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School Health - Organizations

School Health

Annotated Lists of Organizations on Key Topics in Maternal and Child Health

This list of 68 organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations online database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library. To identify additional materials on this topic, search the Organizations database using our online search form.

The MCH Organizations Database lists government, professional, and voluntary organizations involved in maternal and child health activities, primarily at a national level. Information available to consumers is indicated where known.

Displaying 68 records.

AASA, The School Superintendents' Association (AASA)

Annotation: The American Association of School Administrators (AASA), founded in 1865, is a professional organization for educational leaders inAmerica and many other countries. AASA's mission is to support and develop effective school system leaders who are dedicated to quality public education for all children. AASA brings together administrators of school systems and educational service agencies, school district superintendents, placement officers, directors and administrators of education associations, heads of private schools, college deans and educational administration professors, and central, building, and service unit administrators. The association sponsors annual professional development through conferences. Publications include The Leader's Edge (delivered electronically) and The School Administrator, a monthly magazine

Keywords: School health, Adolescents, Children, Education

Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK)

Annotation: Action for Healthy Kids (AFHK) is a nonprofit organization formed to address the epidemic of overweight, undernourished, and sedentary youth by focusing on changes at school, to improve children's nutrition and increase physical activity, which will in turn improve their readiness to learn. An outgrowth of the 2002 Healthy Schools Summit, AFHK is a public-private partnership of more than 50 national organizations and government agencies representing education, health, fitness, and nutrition. AFHK's Web site provides information on current activities in the 50 states plus the District of Columbia, and a searchable database that lists resources to improve schools, including materials and profiles of successful school practices.

Keywords: Databases, Child nutrition, Health promotion, Model programs, Physical activity, Schools

Alliance for a Healthier Generation

Annotation: The Alliance for Healthier Generation works to reduce the prevalence of childhood obesity in the United States and to empower children nationwide to make healthy lifestyle choices. Founded in 2005 by the American Heart Association and the William J. Clinton Foundation, the alliance works to positively affect the places that can make a difference in a child's health: homes, schools, doctor's offices, and communities. The alliance's Healthy Schools Program supports schools across the U.S. in their efforts to create environments where physical activity and healthy eating are accessible and encouraged. The alliance also works with leading companies in the industries (food, beverage, fitness, gaming, technology, and others) to help families stay active and eat healthier. The website provides media resources, a newsletter (the Alliance Byte), and documents such as school beverage and competitive food agreements and memorandums of understanding for school meals.

Keywords: Business, Child health, Obesity, Physical activity, Public private partnerships, School health

America's Promise Alliance

Annotation: America's Promise Alliance is devoted to creating conditions for success for all young people. Activities are framed around five promises: caring adults, safe places, a healthy start, an effective education, and opportunities to serve. Activities include partnerships, fundraising, advocacy, and leadership and career development. The alliance launched the GradNation Campaign in 2010, building on 105 dropout prevention summits convened across the country to raise awareness and inspire action. Additional resources include research publications and a parent engagement toolkit for organizations and community leaders.

Keywords: Character, Adolescent development, Adolescents, Character development, Child development, Children, Coalitions, Collaboration, Life skills, Youth development

American Academy of Pediatrics, Council on School Health

Annotation: The American Academy of Pediatrics' (AAP) Council on School Health is responsible for policy statements from inception to education, implementation, advocacy, and evaluation. The council is a byproduct of the merger of the AAP Section and the Committee on School Health. The council's products include policy statements on soft drinks in schools and camp health. The council's Web site provides news and events, answers to frequently asked questions, policies, and resources for health professionals working with schools or caring for school-aged children in their practices, school personnel, and parents and other caregivers. Selected resources include Health, Mental Health, and Safety Guidelines; School Health Leadership Training Kit; Emergency Guidelines for Schools; HIPAA form for communicating with schools; pediatric school health contacts; school asthma materials; and the National Center for School Crisis and Bereavement.

Keywords: Professional societies, School health, Policy development, School age children

American Dental Association, Council on Access, Prevention and Interprofessional Relations

American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA)

Annotation: The American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA) meets the needs of people whose lives have been disrupted by injury or illness, developmental problems, the aging process, or social or psychological difficulties by promoting their involvement in therapeutic tasks to improve function, performance capacity, and the ability to cope with the demands of daily life. Members include occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, and occupational therapy students. The association conducts research, compiles statistics, publishes the American Journal of Occupational Therapy, and produces catalogs, books, monographs, and a semimonthly magazine, OT Practice. The association also sponsors conferences and training seminars, and workshops. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Occupational therapy, Support groups, Professional societies

American Optometric Association (AOA)

Annotation: The American Optometric Association (AOA), founded in 1898, works to improve the quality, availability, and accessibility of eye care, vision care, and related health care. The association promotes standards of patient care and represents the optometric profession to government and other health care-related organizations. Publications include three periodicals: Journal of the American Optometric Association, American Optometric Association News, and Optometric Economics. The organization also sponsors conferences and training seminars. The association maintians offices in St. Louis, MO and metropolitan Washington, DC. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Optometry, Eye care, Patient care, Standards, Vision screening

American Public Health Association, Center for School, Health and Education

Annotation: The American Public Health Association's Center for School, Health and Education advances school-based health care as a comprehensive strategy for preventing school dropout and improving graduation rates for students in kindergarten through grade 12. Through partnerships, policies and advocacy, the center links the education and public health communities to ensure that all students -- particularly those facing social inequities -- are supported to graduate. The center promotes school-based health centers as uniquely positioned to create a learning-friendly climate school-wide, increase access to physical and mental health care, and promote lifelong healthy behaviors for children and teens.

Keywords: Graduation, Health care delivery, Prevention programs, Public health, School based clinics, School dropouts

American School Counselor Association

American School Health Association (ASHA)

Annotation: The American School Health Association (ASHA), founded in 1927, is an interdisciplinary professional membership association whose members include nurses, physicians, teachers, physical educators, counselors, social workers, psychologists, administrators, health educators, health coordinators, nutritionists, and others all advocating for high-quality school health instruction, health services, and a healthful school environment. ASHA's mission is to protect and promote the health of children and youth by supporting coordinated school health programs as a foundation for school success. The association hosts a listservice and publishes The Journal of School Health (subscription with membership), Health in Action (a practitioners publication), and the Pulse newsletter. ASHA information, membership application, publications, annual conference, application for conference presentations, student scholarship, and workshops are available on the Web site.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, School health programs, School health services, Professional societies, School health


Annotation: ASCD (formerly the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development) is an international educational leadership organization of professional educators from all levels and subject areas -- superintendents, supervisors, principals, teachers, professors of education, and school board members. Focus areas include publications, professional development, initiatives and programs, and public policy.

Keywords: Curriculum development, Education, Supervision, Teachers

Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP)

Annotation: The Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs (AMCHP) supports state maternal and child health programs and provides national leadership on issues affecting women and children. AMCHP accomplishes its mission through the active participation of its members and partnerships with government agencies, families and advocates, health care purchasers and providers, academic and research professionals, and others at the national, state, and local levels. AMCHP tracks and analyzes emerging policy issues that impact family health and distributes the information to subscribers electronically via the AMCHP Legislative Alert. Issues areas include adolescent and school health; best practices; child health; data and assessment; family involvement; Medicaid, State Children's Health Insurance Program, and welfare; mental health; and women's and perinatal health. It also has a National Center for Health Reform Implementation.

Keywords: Maternal health, Advocacy, Block grants, CSHN programs, Child health, Children with special health care needs, Federal MCH programs, Guidelines, Models, Professional societies, Public policies, State programs, Technical assistance, Title V

Center for Health and Health Care in Schools (CHHCS)

Annotation: The Center for Health and Health Care in Schools (CHHCS) specializes in researching and advancing effective school-connected programs, policies, and systems using the school location as a place-based solution for improving children's overall health and school success. CHHCS has developed a national network of leading stakeholders including researchers, practitioners, funders, and policymakers working across health, education, and family systems to facilitate communication among key experts and drive collective action. The center is a nonpartisan policy, resource, and technical assistance center located at the George Washington University School of Public Health and Health Services.

Keywords: School based clinics, School health, School health education, School health programs, School health services

Center for Mental Health in Schools

Annotation: The mission of the Center for Mental Health in Schools at UCLA is to improve outcomes for young people by enhancing policies, programs, and practices for addressing barriers to learning and promoting the field of mental health in schools. Through collaboration, the center focuses on enhancing practitioner roles, functions, and competence; interfacing with systemic reform movements; assisting localities in building and maintaining their own infrastructure for training, support, and continuing education; and weaving together school and community resources that foster comprehensive, integrated approaches to healthy development. The center sponsors the national initiative New Directions for Student Support, designed to revolutionize what schools do to address barriers to learning and teaching.The center is funded in part by the Office of Adolescent Health, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The center publishes newsletters and reports, maintains an open listserv, and sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Child health, Mental health, National MCH resource center, Needs assessment, Resource centers, School health, Technical assistance, Training

Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)

Annotation: The Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR) serves as a central source of information and products for the community of Parent Training Information (PTI) Centers and the Community Parent Resource Centers (CPRCs) so that they can focus their efforts on serving families of children with disabilities. The Center also works to increase the coordination of parent training efforts throughout the network and to increase Parent Centers’ knowledge and capacity in specific domains. CPIR's online resource cover key topics, K-12 issues, early intervention/early childhood, and parent centers' 14 priorities. Users can customize their online searches by audience, format, language, and resource producer. Resources are available in English and Spanish. It is funded by the Office of Special Education Programs at the U.S. Department of Education. This center continues the work of the Technical Assistance ALLIANCE for Parent Centers.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Early intervention, Family centered services, Information sources, Parenting, Resource centers, Spanish language materials, Special education

Center for School Mental Health (CSMH)

Annotation: The Center for School Mental Health (CSMH) strengthens policies and programs in school mental health to improve learning and promote success for children and adolescents.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Clearinghouses, Conferences, Interdisciplinary training, Mental health, National MCH resource center, Publications, Referrals, Resource centers, School counseling, School health, School health programs, School personnel, School psychology, Spanish language materials, Technical assistance, Training

Center for Schools and Communities

Annotation: Since 1988, the Center for Schools and Communities has been committed to improving outcomes for children and families through training, technical assistance, program evaluation, research, and resource development. The center's work focuses on prevention and intervention initiatives operated by schools, organizations, and agencies serving children, youth, and families. The website provides information about professional development, initiatives, and right-to-know compliance.

Keywords: Children, Communities, Families, Intervention, Prevention, Program evaluation, Research, Schools, Technical assistance, Training

Children's Aid Society, National Center for Community Schools (CAS)

Annotation: The Children’s Aid Society (CAS) created the National Center for Community Schools in 1994 in response to the increased demand for information and advice about community schools implementation. The center facilitates learning opportunities that draw on community schools practice in New York City, as well as lessons learned from around the country. The center plays a leading role in local and national advocacy to advance the community schools movement and advance this approach in the broader education agenda. Resources include documents and tools developed by the center; an e-newsletter containing updates and analyses about community schools in New York City, across the nation, and around the world; and a virtual tour and study visit of the Children's Aid Society's flagship community school.

Keywords: Academic achievement, Advocacy, Children, Communities, Consultation, Family school relations, Model programs, Public private partnerships, Schools, Training

Communities In Schools (CIS)

Annotation: Communities In Schools is a nationwide network of professionals dedicated to keeping kids in school and helping them succeed in life. CIS positions site coordinators inside schools to assess students' needs and provide resources. CIS coordinates with local businesses, social service agencies, health care professionals, and volunteers and provides food, school supplies, health care, counseling, academic assistance, and positive role models.

Keywords: Academic achievement, Communities, Education, Educational attainment, Public schools, Students

Council for Exceptional Children (CEC)

Annotation: The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) is a large international professional organization dedicated to improving educational success for individuals with exceptionalities - students with disabilities and/or gifts. CEC advocates for appropriate governmental policies; sets professional standards; provides continual professional development; advocates for newly and historically underserved individuals with exceptionalities; and helps professionals obtain conditions and resources necessary for effective professional practice. Services provided include the following: information dissemination, public policy advocacy and information; conventions and conferences; special education publications; and standards for the preparation and certification of special educators and professional practice. Please note: consumers are asked not to direct inquiries to both CEC and the ERIC Clearinghouse on Disabilities and Gifted Education, since the two organizations share staff and resources in responding to questions on disabilities.

Keywords: Children with special health care needs, Educational factors, Educational programs, Professional societies, Special education programs

Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO)

Annotation: The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonprofit organization of the public officials who head the departments of elementary and secondary education in states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and five extra-state jurisdictions including Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Activities of the Council's School Health Project include providing information about HIV education, school-based pregnancy prevention, successful collaboration, and other coordinated school health programs. Publications include newsletters and reports (many can be downloaded free of charge). The Directory of Coordinated School Health Program Staff (jointly published by CCSSO, the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, and and the Society of State Directors of Health, Physical Education, and Recreation) is a state-by-state listing of staff in state education and health agencies whose responsibilities are related to health education, physical education, counseling and psychological services, parent/community involvement, and other aspects of school health. Copies of the directory may be ordered through the Publications section of tthe CCSSO Web site

Keywords: School health, Adolescents, Children, HIV, Health education, Listservs, Prevention programs, School personnel

Council of the Great City Schools

Annotation: The Council of the Great City Schools provides a forum for urban educators to develop strategies, exchange ideas, and conduct research on urban education. The council promotes public policy initiatives to ensure improvement of education and equity in the delivery of comprehensive educational programs. The organization publishes reports and a newsletter (these can be downloaded in pdf format from the Web site), and sponsors training seminars and conferences.

Keywords: Child health, Educational programs, School districts, Urban environment

Directors of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE)

Annotation: The Directors of Health Promotion and Education (DHPE) builds on principles and practices of health promotion and education to strengthen public health capacity in policy and systems change to improve the health of all and achieve health equity. Resources include news, a calendar of events, community market analyses, online groups, and links to information on careers, health equity, health policy and advocacy, health policy and environmental change, health-related organizations, school employee wellness, school health, state worksite wellness programs, and training and professional development. DHPE is an affiliate of the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials.

Keywords: AIDS, Chronic illnesses and disabilities, HIV, Health education, Health promotion, Injury prevention, Nutrition, Professional societies, Public health programs, Public health services

Education Development Center (EDC)

Annotation: The Education Development Center, Inc. (EDC) is a nonprofit research and development company engaged in a wide variety of projects to promote health and education throughout the United States and worldwide. EDC works with national organizations and their affiliates; state health, education, and social services agencies; local school districts; and schools to promote the healthy development and successful learning of students. Activities include research, training and technical assistance, and curriculum development. In the maternal and child health field, activities focus on professional development for educators and health professionals, as well as programs to help young people avoid health risk behaviors. EDC manages more than 335 projects in 50 countries and publishes numerous print and on-line newsletters, journals, and other materials.

Keywords: Curricula, Health education, Health promotion, Training

Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN)

Annotation: The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) works to ensure safe schools for all students, including lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender students. GLSEN focuses on three areas: (1) making anti-LGBT bullying, harassment and name calling unacceptable in America's schools; (2) engaging and empowering educators as partners in creating schools where every student can fully participate in school life; and (3) ensuring that the national agenda to create effective schools includes LGBT issues. GLSEN's Web site includes a library of news and other publications. GLSEN supports public policy agendas, sponsors public information campaigns, has a college scholarship program, holds conferences, and produces the National SChool Climate Survey.

Keywords: Homosexuality, School safety

Grantmakers In Health (GIH)

Annotation: Grantmakers In Health (GIH) is an educational organization serving the professional needs of trustees, executives, and program staff of private foundation and corporate giving programs in health and related human services philanthropy. It provides educational services to over 800 private grantmaking organizations throughout the country whose funding interest and concerns include health and human services and alerts grantmakers of opportunities for strategic and effective funding, as well as the possibilities for collaborative programs with grantmaking colleagues. Services include providing technical assistance and consultation to grantmakers on both programmatic and operational issues, convening, publishing, education and training, brokering professional relationships, and conducting studies on health philanthropy. The organization publishes a newsletter and sponsors conferences and workshops.

Keywords: Grants, Philanthropy

Healthy Schools Campaign

Annotation: Healthy Schools Campaign advocates for policies and practices that allow all students, teachers, and staff to learn and work in a healthy school environment. HSC addresses issues of environmental health and wellness in schools by preparing stakeholders to become leaders in efforts to create change at the school, district, state, and national levels.The website contains information on programs and publications on topics such as food and fitness, environmental justice and health disparities, environmental health, and school nursing.

Keywords: Barriers, Environmental health, Organizational change, Policy analysis, Policy development, Public awareness campaigns, School nursing, Schools

Healthy Schools Network

Annotation: Healthy Schools Network is a leading national voice for children's environmental health at school. The network's policy campaigns address three core facets: 1) child-safe standards for school design, construction, and siting; 2) child-safe policies for housekeeping and purchasing; and 3) environmental public health services for children. The network's resources include fact sheets, guides, peer-reviewed reports, and state-by-state data and policy profiles. The network convenes the Coalition for Healthier Schools, which provides a platform and forum for environmental health through regular conference calls and annual meetings. The center's National Collaborative on Green Cleaning and Chemical Policy Reform in Schools has worked to strengthen certification standards for cleaning products; develop a training toolkit; and provide information and technical comments to policymakers, schools, and communities.

Keywords: Advocacy, Coalitions, Collaboration, Community action, Environmental exposure, Environmental health, Hazards, Health policy, Networking, Policy development, Prevention, Public awareness campaigns, Risk factors, School age children, School health, Schools, Students, Training

Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL)

Annotation: The Institute for Educational Leadership (IEL) is a nonprofit organization that facilitates collaborative problem-solving strategies among educational institutions, human service providers, and other organizations. The institute's programs focus on leadership development, cross-sector alliances, demographic analyses, business-education partnerships, school restructuring, and at-risk youth. The institute sponsors conferences and training seminars.

Keywords: Adolescents, High risk groups

Kaiser Permanente Thriving Schools

Annotation: Kaiser Permanente Thriving Schools is a partnership effort dedicated to improving the health of students, staff, and teachers in K-12 schools by focusing on four key areas: healthy eating, active living, school employee wellness, and positive school climate. Activities include partnering with other organizations involved in school health, aligning resources and expertise, and building a culture of wellness and empowering wellness champions. Resources include news stories, grant opportunities, reports, blog posts, webinars, and tweet chats.

Keywords: Community health, Consumer education materials, Health promotion, Public private partnerships, Resources for professionals, School age children, School health programs, Schools, Students, Workplace health promotion

National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

Annotation: The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) is a national nonprofit organization representing local health departments. NACCHO promotes national policy, develops resources and programs, seeks health equity, and supports effective local public health practice and systems. Program areas include community health, environmental health, public health infrastructure and systems, and public health preparedness. The website contains information additional information about NACCHO communications, advocacy, events, publications, and tools.

Keywords: Counties, Health officials, Health promotion, Information services, Information sources, Leadership training, Listservs, Local initiatives, Professional societies, Program descriptions, Public health, Public private partnerships, Publications, Research, Technical assistance

National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP)

Annotation: The National Association of Elementary School Principals (NAESP), established in 1921, provides leadership, publishes standards, and produces resources for elementary and middle school principals in the United States, Canada, and overseas. NAESP's book of standards is entitled Leading Early Childhood Learning Communities: What Principals ShouldKnow and Be Able to Do (an executive summary can be downloaded free-of-charge from the Web site). The association also publishes newsletters, Principal magazine, and resource catalogs, and holds annual conventions,.

Keywords: Education, Elementary schools, Principals, School health

National Association of School Nurses (NASN)

Annotation: The National Association of School Nurses (NASN) is a membership organization for school nurses committed to providing quality health services to children and adolescents. The association provides educational and professional development services to members in order to increase the quality of care they provide. Services to consumers include referrals, publications, and reference information. NASN publishes a catalog, newsletter and journal. The association also hosts online discussion forums and sponsors an annual conference and training seminars.

Keywords: Professional societies, School health, School nurses

National Association of School Psychologists (NASP)

Annotation: The National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) is a professional association that works to advance effective practices to improve students’ learning, behavior, and mental health. NASP promotes educationally and psychologically healthy environments for all children and youth by implementing research-based programs to help prevent problems, enhance independence, and promote optimal learning. The association provides training, advocacy, program evaluation, professional services, and an online library that includes a wide range of resources related to the administration of culturally competent services.

Keywords: Professional societies, School psychologists

National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP)

Annotation: The National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) serves middle level and high school principals, assistant principals, and aspiring school leaders. NASSP provides its members with professional resources and support to effectively lead their schools. The association publishes audiotapes, videotapes, software, and print materials; organizes professional development conventions and conferences; provides a national voice in government; offers legal advice; and conducts research on learning, instruction, and other aspects of education.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Principals, School personnel, Secondary schools

National Association of Social Workers (NASW)

Annotation: The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) is a professional organization of more than 155,000 social workers. The association produces the Social Work Abstracts Database, available on CD-Rom and through Silverplatter. Publications include the bimonthly journal Social Work, the quarterly journal Health and Social Work, other journals, directories, and guides, a monthly newspaper, NASW News., and a catalog. The National Social Work Library provides general information and research services to members. In addition, NASW sponsors continuing education opportunities, including workshops, conferences, and training seminars.

Keywords: Social work, Information services, Social workers

National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE)

Annotation: The National Association of State Boards of Education (NASBE) is a nonprofit organization that works to strengthen state leadership in educational policymaking, promote excellence in the education of all students, advocate equality of access to educational opportunity, and assure continued support for public education. NASBE's membership is kept abreast of developments in public policy via several key tools, including the weekly Headline Review, monthly Legislative Briefs, monthly Policy Updates, and monthly Legal Briefs. NASBE also produces reports and a quarterly journal; sponsors study groups, task forces, and funded research; and provides individual expertise. NASBE's Center for Safe and Healthy Schools provides guidance and assistance to state and local education policymakers and practitioners to encourage safe, healthy, and nurturing school environments for all of the nation's children and youth. Focus areas include healthy eating and HIV prevention. NASBE's State School Health Policy Database contains written state policies in key areas of school health policy.

Keywords: Online databases, School health

National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE)

Annotation: The National Association of State Directors of Special Education (NASDSE) informs state education agencies and other educational organizations and advocacy groups of current activities at the federal and state levels, and it presents state special education administrators' views to Congress, the U.S. Department of Education, and other national groups. The association maintains SpecialNet, an education-oriented computer-based communication network linking all state special education agencies as well as school districts, state and federal offices, universities, and others. Publications include a periodic newsletter, a quarterly news magazine, manuals, and conference reports. The association also sponsors conferences.

Keywords: Special education

National Association of State School Nurse Consultants (NASSNC)

Annotation: The National Association of State School Nurse Consultants (NASSNC) provides a forum for state-level nurse consultants to share information and develop expert consensus on issues in the practice of school nursing, as that practice relates to the overall health and educability of the nation's school children and youth. The association seeks to promote a better understanding and acceptance of comprehensive school health programs, including school health services, school health education, and a safe school environment. The Web site provides information about members, achievement awards, position statements, and links to other sources of information.

Keywords: Adolescents, Children, Nursing schools, School health, School health education, School health programs, School health services, School safety

National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Division of Population Health (DPH)

Annotation: The Division of Population Health is charged with managing programs that provide cross-cutting, chronic disease and health promotion expertise. Topics include alcohol and public health, arthritis, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, chronic disease indicators, chronic obstructive disease program, epilepsy, health-related quality of life, healthy aging, healthy brain initiative, inflammatory bowel disease, interstitial cystitis, mental health, Preventive Health and Health services Block Grant, Prevention Research Centers, psoriasis, school health, sleep and sleep disorders, workplace health promotion. The website contains publications, reports, and a science spotlight.

Keywords: Community health, Disease prevention, Federal agencies, Health promotion

National Center for HIV/AIDS, Viral Hepatits, STD, and TB Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health (DASH)

Annotation: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Division of Adolescent and School Health promotes the health and well-being of children and adolescents to enable them to become healthy and productive adults. The website provides information on coordinated school health, health and academics, and school health surveillance. Publications and information on policy, health topics, data and statistics, program evaluation, training, and funded programs and funding opportunities are also provided. Success stories and resources for parents and teachers are also available.

Keywords: Academic achievement, Adolescents, Federal programs, Financing, Health behavior, Health policy, Health promotion, Population surveillance, Program development, Program evaluation, Risk taking, School age children, School health education, School health programs, Statistical data, Students, Teaching, Training

National Center for Safe Routes to School

Annotation: Established in May 2006, the National Center for Safe Routes to School assists states and communities in enabling and encouraging children to safely walk and bicycle to school. The National Center serves as the information clearinghouse for the federal Safe Routes to School program. The organization also provides technical support and resources and coordinates online registration efforts for U.S. Walk to School Day and facilitates worldwide promotion and participation. The National Center is part of the University of North Carolina Highway Safety Research Center with funding from the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.

Keywords: Resource centers, Bicycles, Child safety, Injury prevention, School age children, Walking

National Education Association (NEA)

Annotation: The National Education Association (NEA), a professional employee organization, works to advance public education. NEA's members work at every level of education—from pre-school to university graduate programs. NEA has affiliate organizations in every state and in communities across the United States.

Keywords: School health

National Education Association Healthy Futures (NEA Healthy Futures)

Annotation: NEA Healthy Futures is a nonprofit organization affiliated with the National Education Association (NEA). Originally founded in 1987 as the National Education Association Health Information Network (NEA HIN),NEA Healthy Futures provides health and wellness solutions, advocacy tools, and funding and resource opportunities for NEA members and the education community at large.

Keywords: School health

National Parent Teacher Association (NPTA)

Annotation: The National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a nonprofit association that works to support and speak on behalf of children and youth; assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children; and to encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of the nation. The PTA provides leadership training tools, as well as parent resources on topics such as child safety, health and wellness, student achievement, and media technology. The association hosts online forums, produces print and electronic publications, and sponsors a variety of meetings, conferences, and events.

Keywords: Adolescents, , Child advocacy, Child health programs Parenting, Children, Education

National School Boards Association (NSBA)

Annotation: The National School Boards Association (NSBA) is a non-profit organization that works to advance the quality of public school education, to provide up-to-date information and training on education issues to state school boards association members and local school boards, and to strengthen local citizen control of public schools. Focus areas include coordinated school health programs, physical activity, food safety, healthy eating, asthma in schools, HIV/AIDS policy development, tobacco use prevention, sexual orientation issues, and adolescent pregnancy prevention. NSBA's School Health Resource Database contains abstracts of more than 3,000 items, including sample policies, articles, and training tools. NSBA offers referrals and sponsors conferences and training seminars as well.

Keywords: Adolescents, Advocacy, Children, Conferences, Health education, Prevention programs, Professional societies, Public education, Public schools, Publications, School health programs, Technical assistance, Training

National School Safety Center (NSSC)

Annotation: The National School Safety Center (NSSC) serves as an advocate for safe, secure and peaceful schools worldwide and as a catalyst for the prevention of school crime and violence. Emphasis is placed on the prevention of school crime and violence, and on programs to improve student attendance, achievement, and school climate. The center provides consultation and technical assistance, offers a school safety assessment program, sponsors conferences, workshops, and training seminars, and produces videotapes and publications (including news updates and resource papers).

Keywords: Audio visual materials, Conferences, Gangs, Information sources, Public relations, Publications, Resource centers, School safety, School violence, Technical assistance, Violence prevention

National School Transportation Association (NSTA)

Annotation: The National School Transportation Association (NSTA) was founded in 1964 by school bus contractors to promote and foster the highest degree of safety in the transportation of school children. NSTA works with Federal and state legislatures, Federal agencies, the public sector, and other interested parties to bring about industry-wide improvements in all areas of pupil transportation. NSTA serves as the trade organization for school bus contractors which are companies that own and operate school buses and contract with school districts to provide the pupil transportation service.

Keywords: School buses, Transportation safety

Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA)

Annotation: Partnership for a Healthier America (PHA) is a nonpartisan alliance of organizations with the common goal of improving children's health by preventing obesity. Partners and founders include the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the California Endowment, Kaiser Permanente, Nemours, the W. K. Kellogg Foundation, and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation (a partnership with the American Heart Association and the Clinton Foundation). The partnership links and mobilizes the private sector, foundations, thought leaders, media, and local communities to action to further the goals of curbing childhood obesity within a generation.

Keywords: Child health, Obesity, Philanthropy, Public private partnerships, Social change

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA)

Annotation: The Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) is dedicated to the principle that every person has the fundamental right to choose whether or when to have children. The federation works to ensure access to sexuality education and family planning services. Planned Parenthood health centers offer sexual and reproductive health care, including family planning, gynecological care, STI/STD testing and treatment, pregnancy testing, and abortion services. Its Web site offers information on birth control, emergency contraception, abortion, pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections and diseases, gynecological exams, teens, and sexuality. The website provides an A-to-Z guide to health information and services, which can be viewed in English or Spanish.

Keywords: Family planning, Abortion, Adolescent pregnancy, Advocacy, Contraception, Health education, Internet, Online databases, Public awareness materials, Publications, Reproductive health, Reproductive rights, Sexuality education, Spanish language materials

President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (PCFSN)

Annotation: The President's Council on Fitness, Sports, and Nutrition (PCFSN) engages, educates, and empowers all Americans to adopt a healthy lifestyle that includes regular physical activity and good nutrition. Since 1956, the Council has created and promoted programs and initiatives that motivate people of all ages, backgrounds, and abilities to be active and eat healthy

Keywords: Physical fitness, Adolescent health, Federal programs, Physical education, Public awareness campaigns, Publications, Recreational programs, Sports, Sports medicine, Technical assistance

Safe Schools Coalition

Annotation: The Safe Schools Coalition, founded in 1993 as the Safe Schools Coalition of Washington, aims to reduce bias-based bullying and violence in schools and to help schools better meet the needs of sexual minority youth and children with sexual minority parents or guardians in Washington state, nationally and internationally. The coalition provides information, referral, and advocacy for students, families, and educators; and offers training, model policies from Washington state school districts, posters, reports, handouts, and a resource guide.

Keywords: Bullying, Child safety, Coalitions, Homosexuality, School safety, School violence

School Nutrition Association (SNA)

Annotation: The School Nutrition Association (NSA), formerly the American School Food Service Association, is a national, non-profit professional organization representing more than 55,000 members who provide meals to students across the country. The association and its members are dedicated to feeding children affordable, safe, and nutritious meals. The association distributes information on school food and nutrition programs and child nutrition legislation and seeks to encourage and promote the maintenance and improvement of school food and nutrition programs. NSA offers certification and credentialing programs; sponsors conferences, workshops, and training seminars; and publishes a variety of materials, including a monthly magazine, an e-newsletter, training materials, and an online research journal. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Nutrition, Certification, Child nutrition, Conferences, Group feeding, Nutrition programs, Online databases Professional societies, Publications, School food services, Spanish language materials

School Social Work Association of America

Annotation: The School Social Work Association of America, founded in 1994, empowers school social workers and promotes the profession to enhance the social-emotional growth and academic outcomes of all students. The website provides information on membership, professional development, advocacy and legislation, news and media, and information for parents and educators. Resources on crisis response and intervention and other topics, resolution statements, and a newsletter are included.

Keywords: Professional societies, Schools, Social work

School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA)

Annotation: The School-Based Health Alliance (SBHA) is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to nurture interdisciplinary school-based health care. The assembly advocates for school-based health programs; provides training and technical assistance, and sponsors conferences and supports the development of tools and data-collection instruments. SBHA publishes reports, tool kits, meeting summaries, and other resource materials.

Keywords: Primary care, School based clinics

SHAPE America–Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America)

Annotation: SHAPE America: The Society of Health and Physical Educators (formerly American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance) works to advance professional practice and promote research related to health and physical education, physical activity, dance, and sport. The website provides information on professional development, standards and guidelines, grants and scholarships, recognition and accreditation, conferences and events, media and advocacy, and publications and resources. Resources include teaching tools, continuing education, workshops, and a community of practice.

Keywords: Physical education, Professional societies, Recreation

SHAPE America: Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE America)

Annotation: SHAPE America: The Society of Health and Physical Educators (formerly American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance) works to advance professional practice and promote research related to health and physical education, physical activity, dance, and sport. The website provides information on professional development, standards and guidelines, grants and scholarships, recognition and accreditation, conferences and events, media and advocacy, and publications and resources. Resources include teaching tools, continuing education, workshops, and a community of practice.

Keywords: Physical education, Professional societies, Recreation

Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE)

Annotation: The Society for Public Health Education (SOPHE) is an organization of health education professionals concerned with personal and community health problems. The society works to encourage study, to improve health practices, and to elevate standards in public health education. Publications include Health Education and Behavior (formerly Health Education Quarterly ), Health Promotion Practice (a quarterly journal), a bimonthly newsletter, a smoking cessation guide for pregnant women, and an annual membership directory. SOPHE sponsors two meetings per year and periodic distance learning opportunities, all of which offer credits for certified health education specialists (CHES). SOPHE has 20 chapters covering 32 states, western Canada, northern Mexico, and the District of Columbia, which also offer continuing education programs.

Keywords: Public health education, Health promotion, Information services

Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education

Annotation: The Society of State Leaders of Health and Physical Education, established in 1926, is a professional association whose members supervise and coordinate programs in health, physical education, and related fields within state departments of education. Associate members are those who are interested in the goals and programs of the Society who do not work within a state education agency. The Society uses advocacy, partnerships, professional development, and resources to build the capacity of school health leaders to implement effective heath education and physical education policies and practices that support success in school, work, and life. The website provides information on programs and projects, events, and society news. Resources include a newsletter, presentations and webinars, publications, tools, data, resolutions, funding opportunities, state education agency links, and a national conference.

Keywords: Health, Physical education, Professional societies, State agencies

U.S. Department of Agriculture, Team Nutrition

Annotation: Team Nutrition is an initiative of the USDA Food and Nutrition Service to support child nutrition programs through training and technical assistance for foodservice, nutrition education for children and their caregivers, and school and community support for healthy eating and physical activity. The initiative provides resources to schools and child care facilities participating in the federal child nutrition program including educational materials and a newsletter. The website contains a graphics library, information on local wellness policy and training grants, and other resources.

Keywords: Child care centers, Child nutrition programs, Communities, Federal programs, Food consumption, Food service, Grants, Nutrition education, Physical activity, School age children, Schools, Students, Technical assistance, Training

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Innovation and Improvement, Promise Neighborhoods

Annotation: U.S. Department of Education's Promise Neighborhoods program was established under the legislative authority of the Fund for the Improvement of Education Program. The program provides funding to support 1) nonprofit organizations, which may include faith-based nonprofit organizations, 2) institutions of higher education, and 3) Indian tribes. The purpose of the program is to significantly improve the educational and developmental outcomes of children and youth in distressed communities, and to transform those communities. The program initiated planning grants in 2010, and awarded planning and implementation grants in 2011 and 2012. Resources include webinar archives, guidance documents, and reports.

Keywords: Child development, Community development, Family support programs, Federal initiatives, Grants, Neighborhoods, Outcomes and process assessment, Program improvement, Program planning, Schools, Systems development

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS)

Annotation: The Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS) administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for improving the quality and excellence of programs and activities in the following areas: safe and supportive schools; health, mental health, environmental health, and physical education; drug and violence prevention; character and civic education; and homeland security, emergency management, and school preparedness.

Keywords: Environmental health, Federal programs, Health promotion, Mental health, Physical education, Public policy, Safety, School age children, Schools, Violence prevention

U.S. Department of Education, Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP)

Annotation: The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) in the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS) administers the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA provides financial assistance to State Education Agencies and through them to local education agencies to help make a free appropriate public education available to all eligible children with disabilities ages 3 through 21. IDEA also provides funds to assist states in the development of a comprehensive state-wide system of early intervention services for eligible infants and toddlers and their families. In addition, OSEP works to ensure that eligible children with disabilities receive quality special education and related services. OSEP provides reference information and sponsors conferences, training seminars, and workshops. The Office also administers discretionary grant programs that support research and development, training, technical assistance and parent training, and technology activities.

Keywords: Special education, 94-142, Children with special health care needs, Disabilities, Early intervention, Financial support, Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), L, P, Public education

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Adolescent Health (OAH )

Annotation: The Office of Adolescent Health (OAH) within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services coordinates adolescent health promotion and disease prevention programs and initiatives across the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). OAH collects and disseminates information on adolescent health to the public and to health professionals. It implements a discretionary grant program to support evidence-based teen pregnancy prevention approaches and administers the Pregnancy Assistance Fund under the Affordable Care Act, which funds states and Tribes to provide pregnant and parenting adolescents and women with a seamless network of supportive services to help them complete high school or postsecondary degrees and gain access to health care, child care, family housing, and other critical support.

Keywords: Adolescent Pregnancy, Adolescent health, Prevention services

U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP)

Annotation: The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), a component of the Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, collaborates with professionals from diverse disciplines to improve juvenile justice policies and practices. OJJDP supports states, local communities, and tribal jurisdictions in their efforts to develop and implement effective programs for juveniles. The Office strives to strengthen the juvenile justice system's efforts to protect public safety, hold offenders accountable, and provide services that address the needs of youth and their families. Through its components, OJJDP sponsors research, program, and training initiatives; develops priorities and goals and sets policies to guide federal juvenile justice issues; disseminates information about juvenile justice issues; and awards funds to states to support local programming.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Adolescent parents, Homeless persons, Information services, Injury prevention, Juvenile delinquency, Runaways, School dropouts, Spanish language materials, Substance abuse, Violence prevention

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Children's Health Protection (OCHP)

Annotation: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) Office of Children's Health Protection (OCHP) safeguards the health of infants and children by considering the risks to infants and children consistently and explicitly as a part of risk assessments generated during the EPA's decision-making process, including the setting of standards to protect public health and the environment. The website provides Information on children's environmental health in homes, schools, and child care facilities; a toolkit for health professionals; research; and standards and regulations. Resources include a listserv; policy statements; booklets, brochures, fact sheets, posters, and reports and other publications on topics such as children's environmental health disparities; and lesson plans.

Keywords: Environmental health, Child health, Federal programs

U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)

Annotation: The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) is the lead U. S. Department of Health and Human Services agency for improving access to health care for individuals and families nationwide. The agency includes the Maternal and Child Health Bureau, which funds the Maternal and Child Health Block Grant, Special Projects of Regional and National Significance (SPRANS) activities and the Healthy Start Program. HRSA produces a catalog, and the HRSA Preview, which provides a comprehensive list of HRSA's competitive grant programs. The HRSA Geospatial Data Warehouse captures grants, scholarship and loan programs, designation of underserved areas, and service demonstration programs and integrates these with data acquired from external sources. The HRSA Information Center provides consumer information and referrals, a catalog of publications, and reference information. Some materials are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Public policies, Access to health care, Child health, Consumer education, Federal agencies, HRSA, Health insurance, Health promotion, Healthy start, Models, Outreach, Policy development, Program development, Public health, Publications, SPRANS, Spanish language materials, Women', s health

The MCH Digital Library is one of six special collections at Geogetown University, the nation's oldest Jesuit institution of higher education. It is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under award number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy with an award of $700,000/year. The library is also supported through foundation and univerity funding. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.