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Displaying records 1 through 20 (105 total).

Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin. 2024. Wisconsin Seal-A-Smile administration manual. Milwaukee, WI: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 31 pp.

Annotation: This manual provides policies and procedures for Wisconsin Seal-A-Smile (SAS) grantees, with the goal of helping them administer programs and ensure consistency across programs. The purpose of SAS is to improve the oral health of Wisconsin children through school-based dental sealant programs. Topics include administrative and regulatory guidelines; program requirements; forms, reporting, and recording; and budget and funding information.

Contact: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 6737 West Washington Street, Suite 1111, West Allis, WI 53214, Telephone: (414) 292-4000 Secondary Telephone: (414) 337-4561 Fax: (414) 231-4972 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Administration, Data collection, Dental sealants, Disease prevention, Forms, Grants management, Oral health, Prevention programs, Reimbursement, School age children, School health programs, School health services, Screening, State programs, Wisconsin

Capriola S. 2024. Wisconsin healthy smiles survey: Kindergarten and third grade children. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, 28 pp.

Annotation: This survey focuses on the oral health status of children in kindergarten and third grade in Wisconsin during the 2022–2023 school year. The survey provides an introduction explaining why good oral health is important; describes the survey methodology; and presents results in the following areas: participation, tooth decay experience; oral health care needs, statewide trends among children in third grade, and oral health by region. A convenience sample focused on American Indian and Alaska Native students is also discussed, and key findings are presented.

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659, Fax: (608) 266-3483 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Alaska Natives, American Indians, Oral health, School age children, State information, Tooth decay, Trends, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health. 2024. Wisconsin dental hygienist workforce briefing. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, 6 pp.

Annotation: This brief provides information about the registered dental hygienist (RDH) workforce in Wisconsin. Data is from a 2023 survey of RDHs conducted as part of their licensure renewal process. Topic include workforce demographics, the number of years RDHs have practiced in the state and how many hours per week they work, information about RDHs licenced to practice in Wisconsin but not working in Wisconsin, practice settings among RDHs working in Wisconsin, and workforce characteristics by county. Limitations of the survey are discussed.

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, One West Wilson Street, Madison, WI 53703, Telephone: (608) 266-1865 Secondary Telephone: (888) 701-1251 Web Site: Available from the website. Document Number: P-03239.

Keywords: Demographics, Dental hygienists, Geographic factors, Oral health, State information, Wisconsin, Work force

Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition. 2019. Check-up on oral health: A call to action. Milwaukee, WI: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Oral Health Coalition, 5 pp.

Annotation: This report provides information about the importance of oral health throughout the life-span, the economic costs of oral disease and oral health disparities, and efforts to improve access to preventive oral health services in Michigan. Topics include gains made in increasing access statewide through the expansion of Healthy Kids Dental, a public-private partnership between the Michigan Department of Community Health and Delta Dental; maintenance of dental benefits for adults enrolled in Medicaid; community water fluoridation; and dental sealants.

Contact: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 6737 West Washington Street, Suite 1111, West Allis, WI 53214, Telephone: (414) 292-4000 Secondary Telephone: (414) 337-4561 Fax: (414) 231-4972 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Access to health care, Adults, Barriers, Children, Coalitions, Community action, Dental sealants, Fluorides, Health care disparities, Infants, Life course, Medicaid, Michigan, Older adults, Oral health, Policy development, Preventive health services, Public private partnerships, State programs, Statewide planning, Water, Wisconsin

Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin. 2019. Healthy smiles for mom and baby: Oral health online training guide. Milwaukee, WI: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 37 pp.

Annotation: This guide describes a training for professionals in Wisconsin that combines oral health information with conversation techniques for discussing oral health with pregnant women and parents of infants and toddlers. The training consists of four modules: (1) oral health conversations, (2) oral health for infants and toddlers, (3) oral health for pregnant women, and (4) oral health goal setting with families. Each module includes reflection activities and videos that demonstrate how to guide an oral health discussion with pregnant women and parents. The guide also explains how to register for the training. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 6737 West Washington Street, Suite 1111, West Allis, WI 53214, Telephone: (414) 292-4000 Secondary Telephone: (414) 337-4561 Fax: (414) 231-4972 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: , Communication skills, Families, Infant health, Oral health, Pregnant women, Professional training, State Initiatives, Training materials, Wisconsin

Children's Hospital of Wisconsin. 2019. Wisconsin Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement Project [FY 2019 progress report]. Milwaukee, WI: Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, 53 pp.

Annotation: This progress report provides a summary of the project activities and accomplishments of the Wisconsin Perinatal and Infant Oral Health Quality Improvement project during the 1-year project period ending in 2019. The report offers information about project progress (including accomplishments), significant changes during the project period, and project evaluation. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: National Maternal and Child Oral Health Resource Center, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 20057, E-mail: [email protected] Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Infant health, Oral health, Pregnant women, State programs, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Division of Public Health, Oral Health Program. 2019. Community water fluoridation. Madison, WI: Oral Health Program, Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 2 pp. (Oral health in Wisconsin: A fact sheet)

Annotation: This fact sheet provides information about oral health in Wisconsin, with a focus on how community water fluoridation (CWF) can improve oral health status. The fact sheet includes an overview of the effects of tooth decay and information on how it affects children enrolled in Head Start, children in third grade, and older adults in the state. The impact of CWF on tooth decay is discussed. Strategies to promote oral health and CWF in Wisconsin are included. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659, Fax: (608) 266-3483 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: , Fluoride, Head start, Older adults, Oral health, Prevention, State materials, Wisconsin, Young children

Hunt T, Lee H, Slack KS. 2018. Adverse childhood experiences in Wisconsin: Findings from the 20101-2013 Behavioral Risk Factors Survey. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Children’s Trust Fund and Child Abuse Prevention Fund of Children’s Hospital & Health System., 36 pp.

Annotation: This PowerPoint updates findings from previous publications on adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) from the Wisconsin Behavioral Risk Factors Survey. Topics include the prevalence of ACEs, co-occurence of ACEs, mental health outcomes, health risk behaviors, physical health outcomes, socioeconomic status, health care access and Medicaid enrollment, and quality of life, followed by policy recommendations. The 2010 report includes vignettes from adults who experienced ACEs and who describe the impact those experiences have had on their lives.

Keywords: State surveys, Access to health care Medicaid, Child abuse, Child health, Children, Health behavior, Health policy, Mental health, Physical health, Risk factors, Wisconsin

Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Head Start Association, Wisconsin Department of Health Services Oral Health Program, Medical College of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Dental Association. 2017. Earlier Is Better: Oral health program for Early Head Start–Final project report . Milwaukee, WI: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 65 pp.

Annotation: This report describes a partnership to improve oral health in pregnant women and children enrolled in Early Head Start in Wisconsin and, specifically, those enrolled in the home visiting program. Contents include information about data collection and statistical analysis, partnership overview and processes, training for home visitors and parent educators on using the Parent Oral Health Education Toolkit (POHET), changes in oral health knowledge and behaviors for parents and other caregivers after implementation of the POHET, increases in the number of children with a dental home, and reductions in children's dental caries experience at age 3.

Contact: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 6737 West Washington Street, Suite 1111, West Allis, WI 53214, Telephone: (414) 292-4000 Secondary Telephone: (414) 337-4561 Fax: (414) 231-4972 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Early Head Start, Health education, Home visiting, Infants, Oral health, Parent education, Pregnant women, Program descriptions, Program evaluation, State programs, Training, Wisconsin, Young children

Wisconsin Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Medical Home Systems Integration Project. 2017. Wisconsin care coordination for children and youth mapping project. Madison, WY: Wisconsin Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program, 33 pp. (exec. summ. 1 p.).

Annotation: This report describes a project that aimed to increase the number of children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHN) served within a medical home by 20% and specifically a mapping project that examined how care coordination is being implemented for CYSHN currently in Wisconsin, what gaps exist, and what assets can be built upon and shared. It describes findings of interviews conducted with a diverse group of systems, providers, and family representatives between October 2015 and December 2016. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, One West Wilson Street, Madison, WI 53703, Telephone: (608) 266-1865 Secondary Telephone: (888) 701-1251 Web Site:

Keywords: Adolescents with special health care needs, Children with special health care needs, Medical home, Program coordination, State programs, Title V programs, Wisconsin

Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin. 2016. 2015 Wisconsin perinatal-infant oral health summit: Summary report and statewide plan. Milwaukee, WI: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 27 pp.

Annotation: This report summarizes information from a summit held on September 9, 2015, to discuss strategies for improving oral health for pregnant women and infants in Wisconsin. The report describes five themes supported by both oral health communities and overall health communities: reimbursements and insurance availability, coordination and integration, training, awareness, and practice settings. Contents include a statewide plan to reduce the prevalence of oral disease among pregnant women and infants who are underserved by integrating high-quality oral health care into the health-care-delivery system. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 6737 West Washington Street, Suite 1111, West Allis, WI 53214, Telephone: (414) 292-4000 Secondary Telephone: (414) 337-4561 Fax: (414) 231-4972 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Community action, Conference proceedings, Dental care, Dental insurance, Health care delivery, Health care systems, Infants, Oral health, Pregnant women, Primary care, Quality assurance, Reimbursement, Service coordination, Service integration, Statewide planning, Training, Wisconsin, Work force

Wisconsin Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Medical Home Systems Integration Project. 2015. Wisconsin state plan to serve more children and youth within medical homes, including those with special health care needs. Madison, WY: Wisconsin Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program, 61 pp.

Annotation: This document outlines a Wisconsin state plan developed to increase the number of children served within a medical home. It identifies strategies and actions steps for families, clinicians, and systems of care, with objectives, timelines, and measures. [Funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, One West Wilson Street, Madison, WI 53703, Telephone: (608) 266-1865 Secondary Telephone: (888) 701-1251 Web Site:

Keywords: Adolescents with special health care needs, Children with special health care needs, Medical home, Statewide planning, Wisconsin

Olson M, Chaffin J, Chudy N, Yang A. 2014. 2013: Healthy smiles/healthy growth—Wisconsin's third grade children. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, 40 pp.

Annotation: This report presents key findings on oral health and growth status from a survey of students in third grade in Wisconsin public schools. Results are compared to results from earlier surveys. Topics include treated tooth decay, untreated decay, dental caries experience, urgency of need for oral health care, dental sealants, and body mass index for age (underweight, healthy weight, overweight, and obese).

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659, Fax: (608) 266-3483 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Body weight, Dental caries, Dental sealants, Growth, Oral health, Population surveillance, School age children, State surveys, Wisconsin

Simons D, Hendricks T, Lipper J, Pires SA. 2014. Intensive care coordination using high-quality wraparound for children with serious behavioral health needs: State and community profiles. Hamilton, NJ: Center for Health Care Strategies, 61 pp.

Annotation: This document profiles the various ways that U.S. states and communities are structuring, implementing, and evaluating intensive care coordination (ICC) using the wraparound approach for children and youth with significant mental health conditions. The document defines wraparound as a structured approach to service planning and care coordination for individuals with complex needs that is built on a system of care and adheres to specified procedures. Contents include the evidence base for wraparound and information on established, evolving, and emerging ICC/wraparound programs.

Contact: Center for Health Care Strategies, 200 American Metro Boulevard, Suite 119, Hamilton, NJ 08619, Telephone: (609) 528-8400 Fax: (609) 586-3679 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children, Colorado, Community programs, Coordination planning, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mental health, Michigan, Nebraska, New Jersey, Ohio, Oklahoma, Patient care, Pennsylvania, Program coordination, Rhode Island, Service coordination, State programs, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Youth

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Injury Research Center at the Medical College of Wisconsin, Mental Health America of Wisconsin. 2014. Burden of suicide in Wisconsin 2007-2011. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, 59 pp.

Annotation: This report provides an overview of the burden of suicide in Wisconsin. Topics include the extent and costs of suicidal behavior, the incidence and geographical distribution of suicide, and the implications of the data and their application to strategies for suicide prevention. Additional contents include a glossary, technical notes, and tables that provide supplemental information to the tables, figures, and data presented in the body of the report. [Funded in part by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau]

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, One West Wilson Street, Madison, WI 53703, Telephone: (608) 266-1865 Secondary Telephone: (888) 701-1251 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents, Adults, Attempted suicide, Costs, Incidence, Population surveillance, Risk factors, Risk taking, Statistical data, Suicide, Suicide prevention, Wisconsin

U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau. 2013. Region V Infant Mortality Summit. Rockville, MD: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, 70 items.

Annotation: This website provides information about the 2013 Region V Infant Mortality Summit, held March 21-22, 2013 in Chicago, IL. Summit topics include coordinating, planning, implementing, and sharing cross state and regional efforts directed at reducing infant mortality; identifying similarities and differences across states to better understand data trends and reporting, health status of at-risk populations, contributing factors, and interventions that show promising results; identifying opportunities for leveraging resources and maximizing investments; identifying needs and provide technical assistance to state maternal and child health (MCH) and children with special health care needs (CSHCN) programs; and defining an organization framework for continued collaboration and successful program replication. The website provides links to the summit agenda, materials from sessions, summit goals and objectives, summaries and team updates, videorecordings from plenary sessions, and provides links to background and state infant and infant mortality resources.

Contact: U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau, Health Resources and Services Administration, 5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville, MD 20857, Telephone: (301) 443-2170 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Audiovisual materials, Child health, Collaboration, Conference proceedings, Illinois, Indiana, Infant health, Infant mortality, Initiatives, Low income groups, Michigan, Minnesota, Ohio, Prevention, Region V, Resource materials, State programs, Wisconsin

Courtot B, Coughlin TA, Lawton E. 2013. Medicaid and CHIP managed care payment methods and spending in 20 states: Final report to the Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Washington, DC: Urban Institute, 51 pp.

Annotation: This report, which is a companion to the Medicaid and CHIP Risk-Based Managed Care in 20 States report, focuses on 20 states' Medicaid and Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) managed care payment methods and spending. The states are Arizona, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin. The report addresses two research questions: (1) how do the 20 states establish capitation rates in their Medicaid and CHIP managed care programs, and how have their approaches to and policies for rate setting changed over the past decade and (2) how does monthly Medicaid spending for four distinct managed care enrollee populations (adults and children, with and without disabilities) vary among the 20 states? The report introduces the issues and presents the study approach, methods, findings, and a discussion.

Contact: Urban Institute, 2100 M Street, N.W., Washington, DC 20037, Telephone: (202) 833-7200 Fax: (202) 467-5775 E-mail: Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adults, Arizona, California, Children, Children', Connecticut, Costs, Delaware, Disabilities, Florida, Managed care, Maryland, Massachusetts, Medicaid, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, State programs, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Wisconsin, s Health Insurance Program

Delta Dental; Wisconsin Dental Association; and University of Wisconsin, Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention. 2013. Treating tobacco use and dependence: A toolkit for dental office teams. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin, Center for Tobacco Research and Intervention, 73 pp.

Annotation: This toolkit for dental office staff focuses on integrating the U.S. Public Health Service recommended clinical practice guideline for treating tobacco use and dependence into standard office procedures. Contents include resources for implementing a brief intervention to help individuals who use tobacco quit. Topics include perceived barriers to tobacco treatment; tobacco dependence treatment roles for dental hygienists, dental assistants, and receptionists; medication resource materials for clinicians; consumer-education materials; and clinician reference materials.

Contact: University of Wisconsin, Center for Tobacco Research & Intervention, 1930 Monroe, Suite 200, Madison, WI 53711, Telephone: (608) 262-8673 Fax: (608) 265-3102 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Adolescents, Drug addiction, Guidelines, Intervention, Model programs, Oral health, Pregnant women, Preventive health services, Reimbursement, Resources for professionals, Smoking cessation, Tobacco use, Wisconsin

Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program. 2012. Fluoride supplementation: Up-to-date information for the health care professional. Madison, WI: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, 3 pp. (Oral health in Wisconsin: A fact sheet)

Annotation: This fact sheet for health professionals provides information about using fluoride supplements to reduce the incidence of dental caries among infants and children living in suboptimally fluoridated areas. Topics include assessing the fluoride content of drinking water, primary sources of fluoride consumption, and questions and answers about dietary fluoride supplements.

Contact: Wisconsin Department of Health Services, Oral Health Program, Division of Public Health, P.O. Box 2659, Madison, WI 53701-2659, Fax: (608) 266-3483 Web Site: Available from the website.

Keywords: Children, Dental caries, Disease prevention, Fluorides, Oral health, State programs, Supplements, Wisconsin

Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin. 2012. Making Milwaukee smile: A report on efforts to improve the oral health of Milwaukee children 2011. Milwaukee, WI: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 32 pp.

Annotation: This report describes a 3-year project to reduce the number of children with urgent oral health needs in Milwaukee, Wisconsin; increase participation in school-based oral health programs; and increase the role of primary care health professionals in addressing oral disease in the city. The project placed oral health care coordinators in schools and trained health professionals to perform oral health risk assessments, provide anticipatory guidance, and apply fluoride varnish. Report contents include a summary of the project’s development process, objectives, and evaluation methods; demographics and key findings; and project participants’ success stories.

Contact: Children's Health Alliance of Wisconsin, 6737 West Washington Street, Suite 1111, West Allis, WI 53214, Telephone: (414) 292-4000 Secondary Telephone: (414) 337-4561 Fax: (414) 231-4972 Web Site: Available on request from OHRC.

Keywords: Access to health care, Adolescents, Children, Community programs, Disease prevention, Oral health, Professional training, Program descriptions, School health programs, Service coordination, State programs, Wisconsin

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This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under grant number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy, $3.5 M. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.