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Frequently Asked Questions

To assist you in using this site, staff have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. You can also read How to Use This Site or Contact Us with questions.


This is the first time I've visited this website. How do I get started?

  • Start with How to Use This Site.
  • For information on a maternal and child health (MCH) topic, scan the A to Z Index first. Be aware that this list covers documents and web pages, but not all the books in MCHLine® and materials in other databases.  To include all the terms in databases would make the A-Z list thousands of entries long.
  • If your topic is not listed and/or if you want a comprehensive look at the MCH Digital Library website, use the Advanced Search page to search the databases and the site.
  • See the following questions for more information about the library's web resources.

Why do I have to search the site and the databases separately?

This site contains MCH Digital Library and National Center for Education in Maternal and Child Health (NCEMCH) publications and web pages that you can read on your screen.  This site also contains databases of thousands of records that describe publications, organizations, and other resources.  The software that searches the site cannot search databases, and the database software cannot search the site, because they are not designed to work together. 

How do I search the MCH Digital Library's collection of databases?

What's in the MCH Digital Library?

Read about the MCH Digital Library and its holdings.

Can I contribute my information to the MCH Digital Library?

We are happy to receive your suggestions for topics or reports for inclusion in the MCH Digital Library. However, we cannot guarantee the inclusion of all suggested topics or reports.

To submit materials for the MCH Digital Library, e-mail us.

How do I find out about maternal and child health publications?

Search MCHLine®. To assist you, we have developed a set of bibliographies and search tips.

How do I find out about other MCH-related organizations?

Search our Organizations Database. To assist you, we have developed a set of organizations lists on popular MCH topics and search tips.

How do I find out about other websites that have MCH-related information?

Use MCH Links.

How do I find out about projects funded by the Maternal and Child Health Bureau?

Search the MCH Projects Database.

How do I find out about maternal and infant health-related materials developed by Healthy Start sites?

See the Healthy Start page

What is Title V?

Title V refers to the MCH Services Block Grant, authorized by Title V of the Social Security Act in 1935.  It focuses on improving the health of all mothers and children in the United States; it provides funding to states and other entities for health programs, including direct services, research, training, and other types of programs.

How do I find data from the Title V State Block Grant applications and reports?

How do I stay abreast of new MCH research and findings, policy developments, and information about recently released publications, new programs and initiatives affecting the MCH community?

Subscribe to the MCH Alert.

How do I find information about chronic illnesses and disabilities in children?

Our resource guide about children with special health care needs provides a wide variety of information on caring for children with chronic illnesses and disabilities and includes lists of organizations that can supply information on specific chronic conditions. 

How do I find clinical medical information?

The MCH Digital Library does not provide medical information about specific diseases, disabilities, or genetic or congenital disorders or their treatment except for limited materials produced with the support of the Maternal and Child Health Bureau. To find sources for particular illnesses or conditions, search our MCH Organizations Database.

How do I find consumer health information?

View our collection of family resource briefs, search our MCH Organizations Database; search MCHLine®; and scan MCH Links for a list of links to consumer health-related Web sites.

How do I find data on children's health?

How do I identify listservs of specific health professionals or on specific topics, so I can exchange information on my topic with colleagues?

Search for the term "list serv" or the term "online discussion", plus a topic of your choice, on the library search page.

What are the technical requirements for viewing the Web site?

  • We recommend you use the most recent web browser version available for your computer. Web browsers continually add capabilities and performance enhancements as video and other multimedia technologies are updated. Use your computer's Operating System Software Update feature or use the Web Browser's Update feature to get the latest version available.

  • To view and print Adobe PDF files, you need the free Adobe Reader® installed on your computer. Download Adobe Reader.

I am having problems viewing PDF files. Either I see blank pages, or the PDF file is incomplete. How can I solve this?

This problem may occur even though Adobe Reader is installed, and you are normally able to view PDF files. Make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Reader software. If you still have problems, download the PDF directly to your computer. When selecting a PDF file, right click (PC) or hold the option key (Apple) while clicking to download the PDF file. Then open and view the PDF file that you downloaded to your computer. If you continue to experience difficulties, please contact us.

I am having problems reading the text on this site because it is too small. How can I make this easier?

Many web browsers are able to easily adjust text sizes. Learn more about how to do this here.

The MCH Digital Library is one of six special collections at Geogetown University, the nation's oldest Jesuit institution of higher education. It is supported in part by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under award number U02MC31613, MCH Advanced Education Policy with an award of $700,000/year. The library is also supported through foundation and univerity funding. This information or content and conclusions are those of the author and should not be construed as the official position or policy of, nor should any endorsements be inferred by HRSA, HHS or the U.S. Government.