About the Databases
The MCH Digital Library maintains several databases to collect, manage, and disseminate knowledge about maternal and child health (MCH), with special emphasis on knowledge gained from initiatives and programs supported by the federal Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB), Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The library also provides a thesaurus of terms that are used to index the databases.
The databases are:
- Established Evidence (find vetted, peer-reviewed research articles that support NPMs)
- Emerging Evidence (find new research articles that may support NPMs)
- Evidence-based/informed Strategy Measures (find ESMs in use by the states and jurisdictions)
- MCHLine® (find books and other materials)
- Organizations (find MCH organizatiosn)
- MCH Projects (find MCHB-funded projects)
The databases are described below.
Established Evidence Database | Search the database
This database contains over 1,000 research peer-reviewed articles that have been vetted by staff to determine whether studied interventions have sufficient evidence to support adoption in advancing National Performance Measure (NPM) topic areas. Interventions identified through the assessment process were plotted on a continuum of evidence, which informs the work to guide states in using the most rigorous available MCH science while also encouraging innovation. This continuum is portrayed below:
Evidence Against --- Mixed Evidence --- Emerging Evidence --- Expert Opinion --- Moderate Evidence --- Scientifically Rigorous Evidence
Emerging Evidence | Access the portal
This portal accesses saved searches from PubMed, the National Library of Medicine's premier database of biomedical literature, and the Cochrane Library, a collection of high-quality, independently reviewed evidence-based/informed articles. You can use these links to find citation on the most current research in the field on NPM topic areas.
ESM Database | Search the database
This database allows you to find Evidence-based/informed Strategy Measures (ESMs) that are currently in use by states and jurisdictions as well as those that have been completed. You can search by key word (e.g., WIC, hospital), NPM, or state/jurisdiction.
MCHLine® and the MCH Digital Library | Search the database
This database lists
materials held in the Mary C. Egan Maternal and Child Health Library.
The library focuses on materials for health professionals
and for consumers about taking care of the health of mothers and children
and about federal, state, and local health programs. Materials include
advice for parents and professional literature such as studies and reports,
guidelines and manuals, curricula, policy documents, survey instruments,
and unique material on the history of maternal and child health in the
United States. The library collection focuses on materials from federal
and state agencies, grantees of federal and state agencies, and professional
and voluntary agencies. Materials on clinical medicine and commercially
published literature are collected very selectively. Annotated
bibliographies developed from MCHLine® are
available on key MCH topics. Read more.
Organizations Database | Search the database
This database lists government,
professional, and other organizations that provide information on MCH
topics to health professionals and the public. Most organizations included
in the database work at the national level, although regional and state
organizations in selected categories are also included. Organizations
resource lists on selected MCH topics are available. Read more.
Projects Database | Search the database
This database tracks projects funded by MCHB, including Special Projects of Regional and National Significance (SPRANS) through October 1, 2004, other projects funded under Title V of the Social Security Act, and programs funded outside Title V (i.e., the Emergency Medical Services for Children (EMSC) program, the Healthy Start Initiative, the Traumatic Brain Injury program). Descriptions of projects funded after 2004 are available from MCHB's Discretionary Grant Information System. See selected recent final reports in electronic formats. Read more.