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Infant Mortality Prevention - Organizations

Infant Mortality Prevention

Annotated Lists of Organizations on Key Topics in Maternal and Child Health

This list of 7 organizations is drawn from the MCH Organizations online database. Contact information is the most recent known to the MCH Digital Library. To identify additional materials on this topic, search the Organizations database using our online search form.

The MCH Organizations Database lists government, professional, and voluntary organizations involved in maternal and child health activities, primarily at a national level. Information available to consumers is indicated where known.

Displaying 7 records.

Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs (ASIP)

Annotation: The Association of SIDS and Infant Mortality Programs (ASIP) is a multidisciplinary professional membership organization whose members provide community education, training programs, and consultation for health departments, hospitals, emergency responders, medical examiners and law enforcement. The SIDS/ID professionals in ASIP (whose work addresses Sudden Infant Death Syndrome and Other Infant Death) represent a majority of the states, in many cases including the State SIDS/ID program director. ASIP provides national leadership to establish and promote policy and practice for professionals who respond to infant and child death and is committed to bereavement support, risk reduction and prevention services.

Keywords: Infant health, Infant mortality, SIDS

Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)

Annotation: The Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) -- renamed by Congress in 2008 in honor of the Institute's founder -- supports and conducts research on topics related to the health of children, adults, families, and populations. The mission of the NICHD is to ensure that every person is born healthy and wanted; that women suffer no harmful effects from reproductive processes; that all children have the chance to achieve their full potential for healthy and productive lives, free from disease or disability; and to ensure the health, productivity, independence, and well-being of all people through optimal rehabilitation. Areas of emphasis include: events that happen prior to and throughout pregnancy and childhood, including infertility, pre-term birth, birth defects, developmental disabilities, and human learning and behavior; human growth and development across the lifespan, including nutrition, developmental biology, and congenital diseases; reproductive health and education about reproductive practices, including disorders affecting fertility and infertility, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases/HIV/AIDS; and medical rehabilitation interventions for those affected by disabilities, including technology and assistive-device development, intervention evaluation, and health promotion and prevention of disabilities. The Center for Research for Mothers and Children, the Center for Population Research, the National Center for Medical Rehabilitation Research, the Division of Epidemiology, Statistics, and Prevention Research, and the Division of Intramural Research comprise the NICHD. The Institute offers a wide range of materials for various audiences, from researchers to parents; many publications are available in Spanish.

Keywords: Adolescent health, Child health, Congenital abnormalities, Infant health, Infant mortality, Maternal health, Medical research, Mental retardation, National Institutes of Health, Nutrition, Population dynamics, Publications, Reproductive health, Spanish language materials, Training

March of Dimes (MOD)

Annotation: The March of Dimes (MOD) works to prevent birth defects and infant mortality through research, education, and advocacy programs. MOD's Pregnancy and Newborn Health Education Center provides information and referral services for the general public and professionals on topics such as preconception health, pregnancy, childbirth, genetics, and birth defects. MOD also produces educational materials on these and other topics such as prematurity, baby care, adolescent pregnancy, folic acid, nursing, and bereavement. A publications catalog is available, and some materials are available in Spanish. Anyone can subscribe to MOD's free electronic newsletter. MOD also sponsors the Prematurity Research Initiative, which provides funding for research into the causes of prematurity, and has developed PeriStats -- an online source for maternal, infant, and child health-related data at the state level and for many indicators at the county and national level (available at The website can be viewed in English and Spanish.

Keywords: Congenital abnormalities, Adolescent pregnancy, Advocacy, Childbirth education, Genetic disorders, Genetics education, Infant mortality, Information services, Medical research, Patient education, Prenatal care, Preterm birth, Professional education, Public awareness materials, Spanish language materials, Spanish language website

National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention (National CFRP)

Annotation: The National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention (National CFRP) combines the National Center for the Review and Prevention of Child Deaths and the National Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Center. The center promotes, supports, and enhances methodologies to improve death investigations, forensics, and services to families; and helps states and communities develop strategies to prevent fetal, infant, and child deaths and serious injuries. It also manages a database of information about the circumstances involved in individual deaths compiled by state and local review teams and provides national leadership in building public and private partnerships to incorporate findings from local and state death reviews into policy and program efforts that improve child health and safety.The center is funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Child death review, National MCH resource center, Resource centers

National Fetal-Infant Mortality Review Program (NFIMR)

Annotation: The National Fetal and Infant Mortality Review Program (NFIMR) started in 1990 as a collaborative effort between the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (The College) and the Health Resources and Services Administration's Maternal and Child Health Bureau. The College has worked together with partners to refine and promote the FIMR process by funding demonstration projects, providing training and technical assistance, and developing the NFIMR resource center. The NFIMR resource center provides online resources that provide technical assistance in many aspects of developing and carrying out a FIMR prgoram. The resource center is available to help a start-up FIMR or assist well-established programs fine-tune specific aspects of the process. It links programs with peers who can share insights and strategies. NFIMR works with states to explore methods to manage multiple reviews and to identify models that integrate local FIMR recommendations into regional or statewide assessments. In 2016 it was combined with the National Fetal, Infant, and Child Death Review Center to become the National Center for Fatality Review and Prevention.

Keywords: Infant health, Conferences, Data analysis, Data collection, Federal programs, Fetal mortality, Infant mortality, Listservs, Mortality, Mortality rates, National MCH resource center, Neonatal mortality, Online systems, Perinatal mortality, Public private partnerships, Publications, Research, Resource centers, Spanish language materials, State programs, Statistics

National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NCMHD)

Annotation: The National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD), a part of the National Institutes of Health, promotes minority health; conducts and supports research, training, and research infrastructure; fosters emerging programs; disseminates information; and reaches out to minority and other health disparity communities. Priorities for the institute are the social determinants of health, patient-centered outcomes research; faith-based approaches to health disparities; and improving the participation of health disparity populations in clinical trials.

Keywords: Access to health care, Ethnic factors, Federal grants, Government programs, Health promotion, Information dissemination, Minority health, Model programs, Racial discrimination, Racial factors, Research, Sociocultural factors

National SUID/SIDS Resource Center (NSIDRC)

Annotation: The National SUID/SIDS Resource Center (NSIDRC) provides information on sudden unexpected infant death (SUID), sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), miscarriage, stillbirth, other infant death, and related topics. The center maintains computerized databases of technical literature, public awareness materials, and information on SIDS-related organizations to meet the needs of state SIDS programs, policymakers, researchers, health care providers, families, and the public. Publications include bibliographies, information sheets, and other educational materials. Some publications are available in Spanish. It was previously named the National Sudden and Unexpected Infant/Child Death and Pregnancy Loss Resource Center, National SIDS / Infant Death Resource Center and the National Sudden Infant Death Resource Center. NSIDRC is funded by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau.

Keywords: Apnea, Bereavement, Infant health, Infant mortality, Miscarriage, National MCH resource center, Online databases, Public awareness materials, Publications, Referrals, Resource centers, SIDS, Spanish language materials, State programs, Stillbirth, Technical assistance

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