Bernstein T, Streitwieser A, Stroebel C, Smyth S, Brown G, Rigney MK. 2015. Reducing environmental exposures in child care facilities: A review of state policy. Washington, DC: Environmental Law Institute, 140 pp. Annotation: This report for policy makers, agency officials, non-governmental organizations and associations, and others who work to promote quality child care and advance children's health provides information about laws, regulations, and programs to address indoor environmental contaminants in child care facilities. Contents include an overview of how policies address indoor environmental quality issues in licensed child care facilities and, for each issue, examples of policy strategies for states to consider including notable non-regulatory initiatives that are being implemented by state agencies. Topics include carbon monoxide alarms; mold and dampness; building ventilation and temperature; pesticides, lead-based paint; asbestos; other chemical exposures (cleaning, renovation, and consumer products); facility site/location; and state non-regulatory activities (education, assistance and incentives to advance best practices). The appendix provides information about where to find state statutes and regulations online. Contact: Environmental Law Institute, 1730 M Street, N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036, Telephone: (202) 939-3800 Web Site: Available from the website. Keywords: Child care centers, Child health, Environmental exposure, Facility design and construction, Hazardous materials, Health education, Model programs, Policy development, Regulations, State initiatives, State legislation |