Babies - Blood and lymphatic diseases Blood banks - Buses

USE Infants

Baby bottle tooth decay
USE Early childhood caries

Baby food
USE Infant nutrition

USE Child care workers

Back injuries
BT Injuries

Back pain
BT Pain
RT Chronic pain

Bacterial arthritis
USE Infectious arthritis

Bacterial infections
BT Diseases
NT Whooping cough
     Urinary tract infections
     Strep infections
     Lyme disease
     Listeria infections
     Infectious arthritis
     Chlamydia infections
RT Bloodborne pathogens
     Communicable diseases
     Rheumatic heart disease
     Sexually transmitted diseases
     Virus diseases

Barrier free design
USE Accessible facilities

SN Factors that diminish a person's access to care or services
BT Social and Demographic Issues
NT Language barriers
     Financial barriers
     Cultural barriers
RT Access to health care
     Cultural factors
     Economic factors
     Ethnic factors
     Social factors
     Sociocultural factors

Barter and exchange
SN Nonfinancial arrangements in which individuals in a community perform services for or exchange goods with one another without the exchange of money, as in babysitting cooperatives
BT Financing
RT Economics

BT Recreation
     Team sports
RT Basketball

BT Recreation
     Team sports
RT Baseball

USE Hygiene

Batten disease
UF Amaurotic familial juvenile idiocy
BT Autosome disorders
     Brain diseases
RT Ataxia

Battered child syndrome
BT Syndromes
RT Child abuse
     Family violence
     Maltreated children
     Physical abuse

Battered women
BT Women
RT Domestic violence
     Dysfunctional families
     Family violence
     Physical abuse

Beckwith Wiedemann syndrome
BT Neonatal diseases
RT Gigantism

Bed rest
BT Therapeutics

USE Enuresis

BT Psychology and Development
NT Verbal behavior
     Substance use behavior
     Stranger reaction
     Social behavior
     Sexual behavior
     Risk taking
     Paternal behavior
     Maternal behavior
     Illness behavior
     Health behavior
     Exploratory behavior
     Child behavior
     Attachment behavior
     Antisocial behavior
     Adolescent behavior
RT Behavior development
     Behavior problems

Behavior change
USE Behavior modification

Behavior disorders
SN Chronic or severe problems in behavior; compare Behavior problems
UF Conduct disorders
BT Disorders
     Mental disorders
NT Substance dependence
     Substance abuse
     Self destructive behavior
     Eating disorders
     Compulsive behavior
RT Acting out
     Antisocial behavior
     Behavior problems
     Compulsive gambling

Behavior modification
SN Process by which behavior is altered using a variety of techniques, such as conditioning
UF Behavior change
     Behavior therapy
     Conditioning therapy
BT Psychotherapy
RT Behavior development
     Cognitive therapy
     Relaxation techniques
     Stress management

Behavior problems
SN Mild or transient problems in behavior; compare Behavior disorders
BT Psychology and Development
NT Tantrums
     Acting out
RT Behavior
     Behavior disorders

Behavior therapists
BT Therapists
RT Speech therapists

Behavior therapy
USE Behavior modification

Behavioral genetics
BT Genetics

Behavioral medicine
BT Medicine

Behavioral sciences
BT Science
NT Psychology

USE Employee benefits

SN Severe loss, especially of a loved one, through death
UF Mourning
BT Psychology and Development
NT Perinatal bereavement
RT Death attitudes

Bereavement counselors
BT Counselors

Best practices
USE Model programs

BT Publications
     Reference materials
RT Databases
     Union lists

SN Use of selected reading and related materials for therapeutic purposes
UF Reading therapy
BT Therapeutics
RT Behavior development

Bicycle helmets
BT Helmets
RT Bicycle safety
     Injury prevention
     Motorcycle helmets

Bicycle injuries
BT Traffic injuries
RT Bicycles
     Motor vehicle injuries
     Recreational injuries
     Sports injuries

Bicycle safety
BT Traffic safety
RT Bicycle helmets
     Child safety
     Occupant restraints

BT Vehicles
RT Bicycle injuries
     Bicycle safety

Biliary atresia
BT Congenital abnormalities
     Digestive system diseases
     Fetal diseases

Bilingual education
BT Education

Binding arbitration
BT Legal processes

Biochemical genetics
UF Molecular genetics
BT Genetics

SN Value implications of discoveries and practices of life sciences and medicine
BT Ethics
RT Biological sciences
     Medical ethics
     Professional ethics

SN Process of furnishing to an individual immediate ongoing information on the state of one or more physiological variables, such as heart rate, blood pressure, or skin temperature
BT Therapeutics
RT Behavior modification

Biological parents
BT Parents
RT Adoptive parents
     Foster parents

Biological sciences
SN Branch of science dealing with living organisms
BT Science
NT Physiology
RT Bioethics

SN Principles of mechanics as applied to human or animal bodies
BT Physiology
RT Biofeedback
     Motor development

BT Diagnostic techniques
RT Cancer

SN Branch of technology concerned with the use of living organisms in industrial, medical, or other scientific processes
BT Technology
RT Medical technology

Biotinidase deficiency
BT Vitamin deficiencies
RT Vitamin B complex

Bipolar disorder
UF Manic depression
BT Psychoses
RT Depression

Birth certificates
BT Records
RT Data collection

Birth control
USE Family planning

Birth control pills
USE Oral contraceptives

Birth defects
USE Congenital abnormalities

Birth injuries
SN Physical injuries (such as brain damage) received during birth; do not confuse with Congenital abnormalities
BT Injuries
     Neonatal diseases
RT Anoxia
     Fetal erythroblastosis
     Obstetrical complications

Birth intervals
UF Birth spacing
BT Family planning

Birth rates
BT Statistics
RT Mortality rates
     Population growth

Birth spacing
USE Birth intervals

Birthing centers
BT Health facilities
RT Delivery rooms
     Home childbirth
     Maternity hospitals
     Obstetrical care

UF African Americans
BT Ethnic groups
     Minority groups
RT Black colleges
     Sickle cell disease

BT Vision disorders
RT Eye diseases

Bloch Sulzberger syndrome
USE Incontinentia pigmenti

Block grants
SN Grants given by governments in which a block of money is provided and the recipient is allowed relatively broad discretion in its use; opposed to categorical grants which are given for specific purposes
BT Grants
RT Categorical grants

Blood alcohol concentration
BT Diseases and Disorders
RT Alcohol abuse
     Alcohol intoxication
     Alcohol related injuries
     Impaired driving

Blood and lymphatic diseases
UF Blood disorders
     Lymphatic disorders
     BT Diseases
     NT Von Willebrand disease
     Organic acidemia
     Niemann Pick disease
     Hodgkin disease
     Histiocytosis X
     Hematologic diseases
     Gaucher disease
     Fetal erythroblastosis
     Blood group incompatibility

Blood banks
BT Health facilities
RT Blood donors
     Blood supply
     Blood transfusion
     Sperm banks
     Tissue banks

Blood disorders
USE Blood and lymphatic diseases

Blood donors
BT Tissue donors
RT Blood banks

Blood glucose self monitoring
BT Diagnostic techniques
     Self care
RT Diabetes insipidus
     Diabetes mellitus

Blood group incompatibility
BT Blood and lymphatic diseases
NT RH isoimmunization
     Fetal erythroblastosis
RT Blood transfusion

Blood grouping
BT Blood tests

Blood pressure determination
BT Cardiovascular tests
     Physical examinations

Blood pressure disorders
BT Cardiovascular diseases
NT Hypertension
RT Arteriosclerosis

Blood supply
BT Diagnosis and Intervention
RT Blood banks
     Blood transfusion
     Emergency medical services

Blood tests
BT Diagnostic techniques
NT Blood grouping
RT Paternity testing

Blood transfusion
UF Transfusion
BT Therapeutics
NT Fetomaternal transfusion
     Fetofetal transfusion
     Fetal transfusion
RT Blood banks
     Blood group incompatibility
     Blood supply

Bloodborne pathogens
BT Diseases and Disorders
RT Bacterial infections
     Disease transmission
     Fungal infections
     Infection control
     Sexually transmitted diseases
     Universal precautions
     Virus diseases

Bloom syndrome
BT Autosome disorders
     Congenital abnormalities
     Skin diseases
     RT Cockayne syndrome

Boarder babies
BT Infants
RT Abandoned children
     Drug affected children

BT Recreation
RT Aquatic injuries
     Horseback riding
     In line skating
     Near drowning
     Team sports

Body care
USE Hygiene

Body composition
SN The amount of fat and nonfat tissue in the body, usually expressed as a ratio
BT Diseases and Disorders
RT Low fat diets

Body fluids
BT Anatomy
NT Amniotic fluid
RT Dehydration

Body height
UF Height
BT Physical characteristics
RT Anthropometry
     Physical development
     Physical maturity

Body temperature regulation
BT Physiology
RT Hypothermia

Body weight
UF Weight
BT Physical characteristics
NT Underweight
     Low birthweight
RT Anorexia nervosa
     Failure to thrive
     Food habits
     Physical development
     Physical maturity
     Weight gain

BT Attachment behavior
RT Father child relations
     Mother child relations
     Parent child relations

Bone diseases
UF Orthopedic diseases
     Orthopedic disorders
BT Diseases
     Musculoskeletal diseases
NT Synostosis
     Rubinstein Taybi syndrome
     Osteogenesis imperfecta
     McCune Albright syndrome
     Marfan syndrome
     Klippel Feil syndrome
     Craniofacial abnormalities

Bone marrow transplantation
BT Surgery
RT Fanconi anemia
     Organ transplantation
     Severe combined immunodeficiency

Book reviews
BT Publications
RT Literature reviews

Bottle feeding
BT Infant feeding
RT Early childhood caries

Bottle mouth
USE Early childhood caries

BT Bacterial infections
     Communicable diseases
     Food poisoning

Bourneville disease
USE Tuberous sclerosis

USE Male children

Bradley method
BT Childbirth education
RT Lamaze method

USE Bradycardia

UF Bradyarrhythmia
BT Arrhythmia

Brain damage
BT Brain diseases
NT Cerebral palsy
RT Epilepsy

Brain diseases
BT Central nervous system diseases
NT Zellweger syndrome
     Wilson disease
     Tourette syndrome
     Tay Sachs disease
     Reye syndrome
     Rett syndrome
     Parkinson disease
     Niemann Pick disease
     Maple syrup urine disease
     Huntington disease
     Friedreich ataxia
     Cerebrovascular disorders
     Brain tumors
     Brain damage
     Batten disease
     Ataxia telangiectasia
     Alzheimer's disease
     RT Brain injuries
     Organic mental disorders

Brain injuries
BT Head injuries
RT Brain diseases

Brain neoplasms
USE Brain tumors

Brain tumors
UF Brain neoplasms
BT Brain diseases

BT Developed countries
     South America
RT Argentina

Breast cancer
BT Breast diseases
NT Paget's disease
RT Breast lumps

Breast care
BT Postpartum care
RT Breastfeeding
     Self examination

Breast cysts
USE Breast lumps

Breast diseases
BT Endocrine diseases
NT Mastitis
     Lactation disorders
     Breast lumps
     Breast cancer

Breast engorgement
BT Diseases and Disorders
RT Breastfeeding

Breast lumps
UF Breast cysts
BT Breast diseases
RT Breast cancer
     Self examination

Breast pumps
BT Nutrition and Food
RT Breastfeeding
     Lactation management

BT Infant feeding
NT Weaning
RT Breast care
     Breast engorgement
     Breast pumps
     Complementary feeding
     Infant nutrition
     Lactation management
     Maternal nutrition

Breastfeeding care
USE Lactation management

Breastfeeding promotion
BT Infant health promotion

Breastfeeding promotion programs
BT Child nutrition programs
     MCH programs

Breech presentation
BT Labor complications
     Labor presentation
RT Trial of labor

BT Public awareness materials
RT Pamphlets

Bronchial diseases
BT Respiratory diseases
NT Bronchitis

BT Bronchial diseases
     Lung diseases
RT Asthma

Bronchopulmonary dysplasia
BT Lung diseases
     Premature infant diseases

USE Siblings

BT Fiscal management
NT Program budgeting
RT Budgets
     Rate setting and review
     Resource allocation

BT Economics and Politics
RT Budgeting
     Fiscal management
     Operating costs
     Resource allocation

Building codes
BT Facility design and construction
NT Plumbing codes
RT Architecture

BT Eating disorders
RT Anorexia nervosa
     Body weight
     Psychosomatic disorders

BT Aggression
RT Behavior problems

Burn prevention
BT Prevention
RT Occupational safety and health

Burn registries
USE Registries

Burn units
BT Intensive care units

BT Injuries
NT Sunburn
RT Antiscald devices
     Cigarette lighters
     Hot water heaters
     Water temperature

BT Motor vehicles
NT School buses
RT Occupants


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