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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

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Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (40 total).

Stewart K, DuBois D. 2020 . Naturally-occurring mentoring relationships and criminal justice outcomes: a preliminary examination using adolescent and adult (ADD) health public use data . Boston: MA: National Mentoring Resource Center, 8 pp.

Annotation: This report uses data from the public use data set of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (Add Health) to investigate the relationship between youth reports of having a mentor and subsequent criminal justice-related outcomes.

Contact: National Mentoring Resource Center, 201 South Street, Suite 615, Boston, MA 02111, Telephone: (617) 303-4600 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

Keywords: Adolescents, Crime prevention, Data, Juvenile justice, Mentors, Statistics, Youth

Robers S, Zhang A, Morgan RE, Musu-Gillette L. 2015-. Indicators of school crime and safety: 20-. Washington, DC: National Center for Education Statistics and Bureau of Justice Statistics, annual.

Annotation: This annual report presents data on school crime and student safety. The indicators in the report are based on information drawn from a variety of data sources including national surveys of students, teachers, principals, and postsecondary institutions. The report covers topics such as victimization, teacher injury, bullying and cyberbullying, school conditions, fights, weapons, availability and student use of drugs and alcohol, student perceptions of personal safety at school, and criminal incidents at postsecondary institutions. Indicators of crime and safety are compared across different population subgroups and over time. Data on crimes that occur away from school are offered as a point of comparison where available.

Contact: National Center for Education Statistics, 1990 K Street, N. W., Washington, DC 20006, Telephone: (202) 502-7300 Secondary Telephone: (202) 502-7442 Fax: (202) 219-1736 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Bullying, College students, Colleges, Crime, Data, Drug use, Environmental influences, Injuries, School age children, School safety, Schools, Trends, Violence, Weapons

White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. 2014. Not alone: The first report of the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. [Washington, DC]: White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault, 20 pp.

Annotation: This report presents action steps and recommendations from a federal task force to protect students from sexual violence. Topics include using campus climate surveys to identify problems; preventing sexual assault on campus; responding effectively when a student is sexually assaulted; and improving the federal government's enforcement efforts, and making them more transparent.

Keywords: Community action, Crime prevention, Federal initiatives, Injury prevention, Interpersonal violence, Judicial actions, Policy development, Program improvement, Public private partnerships, Schools, Sexual assault, Students, Surveys, Training, Trauma, Violence prevention

Willoughby B. (2013). A guide for administrators, counselors and teachers: Responding to hate and bias at school. Montgomery, AL: Teaching Tolerance, 41 pp.

Annotation: This book, primarily for school administrators, also helps teachers, staff, counselors, and students find guidance in responding to a bias incident or hate crime. The guide is divided into three sections: before, during, and after a crisis occurs. Topics include assessing the school climate with an eye towards defusing tension, preventing escalation, and avoiding problems; key points to consider when responding to a bias or hate incident; and addressing long-term planning and capacity building for the future, including development of social and emotional skills.

Contact: Teaching Tolerance, c/o Southern Poverty Law Center , 400 Washington Avenue, Montgomery, AL 36104, Telephone: (334) 956-8200 Fax: (334) 956-8488 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Crisis intervention, Emergencies, Hate crime, Needs assessment, School counseling, School health services, School personnel, School violence

Spielberger J, Gouvea M, Rich L. 2012. Improving school readiness: A brief report from the Palm Beach County Family Study. Chicago, IL: Chapin Hall, 10 pp. (Chapin Hall discussion paper)

Annotation: This brief presents findings about the potential impact of the service system on improving children's readiness for school from a longitudinal study of a sample of families at high risk living in targeted geographic areas that have higher-than-average rates of child maltreatment, crime, and other related factors that affect school readiness. The brief describes characteristics that are likely to influence children's school readiness, presents findings related to families' use of a range of formal services during their children's early years, and looks at the relationship between these factors and one indicator of children's readiness for school—scores on the Florida Kindergarten Readiness Screen.

Contact: Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago, 1313 East 60th Street, Chicago, IL 60637, Telephone: (773) 753-5900 Fax: (773) 753-5940 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child neglect, Communities, Crime, Early childhood development, Families, Family support services, Health services, High risk groups, Low income groups, Maltreated children, Parent support services, Research, Risk factors, School readiness, Service delivery systems, Young children

Weiss E. 2011. Paying later: The high costs of failing to invest in young children. Washington, DC: Pew Center on the States and Partnership for America's Economic Success, 6 pp. (Issue brief)

Annotation: This policy brief is intended to help policymakers and the public evaluate the consequences of funding decisions that relate to supporting healthy early childhood development. The brief also estimates resources that our nation could redirect to more cost-effective policies in the future. The brief outlines the average lifetime costs of poor outcomes such as child abuse, adolescent pregnancy, dropping out of school, and substance and alcohol abuse; compares the costs of investing in young children now vs paying for problems that occur later; and discusses costs and benefits from a public policy perspective.

Contact: Partnership for America's Economic Success, 1025 F Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20004, Telephone: (202) 552-2000 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Alcohol abuse, Child abuse, Costs, Crime, Early childhood development, Financing, Prevention, Public policy, School dropouts, Substance abuse

Law J. 2011. An unprecedented health challenge working with border communities. Washington, DC: Grantmakers in Health, 2 pp. (Views from the field)

Annotation: This document provides information about the Paso del Norte Health Foundation's (PDNHF's) work in promoting health and preventing disease in the Paso del Norte region (including far western Texas, southern New Mexico, and northern Chihuahua, Mexico). The fact sheet discusses the region's public health challenge that has arisen as a result of an upsurge in violent crime in the area. Stakeholders' perceptions and PDNHF's response are presented.

Contact: Grantmakers In Health, 1100 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 1200, Washington, DC 20036-4101, Telephone: (202) 452-8331 Fax: (202) 452-8340 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Advocacy, Child health, Crime, Disease prevention, Education, Health promotion, Mental health, Mexican Americans, Mexicans, Mexico, New Mexico, Pubic health, Research, Texas, Violence prevention

Crosse S, Williams B, Hagen CA, Harmon M, Ristow L, DiGaetano R, Broene P, Alexander D, Tseng M, Derzon JH. 2011. Prevalence and implementation fidelity of research-based prevention programs in public schools: Final report. Rockville, MD: Westat, 150 pp.

Annotation: This final report presents descriptive information and key findings from the Study of the Implementation of Research-Based Programs to Prevent Youth Substance Abuse and School Crime funded by the U.S. Department of Education. (The purpose of the study was to measure the prevalence of research-based programs in schools intended to prevent youth substance abuse and school crime and to assess the implementation of those research-based programs.) The report discusses the prevalence of youth alcohol, tobacco, other drug use, and school crime and analyzes research-based efforts to address these problems. Tables compare research-based programs according to type, instructional level, and other variables. A list of effective programs is included.

Contact: U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, DC 20202, Telephone: (800) 872-5327 Secondary Telephone: (800) 437-0833 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Crime prevention, Evaluation, Model programs, Prevention programs, School linked programs, Studies, Substance abuse prevention, Youth

Home Visiting Needs Assessment Workgroup. 2010. State of Oregon supplemental information request: Statewide needs assessment. Portland, OR: Oregon Department of Human Services, 66 pp.

Annotation: This report provides statewide data for Oregon in the following categories: premature birth, low-birthweight infants, infant mortality, poverty, crime, domestic violence, school dropout rates, substance abuse, unemployment, child maltreatment, and other indicators of at-risk prenatal, maternal, newborn, or child health. County-level data for the same categories is also provided, and information on the selection process of a unit of analysis is offered. The report also includes information about the quality and capacity of Oregon's existing home-visiting programs and the state's capacity for providing substance abuse treatment. A narrative summary of needs-assessment results concludes the report.

Contact: Oregon Department of Human Services, Maternal and Child Health Section, 800 N.E. Oregon Street, Suite 825, Portland, OR 97232, Telephone: (971) 673-0252 Secondary Telephone: (971) 673-0372 Fax: (971) 673-0240 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child health, Child maltreatment, Crime, Domestic violence, High risk groups, Home visiting, Infant health, Infant mortality, Low birthweight infants, Needs assessment, Oregon Preterm birth, Poverty, Reproductive health, School dropouts, State programs, Statistical data, Substance abuse, Treatment, Unemployment, Women', s health

Moore KA, Murphey D, Emig C, Hamilton K, Hadley A, Sidorowicz K. 2009. Results and indicators for children: An analysis to inform discussions about Promise Neighborhoods. Washington, DC: Child Trends, 89 pp.

Annotation: This report focuses on Promise Neighborhoods, an initiative proposed by President Barak Obama that would identify 20 communities experiencing poverty, crime, and low student achievement and would implement a strategy to meet several goals, including achieving good physical and mental health for children, enrollment in and graduation from college by every child, and good jobs for parents so that families are economically self-sufficient. The report addresses the feasibility of measuring the results of such an initiative. The paper proposed criteria for selection of indicators and presents a list of desired program results.

Contact: Child Trends , 7315 Wisconsin Avenue, Suite 1200 W, Bethesda, MD 20814, Telephone: (240) 223-9200 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children, Crime, Economic factors, Educational attainment, Employment, Families, Federal programs, Health, Mental health, Initiatives, Low income groups, Parents, Poverty, Program evaluation

Heckman JJ, Masterov DV. 2007. The productivity argument for investing in young children. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, ca. 100 pp. (NBER working paper series no. 13016)

Annotation: This paper presents the case for investing more in young American children who grow up in disadvantaged environments. It discusses early intervention efforts and their impact on adverse environments and their role in reversing some of the harm of disadvantage and having a high economic return. Topics include human capital and economic performance, crime, education, trends in children's home environments and the consequences of adverse environments, the importance of cognitive and noncognitive ability in early economic life, evidence from enriched preschool programs, and the case for early intervention. References are provided along with footnotes and statistical information provided in tables and figures.

Contact: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-5398, Telephone: (617) 868-3900 Fax: (617) 868-2742 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adverse effects, Case studies, Cognitive development, Crime, Early childhood education, Early intervention, Educational factors, Family characteristics, Low income groups, Preschool children, Program descriptions, Social policy, Socioeconomic factors, Statistical data, Young children

Campaign for Mental Health Reform Steering Committee. 2005. Emergency response: A roadmap for federal action on America's mental health crisis. [Washington, DC]: Campaign for Mental Health Reform Steering Committee, 30 pp.

Annotation: This report describes the negative consequences -- which includes criminalization, homelessness, and homicide -- that occur when needed mental health services are unavailable. The report, which includes an executive summary, provides a road map to transform mental health care and also discusses the following steps on that road map: (1) maximize the effectiveness of scarce resources, (2) stop making criminals of those whose mental illness results in inappropriate behavior, (3) make Medicaid accountable for the effectiveness of the mental health services it pays for, (4) prevent the negative consequences of mental disorders by ensuring needed services, (5) invest in children and support families, (6) promote independence, and (7) address the mental health needs of returning veterans and their families. A conclusion and endnotes are included.

Contact: Campaign for Mental Health Reform, 1101 15th Street, N.W., Suite 1212, Washington, DC 20005, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children, Crime, Families, Health care reform, Homelessness, Homicide, Independence, Medicaid, Mental disorders, Mental health, Mental health services

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, Administration on Children, Youth and Families, National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect. 2004-. Child maltreatment, __: Reports from the states to the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System. [Rockville, MD]: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect, annual.

Annotation: This annual report synthesizes information provided by state child protective service agencies to the federally mandated National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS). It reviews the background of the data collection process; analyzes the national child abuse and neglect data for the year being covered; considers the detailed case data component of NCANDS with examples of some of the types of analyses that can be made of the data; and discusses future directions. Data gathered include: age, sex, race or ethnic group of victims, types of abuse, case dispositions and descriptive information on perpetrators. Appendices contain listings for state advisory group representatives, summary data component tables, and state responses to the summary data component and state comments. This report was previously published under the title: "National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System Working Paper 1: 1990 Summary Data Component, " and "National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System Working Paper 2: 1991 Summary Data Component."

Contact: Child Welfare Information Gateway, Administration on Children, Youth, and Families, Children's Bureau, 1250 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Eighth Floor, Washington, DC 20024, Telephone: (800) 394-3366 Secondary Telephone: E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents, Child abuse, Child neglect, Children, Crime, Data collection, Demographics, Emotional abuse, Federal programs, National data, Sexual assault, State data reports, State surveys, Statistics

McCurley C, Snyder HN. 2004. Victims of violent juvenile crime. Rockville, MD: Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 8 pp. (Juvenile justice bulletin)

Annotation: This bulletin draws on key findings derived from data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's National Incident-Based Reporting System to develop a statistical profile of juvenile crime. Tables, figures, and an accompanying analysis offer perspectives on characteristics of offenders and victims, including age, gender, and relationship; types of offenses, including aggravated and simple assault, sexual assault, and robbery; the unlawful use of firearms; and injuries. A methods section and a data source note are also included.

Contact: National Criminal Justice Reference Service, P.O. Box 6000, Rockville, MD 20849-6000, Telephone: (800) 851-3420 Secondary Telephone: (301)240-7760 Fax: 301-240-5830 Web Site: Available at no charge; also available from the website. Document Number: NCJ 201628.

Keywords: Assault, Crime, Data, Firearms, Injuries, Juvenile delinquency, Offenders, Sexual assault, Victims

Lynch RG. 2004. Exceptional returns: Economic, fiscal, and social benefits of investment in early childhood development. Washington, DC: Economic Policy Institute, 44 pp.

Annotation: This study estimates the likely benefits of investment in a high-quality, large-scale, early childhood development (ECD) program. Chapter 1 provides a brief overview of the benefits of high-quality ECD programs and reports the benefit-cost ratios that have been calculated for four such programs. The study also presents calculations on the effect a high-quality, large-scale ECD program for all poor 3- and 4-year-old children would have on future government budgets, the economy, and crime. Additionally, the study illustrates the potential benefit to the solvency of the U.S. Social Security System from ECD investment. Finally, Appendix 1 presents in more detail the benefits of investments in ECD programs. In particular, after a review of the general characteristics of ECD programs, Appendix 1 provides case studies of the benefits of the four high-quality ECD programs discussed earlier and of Head Start.

Contact: Economic Policy Institute, 1333 H Street, N.W., Suite 300, East Tower, Washington, DC 20005, Telephone: (202) 775-8810 Fax: (202) 775-0819 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: $9.95, plus shipping and handling; also available from the website. Document Number: ISBN 1-932066-15-2.

Keywords: Budgets, Case studies, Cost effectiveness, Crime, Early childhood development, Early childhood education, Head Start, Low income groups, Programs, Social Security, Young children

U.S. Center for Mental Health Services. 2004. Mental health response to mass violence and terrorism: A training manual. Rockville, MD: U.S. Center for Mental Health Services, 184 pp.

Annotation: This manual offers information about what mental health professionals, crime victim assistance professionals, and faith-based counselors need to know to provide appropriate mental health support following incidents involving criminal mass victimization. The manual also provides a training course designed to enable human service providers to help victims, survivors, and family members cope with trauma and loss and participate in the criminal justice process, help the community at large recover, and understand and manage service providers' own work-related stress responses. Manual topics include (1) human responses to mass violence and terrorism, (2) mental health intervention, (3) organizational preparation and response and the mental health role, (4) stress prevention, management, and intervention, (5) setting up training, (6) comprehensive training course outline, and (7) additional training needs and options. An overview of resources is also included.

Contact: U.S. Center for Mental Health Services, , 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, Telephone: (240) 276-1310 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Communities, Counselors, Crime, Emotional trauma, Families, Intervention, Mental health, Mental health professionals, Prevention, Resource materials, Stress, Survivors, Terrorism, Training, Victims

Fight Crime: Invest in Kids. 2003. New hope for preventing child abuse and neglect: Proven solutions to save lives and prevent future crime. Washington, DC: Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 32 pp.

Annotation: This report looks at the effectiveness of different strategies for reducing the incidence of child abuse and neglect. Topics include a review of the need for a comprehensive initiative to eliminate child abuse and neglect, the hidden toll of one year of child abuse and neglect; research in prevention effectiveness, saving money while protecting kids and prevention future crime, and a call to action. Appendices include violent crime and suicide statistics from those who were abused and neglected as children and federal funding programs for child welfare. Endnotes conclude the report.

Contact: Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 1212 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005, Telephone: (202) 776-0027 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Child abuse, Child neglect, Child welfare, Crime, Maltreated children, Model programs, Prevalence, Prevention programs

Hunt J. 2003. Teen births keep American crime high. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 43 pp. (NBER working paper series no. 9632)

Annotation: This paper assesses the extent to which adolescent birth rates can explain why the United States had the highest developed country crime rates in the 1980s, and why U.S. crime rates subsequently fell so much, particularly for the crime of assault. The paper includes a description of the theoretical and empirical work on crime determinants, a description of data and descriptive statistics, a description of the econometric approach, a results section, and conclusions. The paper also contains a data appendix. References and a data appendix are provided. Statistics are presented in tables and figures grouped together at the end of the paper.

Contact: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-5398, Telephone: (617) 868-3900 Fax: (617) 868-2742 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent pregnancy, Assault, Birth rates, Crime, Low income groups, Statistics, Trends

Cuellar AE, Markowitz S, Libby AM. 2003. The relationship between mental health and substance abuse treatment and juvenile crime. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 26 pp. (NBER working paper series no. 9952)

Annotation: This paper examines the effectiveness of mental health and substance abuse treatment in reducing crimes committed by juveniles. Detention data, in conjunction with substance abuse and mental health treatment data for youth enrolled in the Colorado state foster care program, are reviewed for delaying or preventing this group of at-risk youth from engaging in criminal behavior. Sections include a review of relevant literature, study methods, results, and summary and conclusions. References are provided. Tables include statistical data on rates of treatment; subject ages, sex, and race; average county beer price; and offense types.

Contact: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1050 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02138-5398, Telephone: (617) 868-3900 Fax: (617) 868-2742 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents, Alcohol abuse, Colorado, Crime, Crime prevention, Foster care, High risk adolescents, Juvenile delinquency, Mental health, Research, Substance abuse, Violence

Fox JA, Elliott DS, Kerlikowske RG, Newman SA, Christeson W. 2003. Bullying prevention is crime prevention. Washington, DC: Fight Crime: Invest in Kids, 24 pp.

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.