MCH Links: General Information Resources and Libraries
These links have been evaluated for the usefulness, reliability, and timeliness of the maternal and child health (MCH) information they present, and the ease with which visitors can access information and navigate in them. This list is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, it offers a sample of quality sites that are useful starting points for those interested in MCH topics.
10 links found.
AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access)
Comprises a searchable database of bibliographic records created by the National Agricultural Library. AGRICOLA is organized into two bibliographic data sets (books and journal articles) which must be searched separately. AGRICOLA contains information about many child nutrition publications from state child nutrition agencies, Nutrition Education and Training Program products, Team Nutrition grantees, cooperative extension programs, associations, universities, and the Food and Nutrition Service (FNS).
A medical genetics information resource developed for physicians, other health care providers, and researchers that includes GeneReviews (expert-authored disease reviews); an international directory of genetic testing laboratories; an internatinoal directory of genetics and prenatal diagnosis clinics; fact sheets about genetics; and an illustrated glossary with case examples. GeneTests is funded by the National Institutes of Health.
Medical/Health Sciences Libraries on the Web
Offers a list of links to many Web sites for U.S. and international medical/health sciences libraries. This list is provided by the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa.
National Library of Medicine (NLM)
Offers databases and electronic health information sources from the world's largest medical library. Includes free access to MEDLINE via PubMed. NLM is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NNLM)
Offers tools for health professionals and consumers about finding high quality health information. Also offers resources for librarians and health educators for identifying and providing health information to the public and managing and evaluating health sciences libraries and health information programs. NNLM is coordinated by the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Public Health Image Library (PHIL)
Comprises a database of public health still images, image sets, and multimedia files organized by categories of people, places, and science, including diseases. PHIL can be searched by category or keyword and is available for use by health professionals, scientists, educators, and the general public. PHIL is sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Public Health InfoLinks
Offers links to many public health resources on the World Wide Web, including government, professional association, and nongovernmental organization Web sites. Also contains links to foundation and grant resources, journals and publications, library and research tools, educational resources, and materials on the history of public health. This resource is provided by the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University.
Schools of Public Health
A list of schools of public health and public health programs accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health in the United States and abroad.
Includes the full text of Congressional bills and information about Congressional committees, floor activities, members of Congress, historical documents, the legislative process, and U.S. government Internet resources. Developed by the Library of Congress (LOC).
World Health News
Online weekly news digest covering national and international public health issues. Maternal and child health-related topics have included child mental health, AIDS testing in newborns, and adolescents and tobacco. Published by the Center for Health Communication of the Harvard School of Public Health.
To find further resources, you can search the MCH Organizations Database, which contains information on more than 2,000 organizations that focus on MCH-related topics. Many of the organizations have Web sites that you can link to directly.