Ruderman M, Grason H. 2004. Early childhood system building tool. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Women's and Children's Health Policy Center; Los Angeles, CA: UCLA Center for Healthier Children, Families, and Communities, National Center for Infancy and Early Childhood Health Policy, 42 pp. (Building state early childhood comprehensive systems; no. 3) Annotation: This tool provides a framework for the roles and contributions of public maternal and child health programs in local and state early childhood systems, as well as a template for describing the contributions of other system partners. The tool is framed around the five content areas identified by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau as central to state early childhood comprehensive systems (SECCS): medical home, mental health, early childhood care and education, family support, and parenting education. The tool is also structured along a natural continuum from child and family through community and state. The tool is divided into the following sections: (1) shared goals with examples of related outcome measures and (2) system partnerships, (3) generic strategies, (4) examples of Title V and public health activities. The tool includes a reference list and a list of resources. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau] Contact: Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Women's and Children's Health Policy Center, 615 North Wolfe Street, Room E4143, Baltimore, MD 21205, Telephone: (410) 502-5450 Fax: (410) 502-5831 Web Site: Available from the website. Keywords: Communities, Early childhood development, Families, Family support, Health care systems, Medical home, Mental health, Parenting skills, Service delivery systems, Social Security Act, Title V, State programs, Young children |