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Strengthen the Evidence for Maternal and Child Health Programs

Search Results: MCHLine

Items in this list may be obtained from the sources cited. Contact information reflects the most current data about the source that has been provided to the MCH Digital Library.

Displaying records 1 through 20 (348 total).

Chickasaw Nation WIC Program. n.d.. Natural bonding: Breastfeed. Ada, OK: Chickasaw Nation WIC Program, 1 poster (20 x 24 inches).

Chickasaw Nation WIC Program. n.d.. Mother, nature's choice: Breastfeed. Ada, OK: Chickasaw Nation WIC Program, 1 poster (20 x 24 inches).

Labbok MH, Krasovec K. n.d.. Report of a meeting on breastfeeding definitions held by the Interagency Group for Action on Breastfeeding, hosted by UNICEF, April 29, 1988. Washington, DC: Institute for International Studies in Natural Family Planning, 34 pp. (Institute issues report; no. 4)

Annotation: See Uni # 4028

Contact: Georgetown University, Institute for Reproductive Health, , 1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. , Washington, DC 20009, Telephone: (202) 687-1392 Fax: (202) 687-7450 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available at no charge.

Keywords: Breastfeeding

Krasovec K. n.d.. Summary of reviews of Institute Issues Report 4 and IGAB Expert Meeting Report 1: Report of a meeting on breastfeeding definitions. Washington, DC: Institute for International Studies in Natural Family Planning, 19 pp.

Annotation: See Uni # 4028

Contact: Georgetown University, Institute for Reproductive Health, , 1825 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. , Washington, DC 20009, Telephone: (202) 687-1392 Fax: (202) 687-7450 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available at no charge.

Keywords: Breastfeeding

Center to Prevent Childhood Malnutrition. n.d.. Analyses of Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies surveys of hospital practices related to breastfeeding: 1988 survey. Bethesda, MD: Center to Prevent Childhood Malnutrition, 4 pp.

American Academy of Pediatrics. n.d.. Recommended infant formula code of practice. Elk Grove Village, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics, 8 pp.

Contact: American Academy of Pediatrics, 345 Park Boulevard, Itasca, IL 60143, Telephone: (630) 626-6000 Secondary Telephone: (847) 434-4000 Fax: (847) 434-8000 Web Site: Price unknown.

Keywords: Breastfeeding

North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Maternal and Child Health, WIC Section. n.d.. Breastfed babies...are happy. Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources, Division of Maternal and Child Health, WIC Section, 1 poster (11 x 14 inches).

Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition Subcommittee on Breastfeeding Promotion. n.d.. List of selected state professional organizations and agency contacts for the promotion of breastfeeding. White Plains, NY: March of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation, 25 pp.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. n.d.. Alimente a su bebe con carino. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1 poster (17 x 22 inches).

Best Start. n.d.. Best start: For all the right reasons [posters]. Tampa, FL: Best Start, 5 posters (17 x 22 inches).

Annotation: This set of posters contains five posters which promote breastfeeding. The posters' messages are 'Breastfeeding Can Help Your Baby's Brain Grow",''Breastfeeding Can Make You Feel Good About Yourself",''Breastfeeding Can Help Your Baby From Getting Sick," 'Breastfeeding: Special Moments That Make Motherhood So Worthwhile," and "Breastfeeding Doesn't Have To Be Embarrassing."

Contact: Best Start Social Marketing, 4809 E. Busch Boulevard, Suite 104, Tampa, FL 33617, Telephone: (813) 971-2119 Secondary Telephone: (800) 277-4975 Fax: (813) 971-2280 E-mail: [email protected] Price unknown.

Keywords: Audiovisual materials, Breastfeeding promotion

Virgin Islands Department of Health, Virgin Islands WIC Program. n.d.. [V.I. WIC Program posters]. St Croix, VI: Virgin Islands Department of Health, Virgin Islands WIC Program, 2 posters.

n.d.. Indiana's Breastfeeding Promotion Program [Final report]. Indianapolis, IN: Indiana State Board of Health, 29 pp.

Annotation: This project sought to increase the incidence and duration of breastfeeding in the state. The purpose of the project was to develop statewide strategies for breastfeeding promotion. Clients targeted were those least likely to breastfeed. Activities included developing and implementing industry policies that support working, breastfeeding women; conducting a public media campaign and establishing a toll-free hotline; counseling and educating low-income and minority women through WIC and MCH programs; and providing professional education. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: NTIS PB93-196871.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Infants, Low income groups, Minorities, Mothers, Nutrition, Outreach, WIC Program

Lobach K. n.d.. Rate and Duration of Breastfeeding in Low Income Women in the Bronx [Final report]. Bronx, NY: Albert Einstein College of Medicine, 55 pp.

Annotation: The purpose of this project was to mount a large scale effort to improve the rate and duration of breastfeeding in low income women in the Bronx. The project worked with administration and providers at community health centers, public hospitals, and health department-sponsored prenatal and well baby clinics to implement policies and procedures which would promote breastfeeding and to improve the level of attitudes, knowledge and skills of all professional staff in relation to breastfeeding. Due to the size of the population and the project's limitations, activities were chosen that would have a long term effect, and not necessitate the continuous presence of the team at a health facility. The team developed a program of professional education on The Art and Science of Breastfeeding and made recommendations and changes in an agency's policy and procedures. In addition to the professional education component, the team worked with health care facilities to develop and implement policies and procedures which were conducive to the initiation and maintenance of breastfeeding. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: NTIS PB93-198026.

Keywords: Breastfeeding promotion, Infants Breastfeeding mothers, Low income population

Page-Goertz S. n.d.. Kansas Breastfeeding Promotion Project [Final report]. Kansas City, KS: University of Kansas, 40 pp.

Annotation: The project objectives were to: (1) Develop community capability to increase breastfeeding incidence and duration through education and advocacy, specifically through Breastfeeding Action Teams composed of Title V and other health professionals; (2) incorporate breastfeeding promotion and lactation management into curriculums of student/resident health professionals; and (3) establish a clearinghouse of breastfeeding resources at the Best Beginnings Program at Kansas University Medical Center, to be available to health care providers statewide. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Technical Information Service, O.S. Department of Commerce, 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312, Telephone: (703) 605-6050 Secondary Telephone: (888) 584-8332 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Document Number: NTIS PB97-121842.

Keywords: Advocacy, Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding Promotion, Curricula, Health Promotion, Information Services, Information Sources, Patient Education

Nguyen K-P, Mai CT, Santa Clara Valley Breastfeeding Task Force. n.d.. Breastfeeding educational materials in Vietnamese language. [No place, CA: Santa Clara Valley Breastfeeding Task Force], 6 items.

Annotation: This resource provides downloadable breastfeeding-education pamphlets for new mothers. Topics of the pamphlets include breastfeeding, milk quality, how to breastfeed, breast milk expression and storage, taking care of sore nipples and breast engorgement, and what to eat while breastfeeding. Each pamphlet is available in English and Vietnamese.

Contact: University of California, Berkeley, College of Natural Resources, 101 Giannini Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720, Telephone: (510) 642-7171 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Asian language materials, Breastfeeding, Breastfeeding promotion, Consumer education materials, Infants, Nutrition

Philadelphia Department of Public Health. n.d.. Why breastfeed? Just listen to what mothers say!. Philadelphia, PA: Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Division of Maternal, Child, and Family Health, 2 pp.

Annotation: This flyer provides quotes from mothers who breastfeed and summarizes why breastfeeding is good for babies, mothers, and families. It is available in Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Haitian Creole, Hindi, Indonesian, Khmer, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Vietnamese.

Contact: Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Division of Maternal, Child, and Family Health, 1101 Market Street, Ninth Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107, Telephone: (215) 685-5225 Fax: (215) 685-5257 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Asian language materials, Breastfeeding, Consumer education materials, Non English language materials, Spanish language materials

New York State Department of Health, Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. n.d.. Making it work toolkit. Albany, NY: New York State Department of Health, Division of Chronic Disease Prevention and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children, multiple items.

Annotation: These toolkits for consumers and employers provide information to address the challenges of low income wage earners returning to work while continuing to breastfeed. Contents include five individual toolkits. A toolkit for mothers provides information on how to talk with supervisors, coworkers, and child care providers and how to store and handle breast milk, as well as checklists, tips, sample schedules, and food ideas. A toolkit for family members explains the role grandparents and partners play while dispelling myths that can be held by others, and how to give support and care for a breastfed infant. Additional toolkits are designed to help employers comply with state and federal laws; offer guidance for mothers and employers on interpreting the laws and resources; and provide sample letters and policies.

Contact: New York State Department of Health, Corning Tower, Empire State Plaza, Albany, NY 12237, Telephone: (866) 881-2809 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Employer initiatives, Legislation, Low income groups, New York, State programs, Supported employment, Workplace health promotion

National Institutes of Health, Office of Dietary Supplements. 2024. Fluoride fact sheet for consumers. Bethesda, MD: National Institutes of Health, 1 web resource.

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information about fluoride. It presents background information and discusses the following topics: recommended intakes for infants, children, adolescents, and adults from birth to over age 19, including pregnant adolescents and women and breastfeeding adolescents and women; sources of fluoride; types of fluoride supplements; fluoride and health (the effects of fluoride on tooth decay and bone fractures); health risks from excessive fluoride; interactions of fluoride with medications; fluoride and healthy diets; and where to find more information about fluoride. The fact sheet is written in simple language.

Contact: National Institutes of Health, 9000 Rockville Pike, Bethesda, MD 20892, Telephone: (301) 496-4000 Secondary Telephone: (301) 402-9612 Fax: (301) 496-0017 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adult health, Breastfeeding, Consumer education materials, Dental caries, Fluoride, Fractures, Infant health, Oral heath, Pregnant adolescents, Pregnant women, Prevention

University of California San Francisco School of Nursing, California Childcare Health Program. 2022. Safe sleep: Reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) (rev ed). San Francisco, CA: University of California San Francisco School of Nursing, California Childcare Health Program, 1 p. (Fact sheet for families)

Annotation: This fact sheet for families lists several steps that caregivers and parents can follow to minimize the risk of sudden infant death syndrome. The steps include guidance about sleep environment, smoking, breastfeeding, pacifier use, visiting the doctor, and tummy time.

Contact: University of California, San Francisco School of Nursing, California Childcare Health Program, San Francisco, CA 94143, Telephone: (415) 476-4695 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Breastfeeding promotion, Consumer education materials, Infant death, Infant development, Infant health, Non English language materials, Prevention, SIDS, Safety, Sleep position

United Methodist Health Ministry Fund. 2022. High 5 for mom and baby. Hutchinson, KS: United Methodist Health Ministry Fund, multiple items.

Annotation: This resource provides information on the importance of breastfeeding and the role of hospitals in breastfeeding success. It describes a program to encourage adoption of five evidence based maternity care practices that have been found to increase breastfeeding rates. Contents include current breastfeeding rates in Kansas, participating hospitals, endorsements, a hospital application agreement and form, and program logos and branding materials.

Contact: United Methodist Health Ministry Fund, P.O. Box 1384, 100 East First, Hutchinson, KS 67504-1384, Telephone: (800) 369-7191 Secondary Telephone: (316) 662-8586 E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Breastfeeding, Evidence based medicine, Health promotion, Hospital accreditation, Infant health, Kansas, Maternal health, Model programs, State programs

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.