MCH Links: Consumer Health and Safety
These links have been evaluated for the usefulness, reliability, and timeliness of the maternal and child health (MCH) information they present, and the ease with which visitors can access information and navigate in them. This list is not intended to be comprehensive; rather, it offers a sample of quality sites that are useful starting points for those interested in MCH topics.
26 links found.
CAPHIS Top 100
Brief descriptions of 100 quality consumer health websites. This list is produced by the Consumer and Patient Health Information Section of the Medical Library Association (MLA).
Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)
Publications and online information on safety topics, product recalls, a mechanism for reporting unsafe products, and a special children's section on safety. Includes bilingual consumer hotline and Spanish-language materials. CPSC is an independent federal regulatory agency.
CYFERNet: Children, Youth, and Families Education and Research Network
Research information available through a network of land grant colleges, to support community-based educational programs for children, youth, and families. Topics include child care, child and youth development, behavior, health and safety, nutrition, and parenting. Some materials in Spanish.
Easy-to-Read Health and Medical Information
Easy-to-read information for consumers on health and medical topics. MCH topics include pregnancy, breastfeeding, immunizations, child safety, and parenting. Most can be printed as handouts, many available in Spanish. This resource is provided by the National Library of Medicine.
Family Voices
Information and resources on issues affecting children and adolescents with special health care needs. Includes publications in English and Spanish, legislative updates, family-to-family health information centers, state programs and resources, and tips on advocacy and grassroots organizing.
Consumer materials for adults and children, including a Parents & Kids section. Topics include healthy living, a smart patient guide, A to Z list of conditions, comprehensive online health dictionary, and over-the-counter guide to medications. The site is provided by the American Academy of Family Physicians.
Genetic Alliance
A nonprofit organization whose network includes more than 1,000 disease-specific advocacy organizations, universities, private companies, government agencies, and public policy organizations. Resources include bulletins, newsletters, the online family health history tool, "Does It Run in the Family?" and the Disease InfoSearch database of advocacy organizations and resources.
Genetics Home Reference (GHR)
Information on more than 500 genetic conditions, on how genes work, and on how mutations cause genetic disorders. Includes a genetic handbook on genetic testing, counseling, gene therapy, and the Human Genome Project; a glossary of terms; and links to other genetic resources. This site is a service of the National Library of Medicine.
Hardin MD
Extensive A to Z listing of health conditions and diseases, including children's diseases. The site features a unique gallery of medical photographs. This resource is a service of the Hardin Library for the Health Sciences at the University of Iowa.
Health Hotlines
Online database of toll-free telephone numbers for health-related organizations. Includes Spanish-language resources. This database is provided by the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Health Information
A to Z index of health resources for professionals and consumers, with quick links to children's, teens', women's, men's, and minorities' health. Comprehensive A to Z list includes health conditions, clinical trials, drugs, and special programs such as rare diseases. The index is a service of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Healthy Children
Information for parents about children's ages and stages (prenatal through young adult), healthy living, safety and prevention, family life, health issues, and news. Includes growth charts, immunization schedules, safety checklists, and tools such as a symptom checker. This site is provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP).
Healthy Mom & Baby
News and articles for moms-to-be and new moms. Also provides nurses and other health professionals with information and resources for clients. Features members of the Association of Women's Health, Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses as experts.
Information gateway to federal domestic HIV and AIDS information and resources. Topical links include news and events, basic HIV and AIDS information, prevention and education, testing, treatment, research, agencies and programs, and funding opportunities. The site is provided by the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS).
Kaiser Health News
A nonprofit news organization covering a range of topics such as health care delivery, Medicare and Medicaid, health disparities, health policy and health care reform, and insurance. The web site features daily summaries of major health care news, original videos, and commentary from contributing writers.
Information about health from before birth through adolescence, in separate sections for parents, for kids, and for teens. Topics include infections, emotions and behavior, growth and development, nutrition and fitness, pregnancy and newborns, medical problems, positive parenting, first aid and safety, and medication.Spanish language information and resources are included. KidsHealth is a service of the Nemours children's health system.
Know Your Teeth
Provides dental care and oral health information for families. Resources include the Dental Diary widget, a personalized interface that provides news and calendar reminders to keep track of dental care. Additional features include InfoBites, The Life of a Tooth, Patient Advisor, and Find a General Dentist. It is provided by the Academy of General Dentistry.
Mayo Clinic
Consumer health and medical information, including facts and advice about common ailments, treatments, medications, and healthy habits. Contains sections on children's and women's health.
Selective list of authoritative health information sources for consumers and health professionals on over 600 diseases and conditions. Also contains lists of hospitals and physicians, a medical encyclopedia and a medical dictionary, information in Spanish, drug information, health news, and clinical trial information. Mobile versions are available in English and Spanish. MedlinePlus is a service of the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Merck Manual Home Edition
Consumer information about diseases, diagnoses, prevention, and treatment. Includes sections on women's, men's, and children's health. The resource section features multimedia, including photographs and videos. This online manual is provided free of charge as a service of Merck & Co., Inc.
National Consumer Protection Week
Tips and information from federal and state government and non-profit partner organizations to help consumers take advantage of their consumer rights and make better-informed decisions. Some materials are in Spanish.
Online access to government information on food and nutrition for consumers. Includes information on what is in food, smart nutrition, life states, weight management, health issues, shopping, cooking, meal planning, dietary supplements, and food assistance programs. The site is a service of the National Agricultural Library (NAL).
Parent's Journal
A series of web-based podcasts for parents features interviews with pediatric, child development, and pregnancy experts. Includes practical parenting tips on timely topics about raising children. Topics range from children's basic sleeping and eating challenges to how children develop moral intelligence.
PubMed Health
Information on diseases, conditions, drugs, treatment options, and healthy living, with a special focus on comparative effectiveness research from institutions around the world. It provides easy-to-read summaries for consumers as well as technical reports. PubMed Health is a service of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, a division of the National Library of Medicine (NLM).
Evidence-based information and professional assistance to help support the immediate and long-term needs of people trying to quit smoking, including a quit plan, and information for women, teens, and in Spanish. It is provided by the National Cancer Institute.
Health information for women and girls, provided by the Office on Women's Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
To find further resources, you can search the MCH Organizations Database, which contains information on more than 2,000 organizations that focus on MCH-related topics. Many of the organizations have Web sites that you can link to directly.