Connecticut Office of the Child Advocate, and Connecticut Child Fatality Review Panel. 2014. Alert: Unsafe sleep related deaths are the leading cause of preventable deaths of infants in Connecticut. Hartford, CT: Connecticut Office of Governmental Accountability, Office of the Child Advocate, 8 pp. Annotation: This public health alert outlines infant fatalities and unsafe sleep conditions in Connecticut and provides recommendations for prevention. Contents include risk factors associated with infant fatality including sudden unexplained or undetermined infant death, case examples, and a definition of an unsafe sleep-related infant fatality. Additional content includes information on how often infants die from unsafe sleeping conditions; the most common unsafe sleep environments in fatality cases; infant fatalities over time and trends; and the Connecticut Department of Children and Families' role in infant death prevention and policy development. The alert includes recommendations for policymakers, in-home service providers, child care providers, pediatricians, and hospitals, and safe sleep guidelines for parents. Contact: Connecticut Office of Governmental Accountability, Office of the Child Advocate, 999 Asylum Avenue, 1st Floor, Hartford, CT 06105, Telephone: (860) 566-2106 Secondary Telephone: (800) 994-0939 Fax: (860) 566-2251 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website. Keywords: Child death review, Connecticut, Infant death, Infant mortality, Policy development, Protective factors, Public awareness materials, Risk factors, SIDS, Safety, Sleep position, State programs, Trends |