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Displaying records 1 through 20 (44 total).

Close AK, ed. n.d.. Nutrition education in child feeding programs in the developing countries. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of State, Agency for International Development, Office of Nutrition, 44 pp.

Annotation: This manual is intended to assist village workers at the grass roots level and others in developing countries in teaching mothers and children about the foods children need for growth and health and how to use local foods to improve their diets. Some topics in the manual are: 1) setting goals to fit your community, 2) general rules for teaching, 3) working with mothers of preschool children, and 4) teaching children in school feeding programs. An appendix includes weight and height charts, a questionnaire for learning children's food habits, and other helpful publications. It was prepared in cooperation with the Maternal Child Health Service, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.

Contact: U.S. Agency for International Development, Technical Assistance Bureau, Washington, DC 20523 , Price unknown.

Keywords: Child nutrition, Child nutrition programs, Developing countries, Nutrition disorders, Nutrition education, Nutrition services, Training materials

Perinatal Periods of Risk Work Group. n.d.. Perinatal Periods of Risk approach: The U.S. urban experience—A new community approach to fetal and infant mortality. [Omaha, NE: CityMatCH], 33 pp.

Annotation: These annotated slides outline a presentation on prevention efforts to improve fetal and infant mortality using an approach, called Perinatal Periods of Risk (PPOR), developed by the World Health Organization for developing countries and applying concepts to urban efforts in the United States. It highlights five major steps: (1) engaging community partners, (2) mapping feto-infant mortality, (3) focusing on reducing the overall feto-infant mortality rate, (4) examining potential opportunity gaps, and (5) targeting further investigations and prevention efforts. [Funded in part by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: CityMatCH, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Department of Pediatrics, 982170 Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha, NE 68198-2170, Telephone: (402) 552-9500 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Community coordination, Developing countries, Fetal mortality, Infant mortality, International health, Needs assessment, Prevention, Risk assessment, Statistical analysis

Save the Children. 2014. State of the world's mothers 2014: Saving mothers and children in humanitarian crises. Westport, CT: Save the Children, 93 pp.

Werner D. 2013. Where there is no doctor: A village health care handbook. (Rev. ed.). Palo Alto, CA: Hesperian Foundation, 446 pp.

Annotation: This handbook was written for those who live far from medical centers, in places where there is no doctor, particularly for those living in poor countries and in isolated villages and communities. Intended for the community health worker, it can be used by any individual. A wide range of practical health care knowledge is covered. Chapters include: words to the village health worker; sicknesses that are often confused; how to examine a sick person; how to take care of sick person; right and wrong use of modern medicines; instructions and precautions for injections; first aid; nutrition; prevention; some very common sicknesses; serious illnesses that need special medical attention; skin problems; the eyes; the urinary tract and the genitals; information for mothers and midwives; family planning; health and sickness of children; health and sickness of older people; and the medicine kit. A separate section lists uses, dosages, and precautions for medicines. A glossary of medical terms, addresses for teaching materials, and tear out sheets for making medical reports and dosage instructions for people who cannot read are also included.

Contact: Hesperian, 1919 Addison Street, Suite 304 , Berkeley, CA 94704, Telephone: (510) 845-1447 Secondary Telephone: (888) 729-1796 Fax: (510) 845-9141 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available in libraries.

Keywords: Allied health occupations, Child health services, Community health workers, Developing countries, Disease prevention, Education, First aid, Health services, Maternal health services, Nutrition

Save the Children. 2013. Surviving the first day: State of the world's mothers 2013. Westport, CT: Save the Children, annual.

Annotation: This report looks at the first days of life, when mothers and newborns face threats to survival, and highlights approaches that are working to bring essential heath care to hard-to-reach places where most deaths occur. The report also demonstrates how more lives can be saved with additional funding. Topic include progress over the past two decades, why newborns die, the most dangerous places to be born, the continuum of care for mothers and newborns, funding and need, and how to take action.

Contact: Save the Children, 501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, CT 06825, Telephone: (203) 221-4000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Developing countries, Financing, Health care, High risk infants, High risk mothers, Infant death, Infant mortality, International health, Newborn infants, Poverty, Prevention programs, Rural population, Trends

Winthrop R, Matsui E. 2013. A new agenda for education in fragile states. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, Center for Universal Education, 70 pp. (Working paper; no. 10)

Annotation: This report presents a broad review of the field of education in fragile states and charts an agenda for maximizing education's contribution to the development and well-being of people living in these contexts. Topics include reasons for investing in education in fragile contexts, the global response to education in fragile states, four challenges for the field of education and fragility, education's low policy priority at the national and global levels, education's financing level and modalities, and education outcomes and quality learning including it's influence on physical and psychosocial health. The report concludes with a discussion of the need to scale up the field's vision, policy prioritization, financing, attention to quality, and investments. The appendices contain a description of frameworks and actors and a summary of education sector plans addressing disaster/conflict risk reduction.

Contact: Brookings Institution, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W., Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 797-6000 Fax: (202) 797-6004 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Developing countries, Development, Disaster planning, Education, Environmental influences, Financing, International programs, Learning, Public policy, Risk factors

Thomas T. 2013. Maternal health from 1985-2013: Hopeful progress and enduring challenges. Chicago, IL: MacArthur Foundation, 17 pp.

Annotation: This paper provides a brief history of the maternal health field, including estimates of the number of women who die in developing countries from complications of pregnancy, abortion attempts, and childbirth; global policies and initiatives; and the manifesto for maternal health post-2015. It also discusses trends in funding for international maternal health and the future of the maternal health field.

Contact: MacArthur Foundation, 140 S. Dearborn St., Chicago, IL 60603, Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Developing countries, History, International health, Maternal health, Maternal morbidity, Maternal mortality

Save the Children. 2012. Nutrition in the first 1,000 days: State of the world's mothers 2012. Westport, CT: Save the Children, 70 pp.

Annotation: This report provides information about which countries are doing the best—and the worst—at providing nutrition beginning during pregnancy and continuing through a child's second birthday. The report looks at six low-cost nutritional solutions, including breastfeeding, that have the potential to save lives, and discusses the affordability of these solutions. Also discussed are the global malnutrition crisis and why the first 1,000 days of a child's life are particularly important in terms of nutrition.

Contact: Save the Children, 501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, CT 06825, Telephone: (203) 221-4000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Child death, Child health, Child nutrition, Child nutrition programs, Costs, Developing countries, Financing, Infant death, Infant health, Infant nutrition, International health, Maternal nutrition, Maternal nutrition programs, Nutrition, Pregnancy, Prevention, Public policy, Reproductive health, Women', s health

Singh S, Darroch JE. 2012. Adding it up: Costs and benefits of contraceptive services--Estimates for 2012. New York, NY: Guttmacher Institute; United Nations Population Fund, 27 pp.

Annotation: This report presents 2012 estimates of the numbers and proportion of women in the developing world using modern methods and in need of modern contraception, as well as the cost and impact of meeting this need. The estimates presented in the report incorporate survey data on need for and use of contraception together with updated 2012 estimates of the direct costs of providing contraceptive services. They also draw on updated estimates of pregnancies and maternal deaths. Figures indicate the number of married and unmarried women in developing countries who are using or in need of modern contraception, and the increase in contraception in selected countries since 2000. Data sources include the Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS), supplemented by surveys carried out by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, Reproductive Health Surveys), United Nations Children’s Fund Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys) and independent national surveys

Contact: Guttmacher Institute, 125 Maiden Lane, New York, NY 10038, Telephone: (212) 248-1111 Secondary Telephone: (800) 355-0244 Fax: (212) 248-1951; Washington, D.C. Office (202) 223-5756 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Contraception, Contraceptive use, Data, Developing countries, International health, National surveys, Women', s health

Save the Children. 2011. Champions for children: State of the world's mothers 2011. Westport, CT: Save the Children, 42 pp.

Annotation: This annual index analyzes health, education, and economic conditions for women and children in 164 countries. Women's health index categories include risk of maternal death, births attended by skilled health personnel, modern contraception use, and life expectancy. Child health index categories include under-5 mortality rate, underweight status, and access to safe water.

Contact: Save the Children, 501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, CT 06825, Telephone: (203) 221-4000 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Statistics, Child health, Children, Developing countries, International health, Maternal health, Mortality rates, Mothers, Nutritional status

United Nations Children's Fund. 2010. Facts for life (4th ed.). United Nations Publications, 194 pp.

Annotation: The fourth edition of Facts for Life contains essential information that families and communities need to know to raise healthy children. This handbook provides practical advice on pregnancy, childbirth, childhood illnesses, child development and the care of children. This edition also features a new chapter on child protection. The book is intended for parents, families, health workers, teachers, youth groups, women’s groups, community organizations, government officials, employers, trade unions, media, and non-governmental and faith-based organizations. It is available in Arabic, Bangla, English, French, Indonesian, Kiswahili, Spanish, and Turkmen.

Contact: UNICEF, the United Nation's Children's Fund, UNICEF House, Three United Nations Plaza, 44th Street, Between 1st and 2nd Avenues, New York, NY 10017, Telephone: (212) 326-7000 Fax: (212) 887-7465 Web Site: $1.00. Document Number: ISBN 978-92-806-4466-1.

Keywords: AIDS, Birth intervals, Breastfeeding, Child health, Child health promotion, Common cold, Developing countries, Diarrhea, Hygiene, Immunization, Malaria, Maternal health, Non English language materials, Nutrition disorders, Spanish language materials

Shane B. 2009. Family planning saves lives (4th ed.). Washington, DC: Population Reference Bureau, 23 pp.

Annotation: This document promotes the benefits of family planning focusing specifically on developing countries. Using the latest data on maternal and child health in developing countries, it looks at maternal, child, and infant health while suggesting actions that all countries can take. The document includes references.

Contact: Population Reference Bureau, 1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 520, Washington, DC 20009, Telephone: (800) 877-9881 Contact Phone: (800) 877-9881 Fax: (202) 328-3937 E-mail: [email protected] Contact E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Adolescents, Birth intervals, Child health, Developing countries, Family planning, Infant health, Infant mortality, Maternal health, Risk prevention

Save the Children. 2009. State of the world's mothers 2009: Investing in the early years. Westport, CT: Save the Children, 55 pp.

Annotation: This report examines economic data from around the world to gauge early childhood education's role in economic prosperity. It presents indexes ranking 100 developing countries and 50 U.S. states based on how well prepared their youngest children are to succeed in school, and an early childhood development report card for developed countries. It examines the supply and distribution of resources related to early childhood health, security, and education. It makes recommendations based on findings, supplies some advocacy support, and appendices that includes the complete index referred to in the report.

Contact: Save the Children, 501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, CT 06825, Telephone: (203) 221-4000 Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: ISBN 1-888393-21-1.

Keywords: Developing countries, Early childhood development, Early childhood education, Economic factors, Health care, International health, Mothers, Nutrition, Statistics, Young children

Save the Children. 2007. State of the world's mothers 2007: Saving the lives of children under 5. Westport, CT: Save the Children, 62 pp.

Annotation: This annual report shows which countries are succeeding or failing to save the lives of mothers and children up to age five. It examines how investments in health care and nutrition can make a difference for children, mothers, communities, and society as a whole. It also points to proven, low-cost solutions that could save the majority of these young lives. Contents include a summary of key findings and recommendations, reducing the child death toll, child survival progress ranking, low-cost solutions to saving children under age five, a report card on five ways to save lives under age five, changing the world by investing in children, child deaths in the industrialized world and the U.S. ranking, and recommendations on actions to improve the health and mortality of women and children around the world. The appendix includes the index and country rankings. The report concludes with the survey methodology.

Contact: Save the Children, 501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, CT 06825, Telephone: (203) 221-4000 Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: ISBN 1-888393-19-X.

Keywords: Children, Developing countries, Health care, Infant death, Infant health, Infant morbidity, Infant mortality, International health, Mothers, Newborn infants, Nutrition, Prenatal care, Statistical data, Women', s health

Save the Children. 2006. State of the world's mothers 2006: Saving the lives of mothers and newborns. Westport, CT: Save the Children, 50 pp.

Annotation: This report discusses the successes and failures of various countries in saving the lives of mothers and their newborn infants. The report examines the ways that investments in health care, nutrition, education, and communication can make a difference for newborns, mothers, communities, and society. The report also suggests solutions that could save infants' lives. The report includes key findings and recommendations and discusses why newborns die, the costs to society of newborn death and disease, the link between mothers and newborns, the relationship between poverty and the death of mothers and newborns, the continuum of care for mothers and newborns, countries' investments in saving newborns' lives, the building blocks of newborn survival, and how countries rank in terms of newborn survival, and newborn mortality in the industrialized world. The report also includes an index that presents detailed statistical information on the status of mothers and children in a variety of countries. Endnotes are included.

Contact: Save the Children, 501 Kings Highway East, Fairfield, CT 06825, Telephone: (203) 221-4000 Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: ISBN 1-888393-18-1.

Keywords: Children, Communication, Communities, Developing countries, Education, Health care, Infant death, Infant health, Infant morbidity, Infant mortality, International health, Mothers, Newborn infants, Nutrition, Poverty, Prenatal care, Women', s health

World Health Organization Study Group on Diet, Nutrition and Prevention of Noncommunicable Diseases. 2003. Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: Report of a Joint WHO/FAO expert group. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization, 149 pp. (WHO Technical report; no. 916)

Annotation: This report discusses preventing chronic diseases related to emerging "affluent" diets in developing countries and reducing the impact of these diseases in developed countries. It was produced by a WHO study group on diet, nutrition, and prevention of noncommunicable diseases meeting in Geneva January 28-Feburary 1, 2002. The report provides information on changes in patterns of disease in relation to changes in diet, the relationships between diet and chronic diseases, information on nutritional and dietary relationships to disease, nutrient goals, nutrition and food policies, experiences in promoting healthy diets in developed countries, food strategies in developing countries, and WHO recommendations. It ends with a list of references and six appendices on recommended dietary allowances, dietary guidelines for diabetes, safe food preparation, dietary recommendation in developed and developing countries, national recommendations, and nutritional approach to food labeling.

Contact: World Health Organization, 20, Avenue Appia, Geneva, Switzerland , Telephone: (+ 41 22) 791 21 11 Fax: (+ 41 22) 791 3111 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: ISBN 92-4-120916-X.

Keywords: Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, Developed countries, Developing countries, Diabetes, Diet, Dietary guidelines, Disease prevention, Health policy, Health promotion, Nutrition, Oral health, Osteoporosis, Recommended dietary allowances

Brown B, Smith B, Harper M. 2002. International surveys of child and family well-being: An overview. Washington, DC: Child Trends, 55 pp.

Annotation: This paper provides a brief overview of 13 international surveys that can be used to support work in comparative research on children and youth, and in the development of internationally comparable indicators of well-being. Each overview includes a basic description of the survey; participating countries; the types of measures collected; how to access the data for analysis; how the surveys are funded; and contact information. Surveys are grouped according to their emphasis in health, education, income/employment/demographics, and a separate section for general surveys. It was funded by the National Institute for Child Health and Human Development Family and Child Research Network.

Contact: Child Trends , 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1200 W, Bethesda, MD 20814, Telephone: (240) 223-9200 E-mail: Web Site: $15.00, plus shipping and handling.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Child health, Data sources, Demography, Developing countries, Education, Employment, Family income, Information sources, International programs, Research, Resources for professionals, Statistics, Surveys, Young adults

Slama K. 1998. Tobacco control and prevention: A guide for low income countries. Paris, France: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, 129 pp.

Annotation: This guide was written to be used by health professionals, but it can be used by others. The guide was written for use in low income countries to give an overview of the way tobacco control and prevention are evolving throughout the world. An implementation framework, with an emphasis on structure, management, and evaluation of cessation interventions with patients, is provided. Other areas covered include a framework for assessing tobacco use and its consequences in the population, assessing legislation and needs for advocacy, and developing and assessing prevention programs.

Contact: International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Tobacco Control, 10 Queen Street, Edinburgh, UK EH2 1JQ, Telephone: +44 131 226 2428 Fax: +44 131 220 0529 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available in libraries. Document Number: ISBN 2-9504238-6-8.

Keywords: Developing countries, Legislation, Low income groups, Prevention programs, Smoking cessation, Tobacco use

Cooney KA, Nahmias SR. 1997. Bellagio and Beyond: Breastfeeding and LAM in Reproductive Health—Conference summary and papers. Washington, DC: Institute for Reproductive Health, Georgetown University , ca. 200 pp.

Annotation: These proceedings summarize the Bellagio and Beyond Breastfeeding and LAM in Reproductive Health conference held in May of 1997. The two-day conference sessions are summarized and a substantial appendix consists of a copy of the program and all the papers presented at the conference.

Contact: Georgetown University, Institute for Reproductive Health, , 1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. , Washington, DC 20009, Telephone: (202) 687-1392 Fax: (202) 687-7450 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding promotion, Conference proceedings, Developing countries, Family planning, Lactation management, MCH research, Reproductive health

Wallace HM, Giri K, Serrano CV. 1995. Health care of women and children in developing countries. (2nd ed.). Oakland, CA: Third Party Publishing, 757 pp.

Annotation: This book discusses the current state of health and social care of women, children, youth, and families internationally, and provides leads and suggestions for improvement before the turn of the 21st century. It is divided into six sections: the overview; women's health; infant and child mortality; child health; adolescent health; and delivery of maternal and child health and family planning services. The appendices contain a section of definitions; Convention on the Rights of the Child; World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children and Plan of Action for Implementing the World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children in the 1990s; Year 2000 Goals (UNICEF); and the Road to Development: Eight Steps Closer (UNICEF). Data are presented in a variety of maps, tables, charts, and graphs throughout the book.

Keywords: Child health, Developing countries, Health care delivery, International perspectives, Public health services, Women', s health

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