Britton G. 1990. Improving emergency services for children in Wisconsin [Final report]. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Health and Social Services, 84 pp. Annotation: This project was a broad-based, joint effort of the Wisconsin Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Section and the Wisconsin Pediatric EMS Task Force. Funds from this project were used to employ staff and implement programs which resulted in: (1) Establishment of a mechanism which focused the attention of the EMS system and the general public on the need for improved EMS response to the acutely ill or injured child and his or her family, and on the steps necessary to develop this improved response; (2) identification and description of the incidence, types, causes, prehospital and hospital treatments, and outcomes of pediatric emergencies in Wisconsin; (3) provision of information, education, and training to parents, prehospital EMS personnel, and hospital staffs needed to implement an effective and organized system of EMS for children statewide; (4) development of specialized programs to improve the EMS services provided to children in the Native American and farm populations in Wisconsin; (5) development of specialized programs to assess the need for and the resources required to provide counseling and psychological support services to parents and emergency services personnel in the aftermath of severe pediatric illness or injury; and (6) development of a comprehensive plan for statewide improvement of the emergency medical services provided to the pediatric population. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau] Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: NTIS PB93-198992. Keywords: Ambulances, American Indians, Counseling, Data Collection, Disabled, Emergency Medical Services, Injuries, Minorities, Rural Populations, Triage |