Public private partnerships, Reimbursement, Role, School districts, State government, Students

National Down Syndrome Congress. 2016. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) guide to state plan development decisions and recommendations for advocacy. [Atlanta, GA]: National Down Syndrome Congress, 8 pp.

Annotation: This document provides recommendations for state departments of education related to developing their Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) implementation plan. Contents includ recommendations in the areas of accountability, standards and assessments, universal design for learning and teacher qualifications. Links to additional resources are included.

Contact: National Down Syndrome Congress, , 1370 Center Drive, Suite 102, Atlanta, GA 30338, Telephone: (770) 604-9500 Secondary Telephone: (800) 232-NDSC Fax: (770) 604-9898 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Accountability, Advocacy, Assessments, Decision making, Educational reform, Learning, Special education, Standards, Statewide planning, Teaching

Hummel J, Phillips KE, Holt B, Hayes C. 2015. Oral health: An essential component of primary care. Seattle, WA: Qualis Health, Safety Net Medical Home Initiative, 67 pp.

Annotation: This guide provides information for primary care practices on implementing an oral-healthcare-delivery framework that presents a model for how primary care professionals can screen for oral health issues, offer brief interventions, and coordinate referrals to dentists. The guide is divided into nine sections: (1) introduction, (2) the case for change, (3) the oral-health-care-delivery framework, (4) how to prepare for successful implementation, (5) staffing options and workforce, (6) structuring referrals to dentists, (7) using data for quality improvement, (8)leveraging success, and (9) field-testing results and case examples. An annotated oral health integration tool set is also available.

Contact: Safety Net Medical Home Initiative, Qualis Health, P.O. Box 33400, Seattle, WA 98133-9700, Telephone: (800) 949-7536 Secondary Telephone: (800) 833-6384 Contact Phone: (206) 288-2462 Fax: (206) 368-2419 Contact E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Barriers, Community action, Dentistry, Educational change, Health care reform, Health services delivery, Oral health, Organizational change, Primary care, Reimbursement, Service integration

Newman S, Leep C, Ye J, Robin N. 2015. The changing public health landscape: Findings from the 2015 Forces of Change Survey. Washington, DC: National Association of County and City Health Officials, 65 pp.

Annotation: This report presents findings from a survey of local health departments (LHDs) to assess the impact of forces that are affecting change in LHDs including health reform and billing for services. Topics include background and survey methods, budget cuts and job losses, changes in services, billing for clinical services, collaboration with non-profit hospitals, collaboration with primary care providers, and workforce skills.

Contact: National Association of County and City Health Officials, 1100 17th Street, N.W., Seventh Floor, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 783-5550 Fax: (202) 783-1583 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: City health agencies, Collaboration, County health agencies, Educational change, Health care reform, National surveys, Organizational change, Primary care, Reimbursement, Work force

ASCD. 2014. Whole school whole community whole child: A collaborative approach to learning and health. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 13 pp.

Annotation: This document presents a model for collaboration and action across communities, across schools, and across sectors to meet the needs and reach the potential of each child. Topics include the need for greater alignment, integration, and collaboration between education and health to improve each child's cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development; combining and building on elements of the traditional coordinated school health approach and the whole child framework; and developing joint or collaborative policies, processes, and practices.

Contact: ASCD, 1703 North Beauregard Street, Alexandria, VA 22311-1714, Telephone: (703) 578-9600 Secondary Telephone: (800) 933+2723 Fax: (703) 575-5400 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Collaboration, Community role, Educational reform, Government role, Health status, Learning, Models, Multidisciplinary teams, National initiatives, Policy development, School age children, School role, Service integration

Jones CA. 2014. Uplifting the whole child: Using wraparound services to overcome social barriers to learning. Boston, MA: Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center; Cambridge, MA: Rennie Center for Education Research and Policy, 17 pp. (Roadmap to expanding opportunity: Evidence on what works in education)

Annotation: This paper describes wraparound services (defined as student and family supports integrated with and often delivered in schools) to address social and non-academic barriers to student learning. Contents include background, a summary of three case studies (in New York City, Tulsa, and California Healthy Start), five key features of a high-quality wraparound services model that could be implemented across Massachusetts, and a statewide cost projection. The report concludes with a discussion of policy considerations.

Contact: Massachusetts Budget and Policy Center, 15 Court Square, Suite 700, Boston, MA 02108, Telephone: (617) 426-1228 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Academic achievement, Barriers, Costs, Educational reform, Family support services, Health services delivery, Learning, Local initiatives, Massachusetts, Policy development, Program models, Service integration, Social factors, State initiatives, Students

Hanlon C, Heider F. 2014. Bridging health care and early education system transformations to achieve kindergarten readiness in Oregon. Boston, MA: Build Initiative, 19 pp.

Annotation: This report describes how Oregon has leveraged opportunities to support a state-led, fundamental shift in how the health care and early education systems function and align with each other. Topics include why, what, and how Oregon is aligning these two systems, next steps and remaining challenges, and lessons learned. Key transformation milestones, organizational charts, and timelines of key alignment activities are also included.

Contact: Build Initiative, 89 South Street, Suite 700, Boston, MA 02111, Telephone: (617) 523-6565 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Educational change, Educational reform, Health care reform, Health care systems, Integrated information systems, Kindergarten, Oregon, Organizational change, Service delivery systems, Social change, State initiatives, Systems development, Transitions, Young children

Grantmakers In Health. 2012. Striving for health equity: Opportunities as identified by leaders in the field. Washington, DC: Grantmakers In Health, 29 pp.

Annotation: This paper, which focuses on health and health care inequities, highlights the current state of the health disparities arena; identifies key opportunities for reduction and elimination strategies, including areas of opportunity arising from key health reform provisions; and offers a set of recommendations and options for funders considering taking more actionable steps to support health disparities elimination and reduction efforts. The paper offers definitions of key terms, provides a health-equity framework, and summarizes key themes and recommendations.

Contact: Grantmakers In Health, 1100 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20036-4101, Telephone: (202) 452-8331 Fax: (202) 452-8340 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Costs, Economic factors, Educational factors, Financing, Geographic factors, Health, Health care reform, High risk groups, Low income groups, Racial factors, Sociocultural factors, Socioeconomic factors, health care

National Governors Association. 2012. Governor's role in aligning early education and K–12 reforms: Challenges, opportunities, and benefits for children. Washington, DC: National Governors Association, 12 pp.

Annotation: This paper describes opportunities for state governors to bring state agencies together and develop a coordinated strategy to align early childhood education (ECE) and K–12 policies so they better serve all children, starting at birth. Contents include an analysis of what ECE and K–12 goals, approaches, and reform strategies have in common and how they differ and action steps that promote greater alignment of ECE and K–12 reforms in key areas. Topics include leadership and governance, learning standards, child assessments, accountability, teacher/leader preparation and professional development, and resource allocation and reallocation.

Contact: National Governors Association, 444 North Capitol Street, Suite 267, Washington, DC 20001-1512, Telephone: (202) 624-5300 Secondary Telephone: Fax: (202) 624-5313 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Accountability, Assessments, Early childhood education, Educational reform, Leadership, Learning, Policy development, Program coordination, Resource allocation, Standards, State government, Training

Institute of Medicine, Committee on the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Initiative on the Future of Nursing. 2011. The future of nursing: Leading change, advancing health. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 671 pp.

Annotation: This report explores how nurses' roles, responsibilities, and education should change significantly to meet the increased demand for care created by health care reform and to advance improvements in in the health care system. Contents include information about practice, education, and leadership transformation; data collection; and recommendations and research priorities.

Contact: National Academy of Sciences, 500 Fifth Street, N.W. , Washington, DC 20001, Telephone: (202) 334-2000 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: $79.95; also available from the website.

Keywords: Data collection, Educational change, Health care delivery, Health care reform, Leadership training, Nurses, Nursing education, Organizational change, Planning, Policy development, Professional training, Trends, Work force

Jacknowitz A. 2005. An investigation of the factors influencing breastfeeding patterns. Santa Monica, CA: Rand, 115 pp.

Annotation: This document summarizes a dissertation on breastfeeding rates, policies, and disparities. Topics include changing demographics, welfare work requirements and child well-being: evidence from the effects on breastfeeding, and the role of workplace characteristics in breastfeeding practices. Numerous tables throughout the document offer statistics on research data and methodology. References are also provided.

Contact: Rand Corporation, 1776 Main Street, Santa Monica, CA 90407-3208, Telephone: (310) 393-0411 Fax: 310-393-4818 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available at no charge; also available from the website.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Cultural factors, Educational factors, Ethnic factors, Socioeconomic factors, Statistics, Trends, Welfare reform, Work family issues, Working mothers

Kaestner R, Lee WC. 2003. The effect of welfare reform on prenatal care and birth weight. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 30 pp. (NBER working paper series no. 9769)

Annotation: This paper examines the effect of welfare reform or loss of health insurance on prenatal care utilization of women with low levels of education and their infant's birthweight. The paper includes a discussion of the impact of the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act on health insurance coverage; welfare reform, prenatal care utilization, and infant health; a description of the empirical framework and of the data sources used in the study; a results section; and a conclusion. A reference list is provided and statistical information is presented in several tables grouped together at the end of paper.

Contact: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-5398, Telephone: (617) 868-3900 Fax: (617) 868-2742 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Educational attainment, Health care utilization, Infant health, Low birthweight, Pregnant women, Prenatal care, Welfare reform, Women

National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, Child and Adolescent Health Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University, and Child and Adolescent Health Policy Center at The George Washington University. 1995. PIC briefing book: Welfare and education reform. Arlington, VA: National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health, ca. 300 pp.

Annotation: This loose-leaf binder is a collection of articles and reports on welfare and education reform prepared for a February, 1995 meeting of the MCH Partnership for Information and Communication (PIC) Interorganizational Work Group. The background materials focus on the potential impact of proposed federal legislation on state programs, lessons learned from state reform efforts, the use of block grants to cap federal spending, and misconceptions about current welfare programs. Sections of the manual concentrate on the possible end of entitlement programs and the corresponding shifting of costs to the states, the relationship of health coverage to welfare dependency, the potential effect of current proposals on immigrant populations, and the adoption of national standards for education. The manual includes a summary of the findings of a National Governors' Association (NGA) survey on state initiatives to reduce reliance on welfare programs as an appendix. Bibliographies on both topics contain citations and abstracts to materials in the reference collection at the National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Maternal and Child Health Library at Georgetown University, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available for loan.

Keywords: Aid to Families with Dependent Children, Educational change, Employment, Employment programs, Federal government, Immigrants, Program evaluation, Proposed legislation, State programs, Training, Welfare programs, Welfare reform

Lewis AC. 1995. Believing in ourselves: Progress and struggle in urban middle school reform, 1989-1995. New York, NY: Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, 125 pp.

Annotation: This book analyzes the results of a project funded by the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation to effect reform in urban middle schools, it is the third in a series of books about the five year project. The first two were called "Gaining Ground" and "Changing the Odds;" they reported on the conditions in the participating schools at the end of the second and fourth years. This book summarizes the project; it recounts efforts made to engage the affected parties: the teachers, professionals, principals, parents, and students. It also reviews the conditions affecting the reform process; it considers the interactions between various controlling forces affecting the process, assessment techniques, the unions, and the role of the school district administrators. A final section of the book considers future policy implications.

Contact: Edna McConnell Clark Foundation, 415 Madison Avenue, 10th Floor, New York, NY 10017, Telephone: (212) 551-9100 Contact Phone: (212) 551-9100 Fax: (212) 421-9325 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available in libraries.

Keywords: Development, Educational change, Middle schools, Parent participation, Policies, Policy development, Principals, Professional personnel, Reform, Students, Teachers, Urban schools


This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.